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第一章、美国概况 1. Discovery of the New World

*The ―first Americans‖: Indians

*Christopher Columbus: An Italian navigator supported by Spanish Queen led his men to sail across the vast ocean in 1492 and reached some small islands in the now West Indies. He thought he had reached Aisa and didn‘t know he had discovered a New Continent. [意大利人],本来要去西藏[西班牙赞助],却在西印度群岛上,看到一座寺庙就饿


*Amerigo Vespucci: The navigator who proved that the land was no India, but a new continent. Therefore, the land was named America after him.

2. The Colonial Period

*The first English colony at Jamestown, Virginia (1607)[6形状是大象的鼻子,这么记:一头大象用鼻子(16)吹泡泡(0),泡泡飘得很高,挂满了整面旗帜(7),在Jamestown的上空迎风飘扬,猎猎作响。]

*The original 13 colonies: along the east coast of North America: Virginia, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Georgia. (13: 雨伞。谐音想象:一把大花伞下面,你系着一条花围裙[Virginia=维吉尼亚]在和面[Maine],面里放满了崭新的火腿[New Ham+pshire],然后你吃着火腿面骑着马[马萨诸塞],牵[Connecticu]着牛[纽约]上路[Road=Rhode]了,路上看到隆重的婚礼[Maryland],北方和南方的孪生姐妹坐在彩车[car]里[North Carolina and South Carolina],新郎[New Jersey]和男傧相[宾州]站在桥[乔治亚州]上迎接新娘。)

*Causes for the colonization of the New World (理解记忆)

Opportunity was the magic word that drew people to America. It drew English nobles and skilled workmen to America and most of all it drew the poor and the homeless from the farmlands and villages of Europe. It offered people a chance to live a better life than they could hope for in the Old World.

*The Pilgrims: To escape , they left England and lived in Leyden, Holland, but they feared their children might become Dutchmen, so in 1620, 201 them sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower. They arrived at Plymouth and built the Plymouth colony. (他们刚到的那个冬天,有一半人都死了,后来印第安人教他们种“感恩节”,Thanksgiving celebration, 其实他们应该感谢印第安人。)


[The Pilgrims were artisans and peasants.]

*The Puritans and the Massachusetts Bay

The puritans were wealthy and well-educated gentlemen. They wanted to purify the Church of England. The Puritans leaders saw the New World as a refuge provided by God for those He meant to save. So in March 1630, the great Puritan migration began. From 1630 to 1643, some 200 ships transported over 20,000 Englishmen to Massachusetts Bay colony. (下午四点半[PM4: 30=Puritans+Massachusetts; 4: 30=16:30=1630]开始,13分钟之内[1630+13=1643],200条船运了2万个英国佬到马萨诸塞!)

*Features of the new colonies (可以出选择题,结合后来的美国文化,容易理解)

The features were representative form of government, rule of law, respect of individual rights, religious tolerance and a strong spirit of individual enterprise.

3. The War of Independence

*Conflicts between the British government and the American people

随着经济的发展,殖民地人民要更多的权利;英国政府要控制殖民地的发展,并且要征收更多的税。贸易价格不公平。实施Stamp Tax给养军队。允许东印度公司低价销售茶叶,抢走美国茶商的生意。

*The ―Boston Tea Party‖

In 1773, when ships of tea reached Boston, several dozen Boston residents dressed as Indians boarded the ships at night and threw $75,000 worth of tea into the harbor. This came to be known as the ―Boston Tea Party‖.



*The First Continental Congress

In September 1774, the First Congress was held in Philadelphia encouraging Amercians to refuse to buy British goods. Colonial militia units were organized.


*Lexington and Concord

The shot of Lexington (1775) marked the start of the War of Independence.

*The Second Continental Congress

Three weeks after the battles of Lexington and Concord, the Second Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia. The delegates agreed to support the war. The Congress founded a Continental Army and Navy and appointed a committee to draft a formal declaration.

*George Washington: The Congress founded a Continental Army and Navy under the command of George Washington, a Virginian

militia (民兵) commander.

*Thomas Jefferson: Tomas Jefferson of Virginia drafted the Declaration of Independence. On July 4, 1776, the Congress adopted the declaration. (Independence Day! 记忆1776:美国人个个是牛仔,喜欢一起骑牛[1776]庆祝独立。)

*The Declaration of Independence and the political theory behind the American Revolution

The Declaration is a clear explanation of the political theory behind the revolution and this theory came from the British philosopher John Locke. (独立宣言的理论来自英国哲学家约翰。洛克) [独立的意思约[约翰]等于一把锁[Locke],把门锁上,就算是独立了。]

(In September 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed. Britain recognized the independence of the United States.)

