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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 02:30:18 字数作文





at first; at last; in the end…

then / next/ after that…

when / while/as soon as/not… until…

at the same time; at times; once in a while;

so that

To one’s surprise/joy


in a word/in all


表示并列:either…or; neither…nor; both…and; not

only…but also;

表示递进的:besides; what’s more; what’s worse;


表示原因的:because; for…; because of…; thanks to…; (for

the reason that…);

表示结果的:so; as a result; so…that…; therefore;

表示目的的:so that…; in order that…; (in order) to…; for…; 表示对比的:while; on the one hand + on the other hand;

Each coin has two sides.; prefer…to…;

would rather do…than do…;

表示转折的:however; but;

表示举例的:for example; for instance; such as…; like…;

that is to say…

表示总结的:in all/short; in a word; in brief/ total; last but

not least; last;

表示利弊的:be good/bad for sb.; be harmful to sb.; do

harm to sb.; …have great/much influence on

sb.; sth. benefit sb.; sb. benefit from sth.

affect; have an effect on sb.;

表示喜爱的:love/like/enjoy…; be fond of…; be interested

in…; show great interest in…; lose oneself

in…; put one’s heart into…; be good at; be

poor at; be weak in;


I think/believe…; (as) for me; in my opinion/view; as a student; from the bottom of my heart; personally; 其他:

in general; generally speaking; to be short; to be honest; to tell the truth; as we know; make up one’s mind to do; in a way;


I will work hard to make my dream come true.

I hope your dream will come true one day.

It takes sb. +时间+to do…

Sb. spend(某种人称时态)+时间/钱+on sth./ (in) doing sth. It’s important/necessary/useful/useless/common…(for sb.) to v…

It’s nice/kind of sb. to v..

It’s time for sb. to do sth.

It’s a waste of time to…

It’s …years/days since sb. +ved

It’s great fun to do=sb. have great fun doing

It’s a pity that…

It’s an honor to…

I’m/We’re not allowed to …

I’m afraid of making mistakes…

There be …doing…

Great changes have taken place in…

sth is/are well worth v-ing.

It seems/seemed that…

It seems (im)possible to v…

It is said that…

As the saying goes, …

…and …. are different in many ways.

too + adj./adv. to do

There are many differences between … and …

I have made up my mind to …

I am sure that…

I am not sure whether/if…

I would rather …. than …

It doesn’t matter if…

Thank you for v-ing.

If everyone can make a contribution to the earth/ nature/ society, our life will be better and better.

have/look for a chance to do

do outdoor activities

be/get used to (doing) sth.


be proud of/ take pride in…

play an important/active part/role in…

agree with sb. to do sth.

with the help of sb.=with one’s help

(反义:without one’s help)

be/get ready to do sth.= be/ get ready for sth.

pay attention to…

take good care of …

make friends with…

get on/along well with …

wish you successful/success

as time goes by…

graduate from…

looking back to the past three years,…(用现在完成时态) pass the (final) exam

stick to doing

keep you mind on your goals

make up one’s mind to do sth. (on sth.)

make a decision to do

work hard at English

once in a while/ at times/ now and then

from then on

in the future(将来)/ in future(从今以后)

increase our knowledge

in fact/as a matter of fact

in the beginning/ at first

feel like giving up

have trouble/difficulty in (doing) sth.

have (no) time to do

have experience in (doing) sth.

follow one’s advice/suggestions

master some basic … skills

be required to do

ask sb. for help

can’t wait to do

be supposed to do

encourage sb. to do

deal/do with …

work out/solve the problems

all sorts/kinds of…

at home and abroad

one of …

be full of…

learn sth. by oneself

come up with good ideas

be surprised at sth.(to do sth.)

in order to

keep healthy/fit

a good way to v…

keep (on) trying

worry about…/ be worried about…

in one’s spare/free time

be kind/friendly to

be strict with

help others

say thank you to…

have fun/enjoy oneself/have a good time

plenty of +C/U

worry about/be worried about

ask sb. for help/ turn to sb. for help/call sb. for help be popular with…

share sth. with sb.

know little/much about …


do/try one’s best to v…

be/feel sorry for…

help sb. (to) do sth./ with sth.

in/during class

before/after class

teach sb. to do sth.

wish you successful/success

as time goes by…

graduate from…

looking back to the past three years,…(用现在完成时态) pass the (final) exam

stick to doing

keep you mind on your goals

make up one’s mind to do sth. (on sth.)

make a decision to do

work hard at English

once in a while/ at times/ now and then

from then on

in the future(将来)/ in future(从今以后)

increase our knowledge/ enlarge our vocabulary in fact/as a matter of fact

in the beginning/ at first

feel like giving up

have trouble/difficulty in (doing) sth.

have (no) time to do

have experience in (doing) sth.

follow one’s advice/suggestions

master some basic … skills

be required to do

ask sb. for help

can’t wait to do

be supposed to do

encourage sb. to do

deal/do with …

work out/solve the problems

all sorts/kinds of…

at home and abroad

one of …

be full of…

learn sth. by oneself

come up with good ideas

be surprised at sth.(to do sth.)

