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儿童英语故事 12张卡片的故事


My teen-age daughter was preparing to return home after having visited her grandparents for a few weeks one summer. Her grandfather gave her 12 post cards.

"Here, write us a few lines every month." he said.

Months passed and the cards remained unused-that is until the day this letter arrived:

"Dear Jennifer,

Life is a series of(一系列) stages.

As a child, I looked forward to becoming a teenager-that happened.

As a teen-ager, I looked forward to becoming a young man-that happened.

As a young man, I looked forward to meeting a young woman, in love and becoming a married man-that happened.

As a married man, I looked forward to becoming a father-that happened.

As a father, I looked forward to becoming a grandfather to beautiful, intelligent grandchildren-that happened.

Then I looked forward to the day they would learn to write-that hasn't happened yet.

Yours Sincerely"






还是个孩子的时候,我期待着成为一个青少年——我如愿以偿了。 还是个年轻人的时候,我期待着遇到一个年轻的女人,恋爱、结婚——我如愿以偿了。 结了婚,我便期待着成为一个父亲——我如愿以偿了。 作为父亲,我期待着成为一个祖父,有漂亮、聪明的孙儿孙女——我也如愿以偿了。 接着,我期待着有一天他们能给我写信——我却还没有如愿以偿。”

英语寓言故事 Jupiter and the Monkey

英语寓言故事 Jupiter and the Monkey

JUPITER ISSUED a proclamation to all the beasts of the forest and promised a royal reward to the one whose offspring should be deemed the handsomest. The Monkey came with the rest and

presented, with all a mother's tenderness, a flat-nosed,hairless, ill-featured young Monkey as a candidate for the promised reward. A general laugh saluted her on the presentation

of her son. She resolutely said, "I know not whether Jupiter will allot the prize to my son, but this I do know, that he is at

least in the eyes of me his mother, the dearest, handsomest, and most beautiful of all."

《Jupiter and the Monkey》

小学英语寓言故事 The fox without a tail

小学英语寓言故事 The fox without a tail

A fox's tail was caught in a trap. When he was trying to release himself, he lost his whole tail except the stump.

At first he was ashamed to see the other foxes because he had no tail, but he was determined to face his misfortune. He called all the foxes to a meeting.

When they had gotten together, the fox said that they should all do away with their tails.

He said that their tails were very inconvenient when they met with their enemies.

He did not talk about any advantages of the tail. "You are right," said one of the older foxes, "but I don’t think you would advise us to do away with our tails if you hadn't lost it yourself first."






小学英语故事 The Wind And The Sun

儿童英语故事 风和太阳(The Wind And The Sun)

One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.”

“We will see about that,” said the sun. “I will let you try first.”

So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself.

“I give up,” said the wind at last. “I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak.

(有一天风跟太阳说: “看看那个沿着路上走的人.我可以比你快让他把披风脱下来.)

(“我们等着看吧,”太阳说, “我让你先试.)


(“我放弃了,”风最后说, “我无法让他把披风脱下来.”然后由太阳试试看.他尽可能地晒他.不久,那个人很热就把披风脱下来了.)

英语寓言故事 一颗小苹果树


A man walking in the night slipped from a rock. Afraid that he would fall down thousands of feet, because he knew that place was a very deep valley, he took hold of a branch that was hanging over the rock. In the night all he couls see was a bottomless abyss. He shouted, his own shout reflected back--there was nobody to hear.

You can imagine that man and his whole night of scare. Every moment there was death, his hands were becoming cold, he was losing his grip...... and as the sun came out he looked down and he laughed. There was no abyss. Just six inches down there was a rock. He could have rested the whole night, slept well---the rock was big enough---but the whole night was a nightmare.

Fear is only six inches deep. Now it is up to you whether you want to go on cling to the branch and turn your life into a nightmare, or whether you would love to leave the branch and stand on your feet.

There is nothing to fear.




英语寓言故事 狼很难抓到兔子


The wolf and the fox wanted to eat the rabbit, but it wasn't easy to catch him.

One day the wolf said to the fox, "You go home and lie in bed. I'll tell the rabbit that you are dead. When he comes to look at you, you can jump up and catch him." That's a good idea," said the fox.

He went home at once. The wolf went to the rabbit's house and knocked at the door. "Who is it?" asked the rabbit. "It's the wolf. I've come to tell you that the fox is dead." Then the wolf went away.

The rabbit went to the fox's house. He looked in through the window and saw the fox lying in bed with his eyes closed. He thought, "Is the fox really dead or is he pretending to be dead? If he's not dead, he'll catch me when I go near him." so he said, "The wolf says that the fox is dead. But he doesn't look like a dead fox. The mouth of a dead fox is always open." When the fox heard this, he thought, "I'll show him that I'm dead." So he opened his mouth.

The rabbit knew that the fox wasn't dead, and he ran as quickly as he could.









What time is it?

Tom and Jack come out of the cinema.It is very late. "I can't find my watch.Where is it?"Tom says.

"Is it in your bag?"Jack asks.

"Oh,yes.Here it is."

"What time is it?"

"My watch doesn't work.Let's sing,and then we can know the time."


"Just do it."

