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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 08:17:54 字数作文

篇一:The Cause of Left Behind Children关于造成留守儿童原因的200到300字的英语作文

The Cause of Left Behind Children

Currently, there is growing concern about the left behind children. The left behind children lack concern from their parents and this affects their mental and physical health.Recently,i read several news about the left behind children.It’s amazing me that a 8 years old little girl commit suicided because her mother did’t go back at Spring Festival and she wrote ‘I miss mother’ in her suicide letter.Apart mental and physical health,their education condition is also a big problem.It reported that 50% of left behind children can’t have common education.I think the cause of left behind children have many aspects.

First one thing,the economic differences are too big between urban and rural areas.In rural areas,there is almost no factories.People who are in rural areas just can farm and they have no enough incomes to support their families.They have to leave their children and work at cities.Secondly,many city’s schools refuse admitting children of migrant workers because of the household registration policy.Some parents are really want to take after their children by themselves and live together with them.However,their children can’t commonly go to school,and at least,they can go to school if they stay at home.Additional,the wages of migrant workers are too low,even if the problem of household registration policy is solved,maybe they still can’t take their children to cities.The expanses in cities are high,and they can’t support their children in education and living.

There still have many causes of the left behind children problem.I think the government should attach much importance to them and provide some welfare policies for them.


I'm a middle school student. (我是一名中学生)I'm writing to tell you something aroud us. ( 我现在要写信告诉你我身边的一些事情)Nowadays, there are many left-behind children whose parents work away from their hometowns.(现在这有许多父母因工作而离开家乡的留守孩) Most of them are from the coutryside, you know,(你知道,他们大多自农村) they have many problems.(他们有很多问题) They are always lonely and stressed out because they are short of their parents' love因为他们缺乏父母的关爱,性格孤僻,学习压力大) At the same time, they are easy to make mistakes even do some thing against the laws, because they're short of their families' care.(同是,由于缺乏家庭的关爱,他们容易犯错误甚至犯罪)。


How to solve their problems?(怎样解决他们的问题呢) In my eyes, the government can set up a parents school for these children on holidays, (我们可以看到,政府利用节假日建立留守儿童家长学校。)you can organize" hand-in-hand" activity to call on more people to help them. (你能够组织”手拉手”活动来帮助他们)You can also raise money to donate to these children.(你也可以为这些孩子募集钱) As the song says:"If everyone gives their love, the world will be better."(就你一首歌里唱到的:只要人人都献上一片爱,世界将变成更美好的人间”) It's very important for us to pay more attention to these children if we want to build a harmonious society.(如果我们想要建立一个和谐的社会,关注这些孩子是很重要的)



Left-behind children

In rural China, there are such a group of children, their parents go out to work in order to survive.They have to stay in the countryside, living with

grandma and grandpa. This makes their childhood lost a lot of parental love.It has a great influence on their psychological growth.Generally chidren most rely on the parents.So left-behind children are perhaps the most lonely people in China.

As a group, what are some of the distinctive


Why called them the "left-behind" children? For their parents always go out to the more developed area to work to support their family. Also because of this, the communication between the children and parents is very less.

For parents cannot live with them, nearly 80 percent of the "left-behind" children are temporary cared by grandparents or their relatives, very old and have low knowledge level, so they do not have the ability to supervise the children learning. With the low education level in the rural area, the "left-behind" children cannot be educated normally, not only in knowledge study but in mental health also. No one supervises them in study, they give up their study, some even drop out of the school. According to a research from the china Renmin University, only 88 percent of 1 the 4-year-old "left-behind" children is still studying in school.

No study and no love from parents, many "left-behind" children feel they

are Inferior to the same age children and are abandoned. They become psychological distortion. This is the precursor of the crime!

Why are they alone

China has raised anew special social group , the left-behind children which means that they are left by their parents who have to become migrant workers and work in urban areas far away from their homes to earn living and have to stay in the rural areas. House after house, the same family tale repeats itself: The parents migrated to the big cities for work; their young children stay with grandparents, great-grandparents or any other relatives

who can shelter and feed them. At the age of 10 or so, when the youngsters are considered old enough, many move into packed boardinghouses attached to their public schools(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网).

It is a big group made of over 58 000 000 children. nearly a quarter of the nation's children and almost a third of its rural children are growing up without one or both of their parents. More than half of those were left by both parents. The youngsters face stark psychological and emotional challenges. many struggle to keep up with their lessons and end up abandoning school in their teens to join their parents on the road. it is a key point of their life to build a health character , however, the lack of care and guide from their parents makes them lose the sense of safety. Be fear of being hurt, they rather stay alone.

What might be some of the social impact of this lonely group?

1.As they are little educated by their parents,they lack of social expirence.It is easy for them to be made use of by outlaws.They may do illeagle

activities,such as stealing,robbry or traffick drug and so on.It is not a good news for social safety.

2. Most of them don’t do well in their study though they are long to

study.Today ,our society need people who have high quality.Most of them can only do manual activities in big cities rather than mental activities.It is a waste for the society.

3.Because they are cared too little,they will be hopeless if meet trouble,as time gose by,they become less likely to comulate with people.This character will cause lots of violent crime,such someone killed pupil outside school.They are like hidden time bomb.
