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2.结尾此致敬礼注意格式,还有申请人:XX 日期具体到年月日(第一份为入学时间,第二份为最近时间)。


1.思想汇报. 要求:共10份, 每份至少1500字.时间从推优开始到转为预备党员,即2013.12月至2014.12月.思想汇报内容主要是重培这一年期间的经历及感想,任选十月,最好是寒暑假各一篇,这样刚好十个月。










4.结尾。本人署名和注明日期。(一般居右书写姓名,下一行写日期“年月日”) 慎重填写,不确定格式的先空着。

写自传应注意的问题 :?实事求是。如实写出自己的经历,实事求是的评价自己。对优缺点不夸大,不缩小,不编造不隐匿;时间、地点写清楚;重要事件要有证明人。








一、剑走偏锋 统一润滑油高端突围

案例主体: 北京统一石化有限公司

市场地位: 市场赶超者

市场意义: "多一些润滑,少一些摩擦”的成功有其历史背景的偶然性,但从统一调整自己的市场定位及产品结构这一“蓄谋已久”的战略来看,它又是必然的。高端市场,本土企业心中的痛,统一有广泛的示范意义。

市场效果: 2003年1月至6月,统一SG以上级别的润滑油销售量占企业全部产品的40%,上年同期只有14%;SF以下级别润滑油的销售从上年同期的23%降至15%。统一润滑油2003年实现销售12亿元的目标已经完成,今年的目标锁定为20亿元。

案例背景: 2002年,中国汽车保有量超过2100万辆,而在未来五年内,中国汽车保有量将达到5000万辆,车用润滑油品的需求量剧增。在需求量逐年上升的同时,用油档次也将实现跨越式发展。到2005年,高端用油占整个车用油的比重将上升到48%左右。 而中国现在有4500家润滑油工厂,这些润滑油厂的产品级别非常低,生产的产品以中端和低端为主,很少有高端产品,国内4500家润滑油厂生产的高端用油总销量只占目前高端市场的20%。其它80%高端市场都被美孚、壳牌等国外品牌所占据。排名在前五名的品牌在高端市场份额也不过占2%到5%。在这种市场环境中,突破高端,成为国产润滑油能否在明天立足的关键。




2003年3月-7月,统一推出了与当代世界先进水平同步的若干系列高档润滑油产品。 2003年3月21日伊拉克战争爆发,统一润滑油抓住中央电视台所进行的前所未有的大规模直播报道的机会,迅速出击,推出"多一些润滑,少一些摩擦"的经典广告,形成了空前的品牌影响力,也为统一润滑油带来了优秀的销售成绩。






一、定位调整 热推高档系列产品



二、品牌策略调整 大手笔央视投放







三、经典创意 高端形象完美确立

2003年3月21日,伊拉克战争爆发,中央电视台进行了前所未有的大规模直播报道。统一润滑油迅速做出了反应,在战争开始的当天,停掉了正热播的“众人片”,而改为播放一则五秒的广告片。广告片没有任何画面,只有一行字并配以雄浑的画外音:“多一些润滑,少一些摩擦”。 这则广告紧贴在《伊拉克战争报道》之后,和新闻浑然一体,非常有震憾力。这则广告的妙处就在于既准确地诉求了 “多一些润滑”的产品特点,又一语双关道出了“少一些摩擦”的和平呼声,含蓄、隽永,耐人寻味。





四.竞争加剧 统一任重道远

虽然统一先于竞争对手一步,建立了品牌优势,但却未树立起品牌壁垒。在统一投放央视广告以后,其它品牌润滑油马上跟进,迅速加大了品牌宣传的力度,如昆仑润滑油在2003年就以?? 万中标央视。这些竞争对手实力雄厚,而且已与一些专业咨询公司展开合作,只要它们加大广告投放力度,超过统一不是难事。而另一方面,市场上的润滑油品牌多,名称、包装相近的产品更多。一个新包装面世一个月就有仿造品跟着上市。遇见这种"孪生兄弟",普通消费者往往以为是一家人。这对品牌的伤害是显而易见的,因此,统一的品牌保护工作需要加强。




二、精确细分 动感地带赢得新一代

案例主体: 中国移动通信公司

市场地位: 市场霸主

市场意义: 凭借其品牌战略和市场细分战略,将中国电信市场从资源竞争带入了营销竞争时代。

市场效果: 动感地带的用户已远远超出一千万,并成为移动通信中预付费用户的主流。 案例背景: 中国移动作为国内专注于移动通信发展的通信运营公司,曾成功推出了“全球通”、“神州行”两大子品牌,成为中国移动通信领域的市场霸主。但市场的进一步饱和、联通的反击、小灵通的搅局,使中国移动通信市场弥漫着价格战的狼烟,如何吸引更多的客户资源、提升客户品牌忠诚度、充分挖掘客户的价值,成为运营商成功突围的关键。 作为霸主,中移动如何保持自己的市场优势?





