作业帮 > 单元作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 09:33:31 单元作文





1. 知识传授目标:练习写命题作文,用精炼的语言表达自己的观点。


3.思想教育目标:培养正确的人生观和价值观,提高自己的个人修养。 话题内容:我最崇敬的名人











并且没有好好地与长辈交流沟通,而引起了父母的不理解,但只要克服这些不足,这些问题就能够迎刃而解。另外,我们还应该明确追星的目的,不可以盲目地随潮流,在这股热浪中冲昏了头,迷失了方向,给自己带来不利的影响。 中学生追星的理由有如下几点:













我们主张人的全面发展,努力提升科学精神和人文精神,反对片面追求,伏地郭兰英、李宁等等,应当尊敬,更应当学习。对于科技界、教育界、实业界以及军而只知道演艺界的明星,不知道科技界的明星,是一个危险的信号;只知道场面的热烈,不懂得艺术的品味,则是一种悲哀。所谓伏地生存,指的就是(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)这种长期生活在艺术低层的精神状态。青年就是未来,未来是由成长构成的,没有科学精神和人文精神的成长,就没有未来。多少民族从历史上消失了,又有多少民族正处于灭亡的边缘,他们缺少的正是与时俱进的文化而不是歌舞!




















My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00

My home is 9 kilometers from school. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at 7:30. first I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 10 minutes. Then the subway ride takes me 15 minutes. I get to school at about 8:00





追星计划1:当人家的粉丝肯定要了解了解啊!!难度系数:★☆☆☆☆ 我上百度、新浪...终于艰辛地困难地知道了我的偶像是个男的,叫张杰,是四川的,是04年我型我秀的冠军,凭借一曲《北斗星的爱》坐上了冠军的宝座。(旁者又曰:喂喂喂,你是搞推销的啊!晕哦~~~)拜托,你说我没偶像,我现在有了偶像,总得向大家介绍介绍撒!!!

追星计划2:买海报、专辑,就是资金不雄厚...难度系数:★★☆☆☆ “老板,有没有张杰的专辑啊???”“有有有,小妹妹,还有《天上掉下个猪八戒》和《狼来了》呢!”(我不是小娃娃啊!!!!!)“多少钱呢??便宜点啊!打点折嘛!!”“不贵不贵,才20元”“啊??我的零花!!!!不要飞走啊!!!等等我....”追星的代价还真是....太..太..大....啊!!唉~~幸好海报才5元。老天啊!!如果世界上没有明星那多好啊~~~~ 追星计划3:算了吧!!!难度系数:★☆☆☆☆

