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结交朋友,参加社会活动。 2、假设你是李华,某中学生杂志英语习作专栏正在开展主题为“Why should we learn English?”的征文活动。请你根据所给要点写一篇征文稿。

1)提高学习语言的能力;2)有助于了解异国文化;3)能够结识更多的朋友。 3、假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Hurry是一名旅游爱好者。请你根据以下要点,给他写一封信你暑假期间的西湖之旅。

1)湖光塔影,花木芬芳 2)莺啼燕语,游人如织 3)夜游西湖,赏音乐节






注意:1、词数100左右;2、可以适当增加情节,以使行文连贯;3、参考词汇:体育馆staium。 thth5、假设你是校剜肉补疮英语专栏的记者李华,你校男子足球队在全市第五届中学生足球比赛中获得冠军。请你根据以下内容要点,写一篇新闻稿。




比赛进程:校队首场比赛0比1失利,决赛3比2获胜 6、假设你是李华,你的英国好友Bob来信说他在上周的登山运动中腿部骨折。请你给写一封回信,内容包括:1、表达关心之情;2、建议及时治疗;3、祝他早日康复。 7、假设他是李华,某国际遗址保护组织正在全球招募青少年志愿者,请根据以下要点提示给该组织的负责人Mr.Blake写一封申请信。




成绩:2004年 李婷 孙甜甜 奥运会女子双打冠军;2011年李娜 法国网球公开赛女子单打冠军 发展:重视队伍建设,培养更多的后备力量 9、假设你是他华,刚刚收到英国笔友Andy给你寄来的生日礼物。请根据以不要点提示给Andy写一电子邮件。


10、假设你是李华,某国际中学生科技论坛正在开展主题为“My Robot”的征文活动。请根据以下提示信息定一篇英语短文参加此次活动。

简单描述外型;介绍其基本功能;说明它的意义。 11、以下是一则来身某英语报纸的新闻报道,请你结合新闻内容和提示要点写一篇英语短文。 November 24, 2011Thursday

Wild animals play an important role in our environment. However, many human activities have put them in serious danger of extinction. By the year 2025,one fifth of the world’s animal species may be extinct.






1. Would you please help me to _______ all these numbers?

A. add up B. join in C. go through D. get to

2. ________ catch the first train, we set out very early in the morning.

A. In order thatB. In order to C. So as to D. So that

3. It is the third time that he _________ late for school.

A. was B. is C. had been D. has been

4. There was a time ________ I lost myself in music and dreamed about being a musician.

A. that B. whenC. since D. what

5. The teacher told us that the earth ________ around the sun.

A. is moving B. moved C. moves D. has moved

6. His father asked him _______ speak with his mouth full.

A. not toB. to C. to not D. to never

7. She told me that she was fond _______ fishing when he was young.

A. about B. at C. to D. of

8. She insisted ________ with us when we decided to take a great bike trip.

A. go B. to go C. on goingD. went

9. We went to see our teacher _______ husband lost his life in the earthquake.

A. who B. that C. whose D. which

10.The train __________. Hurry up.

A. left B. is leaving C. has left D. leaves

11. He commanded that I __________ there at once

A. should go B.went C. going D. would go

12. On our arrival, we found the police were_________ the ______boy.

A. in search of; losing B. in face of; missing

C. in need of; lost D. in search of; missing

13. He’s given me so much help in trouble; I teach his daughter English _____.

A. in turn B. by turnsC. in return D. in answer

14. The school _____ he visited last week is quite different from what it used to be.

A .where B. in which C. which D. in that

15. Is this the factory ______ you visited the other day?

A. that B. where C. in which D. the one

16. Is this the factory _______ he worked ten years ago?

A. that B. where C. which D. the one

17 . He failed in the examination, _______ made his father very angry.

A. Which B. It C. That D. What

18. We are going to spend the Spring Festival in Guangzhou, __________ live my grandparents and some relatives.

A. which B. that C. whoD. where

19. They were interested __________ you told them.

A. in whichB. in that C. all that D. in everything

20. I like the second football match __________ was held last week.

A. which B. who C. that D. /

二. 完型填空:(15分)

Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere on business, and as he in hurry, he decided to go by a window when he was flying, so he got onto the plane, and looked for a window seat. He all of them taken except one. There was a young man beside it, and Robinson was surprised that he had not taken the one by the window. Anyhow, he went towards it.

When he it, however, he saw that there was a on it, written in large letters, saying “This seat is kept for proper balance(平衡). Thank you.” Mr. Robinson had never seen such a notice before, but he thought the must be carrying something particularly heavy in its room, made it necessary to have the passengers properly balance. So he walked on and found empty seat, not beside the window to

sit on.

