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大学时代的曼德拉,因积极参加反抗政府暴力镇压的活动被学校除名,但有着明确人生目标的他并没有屈服。1962年,曼德拉因反对种族隔离政策被捕入狱,在狱中度过了近28个春秋,备受迫害和折磨,但始终未改变反对种族主义、建立一个平等自由的新南非的信念。出狱后,曼德拉致力于推动种族和解。长期的种族隔离政策使南非黑白两族形同水火,是冤冤相报,还是笑泯恩仇?曼德拉用行动作出了回答:他邀请3位看押过他的白人看守出席他的总统就职典礼,并向他们表示感谢。在曼德拉的带领下,南非实现种族和解,完成了历史性大跨越。 解读



3.宽容是一种高贵的品质。曼德拉说得好,当身体走出监狱,若不能把悲痛和怨恨留在身后,实际上,精神仍在监狱之中。他没有因为种族主义政权的迫害而走向极端、施展报复,而是极力斡旋、促进和解;他以顽强刚毅的性格、宽容博大的胸襟,促成了南非社会的和平过渡,把和解和宽容的精神传播于非洲及世界各地。 名人名言




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啤酒厂要倒闭了,老板急得团团转,但是不论怎么改进品质,业务还是难有起色。 “在啤酒里加入维他命,并在瓶上标明。”老板的朋友建议。老板照做了,生意果然大为改善,没有多久,不但渡过了难关而且扩大生产了汽水,只是汽水与以前的啤酒一样,打不开市场。

“在汽水里加入维他命,并于瓶上标明。”老板的朋友又建议。汽水果然也大为畅销。 “为什么维他命会有这种奇效呢?说实在的,我加进去的量,根本微不足道。”老板问他的朋友。


老板的朋友说:“人们做事,常爱找个借口或堂而皇之的理由,以求心安,我只是教你先帮他们找好借口罢了!” 解读



3.要识破真相。故事中的“维他命”只是促销的噱头。是掩盖事物真相的漂亮外衣,然而在现实生活中,我们却往往被这样的事物蒙蔽。只有仔细探究、认真思考,才能获取真相。人生路上,只有看清事物的本质,才能少走弯路。 名人名言

◇创新,最重要的不是知识,而是思路。 ——著名创新思维专家郎加明

◇所有的创新都要经受风险,所有创新的艺术家都要有足够的思想准备,要离经叛道。但也要有根基。 ——作家莫言

◇借口比谎言更可怕,因为借口是设了防的谎言。 ——欧洲谚语

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1957年1月15日,美国哥伦比亚大学举行发布会,公布了由这个女生组建的科研小组的实验结论——宇称是不守恒的。这推翻了物理学上屹立30年之久的宇称守恒定律,震惊了物理学界。1957年l0月,杨振宁与李政道因此获得诺贝尔物理学奖,参与实验的那个女生也一举成名。她就是美籍华裔物理学家、有“东方居里夫人”之称的吴健雄女士。 解读




4.成就自我要耐得住寂寞。他人避而远之的“麻烦”实验,吴健雄坚持了半年之久,经过无数次计算,其间的枯燥、艰苦可想而知。寂寞是黎明前的黑暗,没有寂寞地积累和酝酿,哪有众人瞩目时的光芒四射? 名人名言

