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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 10:20:51 字数作文





Number of people in City X travelling

abroad in 1996, 2001 and 2006

2. 结合漫画,谈谈境外旅游出现的问题;

spit v.

When people’s life is getting better and better, more and more people choose to spend their holidays abroad. The year 2006 sees a sharp increase in the number of overseas travelers compared with the year 2001, when the number was already more than doubled of the year 1996. It’s a good thing that Chinese tourism is developing very fast. And yet, reports about people’s bad manners flood in. Some are even asked if all Chinese spit and litter everywhere. The poor behavior has done great harm to the image of China, which is really shameful.

China has long been regarded as a country with good manners. Everybody should keep some do’s and don’ts in their mind to guide their behavior in public, home and abroad. Win respect for yourself and our country!





Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities.

One possible version:

Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities. Some students think it’s a good idea to keep pets because old people who live alone at home can get some comfort from pets.. Besides, getting along well with animals will make our life interesting. On the contrary, the other students are against the idea. In their opinion, if too many people keep pets at home, it is bad for the environment. What is worse, pets may make too much noise and even attack people.

I like animals, so I don’t think it is bad to keep pets at home. But we must take some measures to prevent them from polluting our environment.



要求:1. 表达连贯,逻辑正确。2. 字数100-120 参考词汇:情人节:Valentine’s Day

Western holidays such as Christmas, Valentine’s Day and ect. are getting more and more popular in China. Some Chinese people even get crazy on them. But at the same time, people seem to have less enthusiasm for our traditional festivals such as the Spring Festival and the Mooncake Festival. However, most people celebrate western holidays without knowing the meaning behind them. They just go shopping, hold parties and have fun.

In my opinion, the celebration of western holiday is a good way of learning the western cultures, which helps to promote understanding and communication between Chinese cultures

and other cultures. Besides, the celebration can also make our life more interesting. However,

we should make great efforts to preserve and eich our own traditional culture.






3.参考词汇:陪读 accompany sb. Studying at school督促 urge

Dear editor,

I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we recently had about whether our parents should accompany us studying at school.

Dear editor,

I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we recently had about whether our parents should accompany us studying at school.

We do have different opinions on this matter. Most of us (about 70%) think out parents should not accompany us studying at school since it make us fall into the habit of dependence, so that we won’t form the good habit of studying. What’s more, it is harmful for us to form the habit of controlling ourselves. At the same time it affects our parents’ work studies and rest.

Whil(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)e about 30% of my classmates think it necessary for our parents to accompany us studying at school. Accompanying

us studying school can let us have more time to spare for our studies. Besides, we shall be more healthy for their cooking. On the other hand our parents can help us set up our aim, urge us to finish our task, encourage us to overcome difficulties and get us into the good habit of studying.

Yours truly,

Li Hua


假如你是王林, 李明是你的好友, 他对布朗先生的公司感兴趣,打算到该公司谋职(apply for a position)。请根据下面李明的简历表,用英语为他写一封推荐信。

I’d like to introduce my friend to you, Mr. Li Ming, who is going to apply for a position with your firm. He graduated from college three years ago and since then he has worked as a lawyer. He is good at English and knows some Japanese and German. He works hard and is careful in everything he does. He is honest, kind and easy to get on with. He was born on August 21st, 1980 in Qidong, Jiangsu Province, China. He is married and lives at No 148 Renmin Road, Qidong city. His telephone number is 0513-83335550. He shows great interest in your firm. If he is accepted, he will do his best. I’m sure he will be fit for the position. I’m looking forward to your early reply.


Wang Lin



1. 学习时间; 2. 安全; 3. 自由性; 4. 与同学交往; 5. 学习效果。


Nowadays, some students would not like to live in a dorm. Instead, they rent houses outside the school. There are advantages for both. Living in a dorm can increase friendship and cooperation between classmates. And of cause it is safer. A dorm is more like a society, wich enables students to learn to a-dapt to each other, thus preparing for the social life later. As for renting houses to live alone, it’s better for study as you can feel free in your own room without being interrupted by others. As a result, you can have more time and devote yourself to studying whole-heartedly. But there may appear some safety prob-lems as you live outside of the school.

Anyhow, as a student, I prefer living in a dorm.



January 26th , 2007

Hi ! It’s Li Ming here .

Glad to learn you’re coming to Beijing , China .

I believe we will have much fun together .



January 26th, 2007

Hi! It’s Li Ming here again.

Glad to learn you’re coming to Beijing in a couple of days. My family and I are looking forward to your visit and we are so glad you can stay with us while you are in Beijing. We have got everything ready for you so as to make you feel at home.