[1783, 巴黎条约签定,英国承认美国独立。美国正式独立了,人们高兴得一起爬山(1783)庆祝,拍着巴(巴黎条约)掌说give me five!]

*The American War of Independence and its significance (意义: 理解记忆)

smashing the fetters[束缚] of colonial rule, the American people which a chance for freer development. It had For instance, the colonies in Spanish America rose up one after another to overthrow Spanish colonial rule.

4. A New Form of Government

*The Articles of Confederation

With the approach of independence, it was obvious that a more permanent and legitimate union of the states was necessary. A draft of a confederation was accepted by Congress in November 1777 and was presented to the states for their separate approaval or rejection. The document was accepted by all the states by March 1781. It was called the Articles of Confederation.

*The Constitutional Convention

A confernce was held in Philadelphia in May 1787 to consider what should be done to make the Articales of Confederation adequate. All of the states except Rhode Island were represented at the Constitutional Convention.

[The Articles of Confederation和The Constitutional Convention是有因果关系的,理解记忆。]

*The ―Great Compromise‖

The ―Great Compromise‖ gave each state an equal vote in the Senate but making representation in the House reflect the size of each state‘s population.

*Federalists and the Federalist Papers

Those who took the lead in urging constitution ratification called themselves Federalists. The Federalist Papers were Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay. (想象:字头A。H=啊!J。M=加盟,J。J=举起的双手—>啊,我们高举双手赞成加盟联邦!!)

*The Bill of Rights

In 1791, the first ten amendments to the constitution were ratified. It‘s called the Bill of Rights. By then, it‘s agreed that the foundation of the American constitutional system was completed.

(1791: 10 个改正错误的人[amendments]为了一部宪法一起就义[1791]!)

*The first federal government of the United States

1788: the first general election;. 1789, George Washington was chosen the President and took the oath of office in New York where housed the government. 1790, the government moved to Philadelphia.


5. The War of 1812 (可以出问答题)

*Causes of the war (记三个关键字把三个原因串起来:blockade[封锁],seamen[海员],territoriial expansion[领土扩张],联想:1812年战争=一只叭儿狗[18]和一只鹅[12]打仗,把各自的地盘封锁起来,然后带着无数的海员去占领别国的领土。) The causes leading to the war were the following:

(1) A war was going on in Europe betweenits

trade with both sides. As the war intensified, both Britain and France started toseized. In 1811, the United States, on its understanding that France would drop its blockade against American shipping, lifted the . This

(2) The Americans resented the that they were British subjects.

(3) After President Jefferson bought the Louisiana territory from France, there was a desire for among many

frontiersmen. They wanted to take the advantage of the war in Europe, when British and France had no time to look after their interests in the New World, to expand into Canada or Spanish Florida. This.

* Result of the war: In December 1814, British and American diplomats signed a peace treaty which said that all was to be as it had been before the war. (美国的国会大厦和白宫都被烧了。。)

*Impact of the war on the development of the United States

(1) The war made people realize the importance of a strong national government.

(2) The war strengthened the feeling of national unity and patriotism. This feeling of nationalism was particularly strong in the

western part of the United States.

(3) For almost 10 years after the war, the Americans turned their attention to the development of the western part of the continent.

(4) It made both Britain and the United States realize that their disputes should be solved through negotiation. A shaky peace in

1814 turned into a lasting peace between the two countries.


6. Territorial Expansion and Westward Movement

*The Old Northwest

Present-day Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

*The Louisiana Purchase

The Americans‘ crossing of the Mississippi in the 1790s helped persuade Napoleon to sell the Louisana Territory to the United States for only 15 million dollars.

*Armed uprising of the Americans in Texas

An armed uprising of the Americans in Texas, supported by the volunteers from the United States, defeated the Mexican army and won independence in 1836. In 1845, Texas was added to the Union.

*Implications of the ―Manifest Destiny‖

(1) The inevitability of the founding of the United States of America; (2) The legitimacy of the expanstion of American Territory;

(3) The spread of American democracy being the task of American people who were chosen to do the ―Lord‘s‖ work.

*The War with Mexico

The War with Mexico started in 1846 and ended in 1848. As a result of the peace treaty, Mexico was forced to agree to give California and New Mexico to the United States. In return, the United States agreed to pay Mexico 15 million U.S dollars.

