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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 12:26:54 高中作文




一、 扩展阅读,读写结合,共同提高





在教学过程中,教师要善于激发学生写作的动机,通过提供令学生感兴趣的话题(如你最喜欢哪种体育运动,为什么?假期你有何打算?等)或设置交际情景,捕捉学生的兴趣热点(如你对超级女声的看法等),使学生产生写的动机和愿望, 帮助他们走上愿写、乐写、善写的良性循环的轨道。

七年级学生用英文写作往往会使他们产生畏难情绪,让学生在课堂上做组词游戏:按词—短语—句子的顺序练习组句能力。例如,教师先说hat和cat,然后让学生自由组词(要求长度逐渐增加):a cat, a black cat, like a black cat, my hat is like a black cat. 在教学新单词和复习旧单词时,教师可以进一步将组词练习扩展为串词成段练习:教师提供若干个单词,让学生利用这些单词编成一段有意义的对话或合乎情理的小故事。当学生能灵活运用词组和句子时,教师要及时予以表扬和鼓励。这样,既激发了学生的学习热情,又使他们乐于积累词汇,为以后写作打下基础。




(2) 然后找出文章中的亮点,如非谓语动词的使用、特殊句型


四、巧用激励性评价,创新评价和批改方式, 促进发展




beautiful!/clear!/wonderful!/good handwriting!



it’s good to use the past tense in your writing.


教师要善于发现学生作文中的闪光点,及时鼓励和肯定,通过展示佳句,使学生获得成就感,从而激励他们在以后写作中积极尝试创新,也能使其他学生从中借鉴。教师可在句末标注星级(★★ )


well done! /excellent! (★★★)

how clever you are! / i’m proud of you. (★★ )











rhythm joyful mindrelaxed english writing

xu xiaofei


english writing is a highly complex thinking process, was “listens to, saying that to read, writes” in four skills first difficult, was also one makes the teachers and students headache the question. must sharpen our student’s english writing ability to start from the junior middle school to work, the teacher should act according to the new class sign the request, the adaptation modern real life actual need, carries on the writing teaching guidance to the student, in the teaching practice, each method and the measure is not isolated has an effect, but mutually seeps, coordinates mutually. 

【key words】english, writing, concrete method




书面表达需要学生掌握一定的词汇量,衡量一个学生英语水平的高低,关键还得看他掌握词汇量的多少,没有一定的词汇量,想写好作文只能是纸上谈兵。新课标明确指出,学生应该能拼写所学单词,知道基本词义,能听懂,能在口语练习中灵活运用,并能用于写作,所以英语教师不仅要正确引导,利用各种方法,如构词法(act _actor _actress _action _activity),归纳法(swim _swam ,sit _sat,),词义对比(take _bring ,early _late ),同音记忆法

(by-bye-buy,too-two-to)来帮助学生记忆单词,扩大词汇量,而且应该要求学生坚持每天听写、默写,学完一个单元来次大听写,过一阶段再检验,错了,立即改正,不断反复,这样循环记忆单词,掌握巩固词汇。使词汇量得到最大限度的复现。这就使学生在长期的训练中积累了大量的词汇,过了单词关,写作文就有了底气。 2.谨审题目——过好语法关

学生写作中除了词汇错误常见外,还有一个常见的错误是语法不清,时态混乱,有些纯粹是汉语式的英语,语言连贯性差,句与句之间缺乏衔接,过渡不自然,缺乏逻辑关系,语言变换较少,雷同单词、句式较多,因此我们还是少不了提语法,英语写作离不开语法,这就需要我们正确领会新课程的精神,优化语法教学的方法,避免语法教学走极端,(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网)摆正语法教学在整个英语教学中的地位,既不夸大也不忽视其在英语教学中的重要作用。如在go for it 七年级(下)unit5 中接触了现在进行时态,在unit9中接着学习了一般过去时态,在专项学习时学生对此掌握很好,概念清楚,但一旦写作文

时,他们会搞不清楚该用何种时态。七年级有这样一篇作文,要求学生们写一写自己度过的最有意义的一个周末。很显然,应该用一般过去时态,可以写一些自己做过的有意思的事,如旅游,购物,看电影均可,但偏偏有同学写了一个无聊的周末,什么作业多,下雨了,不能出去玩等等,显然与题目意思不符,也有同学写了去公园玩,结果写成了公园里人们在干什么,时态滑到现在进行时态上去了,而且也不是在谈论自己的周末了,显然也离题了,这样得分就不高。所以在动手写作文之前,一定要谨慎审题,弄明白它的要求是什么,心里先有个谱该用什么时态,然后尽量正确地把意思表达出来,适当地注意技巧和文采,注意整体的谋篇布局和前后呼应,表达要地道,注意稳中取胜,尽量用自己熟悉的有把握的词汇和句型,在结尾处做出适当评价,表明自己的观点,如果游记,你可写i hope to go there again ,如写周末,你可写i was tired, but i was happy 等等。



