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William Wordsworth

? What are the main features of Wordsworth’s poetry?

? back to nature

? deep love of nature

? appeal to individual sensations

? attention to humble folk of rural life

? simplicity and purity in language

I travelled among unknown men

这首诗是采用民谣体创作的经典之作,浪漫主义产生了一定的促进作用。它的主题是诗人对露西和对祖国英格兰深深爱恋,意境凄美,感情真挚自然。 从韵律上看,这首诗的前三个诗节压的是行尾交叉韵(单数诗句四音部抑扬格,双数诗句三音部抑扬格交替转换),最后一诗节韵式为成对韵。


lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey 赏析

It is in blank verse.

One of the major themes of the poem is - people\'s change over time.The title is very clear and literary gives us all the necessary informations like, time, place, date etc. which helps us to understand the poem.

Imagination also plays very important role here. His longing to return to this special place a few miles above Tintern Abbey which he absolutely adores. We can see he has been away from this place for five years, and he always thinks about this magical place with its steep lofty cliffs and its beautiful scenery. the poem is about nature and how the speaker revoke his memory when he was in that location.

She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways


描写的是一位普通的苏格兰少女。尽管她“美丽如星”,却生在“人迹罕至的乡野”,既得不到人的赞美,也得不到人的怜爱;更可惜的是,她小小年纪便默默无闻地死去了。诗中的感伤气氛和诗人哀怜的情绪, 正是这种至性深情的自然流露,使诗句充满感染力。



。 composed upon westminster bridge赏析

a sonnet describing London and the River Thames, viewed from Westminster Bridge in the early morning.

the author describes the beauty and tranquility of the city of London in the early

morning.there are no people in this particular poem. it is the people that make the London that we see in william Blakes "london".

? Wordsworth's "Composed upon Westminster Bridge" can be closely compared with Blake's "London".

? "London" gives an impression of contempt for the city and what it has become, whilst "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge" is a looser, friendlier approach to a poem about London.


a sonnet


The Solitary Reaper赏析

iambic tetrameter四音步抑扬格

THEME: The poet is fascinated with a Scottish peasant girl’s beautiful song.


George Gordon, Lord Byron

when we two parted赏析

这首诗回忆了与爱人分别的情景和感受以及后来的心情。诗中,诗人情感真挚,毫不矫揉造作,真情动人。“In silence and tears”的重复,不仅使全诗前后照应,浑然一体,而且强化了过去和将来不会更改的气氛;另一方面,诗人运用了较短的诗节和众多的断开的句子,暗示出他的难以压抑的,无法平静的痛苦心境。

She walks in beauty 赏析

这首诗采用的押韵是ababab cdcdcd efefef,为四步抑扬格,诗歌形象鲜明,语言富有表现力,尤其形容词的使用不仅烘托出诗的优美气氛,而且塑造了温柔、善良、理想的美的形象。诗人通过感觉、形体等意象,使读者通过想象和联想获得身临其境、亲见其美之感。

诗人从心里感受到角度出发,描写夫人的美:从步态、仪容、眼睛、乌发、脸庞到微笑及心灵,由具体到抽象,将现实中的美通过诗句升华到理想的美,使得美内涵和意境得到无限延伸。全是感情自然,风格明快,从外在美深入到内在美,书法这不同内涵的美,突出了诗人高超独到的审美能力。 sonnet on chillon赏析

Sonnet on Chillon is an Italian Sonnet. A, B, B, A, B, C, C, B.

This poem dramatizes the conflict between liberty and tyranny, specifically in instances where tyrannical forces attempt to squelch liberty by imprisoning those who champion her virtues. The speaker presents a paradox in the beginning of the poem, Eternal Spirit of the chainless mind!

