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篇二:2016广州英语小升初句子种类 专题讲解

小升初第三讲 —— 句子种类

按照句子的基本结构,我们把句子分成2种,有be的是:_______________无be的是_____________ 另外,我们也可以按(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)使用目的可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。

1) 陈述句:说明一个事实或陈述一种看法,又可以再分为:______或_______ Light travels faster than sound. 光比声速度快。 (说明事实) The film is rather boring. 这部电影很乏味。


2) 疑问句(Interrogative Sentences):提出问题。有以下四种: a. 一般疑问句 Can you finish the work in time?b. 特殊疑问句 Where do you live? How do you know that?c. 选择疑问句 Do you want tea or coffee? d. 反意疑问句 He doesn't know her, does he?

3) 祈使句(Imperative Sentences):提出请求,建议或发出命令,例如:Sit down, please. Don't be nervous!

4) 感叹句(Exclamatory Sentences):表示说话人惊奇、喜悦、愤怒等情绪,例如:What good news it is! 注意:对于句型转换,我们要善于总结规律、口诀,有些同学学习不同的时态,就记不同的句型转换方法,结果时态越学越多,方法越来阅多。接下来我们把不同的时态用统一的口诀进行转换。 陈述句变否定句: 有be有情后加not,无be无情找帮手

另外要注意some在否定句中要变_____________; and要变_____________ 1. I am Miss Gao. (否定句)

Miss Gao. 2. She has something to do now. (否定句)

She to do now. 或________________________________ 3. Please put the clothes here. (否定句) Put the clothes here, please. 4. There is some water in the bottle. (否定句)

in the bottle. 5. I have to do my homework now. (改为否定句)

6. She doesn’t like this coat. (肯定句)

1. We are twins. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

? . 2. She is Lucy. She is Lily. (改为选择疑问句疑问句) She Lucy Lily? 3. Did Lucy and Lily go to the cinema last night?

the cinema last night? 4. Is that cat black and white? (改为陈述句)

black and white.

5. Swimming is my favorite sport. (改为一般疑问句并作可定回答)

(2)——_____ did it? ——Jhon.

(3)——_____ team does he like? ——Liverpool.

(4)——_____does this book belong to? ——My brother. (5)——_____idea is it? ——Mine.

练习2:(1)(2011广东)——_______do you like Chinese food? ——Very delicious. (2)——______shall we meet tomorrow? ——At the park.

(3)——______can we get there? ——Go along this way and turn right.. (4)——______will you leave for America ? ——Next Monday.

练习3:(1)——_______ ______ does it take to get to London from here?—— At least ten hours. (2)——_______ ______ do you visit your mother? ——Once a week. (3)——_______ ______ shall we know the results? ——In an two weeks. (4)——_______ ______ is it from your home to your school? ——It’s 10 km. (5)——_______ ______ is your mother? ——She is 45. (6)——_______ ______ pens in your bag? ——3.

(7)——_______ ______ are these books? ——40 yuan.(8)——_______ ______ is it now? ——It’s ten o’clock.(9)——_______ ______ is it? ——It’s red.

以上是比较基础的训练,另外我们还需要重点预习祈使句,感叹句 拓展祈使句、感叹句 祈使句



1)通常省略主语,祈使句的对象其实是(你) 2)祈使句用一般现在时 3)祈使句中的动词用原型 (3)祈使句的结构

1. Do型 (即:动词原形(+宾语)+其它成分)。 如:Please have a seat here. 请这边坐。 2. Be型 (即:Be + 表语(名词或形容词)+其它成分)。 如:Be a good boy! 要做一个好孩子! 3. Let型 (即:Let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分)。 想变否定形式?用口诀就可以了。


Ⅰ. 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。

1. 这边请! _____ _____, please! 2. 我来帮你吧。____ ____ help you. 3. 我们休息一下吧。_____ _____ a rest. 4. 让她走吧。_____ _____ leave. 5. 要永远记住那个可怕的日子。_____ _____that terrible day. 6. 务必告诉他这个消息_____ _____ him the news! Ⅱ. 单项选择

( ) 7. _____ this kind of peach, and you will like it.

A. To tryB. TryingC. Try D. Tried

( ) 8. _____the radio, please. The baby is sleeping now. A. Not turn on B. Don’t turn on C. Not turn downD. Don’t turn down( ) 9. —Please bring your homework to school tomorrow, Steven. —OK, I _____.


2016 EK教育小升初模拟考试(二)

Name__________ Score:___________



( )1. A. takeB. bad C. have

( )2. A. fish B. find C. give

( )3. A. me B. bed C. red

( )4. A. glueB. run C. us

( )5. A. night B. ghost C. daughter


( )1. He asked me _____ I would like a cup of tea.

A. thatB. what C. if

( )2.Be quiet! The babies ______.