7. The Civil War

*Slavery in America

Slavery existed before the War of Independence.

*Slavery and the plantation system in the south

To meet a rising worldwide demand for cotton and tobacco, the planters farmed large areas of land. Slave labour seemed best suited for producing these crops.

*Extension of slavery and the Compromise of 1850

With the territorial expansion towards the west, the problem of whether slavery should be allowed to spread tion these areas arose again. The Compromise of 1850 was passed which allowed California to be accepted as a free state, New Mexico and Utah to be organized as territories without legislation either for or against slavery and the more efficient machinery to be set up for returning runaway slaves to their masters.

*Abolitionist movement and anti-slavery reformers

Garrison / Frederick Douglass

*Harriet Beecher Stowe‘s Uncle Tom‘s Cabin

(记书和作者名字:汤姆大伯的小屋。可以出选择题,记住Bee 和Stow[装载]和小屋就能回忆起来。想象:汤姆大伯是个养蜂的老人,他的小屋里装满[stow]了蜂蜜,到处有蜜蜂[bee]在飞。)

*Abraham Lincoln

When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the southern states broke away and formed a new nation, the Confederate States of America. However, Lincoln was determined to maintain the Union, so the Civil War broke out on April 12, 1861. (1865年内战结束)


*Ulysses S. Grant (格兰特将军,后来成为总统。)

*Gettysburg, Pennsylvania


*The Emancipation Proclamation

*Robert E. Lee


th*The 13 Amendment, which banned slavery, was added to the Constitution in December 1865.

8. Rapid Growth of Capitalism after the Civil War (可以出问答题)

After the Civil War, the United States saw great developments in industry, agriculture, science and technology, and population. There were many reasons.

(1) With the war over, the United States again achieved a stable political environment. As a result, both foreign and domestic

capital became available for investment.

(2) Black slaves were free, and waves of European and Asian immigrants poured into the U.S. So there was enough labour

supply for the development of industries.

(3) Scinence and invention played a very important role in accelerating America‘s industrial development.

(4) The federal government put high taxes on foreign imports. This encouraged Americans to buy American-made goods.

(5) The United States was rich in natural resources.

During this period both production and capital became increasingly concentrated. Monopoly by big business became a strong trend in the American economy.



1. In 1913,the U.S ranked first in the world in the production of steel; in 1900,the U.S. produced 245million tons of coal, ranking first in the world.1913年美国钢产量世界第一,1900年煤产量世界第一。


2. Large corporation ,urbanization and new technology were the three features in the growth of American economy at the beginning of the 20 th century.大公司的出现,城市化及新技术的迅速发展是美国20世纪初经济增长出现的三大特点。

3. In 1903,the Wright brothers flew a plane for a brief 12 seconds at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. This was the beginning of the appearance of the plane. In 1911,Glenn E.Curiss designed and flew a successful plane. 1903年,莱特兄弟发明了第一架飞机,但只飞行了12秒。1911年格伦。E。库利斯设计了一架飞机,并成功试飞。(1911年,一架穿着一件旧衣[1911]的飞机成功试飞,那件衣服是花格子涤纶料的。)

4. At the beginning of the WWI, the U.S.was impartial neither in action, nor in thought.It pursued a policy of pro-Ally partiality.第一次世界大战开始时,美国宣布保持中立,但在行动和思想上都没有做到中立,美国真正奉行的是支持同盟国的政策。

5. The 1920s in the U.S. has been described by many historians as a period of material success and spiritual frustration or confusion and purposelessness.许多历史学家都把美国的二十世纪二十年代描写成一个物质上成功,精神是迷惘或漫无目标的时期。(看过那本―了不起的盖茨比‖吗,写的就是二十年代)

6. The stock market crash was the beginning of long economic depression in the late 1920S and 1930S.股票市场的崩溃是1929-1933年的经济大萧条的开端。

7. The aim of President Roosevelt‘s New measures was to save American democracy and the capitalist system.罗斯福总统―新政:措施的目的在于‖拯救美国民主―及克服资本主义制度有史以来最严重的经济危机。

8. In the early 1930S,the American foreign policy was isolationism, to keep the U.S. out of the fighting that was going on in Europe and Asia.在30年代初期,美国奉行的是孤立主义的外交政策,即使美国远离欧洲和亚洲的战争。