Don Juan 赏析

《唐璜》是19世纪浪漫主义诗人拜伦的代表作,是一部长篇诗体小说,通过主人公唐璜在西班牙、希腊、土耳其、俄国和英国等不同国家的生活经历展现了19世纪初欧洲的现实生活,讽刺批判了“神圣同盟”和欧洲反动势力。 诗歌对英国贵族和资产阶级的拜金主义作了淋漓尽致的揭露和讽刺。




iambic pentameter

Ozymandias” describes the ruins of an ancient statue.

Theme : all is vanity

Irony : the inconsistency of what is said with the reality

men of England赏析

This simple structure and rhyme scheme is less intellectual and more accessible to uneducated people. The diction is less difficult than usual, and the bee metaphor is easy to understand.

The poem is about the clash between two classes of society, the poor working class and the rich nobles.

The major theme of this poem is exploitation, how the workers are doing all they are doing for the benefits of the ungrateful nobles. The narrator is urging the workers to make a stand as they are being treated unfairly.

西风颂 那气势恢宏的诗句,强烈撼人的激情把西风的狂烈、急于扫除旧世界创造新世界的形象展现在人们面前。



To a Sky-lark致云雀




John Keats

on first looking into chapman's homer赏析

Italian sonnet

two parts--an octet (eight lines) and a sestet (six lines). The octet describes Keats's reading experience before reading Chapman's translation and the sestet contrasts his experience of reading it.


Ode to a Nightingale赏析

A major concern in "Ode to a Nightingale" is Keats's perception of the conflicted nature of human life. In this ode, Keats focuses on immediate, concrete sensations and emotions, from which the reader can draw a conclusion or abstraction.

夜莺的歌声是美妙绝伦的,是不朽的,是永恒的,将世世代代的唱下去。在Nightingale的仙境中,在忧郁、痛苦和绝望的同时,诗人感受到了快乐。他“既感受到了想象中完美的、和谐的梦幻世界的诱惑,又痛切地感受到了现实生活中不可摆脱的沉重的压力”。 他最终还是回到了冷冰冰的现实,直面惨淡的人生。

ode on a grecian urn赏析

“美即是真,真即是美”。 美是济慈的毕生追求,《希腊古瓮颂》是诗人对美的颂歌。在整首诗中,诗人以“永恒”和“超越思想”为着眼点,从声觉和视觉两方面铺写开来。诗篇最后,诗人理性地思考了“永恒”的问题。艺术能获得永久的生命,是因为它已凝固在这永恒的画面中,它不仅是“唯美的观照”,而且真实地再现了古希腊的生活。正因为它具有美和真的品格,因而才能“永恒”。


浅析The road not taken


"The road not taken" is a famous poem of the famous American poet Robert Frost. Robert Frost is one of the most popular poet in the United States in 1990s, the United States is the unofficial poet laureate, he devoted his life to the creation of poetry, writing and publishing the main 10 poems, this song is the third book of poems "the distance" in the famous mountain.

Key words:poem unofficial devoted



Robert Frost is the most famous and numerous poems in a song. It was initially collected in the poetry collection. This poem is written in plain language in daily life can be seen everywhere in the Chalukou metaphor a series of tough choices facing life, and points out the choice once selected is no turning back. In the poem, the poet chose a path that others don’t walk, which showed a strong spirit of adventure. Poems in 1913, this time will be forty Robert Frost in poetry is still unknown to the public. This poem reflects the complexity and difficulty of the attitude of Frost at the crossroads. This poem is just at that time.



叶芝---William Butler Yeats

William Butler Yeats was born in Dublin into an

Irish Protestant family. His father, John Butler Yeats,

a clergyman's son, was a lawyer turned to an Irish

Pre-Raphaelite painter. Yeats's mother, Susan

Pollexfen, came from a wealthy family - the

Pollexfens had a prosperous milling and shipping

business. His early years Yeats spent in London and

Sligo, a beautiful county on the west coast of

Ireland, where his mother had grown and which he later depicted in his poems. In 1881 the family returned to Dublin. While studying at the Metropolitan School of Art, Yeats met there the poet, dramatist, and painter George Russell (1867-1935), who was interested in mysticism. His search inspired also Yeats, who at that time associated Protestantism with materialism, and like Blake, he rejected the Newtonian mechanistic worldview. This turn was a surprise to his father, who had tried to raise his son without encouraging him to ponder with such questions, but had given him Blake's poetry to read.