2003年9月—12月,中国移动在全国举办 "2003动感地带M-ZONE中国大学生街舞挑战赛",携600万大学生掀起街舞狂潮;

2003年9月, 中国移动通信集团公司的M-Zone网上活动作品在新加坡举办的著名亚洲直效行销大会(DM Asia)上,获得本届大会授予的最高荣誉--"最佳互动行销活动"金奖,同时囊括了"最佳美术指导"银奖及最佳活动奖;


2003年12月,中国移动以“动感地带”品牌全力赞助由Channel [V]联袂中央电视台、上海文化广播新闻传媒集团主办的"未来音乐国度--U and Me!第十届全球华语音乐榜中榜"评选活动。




一. 精确的市场细分,圈住消费新生代





1、 从目前的市场状况来看,抓住新增主流消费群体:15岁—25岁年龄段的目标人群正是目前预付费用户的重要组成部分,而预付费用户已经越来越成为中国移动新增用户的主流,中国移动每月新增的预付卡用户都是当月新增签约用户的10倍左右,抓住这部分年轻客户,也就抓住了目前移动通信市场大多数的新增用户。

2、 从长期的市场战略来看,培育明日高端客户:以大学生和公司白领为主的年轻用户,对移动数据业务的潜在需求大,且购买力会不断增长,有效锁住此部分消费群体,三五年以后将从低端客户慢慢变成高端客户,企业便为在未来竞争中占有优势埋下了伏笔,逐步培育市场。

3、 从移动的品牌策略来看,形成市场全面覆盖:全球通定位高端市场,针对商务、成功人士,提供针对性的移动办公、商务服务功能;神州行满足中低市场普通客户通话需要;“动感地带”有效锁住大学生和公司白领为主的时尚用户,推出语音与数据套餐服务,全面出击移动通信市场,牵制住了竞争对手,形成预置性威胁。

二、独特的品牌策略 另类情感演绎品牌新境界



1、 动感的品牌名称:“动感地带”突破了传统品牌名称的正、稳,以奇、特彰显,充满现代的冲击感、亲和力,同时整套VI系统简洁有力,易传播,易记忆,富有冲击力;

2、 独特的品牌个性:“动感地带”被赋予了“时尚、好玩、探索”的品牌个性,同时提供消费群以娱乐、休闲、交流为主的内容及灵活多变的资费形式;

3、 炫酷的品牌语言:富有叛逆的广告标语“我的地盘,听我的”,及“用新奇喧泄快乐”、 "动感地带(M-ZONE),年轻人的通讯自治区!”等流行时尚语言配合创意的广告形象,将追求独立、个性、更酷的目标消费群体的心理感受描绘得淋漓尽致,与目标消费群体产生情感共鸣;

4、 犀利的明星代言:周杰伦,以阳光、健康的形象,同时有点放荡不羁的行为,成为流行中的“酷”明星,在年轻一族中极具号召力和影响力,与动感地带"时尚、好玩、探索"的品牌特性非常契合。可以更好地回应和传达动感地带的品牌内涵,从而形成年轻人特有的品牌文化;


三、整合的营销传播 以体验之旅形成市场互动


1、 传播立体轰炸:选择目标群体关注的报媒、电视、网络、户外、杂志、活动等,将动感地带的品牌形象、品牌主张、资费套餐等迅速传达给目标消费群体;

2、 活动以点代面:从新闻发布会携手小天王、小天王个人演唱会到600万大学生“街舞”互动、结盟麦当劳、冠名赞助“第十届全球华语音乐榜中榜”评选活动,形成全国市场的


105 t1 A

The chart shows the status of government finance in four countries, England America, Kenya, D, and it classifies the expenditure in four part, including Education, Defense, Health, and other.

The common ground of four countries is expenditure in other accounts for the primary part, which all are close to seventy per cent. The cost in health is also similar in four countries. From the chart we could know that the invest in health in these countries holds ten per cent in all government expenditure equally, except in England, the health expenditure of which is about fifteen per cent. The differences are in the part of the cost in Education and Defense. In England and America, the governments pay more attention to the defense. Respectively, there are ten per cent in the full cost in England and fifteen in America. On the other hand, In Kenya and D, more expending is used in Education, the cost of which is about fifteen per cent. The cost in Defense in both countries is a little.

verson 105 task 1,请大家来评能得几分

The above four pie charts show the expenditure condition in four countries, Korea, America, Britain, and Kenya during 1990-1995. It infects the great difference that exists between wealthier and poorer nations.