◇打开一切科学的钥匙都毫无异议地是问号。 ——作家巴尔扎克

◇耐得寂寞,才能不寂寞;耐不得寂寞,偏偏寂寞。 ——作家姚雪垠

◇因为我对权威的轻蔑,所以命运惩罚我,使我自己竟也成了权威。 ——物理学家爱因斯坦



葡萄籽外壳坚硬,牲畜不吃,沤粪不烂。处理掉堆积如山的葡萄籽,葡萄酒厂家一年要“垫”进许多费用。在北京发展的女孩张丽雯认为:“葡萄籽不是垃圾,而是放错了地方的宝贝!”消息传出,许多葡萄酒厂老板找上门来,要张丽雯收下葡萄籽,答应长期免费供应。 张丽雯从在法国留学的同学那里得知:葡萄籽能榨油!葡萄籽油内亚油酸的含量在70%左右,含有维生素E、维生素A等多种人体需要的矿物质,还含有4%左右的花青素,花青素具有很好的美容养颜的作用。她筹资300万元从法国购回一套压榨设备,建起了葡萄籽榨油厂。她的葡萄籽油一上市就成了抢手货,一年赚了500多万元,而机器剥离出来的葡萄籽外皮渐渐堆成了一座小山。相信葡萄籽不是垃圾的张丽雯,也不相信葡萄籽外皮是垃圾。由中国农科院专家支招,她用葡萄籽外皮和杏仁壳混合,通过高温炭化、活化后加工成活性炭,每吨市场价1.5万元。活性炭具有韧性强、不易变形的特点,她又将其压制成炭板后进行艺术加工,每年的炭雕艺术品就能卖到上百万元。短短三年时间,张丽雯从废弃的葡萄籽中挖掘出了2000多万元的财富。 解读




而是把它看成放错了地方的宝贝,并从中挖掘出价值。通往成功的每一步都需要自己去踏出,踩着别人的脚印走,只能像木偶一样,做别人的影子,永远活不出自我。 名人名言

◇要想成为真正的“人”,必须先是个不盲从因袭的人。 ——人际关系学大师戴尔〃卡耐基

◇一个人之所以没成为亿万富翁,只是没把身后的资源兑换出去。 ——“行销之神”亚伯拉罕

◇人生像攀登一座山,而找山寻路,却是一种学习的过程。我们应当在这过程中,学习笃定、冷静,学习如何从慌乱中找到生机。 ——散文家、诗人席慕蓉

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3.节约资源,物尽其用。伦敦富人处理旧货的方式实现了物品的有效利用,节约了资源,缓解了环境压力,体现了物尽其用的思想。随着物质生活水准的提升,我们经常也有 一些“过时但还有使用价值的东西”,在处理这些东西时,我们应向伦敦富人学习;地方政府和社会机构可以在旧货回收利用方面有所作为,如发起一些捐赠活动,使旧物在需要的人那里继续发挥作用。 名人名言

◇人人都有面子观念,特别是在农村,大家更在意名声。要是说谁家里穷,可能连媳妇都难娶到。所以,我帮助别人都不让其他人知道,就是怕我的帮助反而给别人带来伤害,让受帮助的人被嘲笑。 ——租住在四川阆中老旧房子里的赵维富,在当地因偷偷做好事出了名。问到偷偷行善的原因,赵维富这样回答



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1)agri mechanization: The machinery of farms - tractors, cultivators, combinesand hundreds of others - dramatically increased farm efficiency and productivity in the 20th century. The tractor, the reaper, the combine, and hundreds of other machines gave farmers the mechanical advantage they had long needed to ease their burdens and make their lands truly profitable. At the start of the century, four U.S. farmers could feed about 10 people. By the end, with the help of engineering innovation, a single farmer could feed more than 100. In the process, a massive shift from rural to urban life took place. Also, this shift had a lasting impact on the nature of work, the consumer economy, women's roles in society, and even the size and nature of families. For women, farm mechanization freed them from many of the time-consuming household chores required to support a large family and many helpers hired to work on the farm.

2) air conditioning refrigerating: Life changed immensely in the 20th century as air conditioning and refrigeration systems became more efficient, controllable, and even mobile. No longer dependent on the weather for work or play, humans truly made the environment adapt to their needs.Climate control became so reliable and affordable,specifically, it grew from an invisible luxury to a common necessity. Now people can live and work in glassed-in or windowless buildings, in porchless houses, or in the warmest and most humid places. In the United States alone, air conditioning reversed a century-long pattern of migration out of the southern cities. Moreover, refrigeration makes transporting fresh food and other perishables possible, and makes home storage for days or weeks practical. People were able to simplify shopping and save money while enjoying a greater diversity and higher quality of food because of this excellent preservation technology.