On the day you arrive, my father and I will meet you at the airport and in the evening we will have a nice dinner party at home, I’m sure you will like all the delicious Chinese food.

During the following days, I will show you around many places of interest in Beijing, including the Great Wall, which is regarded as one of the seven wonders of the world. We will spend some time touring around downtown Beijing, such as Wangfujing, Xidan and Qianmen, where you can do some shopping if you like. Of course, as it is the largest one in the world, Tian’anmen Square is a scenic spot we can’t miss. Another exciting moment we will share is going to the 2007 New Year Concert given by China National Traditional Orchestra, which is held at famous Vienna Golden Hall, Austria during the Chinese Spring Festival every year.

The Spring festival, like the carnivals in western countries, is a special joyous/joyful occasion of celebration for Chinese as well as other many Asians. If you can stay in Beijing long enough, you will be able to share the pleasure of it with us.

I believe we will have much fun together. WELL, SEE YA SON, BYR!


目前,许多学校对学生采取封闭式管理,学生对此看法不一。请根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇短文,谈谈自己的看法。(字数注意:1.Nowadays a lot o1[ schools keep their students in school all day long.


Nowdays a lot of schools keep their students in school all day long.Students have different opinions about it. Some of the students think they enjoy less freedom and have little chance to get in touch with society.They are not able to fully develop their interests and hobbies. Therefore, they have lst interest in their studies.

Some others think school is the best place to get knowledge so they should put their heart into their lessons. Some students lack the ability to control themselves.Once out of school, they may lose control of themselves and do something that will influence/affect their studies.

Personally I think, it is necessary to keep students at school.But at the same time schools should organize various activities so that students can enjoy their school life.(I don’t agree to keep students at school all day. Schools should offer students more free time to develop their personal interests.


来自你市的中学生小记者最近进行了一次采访活动。请根据下面表格中的内容为你校的英语园地写一篇报道。 Li Ming


2、参考词汇:经济开发区the Economic Development Zone;小记者teenage report;投资investment;数码digital;录音笔recording pen;

Forty teenage reporters from different middle schools in our city paid a visit to the Economic Development Zone and had an interview with Wang Qinghai, head of the Zone, on January 15th, 2007.

At the interview, the reporters asked Mr Wang about what achievements they made last year, how they were to attract more investment and how the zone would be developing over the next three years. Mr Wang gave them satisfactory answers.

They used modern equipment, such as digital cameras and recording pens besides pens and note-books at the interview. They were deeply impressed by the first-class design of the zone, as well as beautiful trees and grass and modern buildings there.



参考词汇:取消cancel折扣 discount要求:词数100左右;可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。注意:信的开头与结尾已给出。

Dear Sir / Madam

My family are planning a visit to Hong Kong Disneyland this winter vacation. I’ve got some information about the ticket prices on the Internet and now I’m writing for some detailed information.

I wonder whether children under 3 need to pay for a ticket and what is the difference between a peak day ticket and a special day ticket. Is it possible for us to get a discount if we buy tickets as a group? Can we book tickets through the Internet?



1. 假如你叫李华,昨天在报纸上读到一篇有关拯救老虎的报道,联想到近日来看见有人偷卖老虎皮,你感到很忧虑。因此,请你根据下列要点给某报的编辑写了一封信,反映这一情况。

⑴ 老虎是国家保护动物,目前数量日趋减少,只有四百只左右。 ⑵ 原因:森林的大量砍伐,有人为了赚钱,捕杀老虎,破坏了老虎生存的环境。

⑶ 我们有责任保护野生动物。

⑷ 希望大家一起努力,创造一个人类和动物生存的幸福家园。

Dear Editor,

Yesterday I read a report about how to protect tigers in a newspaper. Now I want to tell you something about wild animals. There are a lot of wild animals living on the same earth with us. They are our friends and neighbours. One of them is the tiger. Now the number of them is becoming smaller and smaller. Only about 400 tigers are alive. One reason is that the people cut down many trees and they have nowhere to live. Second, someone killed the tigers and sold their skins to make money. They must be punished(受到惩罚). I think it is our duty to protect the wild animals. Let’s try our best to make a happy home for human beings(人类) and animals.

2. 假如你所在的八(1)班于10月10日星期天将去参观北京动物园,请你以口头的方式向你班上的同学宣读一个通知。


Attention, please, boys and girls. I have a piece of good news to tell you. All the students in our class will go to visit Beijing Zoo on Sunday, October 10.