As we can see from the pie charts, American and British people tend to spend more money on defense and health. The proportion of health in America and Britain, which occupied/took up/comprised 15% and 17% respectively, was higher than the other two countries. The proportion of defend was over 20%, particularly in America up to 21%. The corresponding figures for Kenya and Korea were 4% and 5% each.

The noticeable character of expenditure in Korea and Kenya was higher expense proportion on education. There are 16% and 12% of the total expenditure used by them on education. These figures were overwhelmingly higher than the corresponding figure of 6% in America and 5% in Britain. These four countries have similar condition in the expenditure aspect of education, defend and health, which was about 70% of the overall outgoings.

A 106 task 1

The following charts describe the situation of patent application. Chart 1 is about trends of patent application form 1985 to 1999. Chart 2 shows the proportion relevant to residents and non-residents in USA, Japan, Brazil and Zabya.

In Chart 1, the column figures illustrates the number of native people in USA is about 90000, while the non-native figure is 85000. Though the total number is much than the situation of Japan, there are 140000 native people applied for patent in this country. However, only 30000 applications are about non-residents. At the same time, Brazil only contains native application and Zabya only have non-native application.

Regarding Chart 2, the line graph shows an increasing trend of patent application. From 1981 to 1995, the figure climbed steady with some slight fluctuation. However, after 1995, this increasing tr

end began to ascend dramatically from 3 million applications to almost 7 applications.

From the charts, in developed countries such as Japan and USA, the number of patent application cases is numerous, while developing countries have low figures. The patent applications improve rapidly recently.

108 task 1

The following curved chart show the situation concerning the costs of videos sales and rentals trade in EU and US from 1992 to 2000. The abscissa of the chart represents the value of each element, and the ordinate figures the time during 8 years.

In rental trade, there are dramatically different between the situation of US and EU. in 1992, there are almost

$6000 profits in US. However, the trade in EU only generalized $2500 at the same time. Then the trend kept climbing in following year though there were still some little drops in US, while EU got the decrease from $ 2500 to $1500.

Regarding the situation of sales trade, there were very close figures in 1992 respectively $2000 in US and $1800 in EU. Then the data in US had ascended without any fall in the period. Simultaneously, after a series fluctuations, the data in EU dropped to $1000 in 2000.

From the chart, the value about videos sales and rental in US is much than EU. Rentals are popular in US during this stage, while sales were developing very fast. Both rental and sales in EU kept drop from 1992 to 2000.

109 TASK 1Life-span is known as a matter of great concern for the general public in our society from ancient time to now. According to the above table we can obtain some information about the life-span from 1911 to 2001 in the UK.

In 1911, only 73 men and 100 women were 100 or more 100 years old. However, in 1941, the number of people who can reach to 100 years old increased to 449 that includes 132 males and 317 females. Then, the number reached to 2332 in 1971 which contains 287 males and 2035 females. In 2001, the number of males is about 536 while approximately 4085 are females Another important phenomenon is that in 2001 the number of females increased 40 times than the males’ number in 1911 while males only went up about 7 times .

Judging by the figures, we are fully justified in declaring that with the development of the science and technology, the people’s life-span is increasing slowly and most of them are women.

110 task 1

The first bar chart show that the goals of the learners could change with their age, under 26 about 90% people start for their careers. While only about 10% are just for their interests. However when people are over 49, over 70% people are for their own interest, comparing with less t(转 载于:wWw.zW2.cn 爱作文 网)han 40% for careers. This is an interesting situation. Companying with the increase of age, from under 26 to above 49, the percentage of the people studying for careers is decreasing gradually, from 90% to 40%. By contrast more and more people study for interest from about 10% up to about 75%, and the

y are equal approximately during 40 and 49.

According to the second chart, there is a waving change between age and employee support. Indeed, the highest spot of employee support is under 26,up to 60%. Then the percentage is diminishing step by step. And during 30and39,it reaches the lowest spot ,about 30%.next,it increases slowly again. Until above 49,it has gotten about50%.

Those two charts demonstrate the interesting relationship between people’s age goal and employee support.

111 task 1the following chart describes the situation regarding underground transportation in London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoko and Los Angel.

The major cites founded their subway system in the 20th century, which was in Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoko. London firstly completed its underground work and began to operate in 1836. the lastest time that Los Angel had had its subway was after 136 years.

London has the longest underground railway distance, which is almost 2 times than Paris. Tokyo and Washington DC have similar datum which are 149 kilometer and 114 kilometer respectively. Kyoko only contains 11 kilometer of route length.

