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The table demonstrates the features of the underground railway systems in 6 cities in three different aspects.


First, the subway systems in the six cities were opened in time sequence with London being the earliest (in 1863) and Los Angeles the latest ( in 2001 ). The underground railway system had their prime time in the 20th century, which saw the construction of 4 underground railway systems respectively in Paris (1900), in Tokyo (1927), in Washington DC (1976), and in Los Angeles (1981).


Second, seen from London to Los Angeles, which happened to be in chronological order of subway construction, the above-mentioned six cities roughly revealed a trend of sharp decrease in the length of the subway route. London ranked No. 1 in this respect, with a length of 394km; Paris came next with 199km; Tokyo was No. 3 with 155km; Washington DC ranked No. 4 with 126 km. Kyoto and Los Angeles were the most

interesting, with merely 11km and 28km respectively, nothing comparable with the top 4 cities.


Third, we see some really unexpected figures about the number of passengers

transported by the subway system in these six cities. Tokyo took the lead with 1.927 billion; Paris came next with 1.191 billion; London was No. 3 with 775 million; Washington DC was No. 4 with 144 million. Los Angeles and Kyoto had 50 million and 45 million

respectively. Therefore, we can see the big difference as compared with other cities. 总之,6个城市在地铁的建设历史、地铁长度和年运送旅客能力方面皆呈现出了很大的不同。

Overall, the six cities revealed great differences in the history of subway construction, the length of subway lines and the yearly passenger transportation capability.

篇二:剑桥雅思5小作文IELTS 5-Test 1_Task 1

IELTS 5 Test 1_Task 1

This chart displays the proportion of population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in Japan, Sweden and the USA.

In 1940, Japan had the largest proportion of population aged 65 and over among the three countries ( about 9%). Next came Sweden, with the proportion accounting to 7%. The USA, as can be seen, had only 5% of population aged 65 and over in that year.

As for the USA and Sweden, they both generally experienced a steady growth from 1940 to 2010, with Sweden (20%) ranking higher than the USA (14%) in 2010. While the proportion for the USA will continuously increase during 2010 to 2040, the figure for Sweden will dip to about 18% for half of this period, before rising to 25% in 2040, still higher than that of the USA (23%).

Starting with the lowest proportion, 5%, Japan went through a gentle dropping period during 1940 and 1960, bottoming out roughly 3% in 1960. During the following years, the figure will progressively rise to 10% in 2030. After that, years from 2030 to 2040 will see a dramatical upsurge of the proportion, from 10% to nearly 27%.



☆ 剑桥7的表格图:(P30) This is table illustrates the consumption survey on different items in five countries, namely, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Turkey in 2002. Generally speaking, all the countries spend most heavily on the items of Food / drinks / Tobacco. While the item of leisure / education account for the least percentage.Consulting from the first category, Turkey constitutes the largest percentage, with 32.14%. This is followed by Ireland, at 28.91%. Spain is third high spender (18.80%). Italy and Sweden ranks the fourth and fifth respectively. As for the category of clothing / food-wear, Italy and Sweden takes up the largest and lowest share respectively (9% and 5.4%). Interestingly, the other three counties’ consumption is close to 6.5% on average. As far as the third category is concerned, turkey people spend most money on leisure / education, at 4.35%. What noteworthy is that Italy and Sweden has the similar percentage (3.20% and 3.22%). Still, there is no great difference between Ireland and Spain, which constitutes 2.21% and

1.98% respectively.

☆ 剑桥7的线图:(P53)

This is a line charts illustrates consumption survey of fish, lamb, beef and chicken in a European country in grams per person per week (G/P/W) from 1979 to 2004

Fish is 60 G/P/W in 1979, then, it drops to slightly below 50 G/P/W by 1982 and thereafter remains roughly constant between 40 G/P/W and 50 G/P/W.

Lamb is 150 G/P/W in 1979, falling to about 65 G/P/W in 2004. However, the fall in not continuous or even. For example, there is a minor rise from 1895 to 1987.

Beef follows a similar pattern to that of lamb. Overall, consumption drops from 220 G/P/W in 1979 to 110 in 2004. Notably, the fall in consumption is not even or continuous. Consumption falls significantly from 220 G/P/W in 1979 to 170 G/P/W in 1981, then rises dramatically to 240 G/P/W in 1982, remaining relatively steady for the next few years.

Chicken is the only one that has risen, from 140 G/P/W in 1979 to 250 G/P/W in 2004. The rise / increase is neither continuous nor even.

To summarize, beef and lamb consumption decrease significantly over time = with the addition of time, fish consumption almost remains constant, while chicken consumption rises.

☆ 剑桥7的柱子图:(P78)The given charts show how average house prices have changed in five cities. One shows the change from 1990 to 1995 compared with 1989, while the other shows the change from 1996 to 2002 in comparison with 1989.

It can seen from graph t


hat houses prices in New York and London followed the similar pattern falling during the first period (by 5% and 7 % respectively) and rising during the second (by 5% and 12% respectively) period in comparison with 1989.

Houses prices in Madrid and Frankfurt rose during both period in comparison with 1989, though the increase in Frankfurt was greater during the first (2%) than Madrid (1.5%). On the other hand, the increase in Madrid was higher during the second period (4%) than Frankfurt (1.5%)

Tokyo was the only city where house prices fell in both periods compared with 1989. Between 1990 and 1995, they fell by 7.5% and between 1996 to 2002 they decreased by 5%.

To summarize, there was no consistent factor in house prices in the five cities. Though prices, compared to 1989, seemed to be higher in the period 1996—2002 than 1990—1995.

☆ 剑桥7的饼图:(P100)The charts illustrates how Australia and France produced electricity in 1980 and in 2000, by fuel force.

In Australia, electricity generation rose from 100 units (1980) to 170 units (2000). In 1980, coal accounted for half of production (50 units), but this had increased to 130 units in 2000. Hydro-electric power production almost doubled from 20 units to 36 units. Meanwhile, production of electricity from natural gas and oil declined from 20 units and 10 units respectively to 2 units each. Australia did not use unclear power for generating electricity.

In France, electricity generation doubled from 90 units (1980) to 180 units (2000). In 1980, no source was dominant, but this changed by 2000 when nuclear power generated three-quarters (126 units) of the country’s electricity, compared with 15 units in 1980. Coal use remained unchanged at 25 units. Oil use increased from 20 units to 25units. Again, the proportion of fell. Natural gas and hydro-electric power accounted for 25 units and 5 units in 1980, but both had fallen to 2 units in 2000.

In summary, over the period 1980 ---2000, Australia came to rely mainly on coal for electricity generation, while France came to rely mainly on nuclear power.