in order to



众所周知,书面表达在中考中占有相当大的比重,而我们的学生在此方面失分甚多,以致影响最后总分,因此提高学生写作能力势在必行,而这又须掌握一定的写作技巧。观察近几年的中考试题,其最常见的形式是要求考生根据所给信息和思想来写作,亦称为“情景作文”或“提示作文”,而学生对于语言要素综合应用的能力较弱,写出的东西往往是不符合英语表达习惯的“中文或英语”。作为一名英语教师,就必须经常提醒学生注意这一问题,并有意识地让学生逐步接受英语表达的思维方式,久而久之学生才能写出比较地道的英语,进而少犯甚至不犯Chinese English的错误,故英语书面表达训练从八年级上学期就应开始,并逐步强化提高,最终达到应考要求。在此就自己日常教学中的经验浅谈学生英语写作的技巧,最终达到“All roads lead to Rome”的目的。










动手写作,好处有二。第一练字,这样可写出一手干净、整洁漂亮的handwriting;第二可查错补缺,只有通过练习才能知道自己的不足与缺陷,便于老师和同学帮其修改、订正。因为,说和写是两码事。所以我要求学生从八年级开始便一周写一篇日记或记事文章,纠正之后,让他们抄写在固定的“作文本”上,这样,日积月累,考前只需翻翻自己的“作文本”,即可胸有成竹,full of confidence.

总之,英语写作能力差是大多数学生普遍存在的问题,而这种能力在日益激烈的竞争中又尤为重要。只要我们的学生在平时学习中语言素材积累多了,体裁格式记住了又经常练习不断提高,到作文下笔时就会得心应手、水到渠成。 There is a will, there is a way.












“三连”即连句成文。根据短文的内容要求,确定先写什么,后写什么,按照表述内容的情节发展和实际需要,重新排列组合已写成的 句子,划分必要的段落,一般分成三段。但要注意句式的灵活运用,长、短句,简单句,复合句要搭配运用。

“四改”即修改润色全文。主要是看全文符不符合题目要求,行文是否流畅,有没有遗漏要点;语法是不是正确,包括单词的拼写、大小写、标点符号、时态、语态、单复数、主谓一致、冠词等。 *总之做到三审:体裁、时态、人称;三思:词汇—>短语—>句式;







A. Just as every coin has two sides, cars have both advantages and disadvantages.

B. Compared to letters, e-mails are more convenient.

C. Opinions are divided on the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the


D. As we all know, computers have played an important role/part in our daily life.

E. Why do you go to university? Different people have different points of view.

F.With the development of internet… more and more popular…

G. As a student

K. as an old saying goes….



He is very young. he can’t go to school.

He is too young to go to school.


He is very clever. He can work out the problem.

He is so clever that he can work it out the problem.

He is clever enough to work out the problem.

3.not only...but also...

4.It has many advantages . First, 优点1… Besides, 优点2…

5.However, every coin has two sides. It also brings us bad influences. On the one hand, 缺点1… On the other hand, 缺点2…

She not only plays well, but also writes music.


Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film.


4. It is important(easy,hard,possible,good,bad…)for sb. To do sth.

还有rather…than…not…until… as well as…慢慢的补充


first, firstly, second, secondly, third,thirdly, to begin with, to start with, what is more, last, also, and then, next, besidesAt first; at last; in the end… then/next/after that…

when/while/as soon as/not… until…

in addtion finally On one hand ....on the other hand, each/one coin has two sides,

2)表转折;but, however, though, although, after all, in spite of, fortunately,unfortunately,at the same time…

3)表递近:in addition, besides, moreover, what`s more

4)因果 because, so, because of, thanks to, due to,for, since, owing to, as a result(of), hence, thus

5)例证 for example, for instance, such as

6)表示利弊的:be good/bad for sb.; be harmful to sb.; do harm to sb.; …have great/much influence on sb.; sth. benefit sb.; sb benefit from sth.; affect; have an effect on sb.;

表示喜爱的:love/like/enjoy…; be fond of…; be interested in…; show great interest in…; lose oneself in…; put one’s heart into…;

7)总结 As I see, As for me ,As we all know, in general, generally speaking, I think..., in fact ,in a word, in brief, in conclusion, in short, in summary, to sum up,


I will work hard to make my dream come true. It takes sb. +时间+to do…

Sb. spend(某种人称时态)+时间/钱+on sth./ (in) doing sth.

It’s important/necessary/useful/useless/common…(for sb.) to v…

It’s nice/kind of sb. to v..

It’s time for sb. to do sth.It’s a waste of time to…

It’s …years/days since sb. +ved

It’s great fun to do=sb. have great fun doing

It’s a pity that…It’s an honor to…

I’m/We’re not allowed to …

I’m afraid of making mistakes… There be …doing…

Great changes have taken (转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网)place in… sth is/are well worth v-ing.

It seems/seemed that…It seems (im)possible to v… It is said that…

…and …. are different in many ways.

too + adj./adv. to do There are many differences between … and …

写作:随着社会的发展,小汽车越来越普遍,有人说方便,有人说它污染环境等等。请你写一篇作文表达你对小汽车的看法。(pollution n 污染 traffic accident交通事故

convenient adj. 方便的 )