9. During the WWII, the postponement of the opening of the Second Front was a reflection of the American‘s desire not to give the Soviet Union the possibility of quick expansion.二战期间,美国延缓开辟第二战场就反映出美国不让苏联有迅速扩张的可能性

10. American diplomacy in WWII was largely diplomacy towards Britain and the Soviet Union.There were two guiding principles behind all diplomatic activities:1>to win the war;2>to establish postwar political structure in accord with American interests and to prevent the Soviet Union from over-expansion.二战期间,美国的外交政策大体上是针对英国和前苏联的,所有外交政策的两个主导原则是:羸得战争,按美国利益建立战后政治格局并阻止苏联的过度扩张。

11. The leaders of the U.S. the Soviet Union and Britain met three times during the WWII.1>The first summit was held at Teheran in November 1943.At the conference it was decided that a large-scale attack on the south of France would be launched in May ,1944,which was codenamed Overlord.2>The second conference was held in Yalta in February,1945,it decided on the setting-up of a world organization: the United Nation .3>The third conference was held at Potsdam, which confirmed the temporary division of Europe agreed to at Yalta.二战期间,英,美,苏三国领导人共会晤了三次,第一次是在1943年11月在德黑兰会议,该会义决定进行代号为―霸王行动‖的军事行动,向法国南部大举进攻,第二次是1945年2月的雅尔塔会议,本次会议决定建立联合国组织,第三次是在1945年7。8月间在柏林城外举行的波茨坦会议,该会主要确认了雅尔塔会议关于欧洲格局的暂时分配。(英美苏三国领导人在寺庙里跳舞[45],把鸭和鹅赶到宝塔[雅尔塔]上,让它们联合起来成立联合国。)


1. The Muckrakers(黑幕揭发者) (muck是粪肥,rake是耙子,哈哈)

The Muckrakers were a group of reform-minded journalists who made investigations and exposed the dark sides of the society.

2.the Progressive Movement(进步运动/进步主义)(Progressivism)

It was a movement at the turn of the 20th century which spread quickly with the support of large number of people across the country. The Progressive Movement was not an organized campaign with clearly defined goals. Rather, it was a number of diverse efforts at political, social and economic reforms.

3.laissez faire(放任主义)

it was an economic practice which stressed that the management of the economy should be left to the business people and the government should merely preserve order and protect property.

4.the Red scare(红色恐惧)

Between 1919 and 1920,the Red Scare happened in America where at that time a highly aggressive and intolerance nationalism existed. On November 7,1919 and January 2,1920,the Justice Department launched two waves of mass arrests. Over 4000 suspected Communists and radicals were arrested and many were forced to leave the U.S.

5.the Ku Klux Klan(KKK)三K党

The KKK was first organized in 1866 and then reformed in 1867 after the Civil War in the South and by 1924 it claimed a membership of four to five million. It terrorized and attacked on not only blacks, but also progressives, Communist and socialist party members, etc.

6.the New Deal(罗斯福新政)

It was put forward by American President Roosevelt who wanted to do something to deal with the Great Depression at that time. It passed a lot of New Deal laws and set up some efficient social security systems. The New Deal helped to ―save American democracy‖ and to overcome the most serious economic crisis of the capitalist system up to that time.

The New Deal included the following contents:

(1) Establishment and strengthening of government regulation and control of banking, credit and currency systems, overcoming the

financial crisis and restriction of certain extreme practices of financial capital.

(2) Federal government management of relief and establishment of social security systems such as the formation of the Civilian

Conservation Corps and the setting-up of the Tennessee Valley Authority;

(3) Stimulation of the recovery of industry and agriculture;

(4) Formulation and implementation of federal labour laws to raise the role of labour in the relations of production;

(5) Improvement of the situation of minorities and members of certain religious groups.

(罗斯福新政的内容:理解+字头记忆:金蛇刺牢骚=一条金色的蛇在一堆螺丝里冬眠,突然给螺丝刺了一下,嘟嘟囔囔地发了顿牢骚,又睡着了。金=金融,整顿金融秩序;蛇=社=社会保障制度;刺=刺激=stimulation of the recovery of industry and agriculture; 牢=劳=劳工法;骚=少=少数民族;螺丝=罗斯福)


it was the American foreign policy in the early 1930s.it tried to keep the U.S out of the fighting that was going on in Europe and Asia.