Beijing Zoo has a history of more than 100 years. It is one of the biggest zoos in the world. We will meet at 7:00 at the school gate on October 10, and we will go there by bus. Please take your lunch and drinks with you. Besides, wear strong shoes because we shall walk a long way. That’s all. Thank you.

3. 假如你是李峰, 是一名八年级学生, 你的学校最近建立了一个保护野生动物俱乐部――Friend of Nature。请你写一封申请信,要求加入俱乐部。要点如下:

⑴ 你想成为俱乐部的成员。⑵ 你的身份、兴趣和爱好。⑶ 你对野生动物的热爱以及对保护它们的重要性的认识。

⑷ 每个星期天上午9点到10点可以参加俱乐部活动。联系方式:(电话号码或邮件地址)。

Dear sir/madam,

I am a student at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. I would like to become a member of Friend of Nature because I enjoy the beauty of nature and like wildlife a lot. I am interested in reading about wildlife and I quite understand the important of protecting wildlife. I want to do something to help wildlife and protect the nature. I can come to club activities from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. every Sunday.

I will be very happy if I can become a member of your club. You can call me on 010-63880945 or e-mail me at Li Feng@sina.com.cn.

Yours, Li Feng

4. 保护环境,人人有责,请根据英文提示,展开联想,写一篇不少于60词的短文 要求:必须把所给英文提示全用上。

⑴ Beijing, beautiful, modern, city

⑵ There be, tall building, clean street, everywhere, Beijing

⑶ environment, plant, as many, flower and tree, as possible

⑷ throw waste, here and there, because, every one of us, hope, a wonderful environment

Beijing is a beautiful modern city. There are a lot of tall buildings and clean streets everywhere. We should keep our environment clean, plant as many flowers and trees as possible and protect them. We shouldn’t throw waste here and there because every one of us hopes that we can live in a wonderful environment.

5. 结合你所经历的一次自然灾害写一篇短文,提示内容如下:

去年6月25日,一场暴雨袭击了我的家乡。我在学校上课,因为雨大,李老师让我们早点回家。在回家的路上,我看见许多人在车站等车。一阵大风吹跑了我的雨伞……。 大雨下了一夜,第二天……。

A strong rainstorm hit my home town. It happened on June 25th last year. I was at school. Because it rained heavily, Mr Li asked us to go home early. On my way home, I saw many people waiting for the bus at the station. A strong wind blew away my umbrella. I nearly fell down. When I got home, I was all wet. It rained for the whole night. On the second day, the rainwater was everywhere. The traffic was very bad because of the rainstorm. We were all late for school.

6. 假如你是Sandy,请你根据下面要点写一篇70词左右的报道 ⑴ 8月14日(星期六)发生了一次山崩(landslide)。

⑵ 连续两天大雨后,山崩发生在早晨。

⑶ 那天有个女孩与她母亲在家,父亲在下午到家,并叫她们赶快离开 ⑷ 雨大,父亲劝告她们带好雨伞。

⑸ 这时房子开始摇晃,人们非常害怕,迅速跑开了。

⑹ 第二天上午回家时,女孩发现房子没有了,到处是玻璃和砖块,女孩感到很悲伤。

There was a landslide on Saturday, 14th August. After two days of heavy rain, the landslide happened in the morning.

A girl was at home with her Mum that day. Her Dad came home in the afternoon and told them to leave the flat. Because of the heavy rain, he advised them to bring umbrellas. They got out quickly.

Suddenly the building started shaking. People were frightened and ran away quickly. The weather was really terrible. The following morning, they went back home. The girl found there was no house at all. There were only pieces of glass and bricks everywhere. The girl felt very sad.

7. Tiger are in danger(unit5)

Tigers are big and strong. They have orange fur and dark strips. They are beautiful. Tigers can run very fast. They are good hunting other animals

Tigers live as a family until the baby tigers are two to three years old. They eat other animals Now tigers are in danger because hunters are hunting them for their fur and bones. We should do something to help them.

8. Elephants are in danger (unit5)

Elephants are big and strong. They are grey and have long trunks and tusks. Elephants have poor eyesight, but very good hearing and sense of smell. They can lift heavy thing and break down branches with their trunks

Elephants are very friendly towards each other and towards their neighbors. Normally, they live for many years in a group called a herd. Young male

elephants leave the herd after they are about 12 years old. Elephants eat grass, leaves and fruits.

Sadly, there are very few elephants left in the world. Their numbers are decreasing because the land where they lives is used for farming. Also, people hunt them for their tusks .We must stop this. If we don’t take any action, there will be no elephants left in the world.