The two boys begin to sing.A short time later ,a man in the building opens the window and shouts,"Keep it down!Don't you know it's three o'clock in the morning?"







“我的手表坏了。让我们一起唱歌,然后我们就可以知道时间了。” “为什么?”


两个男孩就开始唱歌了。过了一会,楼上的一个男人打开窗子并且喊道:“安 静点!难道你们不知道现在已经是早上三点多了吗?”



(The Dog and the Shadow)It happened that a Dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in peace. Now, on his way home he had to cross a plank lying across a running brook. As he crossed, he looked down and saw his own shadow reflected in the water beneath. Thinking it was another dog with another piece of meat, he made up his mind to have that also. So he made a snap at the shadow in the water, but as he opened his mouth the piece of meat fell out, dropped into the water and was never seen more.





冲走了。 Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow. 谨



Long ago a great mountain began to rumble and shake .People came from far and near to see what would happen."A great river will be born." said one."Surely nothing less than a mighty dragon will come out." said another."A god himself will spring form these rocks." said a third.Finally , after days of expectation a small crack appeared in the mountain. And out popped ---- a mouse. Just because someone makes a lot of fuss, it doesn't mean he is important.


一个人说:"要出现一条大河了。" 另一个人说:"准会出现一条巨龙。" 第三个人说:"从这些岩石中会出现一尊神来。" 等了几天之后,山坡上终于裂开一

条小缝,却蹦出来一只耗子。 正因为某人大肆张扬,所以他没有什么了不起。


A man once had four sons who never stopped quarrelling with one another. He was always telling them how much easier life would be if they worked together but they took absolutely no notice of him. One day he decided to show them what he meant. He called all the sons together and put a tightly tied bundle of sticks on the floor in front of them. "Can you break that ? " he asked the youngest son. The boy put his knee on the bundle but though he pressed and pulled with his arms he could not bend the wood. The father asked each son in turn to try to break the bundle, but none of them could do it . Then he untied the string and scattered the sticks." Now try, " he said . The boys broke the sticks easily in their hands."Do you see what I mean ?" asked the father. "if only you stand together no one can hurt you . If you all disagree the whole time and insist on going your separate ways, the first enemy you meet will be able to destroy you. "United we stand ; divided we fall.

一捆树枝 从前有一个人,他有四个儿子。儿子们不断地争吵。他一再告诫他们


一天,他决定通过示范把自己的意思告诉他们。 他把四个儿子都叫来,又把一

捆扎得很紧的细树枝放在他们面前的地上。 "你能折断这个吗?"他问最小的儿


的儿子挨个儿试试,看他们是否能把那捆树枝折断,但谁也做不到。 然后,他

解开绳子,把树枝撒开。 "试试吧。"他说。四个小伙子用手轻轻一撅,树枝就

断了。 "你们明白我的意思了吗?"父亲问,"只要你们联合起来,谁也不能伤


败。" 合则存,分则败。

五, 英文版亡羊补牢的故事

There was once a farmer, raised a few sheep, grazing day, evening rush into a straw and wood piles and other objects within the enclosed pen. One morning, the sheep herders go, found a sheep less. Original pen broke a hole, the night the wolf came in from the holes drilled, a sheep Diao away. Neighbor advised him: "hurry the sheepfold, plug the hole." He said:" the sheep have been lost, but also to repair pen do?" Did not accept well-meaning neighbor's advice. The very next day morning, he went to sheep, found it less of a sheep. Wolf and from the original drilling holes in the sheepfold, and carried off a sheep. The herdsmen are regret not recognized directly affected by the neighbor's advice, to take timely remedial measures. Then, he quickly plug that hole, and from the overall reinforcement, the sheepfold so substantial. Since then, the shepherd of the sheep wil(转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网)l never be thieved by the wolf. The story tells us : make a mistake, suffered a setback, it is a common phenomenon. As long as you can draw a lesson seriously, take remedial measures in time, can avoid to continue to make mistakes, suffer greater losses.


围起来的羊圈内。 一天早晨,这个牧民去放羊,发现羊少了一只。原来羊

圈破了个窟窿,夜间有狼从窟窿里钻了进来,把一只羊叼走了。 邻居劝告



发现又少了一只羊。原来狼又从窟窿里钻进羊圈,又叼走了一只羊。 这位









God's Coffee

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee. When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.

Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... And then you began eyeing each other's cups. Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of Life we live.

Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us." God brews the coffee, not the cups.......... Enjoy your coffee!"The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything."Live simply.Love generously.Care deeply.Speak kindly.Leave the rest to God.

Things Aren’t Always What They Seem

Two traveling angles stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angles stay in the mansion’s guestroom. Instead the angles were given a small space in the cold basement. As they made their bed in the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angle asked why, the older angle replied, “Things aren’t always what they seem.”

The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing the little food they had the couple let the angles sleep in their bed where they could have a good night’s rest. When the sun came up the next morning the angles found the farmer and his in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field. The younger angle was infuriated and asked the older angle how he could have let this happen. “The first man had everything, yet you helped him,” he accused. “The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you let the cow lie”.

“Things aren’t always what they seem,” the older angle replied. “when we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn’t find it.”

“Then last night as we slept in the farmer’s bed, the angle of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things aren’t always what they seem.