1. On Feb 22,1946,George Kennan, a high-ranking official in the American embassy to Moscow, wrote in the telegram that the U.S.policy should be vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies. Later the containment policy became the official policy towards the Soviet Union.1946年2月22日,美国驻苏联大使乔治。凯南在他的电报中主张对苏联采取遏制政策。(想象:汤姆大叔[美国]用一个巨大的南[凯南]瓜把苏联困[containment]在里面!)

2. The open declaration of the containment policy was made by President Truman on March 12,1949 in a speech to the joint session of congress.1949年3月12日杜鲁门总统在国会联席会议上公开宣布了遏制政策。

3. In order to protect Western Europe from possible Soviet expansion, the U.S.decided to offer Western European countries 为了保护西欧不受苏联扩张影响,美国决定给予西欧国家经济支援,此举后来被称作―马歇尔计划。‖(汤姆大叔赶着成千上万的马,马不停蹄,不歇息,而是去西欧做经济支援。)

4. The North Atlantic Treaty, which was signed on April 4,1949,marked the beginning of U.S.efforts in setting up a military alliance around the Soviet Union and its allies.美国于1949年4月4日签订的北大西洋公约标志着美国开始致力于在苏联及其盟国周围建立军事同盟。(NATO=North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

5. When the Korean War broke out in June,1950,Truman sent the 7th Fleet to the Taiwan Straits to prevent the PLA from liberating Taiwan.1950年6月朝鲜战争爆发,美国杜鲁门政府第七舰队进驻台湾海峡,阻止中国人民解放军解放台湾。

6. The Montgomery boycott was led by Martin Luther King, Jr,a young black clergyman who later became a national leader of the Civil Rights movement.1955年的蒙哥马利联合抵制运动由小马丁。路德。金领导,他是一个黑人牧师,后来成为民权运动的全国领导人。

7. Since 1945 the United States had entered a twenty-five-year economic boom.The cornerstones were the automobile,housing,and defense industries.自1945年以来,美国经济进入了长达25年的繁荣期,经济繁荣的基本为汽车,住房和国防工业。

8. Between 1946 and 1961,more than 63.5 million babies were born in the U.S,making the baby-boom generation the largest by far in the American history.从1946年到1961年,是美国历史上的生育高峰期。


9. When the Cuban Missile Crisis happened in 1962,the president of American is Kennedy,the president of Russia is Khrushchev.1962年古巴导弹危机爆发时,美国在位总统为肯尼迪,苏联首领为赫鲁晓夫。


10. Richard Nixon ,who was elected on a platform of ending the Vietnam War, changed the strategy into ―Vietnamization‖ of the war building up South Vietnamese troops to replace American fighting force.里查德。尼克松以结束越战作为自己的竞选纲领,提出把战略改为战争越南化,即建立越南军队以其代替美国军队。

11. In the late 1960s and early 1970s the U.S began to look for a way to improve relations with China so as to get China’s help for its withdrawal from south Vietnam and to work with China against Soviet expansion.20世纪60年代末70年代初,美国改善对华关系的有两上:一是以便从越撤军时能得到中国的帮助,再是希望与中国合作联手对付苏联的扩张。

12. In February 1972,President Nixon visited China and met Mao Zedong and the two countries issued the Shanhai Communique.This visit ended twenty-three years of hostility and led to the establishment of diplomatic relations in January 1979.1972年2月尼克松与毛泽东会晤,双方签署了《上海联合公报》。(1972年尼克松骑[7]着一只美丽的天鹅[2],在泥地上的一棵松树[尼克松]上面与毛泽东签了《上海联合公报》)

13. From 1972 to 1979,the key problem that affected the progress in U.S.-China relations remained the Taiwan problem.1972-1979




Do people succeed by emphasizing their difference from others?

首先审题,理解成创新类别,也就是让各位考生写一个因为创新所以成功的故事。同笔者课上复习的这个题目很类似:Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? 怎么回答呢?结合5月考题,自然是需要创造力,因为有了能成功。


我给大家找了一篇满分作文,写的是失败到成功的故事,大家可以参考。 This past year, I was auditioning for the fall play, "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." To my detriment I thought it would be a good idea to watch the movie in order to prepare. For two hours I studied Elizabeth Taylor's mannerisms, attitude, and diction, hoping I could mimic her performance. (背景)

I auditioned for the part of “Maggie” feeling perfectly confident in my

portrayal of Elizabeth Taylor, however, I was unaware that my director saw exactly what I had been thinking. Unfortunately, I didn?t get the part, and my director told me that he needed to see “Maggie” from my perspective, not Elizabeth Taylor?s.(失败的记忆)