Two or three other people to sit in the window seat next to the young man, but they also read the notice and went on. Then when the plane was nearly , a very beautiful girl the plane. The young man, was watching the passengers coming in, quickly took the notice away from the seat beside him, and this way succeeded in having a beautiful companion(同伴) during the whole trip. ( )1. A. a B. the C. anD. /

( )2. A. air B. water C. train D. bus

( )3. A. on B. nearly C. beside D. far from ( )4. A. wantedB. foundC. thought D. hoped

( )5. A. seatingB. sitting C. seat D. sit

( )6. A. arrivedB. gotC. reached D. left

( )7. A. letter B. book C. picture D. notice ( )8. A. train B. busC. planeD. bus

( )9. A. and B. this C. whoD. which

( )10. A. another B. other C. the other D. the only ( )11. A. stuck B. tried C. managedD. refused ( )12. A. empty B. full C. upD. down

( )13. A. came B. wentC. entered D. left

( )14. A. whichB. who C. whose D. that

( )15. A. onB. by C. inD. at



There are fifty states in the United States. The largest in population is California, the largest in area is Alaska. Alaska is the smallest in

population and Rhode Island is the smallest in size. The oldest states are the ones along the Atlantic coast. The newest states are Alaska and Hawaii. Alaska is also the coldest state. California and Florida are the warmer. Hey and his family live in Seattle, a big city, on the Pacific coast. But Los Angeles and San Francisco, also on the Pacific coast, are larger than Seattle. Hey's cousin, Susan, lives in New York. It is the largest city in the United States. Thousands of people visit New York each year. The

most important city in the United States is Washington D. C. It is the capital, but it is much smaller than New York.

1. How many states are there in the U. S. A ? ( )

A. Five B. Forty- Five. C. FiftyD. Fifteen.

2. Which state is the largest in population? ( )

A. California. B. Rhode-Island.C. Alaska D. Los Angeles.

3. Which state is the smallest in population? ( )

A. Rhode Island. B. Seattle. C. San Francisco. D. Alaska.

4. Which of the following is true? ( )

A. The oldest states are the ones along the Pacific coast.

B. Washington is the most important and the largest city.

C. New York is the largest city in the United States.

D. Hey's cousin lives in the Seattle.

5. Why is Washington D. C. the most important American city?( ) Because _________.

A. it is the largest cityB. it is the largest in population

C. it is the most beautiful city D. it is the capital of the United States


The date was like any other day in his life. After school, Michael walked past the shop on the street corner. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have them for his birthday.

He sadly walked away and thought of what to tell his mother. He knew she would give him anything he liked if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home immediately, as he looked worried and his mother would notice it. So he went to the park and there he sat on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheelchair. He noticed that the boy moved the wheels with his hands. Michael looked at him carefully and was surprised to see the boy had no feet. He looked down at his own feet. “It is much better to be without shoes than without feet,” he thought. There was no reason for him to feel so sorry and sad. He went away and smiled, thinking he was luckier in life.

6. Michael was anxious to_____.( )

A. get a pair of shoes B. change his worn out shoes

C. pick out the shoes he liked best D. look at the shoes that fitted him well

7. Why did Michael decide not to go home immediately?( )

A. Because it was still early

B. Because he didn’t want to give his mother any trouble.

C. Because he wanted to go to the park to have a rest.

D. Because his mother was not at home yet at that time.

8. What do you think of Michael?( )

A. A lucky childB. A reasonable child

C. A naughty child D. An interesting child


Jenny went to visit her friends in New York last weekend. Her friends met her at the airport on Friday afternoon and drove her to the hotel. They had dinner at a Chinese restaurant and went to see a film after that.

Jenny and her friends set out early on Saturday morning for a farm and stayed there until Sunday morning. During their stay, they went fishing and swimming in the small river on the farm. They played football in the field and enjoyed a big meal around a camp fire(篝火), singing and dancing till late into the night.

Nobody could get up early on Sunday morning. So when they got back to New York City, it was about three o’clock in the afternoon. They drove right to the airport because Jenny didn’t want to miss her plane back home. Jenny only stayed in New York for two nights but she had a great time with her friends.

9. Jenny went to New York________.( )

A. to do some shopping B. to see her friends

C. to spend her summer holidayD. to find a job

10. How did Jenny get to New York?( )

A. By train. B. By bus. C. By plane. D.


On foot.

11. Where did Jenny and her friends go on Saturday?( )

A. To the farm. B. To the Chinese restaurant.




Dear Xiao Dong,

I’m sorry you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you:

First, why not go and talk to people standing on their own? I agree that this is difficult but that person may be lonely too. If you do this I am sure you will soon have a new friend.

Second, you can begin the conversation by asking about their likes and dislikes. That way you will soon find people with the same interests. I think that is a good way to find new friends. Finally, you should try to join in a discussion. You may not feel that this is right, but by doing this you are letting people know how friendly you are. So there should be no problem. It should certainly provide you with some new friends.

I hope you find these ideas useful.