3)automobile: From early Tin Lizzies to today's sleek sedans, the automobile is a showcase of 20th century engineering ingenuity, with countless innovations made in design, production, and safety. For hundreds of years, humans have attempted to develop means for faster, more economical travel. Vehicles have been powered by humans, animals, springs, clockwork, and wind. In 1769, Frenchman Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot built the first automobile, which was actually a steam-powered tricycle. For much of the 19th century, steam power prevailed, despite the danger of boiler explosions and unpleasant odors left by exhaust fumes.In one form or another, the vehicle has become the major transporter of people and goods in the world, whether designed for urban use or rough terrain, one passenger or a dozen. Today's automobile industry has helped to shape the financial world, from banks to the stock market, and is a major barometer of the economic health of a nation. Massive and internationally competitive, the automobile industry is the largest single manufacturing enterprise in the United States in terms of total value of products and number of employees. The industry is primarily responsible for the growth of steel and rubber production, and is the largest user of machine tools. Specialized manufacturing requirements have driven advances in petroleum refining, paint and plate-glass manufacturing, and other industrial processes. Gasoline, once a waste product to be burned off, is now one of the most valuable commodities in the world because of the advancement of automobile industry.

4)internet:Initially a tool to link research center computers, the Internet has become a vital instrument of social change. Created via a series of engineering innovations, the Internet is changing business practices, educational pursuits, and personal communications. By providing global access to news, commerce, and vast stores of information, the Internet brings us together

and adds convenience and efficiency to our lives. Today people can search thousands of databases and libraries worldwide in several languages, browse through hundreds of millions of documents, journals, books, and computer programs, and keep up to the minute with wire-service news, sports, and weather reports. An increasing number of people shop, bank, and pay bills on the Internet. Many invest in stocks and commodities online. It's a powerful symbol of society's expectations about the future - fast-moving technology that adds convenience and efficiency to their lives.

5)Genome knowledge and ethical norms:

Because a better understanding of the genome enables us to affect and possibly control life at its most fundamental level, there is a potential for both extreme danger and enormous benefit with its use. "And the irony is that the more benefit there is, the greater the liability there is if it's misused.”Scientists are concerned about the long term effects of genetically modified "super-organisms". These include the bacterium designed to eat and digest nuclear waste and the genetically modified seeds in common use on American farms which carry their own powerful insecticide. Some of these genetically modified organisms have controversy because what happens is that they are so resistant, like some of the plant crops such as corn and so forth, that they kill a lot of the other competitive organisms around them or perhaps they change the soil profile so there is too much nitrogen in the soil that other organisms can't survive. Although it is beyond us what on earth the mechanism is, there is no denying that we may upset the balance of nature.

6)Whether technology aims to provide people with more leisure time:

In 1960, the average US family included only one breadwinner, who worked just over 40 hours per week. Since then the average week work has increased steadily to nearly 60 hours today; and in most families, there are now two breadwinners.


The inclusion of arts in the educational curriculum:

(1)Proponents of the "art for art's sake" point of view suggest that participation in aesthetic activity is valuable in and of itself; that is, appreciating and creating art is valuable for its own sake.It is (uniquely) worthwhile educationally since it provides inspiration for creativity and reveals for our understanding and appreciation of imaginative and insightful images of reality in aesthetically significant visual form.

(2) their pleasure-giving potential

(3)I would suggest that it would be more prudent to examine their potential for expanding students' understanding, which indicates that including arts in the curriculum may be of some help for students’ mastering of other subjects.

(4)Also, content is necessary to art and to our pleasure in that artistic expression always expresses something, however abstract. This content needs not to be a blatant political statement but it may be, depending on the "things that matter" to the artist.Thus, the significance of the inclusion of the arts in the educational curriculum lies in their potential to foster a rich understanding of the human experience.

Albert Einstein:

When Albert was five years old, his father gave him a compass. The child was filled with wonder when he discovered that the compass needle always pointed in the same direction--to the north.

He asked his father and his uncle what caused the needle to move.Their answers about magnetism3 and gravity were difficult for the boy to understand. Yet he spent a lot of time thinking about them. He said later that he felt something hidden had to be behind things.

(the roles of parents in education of children)

(1)One story says Albert told his Uncle Jacob how much he hated school, especially mathematics. His uncle told him to solve mathematical problems by pretending to be a policeman. "You are looking for someone," he said, "but you do not know who. Call him X. Find him by using the mathematical tools of algebra4 and geometry5."

(2)Jack Welch was self-contemptuous in his childhood because of his stammer. Mother’s encouragement drove him on to overcome his mental block and led him to become a successful entrepreneur.


Consider PRISM scandal of American government. Were it not for Edward Snowden, the government might continue to monitor our telephone, e-mail, text-message, even everyday communication, which, on purpose, violates the Forth Amendment of the Constitution. The revelation of the scandal is an alarm to American government.