I learned from this experience, and promised myself I would not try to

imitate another actress, in order to create my character. (从失败中经验教训)

Persevering, I was anxious to audition for the winter play just two months later. The play was Neil Simon's "Rumors," and would get the opportunity to play "Chris," a sarcastic yet witty role, which would be my final performance in high school. In order to develop my character, I planned out her life just as I thought it should be, gave her the voice I thought was right, and the rest of her character unfolded beautifully from there. (准备过程)

My director told me after the first show that “Rumors” was the best work he?d ever seen from me, and that he was amazed at how I?d developed such a believable character. (成功)

实战演练:接下来我们来做一个工作,就着这个素材来写5月的题目。Do people succeed by emphasizing their difference from others?


例子思路:背景(参演学校话剧的演出)——为了成功,看Taylor 的演出,为了做到和她一模一样(点题)——失败——安排导演宣布失败理由(完全没有体现出自己的个性,要有不同)——痛定思痛——准备下一次演出——强调自己的个性(点出题目的difference),按照自己的方式给出这个觉得的声音包括表演方式——成功(安排导演讲出)


This past year, I was auditioning for the fall play, "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." To my detriment I thought it would be a good idea to watch a relevant movie starred by Elizabeth Taylor in order to prepare. For two hours I studied her mannerisms, attitude, and diction, hoping I could mimic her performance.

I auditioned for the part of “Maggie” feeling perfectly confident in my

portrayal of Elizabeth Taylor; however, I was unaware that my director saw exactly what I had been thinking. Unfortunately, I didn?t get the part, and my director told me that he needed to see “Maggie” from my perspective, not Elizabeth Taylor?s.

I learned from this experience, and promised myself I would not try to imitate another actress. Instead, it is imperative to find out my difference, namely, my unique way of acting, in playing a new role. (点题)

Persevering, I was anxious to audition for the winter play just two months later. The play was Neil Simon's "Rumors," and would get the opportunity to play "Chris," a sarcastic yet witty role, which would be my final performance in high school. In order to develop my own character, I placed emphasis on originality(点题), planning out her life just as I thought it should be, giving her the voice I thought was right; naturally, the rest of her character was unfolded beautifully from there. (准备过程)

Then I went for another try. (加强过渡)After the first show my director told me that “Rumors” was the best work he?d ever seen from me, and that he was amazed at how I?d developed such a believable and different(点题) character. (成功)


Do people make the greatest discoveries by exploring what is unfamiliar to them or by paying close attention to what seems familiar?

关于审题,这是一个难题。同学们在考场上需要从脑海里面把准备的例子迅速想一遍,看看哪个更适合此题目。由于限定了discovery, 笔者班上的同学们应该能快速想到伽利略或者哥白尼。前者做出了伟大的发现,比如两球下降的正确理论;后者发现了日心说。


还是给大家找一篇文章作为素材的参考,写作者是Lily 同学,去年6月考试作为是满分,习作的题目是is it necessary to question the authority?

Another story of Galileo is also a very typical one to explain the

importance of challenging the authority. It is known to us all that Aristotle is a great philosopher in ancient Greece and is widely regarded as the most erudite mind so far. His theories, as a result, are firmly believed by almost everyone in the Middle Age. (塑造权威)

However, Galileo, a talented physicist at that time, found one of Aristotle?s theories that the velocities of two falling weights are proportional to their weights incorrect through his thousands of experiments. (为什么挑战)

He finally decided to show his research results by doing an experiment on the Leaning Tower of Pisa in front of the public, which later turned out to be a blockbuster in the field of physics.

Galileo dropped two iron balls of different weights to the ground and

everybody present witnessed the historic moment that the two balls reached the ground at exactly the same time. (怎么挑战)

Galileo?s experiments and discoveries violently challenged that of Aristotle and started a revolutionary debate among scientists. More importantly, he corrected thousands of people?s wrong beliefs and contributed a lot to the modern physics. (挑战的结果)

实战运用:题目 Do people make the greatest discoveries by exploring

what is unfamiliar to them or by paying close attention to what seems familiar?




