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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 15:31:40 字数作文


Dear Jack,

I’m happy to hear from you.

Here, I want to introduce Journey to the West to you.

How would you like to go on a long journey with a bunch of animals having human characters? Perhaps you’ll shake your head. But many Chinese wanted such an adventure within the influence of this book.

Journey to the West is a story about a Buddhist and his four apprentices experienced eighty-one difficulties, and eventually reached the destination and got Buddhist scriptures.

Monkey Hit Lady White Bone Thrice is one of its most brilliant plots. One day Tang Priest’ and his disciples were traveling a mountain. And there was a fiend called White Bone Thrice. It had heard that anyone who had eaten a piece of the Tang Priest’s flesh will live forever, so it tried three times to capture him. But no matter what it changed itself into, Wukong could quickly recognized it, and then raised his cudgel and hit it. Are you more interested in this book?

I strongly recommend you to read this book. By the way, in the book everyone can find his own character. Maybe you’re the brave and resourceful Wukong.

Best wishes.









孙悟空 Monkey ( M for short ) 白骨精 Jenny White ( J for short )

唐僧 Tang Seng ( T for short ) 黄袍怪 Yellow ( Y for short )

沙僧 Sha Seng ( S for short ) 猪八戒 Pig ( P for short )

Act 1

(J 照着镜子上台)


Y: Hello! It’s me.

J: I know it’s you. You call me every day ,it has 400 years 。

Y: And today, I’ll ask the same question again.Will you marry me?


J: You wish ! I get one more pimple. How bad!

Y: Ah! I just call to tell you the m(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网)eat of Tang Seng can make you beautiful and Tang Seng will come to our place.We can go and catch him together.

J: ok ,ok,. I will have a rest.(不待Y说完,J就没好气地挂断了电话。)

Y;Refuse me again .I will never give up.(说罢,好不威风的下台去了)

J: How nasty he is! ( 她想了想,说 ) But Tang Seng is really good for me.(拿起一副望远镜。J便观察起T的行踪来。)

J: ( 欢喜万分 ) Ah-ha,



T; monkey,where are we ?

M; DaHuangZheng,JieShouShi

M; Ok,we are coming.




T: Monkey! You are great, thank you very much ,I am happy to be your teacher and...... (P懒洋洋地突然打断 )

P: Sir! I’m so hungry.

T: I’m hungry too. Monkey, go and buy some food。Don’t go to LanZhouNiurouMianGuan and LiuYiFanDian, just go to ChangQingFanDian.It is cheap。


T; monkey,just go to changqingfandian.

M; yes sir.( 欲要离去)

T; monkey,wash your box.

M; ok.ok( 欲要离去)

T; monkey,be careful

M; thank you sir( 欲要离去)

T; monkey....(M不耐烦打断)

M;you,go away(飞奔而去)

(剩余师徒三人拿出经书念起三字经,一会就睡着了。舞台另一头的J听了不禁眉开眼笑。) J: It’s a good time.


P: Ah, a beautiful girl. Hello! What’s in your basket? It smells nice! J: Some food for my son.

P: I’m hungry. Can I have some?


T: Pig! be polite.

J: You are very kind. I can give you some food.

T: ( 双手合十 )Good girl。

M: Monster!


S;master master,Pig Pig, come here

M: No matter how big you are, I’ll kill you.

J: How nasty you are!

M: Monster! Take my stick!

(M举起金箍棒就要向J的头顶击下。就在这千钧一发之际,P忽然扑上去将M拦腰抱住) P: Beauty, run! Run run.

(T 逃过一劫,对各位徒弟尤其是M的拼死保护感动之至,对S说;monkey is great。情不自禁地唱起了Only You。其结果,三个土地全头痛欲裂,大吐特吐。)


T: ( 清清嗓子 ) Monkey, go and buy the lunch. I’m very hungry.

M: Yes,master,Just stay here。(边说边画圈 )。Goodbye sir.

(M离开后,T等就在圈内又念起三字经,不一会打起瞌睡来,P更是鼾声震天。) (J见M走了,便又来打T的主意。她走了两步,踩到了M画的圈。)

J: Ouch。


J: Come, come Come。。。


M: You again!

J: You 。you. How nasty you are!

M: Now you cannot run!

(T 刚刚清醒,看到厮杀场面,想到自己又一次有惊无险,感叹;monkey is really great。不仅又唱起了Only You。M不堪忍受此歌声,抓着J的手也放松了。J乘机溜走了。)


P: ( 调侃地 ) Ah, you like that beautiful girl.

(M 回过神来,发现自己的失态,给了P一拳。)

T: Monkey, I know that woman is nice, but you can’t love her. loving girls needs time and money. you don’t have much time and much money.

M: I won’t.

T: That’s fine. Everybody ,are you reday?

(列队齐声):Yes sir。