Picasso, a Spanish painter, demonstrated uncanny artistic talent in his early years. His revolutionary artistic accomplishments were appreciated by his contemporary society and brought him immense fortune throughout his life. Today many of his pieces are still the world’s most recognizable and expensive works of art.

Consider Vincent Van Gogh, a Dutch post-impressionist painter who firstly adds the element of human emotions to paintings, was little appreciated during his lifetime, his fame grew ultimately, in the years after his death. Van Gogh did not begin painting until his late twenties, and most of his best-known works were produced during his final two years. Today, many of his pieces, including his numerous self-portraits, landscapes and sunflowers are among the world’s most recognizable and expensive works of art.

Galileo was, above all, a man who experimented: who despised the prejudices and book learning of Aristotelians, who put his questions to nature instead of to the ancients, and who drew his conclusions audaciously. He had been the first to turn a telescope to the sky and was the man who climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa and dropped various weights from the top. He rolled balls down inclined planes, and then generalized the results of his many experiments into the famous law of free fall.

Copernicus, an astronomer, was the first to formulate a theory which displaced the earth from the center of the universe, paved way for corroborating observations of Galileo, then set the stage for Newton’s Laws of Gravity, and ultimately led to the theory of relativity discovered by Einstein.

Bruno, a philosopher and astronomer, is best known as proponent of infinity of the universe. His cosmological theories went beyond the Copernican model. He challenged the infallibility of the Roman Catholic Church by altering the accepted theory of the earth’s position in the universe and was burnt as a heretic.

Edward Teller, the so-called “father of the atom bomb” was firmly committed to America’s policy of gaining military superiority over the Japanese and the Germans; yet at the same time he attempted fervently to dissuade the U.S. military from employing his technology for destruction, while becoming the most visible advocate for various peaceful and productive applications of atomic energy.

Einstein, who while committed to the mathematical soundness of his theories about relativity could not reconcile them with the equally compelling quantum theory which emerged later in Einstein’s life. In fact, Einstein spent the last twenty years of his life criticizing his own former theories and struggling to determine how to reconcile them with newer theories.

George Washington, who was quoted as saying that all the world’s denizens“shouldabhor war wherever they may find it”. Yet this was the same military general that played a key role in the Revolutionary War between Britain and the States.

Martin Luther King led a Black bus boycott when he was a pastor of a Baptist church in Montgomery, Alabama. He and ninety others were arrested and indicted under the provisions of a law making it illegal to conspire to obstruct the operation of a business. King and several others were found guilty, but appealed their case. As the bus boycott dragged on, King was gaining a national reputation. The ultimate success of the Montgomery bus boycott made King a national hero. Dr King’s 1963 “Letter from Birmingham Jail”inspired a growing national civil rights movement. In Birmingham, the goal was to completely end the system of segregation in every aspect of public life(stores, no separate bathrooms and drinking fountains, etc.) and in job discrimination. Also in 1963, King led a massive march on Washington DC where he delivered his now famous “I Have a Dream” speech. King’s tactics of active nonviolence had put civil rights on the national agenda.

Leonardo da Vinci was born in April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. Leonard’s mastery in art, science and engineering has earned him a place among the most prolific geniuses of history. At the age of 17, Leonardo and his father moved to Florence, where he apprenticed to Verrocchio. His brilliance soon eclipsed that of his master and created two of his most well-known works- Virgin of the Rocks and the Last Supper. In 1509 when he was in Milan, he devoted much of his time and energy to scientific studies and engineering projects such as channeling the course of the Adda River.

Benjamin Franklin was one of the leading founding fathers of the US of America. He signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the US, and served as the new nation’s ablest diplomat.Franklin’s formal schooling ended early but his education never did. He believed that “the doors to wisdom are never shut,” and read every book he could get his hands on. Franklin taught himself simple algebra and geometry, navigation, logic history, science, English grammar and five other languages. He was also unequaled in America as an inventor until Thomas Edison with his inventions like Franklin stove, bifocal eyeglasses and the lightning rod. He believed that successful people only worked a bit harder than others.