Another story of Galileo is also a very typical one to explain the

importance of exploring what is familiar to us. It is known to us all that Aristotle is a great philosopher in ancient Greece and is widely regarded as the most erudite mind so far. His theories, as a result, are firmly believed by almost everyone in the Middle Age. Among all these theories, one theory that the velocities of two falling weights are proportional to their weights enjoyed widespread familiarity among the public. (点题)(熟悉的东西是什么)

At that time, Galileo, an unknown scientist, was absorbed in books of Aristotle. However, instead of totally copying the thoughts of him, Galileo developed his own way of thinking and gave priority to the effect of

experimentation on science, doubting the feasibility of the widely known(点题)theory about the speed of falling objects. (伽利略研究熟悉的东西)

He finally decided to find out the truth by doing an experiment on the

Leaning Tower of Pisa in front of the public. During the experiment, Galileo dropped two iron balls of different weights to the ground and everybody

present witnessed the historic moment that the two balls reached the ground at exactly the same time. (伽利略挑战熟悉的理论)

That experiment witnessed the birth of one of the greatest discoveries in the field of science, namely, the theory that the velocities of two falling objects are not related to their weights. More important is the fact that this finding weakens the blind trust of the public toward the authority and paved the way for the widespread use of experimentation in testing the practicability of a theory.(营造这是伟大的发现)


回顾过去几场考试,可以发现college board 十分青睐挑战权威和提出新想法这个主题,既然如此青睐,各位参加6月考试的考生还是应该额外关注。其他类别包括物质类别,个人价值观判断等。 接下来给大家罗列一些重点话题,以供参考。


Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today?

参考思路:大家要注意today 这个措辞。此题适合准备个人例子。有了创造力,才能distinguish yourself from others, 不妨借鉴班上一个马来西亚同学说过一的学生会竞选的有趣故事。他说最后获胜者提出了很creative 的东西来吸引学生,比如:

1)(boarding school) shopping, once a month 一月安排一次集体购物,他们是寄宿学校。

2) (Single-sex education ) ball, invite the girls in the girls-school, 一周安排一次集体舞会,要求女校学生参加。这就是与众不同啊。


Is it more important to do work that one finds fulfiling or work that pays well?


开头段:Working for a well-paid job is more important. When one can get a considerable income, he can utilize this amount of wealth to do those things he finds fulfilling. The King of Steel, Andrew Carnegie, is one example that can prove the above point of view.

中间框架: 卡内基童年贫苦——只能读夜校——因此希望帮助更多人读上书——努力工作——内战买了钢的专利权——建了公司——赚了钱——实现梦想——投生教育事业。

参考:童年艰苦 Andrew Carnegie had an arduous childhood: as the age of 13, as an emigrant from Scotland to America, he squeezed in an incredibly tiny apartment with other immigrants. He struggled for his survival, finding a job in one factory after another. Having no access to welfare, to education and medical services, he was deprived of all basic rights.

营造童年梦想Living under this extreme poverty, Andrew Carnegie knew and understood so deeply about the torture within, and he developed a dream to provide a better live for the poor.

营造挣钱Andrew Carnegie took great notice of the business world and his sharp discernment paid him back. During the Civil War, Andrew Carnegie discovered the potential of steel industry and thus bought a patent of steel to operate his own company.

Over 20 thousand employees

A market share of 65%



Not all entrepreneurs(企业家) need co-founders, but many successful companies -- including Apple, eBay, and Twitter -- were built by multiple leaders with productive relationships.

There is a common trend: the most well-rounded pairs recognized their individual limitations and respected what the other could bring to a partnership. Many of these duos(二重奏 )have gone on to run some of the most successful businesses of our time.

艾默生通过与梭伦的合作,才把美国的浪漫主义推到巅峰(Emerson pushed the peakedness of Romanticism by cooperating with Thoreau) ,Ralph Emerson 在理论上提出了超验主义 Transcendentalism 那就是亲近自然(Ralph Emerson put the theory:Transcendentalism which means close to nature),在自然中与自然交流从而达到与自然交流的目的(to achieve the aim that communicating with nature in the natural environment)。他的好友梭伦接受的艾默生的超验主义观,在瓦尔登湖畔建立一个小木屋。在美国独立日那天搬进小木屋,住了2年2个月,生活在自然之中,生活在瓦尔登湖这片自然风景之中,用自己的脚步去丈量这每一寸土地,写出杰作瓦尔登湖。(his best friend Thoreau took action to experience Transcendentalism。 He built a small

wooden house near Walden Lake. Thoreau moved into it on the Independence Day and lived there for nearly two years. Use his footsteps to measure every inch of the land here.Therefore, he wrote Walden Lake) 就是因为艾默生理论上提出,而梭伦去践行超验主义,就是因为他们的共同努力,才有了美国浪漫主义的巅峰——超验主义的存在。(With the cooperation of Emerson and Thoreau, Transcenden(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)talism climbed the peak of America Romanticism 美国文学的不独立,写一下美国文学独立的一面。