9. A visit to Hongshan Zoo (Unit5)

Last weekend I went to Hongshan Zoo to see giant pandas there. Pandas wear black and white fur. They look very lovely. They like eating bamboo. But when I was in the zoo, some people fed the pandas bad food like potato chips. Other even threw stones at them. I don’t think they are friendly to pandas. It is impolite to treat animals like that. Animals are our friends. We should treat animals kindly. It is important to protect animals because protecting animals is just protecting ourselves.

10.My Favorite Season (unit7)

As we all know, there are dour seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. For me, I like spring and summer best

Spring is the best season of the year. It is a perfect time us children to fly a kite. Bees and butterflies fly and dance among flowers. The weather is warmer than before. Everything begins to grow. Trees and grass turn green. And flowers come out. Summer is very hot, but we can go swimming in the river. WE can eat ice cream to feel cool. We can also sit under the shade of the trees.

People often have sweet memories of summer days. In a word, Spring and





1.下列词语中加点字的注音有错误的一组是( ) ...

A.敕造(chì)放诞(dàn)舟楫(jí) 笑靥(ya) ....

B.间或(jiàn) 拓本(tà)新正(zhēnɡ) 搭讪(shàn) ....C.猿猱(náo) 贾人(jiǎ) 宵柝(tu?)跬步(wā) ....D.默契(qì)广袤(mào) 纤细(xiān) 畏葸(xǐ) ....2.下列词语中有错别字的一组是( ) ....

A.偏僻 纨绔 谬种 不经之谈

B.俨然 驯熟 渣滓 少不更事 C.吞噬 蹂躏 潦倒 沸反盈天 D.悚然 孝悌 反馈 穿流不息

3.下列语句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( )


B.中国古代的称谓语丰富多样,名目繁杂,有谦称、敬称、雅称、俗称、婉称、绰号等等,可谓琳琅满目。 ....C.马克思在他所研究的每一个领域,都有独到发现,这样的领域很多,而且其中任何一个领域他都不是浅尝辄止。 ....

D.在动物身上,无论从形态结构、生理过程,还是行为方面去分析,尽可能节省能量的例子比.比皆是。 ...

4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是( )


B. 食品安全问题已经成为大家普遍关注的问题,许多不法商贩不时碰撞着道德和法律的底线,其目的无非是为了达到赚取更多不义之财的目标。


D.为了更好地调动教师的积极性,我们一定要做好考核教师的教学成绩,对于贡献突出和甘于奉献的教师要给予适当的物质奖励。 5.语言运用得体的一项是()


二 文言文阅读




贾生既辞往行,闻长沙卑湿,自以寿不得长,又以谪去,意不自得。及渡湘水,为赋以吊屈原。 贾生为长沙王太傅三年,贾生既以适居长沙,长沙卑湿,自以为寿不得长,伤悼之,乃为赋以自广。后岁余,贾生徵见。孝文帝方受厘,坐宣室。上因感鬼神事,而问鬼神之本。贾生因具道所以然之状。至夜半,文帝前席。既罢,曰:?吾久不见贾生,自以为过之,今不及也。?居顷之,拜贾生为梁怀王太傅。梁怀王,文帝之少子,爱,而好书,故令贾生傅之。




6、下列加点字的解释有误的一项是() A、而贾嘉最好学,世其家,与余通书。嘉:赞许。 .B、绛、灌、东阳侯、冯敬之属尽害之,乃短贾生曰:短:短处 .C、自以为寿不得长,伤悼之。悼:悲伤。 .

D、色尚黄,数用五,为官名,悉更秦之法;更:改变。 .7下列各组句子中,加点词的意义和用法相同的一项是() A、 贾生尽为之对。 谁为大王为此计者。 ..B、绛、灌、东阳侯、冯敬之属尽害之填然鼓之 ..C、乃为赋以自广今其智乃反不能及 ..

D、为赋以吊屈原 尝以十倍之地 ..

8下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是( )



A. 我们家家教很严,令尊常常告诫我们,到社会上要清清白白做人。 ..B. 听说贵公司在经营方面存在困难,你们如需要指点的话,我们将不吝赐教。

C. 鲁迅先生不幸逝世,噩耗传来,举国震悼。




9 把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。

(1)于是天子后亦疏之,不用其议,乃以贾生为长沙王太傅。(3分) (2)自以寿不得长,又以谪去,意不自得。(3分)

(3)梁怀王,文帝之少子,爱,而好书,故令贾生傅之。(4分) 10下列各句断句不正确的一项是( )