Miss Wang


My dear brave Wang Kun,

How are you these days? I keep wondering how you feel about your trip. Are you enjoying it? I hope that you are. Are you in Cambodia yet? When you get to Phnom Penh, tell me about the Buddhist temples there. When are you coming back? I am so looking forward to hearing about all your adventures. Please send some photos with your next letter! Well, have fun and don’t forget to write to me! Say “Hello” to Wang Wei for me.

Good luck on your journey.

Take care

Your friend forever,

Hu Lin

3. Choose the words and expressions from the box to complete the passage below. Change the

March 27, 1964 was a holiday in Alaska, so most people were at home, and everything was going on ________. Suddenly, there was a sound like thunder. Next, people’s houses began to shake. Buildings cracked and water_______ burst. In the town of Anchorage, the main street went up into the air ten feet, holes opened up in the ground, and buildings fell down. People were shocked by the unexpected __________. Some ran up and down the street while others who ____________ in the building, were looking out of their windows for help. The earthquake that hit Alaska was one of the strongest _______ in North America. The earthquake __________ many towns and ______________ people were killed.

4. Complete the short passage with a proper word for each blank.

Nelson Mandela, b_____ on July 18, 1918, is the first black president of South Africa. He studied l_____ after he entered university. In 1944 he f____________ the ANC Youth League. Then in 1952 he set up a law o__________ to help poor black people. Because of his fighting a__________ the government and anti-black laws, he was s____________ to five years hard labour. Fighters from ANC began to b_______ up buildings in 1963 and he was put into prison against for life imprisonment on Robben Island. Twenty-seven years later, he was f_______ at last by the white government. In 1993 he was m________ the first black president of South Africa. A lot of people in the world think Nelson Mandela is r________ a great person.

Helena was a great __________ in the 5000-metre running race. She had won many prizes and wanted to ___________ in the Olympic Games. So she practiced hard every day in order to be __________ as a competitor. It didn’t take her long to reach the _____________ for entering the Olympic Games. This made Helena eager to win a gold medal for herself and her ___________. Unfortunately during the final, she was in front in her race when another competitor pushed her on purpose so that she fell down. Poor Helena lost her chance of a medal but the other woman had to take _______________ for breaking the rules. The judges felt sorry for Helena and gave her a special prize of an __________________.

6. My favourite sport. I became interested in football when I was nine. Now I play in my school team and join my friends for a game every week on a regular basis. It’s fun.

My favourite footballer is David Beckham I also like Ronaldo. They are both excellent and have great skills I learn many skills there,passing the ball and scoring. I like playing on the wing like Beckham but being a striker is good .

When my brother was in high school, he was very interested in computers and enjoyed writing programs of his own. He used to download information from the Internet and made good use of it. He liked to _______________ the World Wide ____________ and used the Internet to communicate with computer programmers all over the world. When he went to university he studied IT (information ______________) and developed a special interest in ______________ intelligence. After developing special _____________ of the computer, he hopes to design an _____________ robot which can think ____________ and look like a human being, but in ____________ he has a long way to go.


March 27, 1964 was a holiday in Alaska, so most people were at home, and everything was going on as usual. Suddenly, there was a sound like thunder. Next, people’s houses began to shake. Buildings cracked and water pipes burst. In the town of Anchorage, the main street went up into the air ten feet, holes opened up in the ground, and buildings fell down. People were shocked by the unexpected disaster. Some ran up and down the street while others who were trapped in the building, were looking out of their windows for help.

The earthquake that hit Alaska was one of the strongest quakes in North America. The earthquake destroyed many towns and a great number of people were killed.

Nelson Mandela, born on July 18, 1918, is the first black president of South Africa. He studied law after he entered university. In 1944 he formed / founded the ANC Youth League. Then in 1952 he set up a law office to help poor black people. Because of his fighting against the government and anti-black laws, he was sentenced to five years hard labour. Fighters from ANC began to blow up buildings in 1963 and he was put into prison against for life imprisonment on Robben Island. Twenty-seven years later, he was freed at last by the white government. In 1993 he was made the first black president of South Africa. A lot of people in the world think Nelson Mandela is really a great person.

Helena was a great athlete in the 5000-metre running race. She had won many prizes and wanted to compete in the Olympic Games. So she practiced hard every day in order to be admitted as a competitor. It didn’t take her long to reach the standard for entering the Olympic Games. This made Helena eager to win a gold medal for herself and her homeland. Unfortunately during the final, she was in front in her race when another competitor pushed her on purpose so that she fell down. Poor Helena lost her chance of a medal but the other woman had to take responsibility for breaking the rules. The judges felt sorry for Helena and gave her a special prize of an olive wreath.

When my brother was in high school, he was very interested in computers and enjoyed writing programs of his own. He used to download information from the Internet and made good use of it. He liked to explore the World Wide Web and used the Internet to communicate with computer programmers all over the world. When he went to university he studied IT (information technology) and developed a special interest in artificial intelligence. After developing special applications of the computer, he hopes to design an intelligent robot which can think logically and look like a human being, but in reality he has a long way to go.