It is not hard to find that the peakedness (巅峰)of Romanticism is the result of cooperation by Emerson and Thoreau. Ralph Emerson put forward the theory about Transcendentalism which means people should be close to nature. Human beings should attain the purpose by communicating with everything in nature. His friend Hey Thoreau accepted the viewpoint of Emerson. He built a small wooden house near Walden Lake and lived there. During the time in Walden Lake, he used his footsteps to measure every inch of the land and wrote the famous work Before 1960s, American literature still relied on the literature from Europe. For making breakthroughs in it, Emerson made cooperations with Thoreau and pushed the peakedness of Transcendentalism.

They set the Apple Company in 1976.

The two Steves became friends at a summer job in 1970. Woz was busy building a computer, and Steve Jobs saw the potential to sell it.

In a 2006 interview with the Seattle Times西雅图时报即可) And we did. He was thinking about how you build a company, maybe A master of analytics(分析学), Woz admits that he never once thought to sell his original computer model. That was all Jobs. Woz's technical skills paired with Jobs' business foresight makes the two an ultimate business match. And it is a relationship that has withstood(经得起) decades, fame(名声) and fortune. According to Woz, the two are still friends. They "talk every once in a while, and they have never had a real argument."

Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne 19century

Heroine: Hester Prynne

In this novel, Hester Prynne fornicate with the young vicar Arthur Dimmesdale. They had a daughter whose name is Pearl during the time that the husband of Hester Prynne disappeared. Time flies, Pearl became to realize that she was different from other common kids because she did

not have a father. Then, Pearl came back to ask her mother the reason. Hester Prynne decided to tell a white lie. She told her daughter," You are the gift which The God give me." Not only protected the pride of Pearl, but also kept secret that the fornicator is Author Dimmesdale. From this short story, we found that not all lies are evil. The white lies sometimes not hurt the surroundings or the people we cherish.


Author: Nahthaniel Hawthorne

父亲是位有名的船长,在航海中死亡(his father is a famous captain but died during the voyage)

他的祖先参与对政敌的迫害,因此他宣扬道德(his ancestors took part in

Works: Hester PrynneArthur DimmesdaleRoger ChillingworthPearl

(在胸上佩戴A字 Adult able angle

ArthurDimmesdale 内心备受煎熬,身体慢慢的胯下,最后承认了自己的错误,人最后进入了天堂

Roger Chillingworth 人只要诚实,哪怕到生命的最后一刻也会得到原谅。如果不诚实,即便诚实也会死去。)

Author: Mark Twain

Works: The Adventures of Huckle Berry Finn

两人在密西西比河The Mississippi River上乘着小木筏在河上漂流,到了夜晚的时候他们就把木筏在岸边一栓,到岸上来寻找东西吃,休息。有一次发现了一个小木屋,走进了小木屋,发现了一具尸体。尸体被蒙着,这时候Blackman 揭开死尸,发现是Huckle 的父亲,但是黑人告诉huckle是一个不相关的人,又随手蒙住了死尸。尽管黑人知道Huckle 的父亲对 Huckle 并不好,但是黑人为了避免让Huckle 伤心,还是说了谎,因此人是需要说谎的,为了保护自己的朋友不受伤害。

一架运输机(transport plane)在沙漠里遇到沙尘暴而迫降,但飞机已经严重损毁,无法恢复起飞,通讯设备也损坏,与外界通讯联络中断。9名乘客和1名驾驶员陷于绝望之中。求生的本能使他们为争夺有限的干粮和水而动起干戈。 紧急关头,一个临时搭乘飞机的乘客站了出来说:“大家不要惊慌,我是飞机设计师,只要大家齐心协力听我指挥,就可以修好飞机。”这好比一针强心剂,稳定了大家的情绪,他们自觉节省水和干粮;一切井然有序,大家团结起来和风沙困难作斗争。 十几天过去了,飞机并没有修好;但有一队往返沙漠里的商人驼队经过这里,搭救了他们。几天后,人们才发现,那个临时乘客根本就不是什么飞机设计师,他是一个对飞机一无所知的小学教师。有人知道真相后就骂他是个骗子,愤怒地责问他:“大家命都快保不住了,你居然还忍心欺骗我们?”小学教师说:“假如我当时不撒谎,大家能活到现在么?”

Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne

Works: Rapaccini's Daughter
