作业帮 > 英语作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 00:33:20 英语作文


Hello everyone,today I deem it an honor to share my happiness with you.In my seven-day holiday,I experienced a lot.On the first day,I slept a lot in the morning.And then in the afternoon I spent lots of time playing games for joy.Later in the evening,I played sports outdoors to relax myself .On the second day,I did my homework.Bored to death,I decided to do something meaningful.So together with my classmates in junior,I Played Pingpangfor nearly three hours.Though I was beaten by themfrequently,I still found it interesting to play with friends.On the third day,I went to a feast and I ate enjoyably.With so much food filling my stomach,I felt great.I also played with my brother.We went shopping ang played games a lot.How great it was!On the fourth day and fifth day,I started to do my homework.With much effort,the homework was finished successfully on my own.On the last two days,I chicked my homework and learned how to play table tennis by watcing TV.Though my skills didn’t improve a lot,I still felt happy.That’s my seven day holiday,thanks for listening.


Tang's monk and his disciples sun wukong, Pig eight quit .Sand monk go to the west to get the Bible. During their trip, they go through the Girl Country where there are all women and girls. Tang monk is a handsome and quiet man who is admired by many beautiful women. No exception in the Girl Country, the kingdom of the country who is very beautiful and talented. She is also attracted by the charm of Tang monk, so she decided to express her feelings. In the next day, the kingdom hold a party and invite Tang's monk and his disciple sun wukong, Pig eight quit .Sand monk. During the party, the kingdom dance with Tong monk, at the first Tong monk is shy to dance but at last he is willing to play with the kingdom and sing songs for the kingdom actively, his three disciples are playing and eating very happily.

Tong monk is very good at dancing and singing songs. The Kingdom is attracted by Tang monk and expresses her feeling for him. She tries her best to convince Tong monk to stay here. And Tong monk’s three disciples also persuade him to stay here. He has a strong will , and was determined to leave here. But all the people want he stay at here, and he is also secretly consumed on the queen, so he is in a dilemma. Finally he decided to stay here and marrie(转 载于:wWw.zW2.cn 爱作文 网)d with the queen. And his disciples sun wukong, Pig eight quit.

Later, Tong monk and the queen got married and lived a happy life. They had a bunch of children, including boys and girls. Then they change the Girl Country’s destiny.







One day Jack bought two expensive dictionaries in a bookstore, but he forgot to take them

with him. Half an hour later, he went back to look for them. He told the manager all about it. The manager asked him who had served him. Jack pointed to the lady behind the counter. But when the manager asked the lady, Miss Rose, if she had served Jack, she said she couldn't remember. She remembered that the man she had served was wearing a hat. Then the manager asked Jack if he was wearing a hat when he was served. Then the manager asked Jack if he had a hat and asked him to put it on. Miss Rose looked at him carefully and recognized him. She gave the two

dictionaries to Jack.

There was a man in the State of Qi who was haunted by the fear that one day the sky might fall and the earth collapse(倒塌), and he would have no place to settle. So worried was he that he could not eat and sleep in peace. Someone, anxious that the man would be worried to death, went to reassure him about this. He said to the man:“The sky is only an air mass and there's air everywhere. You move about all day long in the air, inhaling and

exhaling, bending and stretching your limbs----why do you have to worry about the sky's falling, when it's never likely to happen?”

“It's true that the sky is a congregation of air,”the man rejoined, “but how about the sun, the moon and the stars?They will surely fall, won't they?”

“The sun, the moon and the stars are merely such bodies in the congregated air as happen to shine,”the persuader replied. “Even if they did fall, they would hit nothing.”

“Then suppose the earth collapses. What should I do?”

“The earth is merely amassed dust and rocks filling up the space everywhere. There is no spot that has not such masses. And you move about on the earth everyday, stepping on it and walking on it. Why worry that it might collapse?”

The man was gladly relieved, and so was the successful persuader.

White Dolphins (海豚)

Fuzhou-Fishermen in East China's Fujian Province recently observed shoals of white

dolphins in the East China Sea. Early last month, Lin Guoqing, a local aquatics expert, observed white dolphins feeding on large yellow croakers, weighing an estimated 500 kilograms. One or two of the dolphins, white or grey, have been spotted at various times in the area over the past 10 years, according to a local fisherman. But this is the first time shoals of the animals were observed. Local fishermen believe the lack of food in the deep make the hungry dolphins attack the yellow croakers raised by the fishermen.

Jiang Zhiheng, a blind and poor college student who was helped by the Shanghai programme “aiding poor students through the Internet,” now uses his income to help poor school children, including Xiao Lijuan. The first of its kind in China. The programme has aided 150 poor primary and middle school students over the past month since it began operation.





在??帮助下with the help of?


the provincial female worker's re-employment centre

下岗工人laid-off workers

福州丝绸厂Fuzhou Silk Factory



聚集to pack(gather)

分析to analyze

揭露to expose

国内外政策the domestic and foreign policies




弱智儿童children with below-average-level


叶公喜欢龙,器物上画着龙,住的房间里雕刻着龙。天龙听说后就特地?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路玻淹贩旁诖疤ㄉ峡矗盐舶屯系教梦荨R豆醇螅煽斓赝靥优埽Щ曷淦牵成蟊洹U饩褪撬狄豆皇钦嬲不读幌不断窳植皇橇亩靼樟恕?字数:120左右)



装饰品和雕刻物the decorations and carvings

下凡to descend

一见到at sight of

拔腿就跑to take to one's heels


有一个窃贼晚上潜入Cheng Zhi的家中,躲在他家的房梁上。

Cheng Zhi暗中正好看见了,自己起来整理一下穿着,喊自己的儿子孙子起来,严肃地教训他们,说:“人不能不自己努力。不善良的人,未必本性就是恶的,只不过是长期以来的习惯使他弄成这样的品性,于是才到作恶的这一地步。梁上君子就是这样的人。”




潜入to sneak


尽管in spite of

请求原谅to plead for one's forgiveness

本性坏evil in nature





耕田to plough in the fields

树桩tree stump

笑柄 laugh stock
