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高要市新桥中学 Hank Book2

Unit 1 辩论报告,调查报告

要点:①提出问题 ②赞成及理由 ③反对及理由④你的看法

常用句型:1. Some people agree /support that …有些人同意/支持……

2. However, others think … should not… 另一些人认为不应该……

3. In my opinion/ As for me/ As far as I’m concerned,… 在我看来……

The students of our school had a discussion about whether the Oral English Test in the National Matriculation English Test be kept or canceled.


Students who disagree to cancel OET think that as a language, English is a very important tool for communication. listening is one of the important channels for us to get information from the outside world while speaking is one of the important ways to express ourselves, so they should be strengthened today when international cooperation is becoming more and more frequent.


who show agreement think that cancelling OET can reduce the students’think that not everyone has to communicate with foreigners in the future and it still works well as long as they mater some reading and writing skills.

相反,同意取消听说考试的同学认为取消听说考试可以减轻学生的压力,让他们有更多时间和精力学好其他科目。此外,他们今后并非人人都要与外国人进行口头交流,掌握一定的英语读写能力就可以了。 and a good command of English is a must.


Unit 2如何奥运会相关的话题


2. 介绍奥运运动项目

3. 介绍奥运会

Zhou Yang, who was born in June, 1991 in Changchun, Jilin Province, is a rare genius in speed skating, especially in short track speed tracking. She won 2 gold medals in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games. One is in the women’s 3000 meters short track speed skating, which was the first gold medal that China had got in the recent 20 years in Winter Olympic Games. Also they broke the world record. This month, Zhou Yang successfully defended her Olympic title in the women’s 1500m short track speed skating at the Sochi Winter Olympic Games.


Unit 3如何介绍一个话题的利弊。



2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面)

3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法

常用表达:1. Different people hold different opinions. 不同的人持不同的观点。

2. Some think that… in the following reason. First, … Secondly, … Thirdly

(Finally)… While others think that…

3. From my point of view/ In my opinion, …在我看来…… we have made of how it is used.

在中国,手机无处不在。我们做了一个关于如何使用手机的调查。 It can keep us in touch with anyone who we want to matter where they are. It helps a


great deal in our work and life. It is so convenient that some of us cannot leave it for just a minute.



有些人不能离开它一分钟。 phone with us. Wherever we are and whatever time it is, we will be followed by

calls and messages, which always annoy us. We have to answer the phone while

having a meeting or evening driving. Just imagine how dangerous it is when we

are dirving!



象一下我们在开车的时候接电话是多危险啊! meeting or a lesson, we must turn it off so that it may not disturb. Make sure

that we do not make any phone call when driving. In the way, mobile phone

will be of great use to our life.


Unit 4 如何写建议信






Dear Mike,

I am glad to receive your email asking me for advice on how to improve your Chinese because I understand your problem and here is my advice for improving your Chinese. speak Chinese more, both in and out of class and try your best to communicate with your classmates in Chinese. Don’paying more attention to TV presenters to improve your listening when you are watching TV at home is necessary. With more practices, I’m sure you will make great progress as time goes on.Yours,

Li Ming




Unit 5 如何写对比观点的议论文

要点:①提出问题 ②支持及理由 ③反对及理由④你的看法 convenient transportation can be used to every day to carry people to and from work as well as

will stimulate(促进) other industries, which will contribute much to keeping the country’s economy growing at a higher rate in the near future. about a series of problems, such as crowded streets, not only causing accidents which injure or kill a large number of people each year, but also making great noise and giving off many poisonous(有毒的) gases.

任何事物都有两面性,私家车也不例外,因为一方面,便利的交通能载人们上下班也可以在周末载人们出去玩。此外,毫无疑问,汽车产业能促进其他产业的发展,这将更有助于保持中国经济在不久的将来以更高的速度增长。另一方面,私家车也带来一系列问题,如拥挤的街道,不仅造成事故伤害或每年杀死大量的人,也制造大量的噪音和释放许多有毒的气体。 private car itself, but how we use it effectively (有效地) and correctly.



篇三:八年级英语上英语半期考试优秀作文 (1)
