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Module1 Wonders of the world

对应中考相关话题: 6个人兴趣(Personal interests)--旅游Tourism


提示词语:the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, amazing, fantastic, crowded

1. When is the best time to visit Beijing?

2. What are some good places to visit in Beijing?

3. What other things do I need to know about Beijing before I come?

Hi! David,

I’m glad to hear from(收到?的信) you. The best time to come to(来到) Beijing is during the Spring. The weather is not too hot or too cold, so it is the perfect time(最佳时机) of the year to be outside. During the Spring in Beijing everything seems fresh and new.

I advise(建议) you to(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网) visit the Summer Palace(颐和园), the Great Wall(长城), and the Temple of Heaven(天坛公园). The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world and it is an amazing place(神奇的地方) to visit. The Summer Palace(颐和园) and the Temple of Heaven(天坛公园) are beautiful too. There are royal buildings(皇家建筑), fantastic artwork(奇妙的艺术品), and scenic views(优美的风景) for people to enjoy. Before you come to Beijing, you should know that Beijing is a very crowded and big city. So it is necessary for(必需的) you to travel with a map and you must be patient about(对??有耐心) waiting in line(排队等候) or large crowds(大量人群).

I hope you will have a nice trip.

(目标检测作文)假设你去参观长城这件事已过去两年,但你仍然记忆犹新。那天,你本以为会过得很愉快,但刚到不久你就伤了右脚。接下来你父亲做的事让你深受感动。请你发挥想象,写出故事梗概和你的感受。(1. What is your most unforgettable travelling experience? 2. What happened? 3. How did you feel about it?)

It has been two years since we went to the Great Wall. But it is still fresh(清晰) in my mind.

It was sunny and I went to the Great Wall with my parents. I thought we would enjoy ourselves that day. However, soon after we got there, I hurt my right foot. I couldn’t move any more and I felt sad. A few minutes later, my father decided to put me on his back and went on. After we finished all the things in our plan(我们的计划), I saw a big smile on my father’s face although he looked tired.

I was deeply moved by(被??深深地打动了) my father. It makes me think that love is the best thing(最好的东西) in the world.

Module 2 Public holidays

对应中考相关话题: 10. 节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebratetions)-- 1)节日与假日2)个人庆典 目标检测作文改编:

1. What is the most important festival in China?

2. When is it?

3. How do you celebrate it?

4. Why is it important?

Spring Festival(春节) is the most popular festival in China. It begins on the first day of January in the Chinese Lunar Calendar(中国农历), usually in January or Febrary. We usually have a seven-day holiday during Spring Festival.

Spring Festival is celebrated from(从??开始庆祝) the evening before it. It is a time for a traditional dinner(传统晚餐) with dumplings(饺子) among family. While we are waiting for the coming of the new year(新一年的到来), we usually watch a special TV programme(一个特殊电视节目). As soon as it’s 12 o’clock, we usually shout loudly(大声喊), “Happy Spring Festival!(春节快乐)” and set off fireworks(燃放烟花爆竹). On the day of Spring Festival, we get up early(早起) to visit our friends or do something interesting and relaxing. Chilren will get some money, which is wrapped up(包裹) in a red packet(红包), as a new year gift(作为一个新年礼物).

Spring Festival is regarded as(被认为是) the most important festival in China. It’s a time for a family get-together(聚在一起) no matter(不管) how far away they live(他们住的多远). People have great fun(玩的很开心) during Spring Festival.

2014年中考英语作文— 根据中文和英文提示,写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50次的回信。信的开头和结尾已经给出,其词数不计入所完成的回信内。所给英文提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的真实校名和姓名。


提示词:cake, noodles, sing songs, make a wish, get present

1. Who do you often celebrate your birthday with?

2. What do you usually do on your birthday?

3. What is your favorite present? Why do you like it?


Hi! Tom,

I’m glad that you had a nice birthday party(一个好的生日聚会) last week.

I often celebrate(庆祝) my birthday with my parents, but sometimes with my friends. I usually have a big meal(一顿大餐) at home. And my mom always cooks noodles(做面条) for me. You know it is common(普通) to have noodles on birthdays on China.

My favorite present is a pair of sports shoes(一双运动鞋). I like them because they are cool and comfortable. What’s your favorite present?


Li Hua.

Module 3 Heroes

对应中考相关话题; 2家庭,朋友与周围的人 (Family, friends and people around)


Dr Norman Bethune(人名:诺曼·白求恩医生) was born in 1890 in Canada. He became a doctor in 1916 and in 1938, during the Anti-Japanese War(抗日战争), he came to China to treat(医治) the Chinese wounded soldiers(中国伤兵). He had to work hard(努力工作) on his own because there were few doctors(很少的医生) at that time. Once, he even worked for 69 hours without stopping(工作69小时不停下), and managed to(设法) save over a hundred lives(超过一百人的生命). One day in 1939, he cut his finger(切下手指) during an operation(一个手术), but he continued(继续) his work without treating(医治) it. In the end, he died of his wound(因他的伤而死).

Dr. Bethune’s work for the Chinese people made him a hero(使他成为一个英雄) in China. There are many books and films about him, and he is still remembered(被记住) in both China and Canada today.



提示词语:love, hardworking, patient, encourage, tell

Hi! Jim,

I’m glad to hear from you. I love all the teachers in my school. My favorite teacher is Ms. Wang.

She is a hardworking(勤劳的) and experienced(有经验的) music teacher. She loves music, she loves her job, and she is always patient(对??有耐心) with her students.