A、李太白初自蜀至京师/舍于逆旅/贺监知章闻其名/首访之/既奇其姿/复请所为文。 B、圣人知其然/因其言经之/以六义纬之/以五音。




三、古代诗歌鉴赏和古诗文默写 (14分)


玉楼春 欧阳修

洛阳正值芳菲节,秾艳清香相间发。游丝有意苦相萦,垂柳无端争赠别。 杏花红处青山缺,山畔行人山下歇。今宵谁肯远相随,惟有寂寥孤馆月。 [注]游丝:蛛丝


(2)诗的最后两句选用了怎样的意象?表达了作用什么样的心情?(4分) 12.古诗文默写(6分) (1)、西荡太白有鸟道,。 (2)、,不尽长江滚滚来。 (3)、兵刃既接, 。 (4)、,则知明而行无过矣。 (5)、履至尊而制六合 , 。



苍蝇有着顽强的生命力,2 000多年前的希腊人说,苍蝇被切去了头,还能生活好长时间。繁殖则是苍蝇最擅长的事情。如果一对家蝇和它们的后代不受打扰,仅仅6个月,最终呈现在你眼


前的会是19 100亿只苍蝇。苍蝇携带着肮脏的细菌,人们试尽了各种办法与这种受诅咒的飞虫对抗,然而无论人们用什么办法都无法彻底消灭苍蝇。它们总能躲过人们笨拙的攻击。科学家花费了多年时间才发现,没有什么东西能像苍蝇一样地飞行,苍蝇会直飞向前;能够进行高精度的盘旋,表演快速转弯;可以在空中战斗,比最好的F14战斗机做得还要完美。这种出色的控制能力取决于苍蝇背后的一对被称为平衡棒的短而粗的翅膀。这两个鼓槌形的小东西起到定位仪的作用,可以让所有的苍蝇表演令人惊叹的特技飞行。

苍蝇还有许多让我们惊叹的本领。 在白光环境下,苍蝇的视觉速度,至少是人眼的5倍~6倍。苍蝇也许看不到非常细小的东西,但是却十分擅长定位运动。苍蝇处理突发事件的能力非常完美,它们的视觉反应也许是现在已知的动物界中速度最快的,它们察觉光线变化的速度要比我们人类快约10倍。苍蝇眼中的场景就好像我们看到的慢动作,这无疑对于它们来说是一种性命攸关的求生能力。我们和苍蝇共享同一个物理空间,却站在不同的时间轴上。







13.下列不属于“无论人们用什么办法都无法彻底消灭苍蝇”的原因的一项是( )





14.根据原文有关信息,下列分析或推断正确的一项是( )




D.为了更好地利用苍蝇为人类服务,科学家通过高速摄影破解其逃生秘密,发现苍蝇遇险时懂得翅膀和脚并用来逃生。 15.“苍蝇能够成为人类的朋友”,结合原文分条概括苍蝇能成为“人类朋友”的理由。(4分)









行着复杂的思考。照理说那是鲁迅名声正盛的时期,这样的思考让人意外。在另一封信里,鲁迅又进一步谈到心怀感激对人的束缚:?我有时很想冒险,破坏,几乎忍不住,而我有一个母亲,还有些爱我,愿我平安,我因为感激他的爱,只能不照自己所愿意做的做,而在北京寻一点糊口的小生计,度灰色的生涯。因为感激别人,就不能不慰安别人,也往往牺牲了自己,——至少是一部分。?写于1925年3月的《过客》,就是要表达这样一种一方面听到远方的召唤,一方面又面对感激时的矛盾心境。 正是因为拥有这样一种郑重的感激之情,才使得鲁迅心灵的温暖时时让人感知。他不愿沉溺于其中,但又不能绝然而弃,因为时时怀着一颗爱心,这爱心又对自己前行的脚步形成阻滞。现实的战斗要求他勇敢前行,个人的并不那么显眼的?感激?之情又让他无法真正做到勇猛。这样一种矛盾与冲突,使鲁迅的思想拥有别样的风采。他对社会、民族、历史的思考同个人的生存、发展,家庭的平安、温暖纠结在一起,鲁迅的思想也因此常常超越?时事?层面,引向更深的人生哲学的思考。也正是在这一点上,他的思想同陀斯妥耶夫斯基、克尔凯戈尔等人的存在主义哲学形成某种暗合。




17阅读全文,请简要回答“柔性的鲁迅”的“柔性”表现在哪里?目的何在?(6分) 18作者在文章中为何浓墨重彩地写鲁迅先生对“感激”的看法与认识?(4分) 19联系学过的知识,就文中对鲁迅先生的认识,谈谈自己的看法。(6分)