Though the longest route is in London, the most carrying capacity is Tokyo's subway system. It carried about 1434 million passengers per year, while 548 million people in London at the same time. The figures in Washington DC are not achieved 100, only 70 per year. Kyoto only carries 11 million people which is the lowest carrying capacity in all six cities.

verson 111 task 1

there is a table which illustrates the relative data about underground system in six countries, london, paris, tokyo, washington d.c, kyoto and los angeles.

in 1983 the first railway was built in london, which is the longest railway (1100km) in the six cities. the carrying capacity reach 548 million people per year. as a countries having railway earlier, paris established the first underground in 1890 and 850 million people per year were carried by using 548 kilometer railway. comparatively, tokyo has relatively less railway (149 km), but it carries most people per year about 1434 million people. similarly, the railway in los angeles is used effectively. people in los angeles use 14 km railway to carry 306 million people per year when it was built in 2001 firstly.

overall, the cities ,having the first railway and the longest railway, the railway of having the biggest carrying capacity, the most effective railway are london, tokyo, los angeles respectively verson 113 task 1 看完给些意见。

there is a chart which illustrate the number of softwoods and hardwoods in new south wales, australia from 1990 to 1998, which was divided into five short periods.

as we can see from the diagram, the number of softwoods increased steadily from the period of 1990-1991 to the period of 1996-1997, peaking at x1, and then decreased slightly in 1998. however, there was a slight increase in the number of hardwoods at the first three periods. by 1996 this trend continued to climb up at a quicker rate especially from 1997 to 1998 and reached a peak at x2. obviously, the number of the hardwoods went up dramatically during the whole period while the corresponding data of the softwoods fluctuate slightly. i rather say, both the numbers of hardwoods and softwoods went up gradually the first 7 years, while softwoods come down to the level similar to that of the year before, noticeably, hardwoods multiplied its number to more than two time in 1

998 than one year before

114 TASK 1

According to an investigation of girls and boys watching TV in a school day, we can see that fewer and fewer students have a chance to watch TV being face with a heavy school day.

It is shown in the table that about 50 percent of girls and boys can watch TV for 1 to 5 hours. Approximately 20 percent of girls have less than 1 hour to watch TV and the percentage of boys is much lower, which is almost the same as the situation of watching for 5 to 9 hours. We will be astonished to see that less than 5 percent of children have no time to watch TV but the same percentage of them have more than 9 hours to watch.

As is described in the table, we can find that the latest time is allowed for watching TV is centered on the time between 7:30pm to 11:00pm. Nearly 50 percent of children have to stop watching at 7:30pm to 9:30pm and 40 percent at 9:30pm to 11:00pm. Nevertheless, there are still a few students indulge in the TV world after 11:00pm.


The flow diagram shows how a forest is regenerated in a national park after being destroyed by fire. The following report describes the process in greater detail.

First of all, the forest is hit by lightning and a fire breaks out. The fire spreads quickly because the trees are very close together and there are also old pieces of wood lying on the ground and as a result the forest is completely destroyed by the fire. However, after the forest has been burnt down the ash from the trees fertilizes the soil and creates ideal condition for plant growth.

In the next 50 years seedlings from the trees begin to grow and the trees continue to grow until the forest is back to its former state, which takes 300 or more years.

In conclusion, forests can regenerate themselves, but it takes a long time and as forests are important for the environment, their protection is also important.


This is a flow chart that describes how the trees in the yellow stone park in the USA will be replanted.

After the light and fire had destroyed the trees, most of the trees became soil and dead wood gradually. Then some saplings were planted in the area which was destroyed by the light and fire. In the next 50 years, the young trees will grow slowly.

Over the next 100 years, the trees will reproduce, the area of trees will expand extensively. By the next 150 to 300 years, the tree will become taller and thicker.

After the next 300 years, most of the trees will fully grow. A new forest will replace the old forest which was destroyed by the light and fire 300 years ago.

118 TASK 1

From the above set of pictures, we can get the information clearly about the forest of Yellowstone Park after the big fire.

In the 50 years period after the huge disaster, the forest did not stop growing as people predicted before. The combination of the bad woods and soil and the sunshine from the sun offered a perfect condition to the surviving forest. These woods strongly grew up. Between 50 to 100 years after the fire, the woods chose by the nature, which means that just the big and strong woods had the right t

o live. The time of 100 to 300 years after it was a process of developing of the forest. Standing on the black land and under the blue sky, the woods were growing sturdy. Then, fewer and fewer woods survived, but they were the best.

I think there are tens of thousands of species on the world and they live in there own way, however, the game rule in the nature is same that is: The better would survive.
