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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 11:15:33 体裁作文





篇二:英语周记: 银河护卫队观后感


This Thursday I went to the cinema with my roommates. The film was Guardians of the Galaxy, a 2014 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team. It is the tenth installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, directed by James Gunn.

At first we didn’t have the plan to see this film, however, all thanks to


a film tickets-purchasing app named “Maoyan”. It was under a preferential promotion of paying for only 1 RMB to get a 3D film ticket, if it was the first time you use the app. So when my roommates were talking about it, my interest became much high—I should see it several weeks ago, with my ex-boyfriend. Since we broke up, the plan to see Guardians of the Galaxy was delayed. How could it be delayed? My style was never miss any films of Marvel Universe! So I joined my roommates immediately.

Because the film was near the date of offline, there were few people in the video hall when we arrived. It just catered my taste—few people, means no child crying all the time, no spoilers talking loudly behind me to leak the plot. I really hated this sort of action; it would kill my desire and interest.

As expected, it was a great film. It showed a story about a team of 5 fellows with widely different characters, who had words and didn’t trust each other at first, got a union because of friendship and joint belief, and finally saved the whole galaxy from dark power. The excellent digital effect and superb digital postproduction made its brilliant visual quality. The large screen and outstanding audio effect allowed me so engross in it that I didn’t move my sight from the start to the end. The character I like

most was Groot. Though he was a tree-man and the only line he could say was “I am Groot”, he took the role of amusement and made the audience really into his silly but cute image.

When the film was end, it was already a little late. My roommates and I had a big dinner together, also a stroll to the bus station, and went back to dormitory. We all felt full satisfaction about the day. Especially I—my gloom had gone for some part, to some extent. It was a fresh memory to hang out with roommates, because compared with other dormitory, the relationship among roommates was not quite harmonious. But this semester the situation changed better. I hope we can be closer and closer in the future, since we only have one year to share the same room and it is not far to the day of graduation.









在阅读教学中,教师要更新观念,还学生以学习和发展的地位,要珍视学生独特的感受、体验和理解。对于学生五花八门的答案,教师要[内容来于斐-斐_课-件_园 FFKJ.Net]充分肯定。即使学生回答的幼稚,肤浅,甚至片面、错误,教师也切忌“一棒子”打下去,而应当热情鼓励、引导、用心呵护熠熠生辉的思想火苗,这对学生的影响将是巨大的。让学生发展自己的思维,获得审美的体验,从而提高语文阅读的质量。






不足:通过这一周的教学感觉自己在内容的安排上仍然感觉分配的不是很协调,前松后紧的情况时有出现,甚至有时会因为考虑“面面俱到”而导致“面面不实”。有时候一节课既想要练习说话,又要练习阅读,还要讲新课,所以会出现阅读练到了,写话讲到了,但是新课的讲解没有砸实。如25、26?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我蛭┎宓钠渌废氨冉隙啵贾率蹲挚蔚恼问奔湟簿驮?0到25分钟,这直接会导致新课的讲授受到阻碍,教师讲了,学生听了,但学生是否真正掌握,却没有检测的时间。因此平时的教学还应具体明细,新课就是新课,练习课就是练习课,不能混为一谈。同时在课堂的管理上,还应加大力度,对孩子的听课状态即时调整。同时细节的处理上还应认识上去,对有的孩子上课脱鞋的情况,没有及时的进行思想教育,这也是教师需要改正的问题,教学的前提应该是教育为先。同时不能因为即将期末考试就一味的练习再练习,应当从孩子的兴趣出发将每堂课落到实处,到什么时间做什么事情,一步一步完成教学任务,也能让孩子从根本上扎实掌握知识。