源作为学生书面表达的话题材料,go for it!新教材每一个单元围绕一个话题(topic)展开,每个话题都有一定的功能(function)。如七年级教材中含有why do you like koalas?(unit3) ,i want to be an actor(unit4) ,i’m watching tv(unit5),what does he look like?(unit7),how was your vacation?(unit9),where did you go on vacation?(unit10) ,what do you think of game

shows(unit11),don’t eat in class(unit12)等话题,我们可以围绕这些话题,运用本单元的重要句型,训练学生的书面表达。针对unit1中的话题,可以设计“介绍你自己”之类的书面表达作业,针对unit3中的话题,可以设计“介绍你自己最喜爱的动物及原因”之类的书面表达作业,针对unit4中的话题,可以设计“你长大后的理想职业是什么?”作为作业,针对unit5的话题,可以设计“星期天公园里的人们正在干什么”的情景作文,针对unit7中的话题,可以设计“描写你最崇拜的明星/歌星的外貌”作业,针对unit9中的话题,可以设计“谈论你曾经度过的一个有意义的假期”,时态用本单元学的一般过去时态,针对unit12中的话题,可以设计“写写你的家规或班规”。这样既能巩固单元重点,又能学以致用,促使学生有意识地记忆典型语句,有选择性创造性地应用于今后的书面表达中,提高书面表达的质量。





1) For real, I do like study because I get a great many of fun from study.

Last year, I was not good at chemistry, the classmates of mine often made fun of me just because of the bad behavior in the chemistry, at that moment, I payed a smile back to them, but cried in the heart. Once, they jeered at me again, and I got angry! I decided to study hard, didn’t like to pretend that I was happy when they laughed at me!

In the summer vacation, I payed a great deal of attentions on chemistry, and on the test, I got a really good marks, I called that “pay back”. I was happy beyond every words.

Right now, chemistry has been my strong point, when I work hard, I really lead a happy life. I appreciate about the time which I worked hard.

2) According to a study, work is helpful to health. In my opinion, work not only is helpful to health but also leads a happy life.

I’m a working lover. Obviously, working gives me an opportunity to be busy and away for loneliness. For example, I always read a wide range of books to improve my knowledge and spend my free time. Gradually, working helps to keep computer games and TV programs away from me. As for puzzled by some problems in reality, I can also find solutions through working like looking up books and searching the Internet. Thus, I just work and work to enjoy my happy life.

It becomes more and more apparent that nobody can live without working. So I’ll go on working and expect a better life.

3) As the society developing, people today are getting busier and busier in office. For me, even though it takes me lots of time to study, it goes without saying that studying hard result in a happy life.

There is no doubt that I have devoted myself to studying since primary school. It seems that there is always a pen in my hand the instant I got classroom every day. Taking notes, following teachers with concern, reviewing before doing homework are the components of my life. to begin with a day, I recite something important and I end up a day with memorizing lessons. What’s more, what I learn in PE. class also builds up my strength.

However, it doesn’t mean my life is boring. While doing all of these, my heart swells with great happiness. Just like researches show that people feel unhappy, worried and lonely when they have nothing to do. By studying, I come into contact with friends and teachers. In addition, I find friendship and warmth doing that. For example, my teacher and I get in harmony with each other by discussing my problems. With many colorful activities, all these really lead me a happy life. so, you see, it is working hard that really shows me a wonderful life.

4) I used to think that we study because it’s our duty. But now I realize that study leads me a happy life.

Study can improve communication between me and my friends. I like to discuss with other people when I get in trouble. When we think about the problems and finally make out. I find friendship and warmth and no longer feel lonely.

On the other hand, hard work gives me a sense of achievement. When I got full marks, praised by the teachers. When I learned more English words and could talk with foreigner in some simple

sentences I feel so proud and my hard work paid off.

I’m a hard-working people and have a colorful life.

5) It is acknowledged that work is helpful to health from the scientist. For me, it’s purely right. Working hard makes me enjoy a happy life. First, when I decide to study hard, I have faith that I will succeed. The hope in my mind makes me dynamic and my own life become colorful correspondingly. Then I will take action. When I face a problem, I have hope to solve it, struggle with it and at last I must make it. This work gives me a sense of fulfillment and achievement. When I finish all the tasks, the sweetness of achievement is around me, which makes me enjoy my life.(巧妙使用原文)

Thanks for work. Thank it for brightening my life.

6) According to a study, work is helpful to health. In my opinion, work not only is helpful to health but also leads a happy life.(开门见山)

I’m a working lover. Obviously, working gives me an opportunity to be busy and away from loneliness. For example, I always read a wide range of books to improve my knowledge and spend my free time. Gradually, working helps to keep computer games and TV programs away form me. As puzzled by some problems in reality, I can also find solutions through working like looking up books and searching the Internet. Thus, I just work and work to enjoy my happy life.

It becomes more and more apparent that nobody can live without working. So I’ll go on working and expect a better life. (结尾点题)

7) According to a latest research, work is helpful to health. And I couldn’t agree more. Work serves as a bridge between man and reality. By work, people come into contact with each other. by collective activities, they find friendship and warmth.

As a teenager, I have many things to do. The most important is studying. When I study I could get the precious knowledge which can make me grow swiftly. I prefer to read and I read every day, so that my mother said I should get married with books in the future. I couldn’t think of the life without books I enjoy reading because I read as if I am talking with the writers. I could share their happiness or hardship.

I work hard so I enjoy my happy life.(离题太远)
