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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 00:34:29 英语作文



Chinese painting has a long history. All the people around the world must be attracted by its beauty if they see it. Today,our group will introduce Chinese painting,including four treasures of calligraphy and painting,Chinese Bird-and-flower painting ,Landscape painting ,Figure Painting

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Chinese Painting: refers to paintings painted on Xuan paper or silk by ink and color, it is the main form of Chinese art.


In ancient times:

Chinese painting was commonly called as Danqing, mainly refers to the paintings on silk and Xuan paper which mounted on scroll.

In modern times:

As opposed to Western styles of art, works painted in traditional style is called as Chinese painting, meaning “national painting." It’s created in accordance with the unique Chinese aesthetic trend and artistic technique.



Four treasures of calligraphy and painting:

1. Brush is a traditional Chinese writing instrument, made of animal hair.

2. Chinese ink,black pigment used for writing and painting, is made of materials including pine soot, lacquer and herbal medicine, etc.

3. Xuan paper,including unprocessed, processed and half processed, suitable for conveying the artistic expression of both calligraphy and painting.

4. Ink stone is made of special and rare stone used for grinding ink.




Chinese traditional painting refers to paintings painted on Xuan paper or silk in ink by brush made of animal hair. It is the most highly appreciated form of Chinese art.

However, there are some difference between Chinese paintings and western paintings.

First of all, as you can see, only black ink are used in Chinese paintings while there are as many kinds of colors as one can finds in the nature.

Secondly, Chinese artists attach much importanc(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)e on grasping the spirit of the subject matter ,Chinese painters think the final goal of painting is not to reproduce what they see on the paper but is to express their own feelings. On the contrary, the western artists spare every effort to make their works vivid like photos.

At last, the primary subject matter of Chinese painting is landscape while the most common subject matter of the western is the people from the upper class and religion legends. This is result from the different social status of the painters. In western society, most of the artists are professional and they make a living by drawing portraits for the rich and the churches. Things are much different in ancient

China. Most of Chinese painters are teachers or work in the government. They look painting as a leisure activity to cultivate their character.


中国水墨画介绍 Introduction of Chinese Brush Painting

Traditional Chinese ink painting is one of the brilliant Chinese culture creations. It has thousands of history. Chinese brush painting reflects Chinese nation’s unique cultural literacy, artistic appreciation and aesthetic [i:s?θet?k] consciousness. We should inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the culture, improve our aesthetic ability and creative thinking.

It is just like the painting in the western countries. As opposed to Western styles of art, works painted in traditional style is called as Chinese painting, meaning “national painting." It’s created in accordance with the unique Chinese aesthetic [i:s?θet?k] trend and artistic technique.

When we draw the traditional Chinese ink painting, it helps us keep calm and cultivate our sense of art. And it helps us to learn about the long Chinese culture. From the Chinese ink painting we can see a number of funny and exciting stories behind them, the picture of it is a vivid documentary of the history at a certain period of time.

The Chinese do painting with brushes, dipping their brushes in ink or paint and then skillfully wielding them. Painters produce on the Xuan paper with lines and dots—some heavy, some light, some deep, and some pale.

Classification according to subject matter of Chinese painting


Chinese Landscape painting


Chinese Bird-and-flower painting


Chinese Figure Painting


The paper, ink, brush, and inkstone(砚台) are essential implements of East Asian calligraphy: they are known together as the Four Treasures of the Study (文房四宝) in China.


Special types of paper are used in East Asian calligraphy. In China, Xuanzhi, traditionally made in Anhui province, is the preferred type of paper. It is made from other materials including rice, the paper mulberry, bamboo, hemp, etc.. Sometimes the brush is used to put ink on a pen.


The ink is made from lampblack (soot) (煤烟)and binders(粘合剂), and comes in sticks which must be rubbed with water on an inkstone until the right consistency is achieved. Much cheaper, pre-mixed bottled inks are now available. Learning to rub the ink is an essential part of calligraphy study.


The brush is the traditional writing implement(工具) in East Asian calligraphy. The body of the brush can be made from either bamboo, or rarer materials like red sandalwood, glass, ivory, silver, and gold. The head of the brush can be made from the hair (or feather) of a wide variety of animals, including the wolf, rabbit, deer, chicken, duck, goat, pig, etc.


A stone or ceramic [s??r?m?k](陶瓷) inkstone is used to rub the solid ink stick into liquid ink and to contain the ink once it is liquid. Cheaper inkstones are made of plastic. Inkstones are often carved, so they are collectible works of art on their own.