A. sleepB. are sleeping C. slept

( )3. Do you know ______ this word ?

A. what to spell B. how to spell C. to spell

( )4. The students couldn't help ______ when they heard the joke.

A. to laugh B. laughC. laughing

( )5. — What day is today? — It's ______.

A. MondayB. a fine day C. September 1st

( )6. If I ____ you tomorrow, I will give you the receipt.

A. seeB. will see C. am seeing

( )7. —Is the cat _____the door?

—No, it isn’t. It’s ______ the desk.

A. behind, underB. in, on C. under, atD. over, behind

( )8. I’v got a toothache. I’m going to the__________.

A. park B. dentist C. teacher

( )9 —May I ______ your bike?—Sorry.

A. ride B. reading C. read

( )10. —Whose ruler is it? —Maybe it’s ______.

A. Peter B. PetersC. Mary’s

( )11. I want to find a good book. I’m going to the _______.

A. cinemaB. library C. museum

( )12. —_____ will you do? —I’ll play football.

A. What B. When C. Where

( )13. — I don't like milk.

— I don't, _________.

A. tooB. neither C. either

( )14. I want to buy ________.

A. something eatB. something to eat C. anything to eat

( )15. — I'm sorry I can't help you.

— ________.

A. Not at all B. You are welcome. C. It doesn't matter.

( )16. Mrs. Sun is a friend of _______.

A. Mary's mother B. mother of Mary C. Mary 's mother's

( )17. There _____ two cups of tea on the table.

A. isB. areC. was

( )18. There are thirty pupils in our class. _____ of them are young pioneers.

A. Any B. Either C. All

( )19. — There isn't _____ water here. Could you get _____ for me

— All right.

A. some, anyB. any, any C. any, some

( )20. — You look so beautiful in this white skirt.

— __________.

A. That's all right B. Thank you C. Not at all.


A. I’ll go and get it at your home. B. It’s a very bad line.

C. That would be fine. D. I’ll arrive between two and three.

E. Tomorrow morning if possible.

——A: Hello! 3769808.

——B: Hello, Kate. I’d like to borrow your Chinese dictionary. I lost mine this afternoon. ——?

——B: Yes. Could you lend me your Chinese dictionary?Mine is lost.

——A: Sure! When do you want it

————A: But it is Sunday tomorrow. I won’t go to school.

————A: But I’ll go to Miss Wang’s home tomorrow. Could you come in the afternoon ——B: Certainly.


——B: Thank you. Bye.


My father(1)a good friend in the factory (工厂). He is sixty. He is an old man. All of the children like him. We call(2)Uncle Sam. He (3) from England. He (4)in Sichuan. He can’t(5) Chinese. We teach(教) him Chinese (6)he(7)us English. He(8) work

(9)Sundays. He(10)making things. And he likes watching TV with his children at night.

()1. A. have B. havesC. has D. is

()2. A. he B. they C. him D. his

()3. A. come B. comesC. goesD. to come

()4. A. live B. living C. lives D. to live

()5. A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk

()6. A or B. but C. and D. until

()7.A. teach B. teachs C. teaches D. teaching

()8.A. do B. don’t C. doesD. doesn’t

()9.A.inB. onC. for D. of

()10.A .likes B. likeC. to like D. liking


George was a quiet, serious young man. He had been studying very very hard one year, and when he passed all his exams, his friend Jim went to give him his congratulations and then had an earnest talk with him.

“You've never been to a dance, George, ” he said. “It's boring always studying and never enjoying oneself. Come out with me this evening.”

“Maybe you're right, Jim,” replied George after a moment's hesitation.

So they went to a dance and had a very good time. But George drank more than he was used to, and by midnight Jim had become worried about him, so he said, “ now we'll walk home in the cool air.”

On their way home, they came to a bridge, and George looked down at the river below very carefully, the stars were reflected in its surface.

“What are those lights down there” George asked.

“They're the stars, George,” Jim answered.

“The stars” George said. “Well, then, they should be above in the sky. How did I get so high up here They are now at my foot!”

()1. According to the passage, when did Jim go to see George.

A. After George had passed all his exams.

B. Before George had taken the exam.

C. After they had an earnest talk.

()2. Which is true according to George

A. It's good always studying without enjoying oneself.

B. It's good always enjoying oneself without studying.

C. It's good to study hard and enjoy oneself in a while.

()3. What did George ask Jim to do that evening

A. To have a good rest at home.

B. To work hard as ever.

C. To go out with him.

()4 What did they talk about on the way home

A. Bridge.B. Water C. Stars.

()5. Why did George say the stars are then at his foot

A. Because he and his friend were high in the sky.

B. Because he was looking down at the reflections of the star on the surface of the water.

C. Because he was very happy to have passed the exam.