She encourages(鼓励) me to follow my dream of music. She often tells me the most important thing in our life is to be an honest(诚实的) and responsible(负责任的) person. She says love can make music more beautiful. She has great influence on(很大的影响) me, and I want to be a person like her.


Li Hua


提示词语:tall, big, friendly, be strict with, encourage

1)Which teacher do you like best in your school? English teacher? History teacher? Music teacher?Or…?

2)What does she/he look like?

3)Why do you like her/him?

I like my English teacher best in my school. Her name is Mary. She is tall and has big eyes. She is very friendly and kind to me, but sometimes she is very strict with me. When I’m in trouble(遇到了麻烦), she always encourages(鼓励) me to face(面对) my difficulties(困难) and cheers me up(鼓励我).

She doesn’t give us too much homework either( 也(用于否定句式) ), in my eyes she is the most beautiful

teacher in the world.

毕业时刻即将到来,你校英文校刊向初三年级学生征文,题为 “My Best Friend”,以此作为对初中生活的纪念。请你写一篇征文,介绍你初中阶段的好友。内容包括他/她的学习情况、性格特点及爱好。(好友的名字用Mary或Jack代替。)

? 提示词语:hard-working, be good at, friendly, get on well with, dance, draw, win prizes


Mary is my best friend. She is hard-working(努力工作的) and interested in(对??感兴趣) all the subjects(所有科目) we learn at school. She is really good at(擅长于) Chinese and English. Mary is very friendly. She is always ready to help others. So she gets on well with(与??友好相处) her classmates and friends. What’s more, she is outgoing(开朗的). She enjoys taking part(参加) in all kinds of school activities(各种学校的活动). She enjoys dancing, and she also draws well. She often joins in competitions(参加竞赛) and has won many prizes(赢许多奖). I feel proud of(为??感到自豪) her as her best friend(作为她的最好的朋友).

After this summer vocation, we may go to different schools for further study, but I’m sure that we’ll be good friends forever. ----( 111 Words)

假如你叫李莉,初中生活毕业在即。在你三年的初中生活中,你的英语老师Nancy给你留下了深刻的印象。学校英语论坛开辟了“Thank you,my teacher”专栏。 你准备发表一篇文章让更多的人认识你的老师,同时表达你对她的感激之情。

注意: 文章中要对老师的外貌或性格进行简要介绍; 回忆一件感人至深的事情;并表达你的感激之情. 提示词:at the beginning of, difficult, do well (in) , give up, as soon as, talk with, make progress, happy and healthy for ever

Thank you, my teacher

The teacher I want to thank is my English teacher, Nancy.

She is short with glasses and she is kind and helpful. I remembered that at the beginning of grade seven my English was so poor(太差) that no matter(不管) how hard I tried to(努力尝试) learn it, I still couldn’t do well. Gradually(逐渐), I became very upset(沮丧) and almost gave it up(放弃它). As soon as she knew it, she cheered me up(鼓励我) and told me(告诉我) how to learn English well. What’s more(而且), she always encouraged me(鼓励我) whenever I made progress(取得进步). With the help of her(在她的帮助下), finally, my English became better and better(越来越好).

Anyway, I want to thank her again(再次感谢她) and hope she is happy and healthy for ever. (117 words)

亲爱的同学们,初中生活即将结束!在此离别之际,恰逢21世纪英语周刊征稿,请你以“A/ An …..person in my school life”为题,介绍一位老师或同学,描述一件您们之间的、令你印象深刻的事情并谈谈你的感受。

(有帮助的) Person in My School Life

I have met a lot of people in my school life. One of them is my good friend Emma. She is the best friend I’ve made in the class, who is always there for me when I am in need of help.

Recently(最近), I found myself getting upset(变得心烦意乱) easily. I often complained(抱怨) about the stress(压力) and even couldn’t concentrate on studies(集中精力学习). Emma noticed(提示) my problem and spent two hours with me one day, talking about her own stress(她个人的压力) and how she was dealing with difficulties(处理困难). From her, I learnt that the only way(唯一方法) to beat(击败) difficulties(困难) is keeping trying(保持努力) instead of(而不是) complaining(抱怨). And I felt much more confident(感到更自信) to fight against(对抗) them together with Emma.

“A friend in need(需要的) is a friend indeed(事实上)”. A good friend is who makes you happy(让你开心) when you are crying(哭) and who makes you strong(强大) when you are giving in(屈服), and that is Emma to me. (148words)



提示词语:influence (影响 v.), good, kind, friendly, help, teach

74. Hi, Jim! I’m glad to hear from you.

I have many favorite teachers, but I think Mr Wang influences(影响) me most. He is a tall, handsome(英

俊的) looking man with large glasses. He is kind and always smiles(总是笑) to everyone but sometimes he is strict(严格的). At first I was not good at English. He often helped(帮助) me when he was free(空闲的). Little by little(一点点的), I found it interesting(有趣) and easy and I caught up(赶上来) with my classmates. Last month I got the highest grade(最高年级) in our English test(英语考试). It is Mr Wang who saved(拯救) me in my English lesson and I’ll never forget him. (94)


Li Hua






















过了几天,我看新闻:一个清洁工为了捡垃圾走在悬崖边差点掉下去,看到这我心里不禁震了一下。原来我什么都不懂最基础的做人道理都不知道,我有什么资格总是去和妈妈说反话。到头来,真正的高手其实是妈妈,她的话语提升了我的品格,使我受益良多。 期中考考场优秀作文2:












他慢慢滑过来,轻轻说了句 “没事,慢慢来”,便向远处游去。我望着他远去的背影,恶狠狠道:“我一定会超过你的,走着瞧!高手!”






初三9 郭丽招





