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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 05:21:31 写作技巧




Some people think international travel brings benefits. However others believe it does damage to local areas. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


The exploitation of tourism industry can largely develop local economy and functions to improve people’s life quality.

The local government and authorities can take advantage of the tourism industry to preserve and revive extinguishing cultures, e.g. the Dongba

character of the Naxi people in China’s Yunan Province is a typical example.Tourists as well as local people can widely extend their horizon and increase knowledge about the world after witnessing stunning wonders and breathtaking landscapes. And further it is possible to enhance mutual understanding among people of different cultural backgrounds. 旅游偏见; 游客是否应该入乡随俗(入乡随俗了才能真正欣赏当地文化) ;多元文化


Developing tourism disturbs local life, making local areas overcrowded; and the flooding tourists make local good prices run wild, which leads to the ever--‐increasing cost of living. It can also trigger the deterioration of environment and the destruction of historical sites. 旅游业带来的问题; 旅游责任心

In big cosmopolitan cities e.g. New York, crimes towards tourists such as fraud and robbery, are always a headache to the local police. 旅游业带来的问题

Difference on culture and belief brings along misunderstanding and prejudice, which leads to hostility and conflicts, e.g. some tourists do not respect the local cuisine and dress, and even make impolite comments about it. 旅游业带来的问题;旅游偏见; 游客是否应该入乡随俗; 多元文化; 旅游责任心


The prevailing of highly commercialised tourism endangers many ethnical cultures, modeling them into copies of standardised business. For instance, a good many islands are exploited to give tourists the ‘authentic experience of tropical paradise’. Tragically, their true cultural identities are lost forever, and local people lost their authentic innocence as well. 旅游业带来的问题;多元文化; 国与国变得相似(强调文化同化) ; 旅游责任心


The government should keep the business regulated to minimise the negative impacts of tourism. Also, local residents and communities need to be more protective of their homes, and learn to balance between their distinctive characteristics and the globally prevailing culture. 公民除了交税是否还有其他社会职责(除了交税来保护传统文化,还需要从生活的点滴做起)



Tourism brings about some problems for the local area. What are the problems and what can we do to solve the problems?


International travel often leads people to prejudice rather than broad mind. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behavior. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.When we travel to foreign countries, we tend to see the same things as we see in our home countries. What are the causes of this phenomenon? To what extent do you agree or disagree this is a positive trend?


It is important to preserve both the culture and environment of the places you visit, but some people think it is impossible to be a responsible tourist. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Multicultural societies, in which there is a mixture of different ethnic groups, bring more benefits than drawbacks to a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Due to the increasing cultural and bus


iness communication between countries, differences between countries have become less evident. People in different countries watch the same movies, read the same books and have the same fashions. To what extent do the advantages of international media outweigh the disadvantages?

In the past, buildings often reflected the culture of a society but today all modern buildings look alike and cities throughout the world are becoming more and more similar. What do you think is the reason for this, and is it a good thing or a bad thing?


Some people think that by paying taxes they have made enough contribution to their society, others think there are more responsibilities than paying taxes. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.



The campus tourism is beneficial or unbeneficial


主席:Good afternoon everyone.Welcome to the Red Double Happiness Cup debate competition field.This competition is sponsored by Red Double Happiness.

We are honored to invited Genficious to do the judges of our debate competition.(带头鼓掌) Also,there are two excellent teams from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics.

The topic of this debate competition is that whether the campus tourism is beneficial or unbeneficial.The affirmative hold the view that the campus tourism is beneficial.The opposition team hold the view that the campus tourism is unbeneficial. Campus tourism refers to the famous university as a tourist destination for resource

development and utilization, attract tourists to come to visit, travel and study.


Now, many university has become a tourist attraction, the university brings reputation and economic benefits at the same time it also brings a lot of trouble. 如今,很多大学成为了旅游景点,这为大学带来名誉与经济效益的同时也带来了很多烦恼。 Whether the university should be open to what attractions,What the advantages and disadvantages of campus tourism brings.Let us listen to the views of the two teams.


Now,let’s begin.The first part—Both sides of the argument remarks. Both sides of a debate will have one minute to make a point

Part 1-立论陈辞

正方一辩:I n 2006,Peking University decided to no longer receive primary and adult tour caused wide discussion in the society.

2006年北京大学决定不再接待小学生和成人旅行团在社会上引起了广泛的讨论. As we all know, The university has social services for the mission and responsibilities.


Campus tourism is a kind of good way of social service. Campus tourism can help to contact the social.


The campus is holy spirit and let people adream place.So, the campus have strengthn in tourism. Campus tourism is to make full use of campus resources. 大学校园是神圣而令人向往的地方,所以具有天然的旅游优势。校园旅游是校园资源的充分利用。

Besides,campus tourism can enhance the popularity of the university.


Therefore,our team hold the view that the campus tourism is beneficial.


The campus is the place that students live and study together.It need a quiet and Harmonious environment.


But,Campus tourism will bring destruction to the campus environment.


Campus tourism will disturb the students' life.


That may make the school in dangerous environment.


Therefore,we hold the view that the campus tourism is unbeneficial.

Part 2—角色扮演


主席:Thanks for the two boys.The next is show time. You have three minutes to play a role around the topic.The boy,what’s role will you play?

反方二辩: A tourist



反方二辩:the campus is so beautiful,the avenue is so clean.Oh,there are some rubbish,let me pick it and throw it into the dustbin.


反方二辩:wait,wait. Your soap fall down.Oh,my God.My hands can’t help picking it.

正方一辩:From that scene,we can see that the tourist bring great convenient for our students.So,we can draw the conclusion that the campus tourism is beneficial.


主席:the performance of team 1 is so good,Now,coming the team 2.

反方二辩扮演一学生,他在跟他女朋友(主席客串)羞羞时被外来游客(反方一辩扮演)打扰,结果女朋友被那游客勾引跑了!如此看来,校园旅游对学校学生是不利的。 反方二辩:

主席:(抱着正方二辩)my dear darling,么么哒!


反方一辩:hi,beauty,how are you?

主席:I am fine,thanks,and you?

反方一辩:I am fine too.

主席:did we met before?

反方一辩:yes,we had met in dream.Once there was a ture love at my hands,but I didn’t treasure it.I didn’t realized until it was gone. There was nothing more miserable than it. If god can give me a chance

to restart. I will tell the girl"i love you " If I had to add the deadline. I hope it will be ten thousand years.

主席: Oh,you are so romantic. I think you are my prince charming.(扑向反方一辩)

正方二辩:From that scene,we can see that the tourist plunder (掠夺)the resources of students. the tourist destroy the normal life of students.So,we hold the view that the campus tourism is unbeneficial.


From the heat debeat,we know that the campus tourism brings advantages and disadvantages.But,we need to avoid the disadvantages and make the campus play a positive role.










With the tourist season coming, the ticket price of some of the places of interest has been raised again. Some people think that the price lift can limit the number of visitors so that the environment can be better protected. However, other people believe that this is not at all fair because the beautiful scenery belongs to all people who have the right

to appreciate it. They think that the price lift will discourage those with a lower income from visiting these places. I firmly hold that the ticket price should not be raised so that more ordinary people can enjoy the fantastic nature of our great country.
