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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 19:14:40 小学作文


Class: 13- 2 Name: Will Chow Student No.: 13406030240 Journal No.:3 Journal 3 Week 8

This is the third week we study and live at NBUT.

This week we have held our sports meeting, it’s a splendid sports meeting during my life time which I won’t forget forever. I participated in the 5000 meters race.

The first day of the sports meeting was very cold, and it was very windy. We were very cold sitting in the stand. What affected me a lot was our athletes, they completed in the high wind, their sprits are splendid, and we should study their sports sprits and use it to our studies. What encouraged us most was a fellow student took part in the high jump race and won the second place, he is our proud. I was very nervous that night because I would run 5000 meters the next day. I have watched the 10000 meters race, and the first place is very power, I wondered if he would participate in the 5000 meters race the next day.

The second day of the sports meeting was also very cold although it was a sunny day. I sat in the stand until I started my 5000 meters race. I was nervous there and I should look for a way to make myself staying still so I listened to music. At 10:35, I started my 5000 meters race. The process in the race was very long and also tired, but finally I stock to the finish line. I ‘m very happy I can make it.






★Word Analysis.

1.turn on & turn off

turn on 开(电灯等)Eg: Could you turn on the light, please?

turn off 关(电灯等) Eg: The babies are sleeping now. Turn off the light,please.




1.must的否定形式must not(mustn't)表示“禁止”,或者“绝对不能”的意思。

Eg. You mustn't get to school late. 你绝对不可以上学迟到。

You mustn't smoke in the room. 你绝对不可以在室内抽烟 一般现在时动词变化:1. 一般在动词结尾直接加s

e. g.help --- helps climb --- climbs talk --- talks sing --- sings2. 以s, x, ch, sh, o结尾的动词加es; 如果词尾已有e, 直接加s

e. g. wash --- washeswatch --- watches go --- goesdo --- does 3. 以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词, 变y为i后, 加es

e. g.study --- studies try --- triesfly --- flies 本次课作业是:1. 29-30课的单词每个写2遍。2. 听力29课课文3. 背诵29课文

4. 仿写29课(用祈使句)


Class: 13- 2 Name: Will Chow Student No.: 134(转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网)06030240 Journal No.:01 First Week Study At NBUT

This is the first week I study at university. Last month, we have pulled through our military training, which has strengthened our will and body.

As a freshman, I feel strange when I first came here. Luckily, I made many friends after ranged my self. My first friend here is Liang Yucong, we are roommates. Liang is a friendly person, we always help each other, and he’s so kind and never loses his temple. My second friend here is Zhang Renqiang, he’s also a kind man and he can play basketball very well. As friends, we always eat together and play together. Friend is an important part of my life.

The first class is Sino-US Comparative Education and Culture, our dean Tony teaches us this lesson. Tony is an amiable one, he likes we calling him Tony rather than Dean Nie. Our English Listening and Speaking is taught by foreign teacher Mr. Mills, Mr. Mills is a good teacher although we can’t understand what he says sometimes. The teacher of English reading has big smile which impress me a lot.

English study was boring in senior high school, because we only had one teacher taught us both reading, speaking and writing. But at university, one teacher teaches us one aspect, so we have more time and energy to solve it.

I will do my best to study and live a happy life in NBUT.