The Medicis, a powerful banking family of Renaissance Italy, were admired because of their contribution to the patronage of the arts. They donated more than anyone to flowering of the Florentine geniuses like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.During the 20th century, the primary

source of cultural support was private foundations established by industrial magnates Carnegie, Mellon, Rockfeller and Getty.And tomorrow cultural support will probably come from the moguls of the most profitable industry such as IT and media, including Ted Turner and Bill Gates.


Johannes Gutenberg: It is after all the famous few that provide visions of the future, visions which groups then bring to fruition. Gutenberg is one example of the historical pattern in which it is individuals who have been ultimately responsible for the most significant developments in human history. Admittedly, Gutenberg was not single handedly responsible for the outcomes of his invention. Without the support of paper manufacturers, publishers and distributors and without a sufficient demand for printed books, he would never become the “famous few”. However, it was him who invented the printing press, facilitating the later procedures and ultimately, rendered Western knowledge and culture accessible to every class of people throughout the known world.

One notable example involves the Apple Computer following the departure of its founding visionary Steve Jobs. It wasn’t until Jobs reassumed the helm, once again injecting his unique perception, insight, and infectious fervor, that the ailing Apple was able to resume its innovative ways, thereby regaining its former status in the computer industry. Admittedly, the chief executives of our most successful corporations would no doubt concede that without the cooperative efforts of their subordinates, their personal visions would never become reality. Yet, these efforts are merely the carrying out of the visionary’s marching orders.


(1) 公司的不诚实:Sanlu Group, a famous Chinese dairy products company, has been

committed to providing the most popular brands of infant formula to global consumers. However, it was involved in an adulterated milk powder scandal in September, 2008, affecting some 294,000 Chinese infants and killing six. It received a bankruptcy order and several of its top manages were sentenced to long prison terms.

(2) 个人的不诚实:Luk Van Parijs, a former associate professor in biology at MIT, once was

considered as a rising star in the fields of immunology and RNA interference. However, the high-flying researcher has been fired from MIT for fabricating data in a published scientific paper and in grant applications.

(3) 政治的不诚实:Watergate scandal was a major political scandal that occurred in the US

in the 1970s as a result of the June 17,1972 break- in at the Democratic National

Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washing, D.C., and the Nixon administrations’ cover-up of its involvement. Relying heavily on anonymous sources, the media uncovered information suggesting the knowledge of the break-in and attempts to cover it up, exerting great influence on the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, and the White House. The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by the Nixon administration, articles of impeachment and the resignation of Richard

Nixon, the president of the US, on August 9, 1974- the only resignation of a US president to date.








纳尔逊·罗利赫拉赫拉·曼德拉(Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela;1918年7月18日-2013年12月5日)1918年7月18日出生于南非特兰斯凯,先后获南非大学文学士和威特沃特斯兰德大学律师资格。曾任非国大青年联盟全国书记、主席。于1994年至1999年间任南非总统,是首位黑人总统,被尊称为南非国父。 在任职总统前,曼德拉是积极的反种族隔离人士,同时也是非洲国民大会的武装组织民族之矛的领袖。当他领导反种族隔离运动时,南非法院以密谋推翻政府等罪名将他定罪。依据判决,曼德拉在牢中服刑了27年。1990年出狱后,转而支 持调解与协商,并在推动多元族群民主的过渡期挺身领导南非。自种族隔离制度终结以来,曼德拉受到了来自各界的赞许,包括从前的反对者。









牢狱生涯数十载 难灭民族解放心







重获自由:再迎政治新生 与华结缘


1993年10月15日,挪威诺贝尔委员会宣布将1993年的诺贝尔和平奖授予曼德拉和当时的南非总统德克勒克。委员会称:“曼德拉和德克勒克为消除南非种族歧视做出了贡献,他们的努力为在南非建立民主政权奠定了基础。” 1994年4月,非国大在南非首次不分种族的大选中获胜。同年5月,曼德拉成为南非第一位黑人总统。1997年12月,曼德拉辞去非国大主席一职,并表示不再参加1999年6月的总统竞选。1999年6月正式去职。卸任后曼德拉仍然在为世界和平和人类尊严而不懈努力,他大力兴办学校,为南非防治艾滋病投入了大量精力。







1,“在那漫长而孤独的岁月中,我对自己的人民获得自由的渴望变成了一 种对所有人,包括白人和黑人,都获得自由的渴望。”
























Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.
