Reincarnation, communication with the dead, mediums, supernatural systems and Oriental mysticism fascinated Yeats through his life. In 1886 he formed the Dublin Lodge of the Hermetic Society and took the magical name Daemon est Deus Inversus. The occult order also attracted Aleister Crowley. The Rhymers' Club, which Yeats founded with Ernest Rhys, he recalled it meeting each night "in an upper room with a sanded floor in an ancient eating-house in the Strand called the Cheshire Cheese". (来


Sailing to Byzantium

That is no country for old men. The young

In one another's arms, birds in the trees

--- Those dying generations --- at their song,

The salmon-falls, the mackerel-crowded seas,

Fish, flesh, or fowl, commend all summer long

Whatever is begotten, born, and dies.

Caught in that sensual music all neglect

Monuments of unageing intellect.


An aged man is but a paltry thing,

A tattered coat upon a stick, unless

Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing

For every tatter in its mortal dress,

Nor is there singing school but studying

Monuments of its own magnificence;

And therefore I have sailed the seas and come

To the holy city of Byzantium.


O sages standing in God's holy fire

As in the gold mosaic of a wall,


Come from the holy fire, perne in a gyre, And be the singing-masters of my soul. Consume my heart away; sick with desire And fastened to a dying animal It knows not what it is; and gather me Into the artifice of eternity. IV Once out of nature I shall never take My bodily form from any natural thing, But such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make Of hammered gold and gold enamelling To keep a drowsy Emperor awake; Or set upon a golden bough to sing To lords and ladies of Byzantium Of what is past, or passing, or to come.驶向拜占庭那不是老年人的国度。青年人 在互相拥抱;那垂死的世代, 树上的鸟,正从事他们的歌唱; 鱼的瀑布,青花鱼充塞的大海, 鱼、兽或鸟,一整个夏天在赞扬 凡是诞生和死亡的一切存在。 沉溺于那感官的音乐,个个都疏忽 万古长青的理性的纪念物。一个衰颓的老人只是个废物, 是件破外衣支在一根木棍上,

























庭的形象时,叶芝并不完全遵循真实的原则,而是基于一些二手材料,对拜占庭进行了极端理想化的处理。对叶芝来说,拜占庭只是它山之石,叶芝的最终目的不在石而在玉。借助拜占庭这面镜像,叶芝实现了对诗人本身和祖国爱尔兰进行言说的最终目的。《驶向拜占庭》中塑造的帝国形象,代表了业已消逝的以贵族文明为标志的辉煌人类文化,这与叶芝骨子里的贵族主义倾向恰好吻合。此外,不满于爱尔兰当时的社会现实,叶芝试图在历史中为爱尔兰寻找一块可资借鉴的模板。在这种情形之下,代表艺术、历史和异域的拜占庭帝国就进入了叶芝的视线,因为它较为符合诗人理想主义的政治追求 。《驶向拜占庭》系叶芝晚年诗作,阐述了诗人对生命和艺术的思考和冥想。诗人运用诗剧的形式来描写一位古稀老人对生命的哀叹:戏剧人生,短暂而悲凉;与此同时,诗人把写实、象征、玄思的方法有机结合在一起,勾勒出一个象征不朽艺术并带有神秘色彩的拜占庭形象,表达了要把脱离肉体的灵魂附着在代表永恒的艺术品之上的愿望,用艺术去升华戏剧人生,以获得不朽和永生。这种生命观和艺术观是诗人久被压制的情欲获得一种"替代性"满足的表现。(山东文学官方网站 邸建红 张敏)



