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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 16:17:42 初中作文












我想对车轮说:我不能留住你的经过,就留住沿途的风景在我心里,让我永远这温暖吧。 乐在其中








我是大自然中一颗小小的生命,虽然微小,但我却拥有一颗博大的心。我用我的心可以感受到大海的宽广与广阔,可以感受到高山的雄伟与瑰丽,可以感受到天空的美丽与深远。我虽然微小,却是大自然中不可缺少的一份,静湖有了我的存在而更加安逸,树林有了我的 点缀而更加灿烂,天空有了我的装饰而更加多姿,世界有了我的存在才更加多姿多彩。
























得到了,要不要顾着自喜,因为失也许在不知不觉中向你靠近。 记住,有得必有失,得失并存。




















7) 2011-2012年八年级下学期期中作文复习 I think my live will be colorful in ten years . At that time , I will do what I want to do . I will move to somewhere interesting and enjoy the city life . I will be a teacher and then I will be able to help the children in need . I like animals , so I will keep a pet dog and a pet parrot . They will be my good friends . Also , I will learn foreign languages because I want to travel all over the world . I hope all my dreams will come true . Our school will be larger and more beautiful in the future . There will be more buildings and the buildings will be better equipped (设备) . There will be more books in the school library . There will be more computer rooms . Every student will have a computer in class . The teacher will teach on computers . The students will have less homework and more free time to do what they want to do . My life in 20 years . In 20 years , I think I will be a police officer . I will be tall and strong . I will live in Dalian , because it's a very beautiful city . I fell in love with it when I went to Dalian last year with my classmate . In my free time , I will play a lot of sports . I will probably go swimming and play table tennis . I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your son . But do not worry about it . You can ask his teacher for help or invite some of his friends to talk with him . You should let him find out by himself that spending too much time on computer games is bad for his health and studies . Let him read some books on computers , and he may be interested . Don't lose heart . I think your son will see how much you love him . My last weekend was great . On Saturday morning , my friends and I talked about our future jobs in the park . We had a good time . In the afternoon , I did my homework . It was easy for me . I was sad on Sunday morning because I had an argument with my little sister . She played her CDs so loud that I could not read . Then she said sorry to me and turned down the music . On Sunday afternoon , I went to have my hair cut and I like the original haircut . It made me happy . There are many things you should do . First , I'm afraid you are wrong to be late for class , so you should get up early in the morning and get to school on time . And you should go to bed earlier at night . Before going to bed , you should put away your school things . If you do so , I'm sure you will become a happy student . There is something wrong with you . You must do something to keep fit . First ,

you are too stressed out . You should think about something interesting to relaxing to relax yourself . Maybe you should talk more to your parents or friends . Second , you don't have enough sleep . That's too bad for you . You need 8 hours of sleep every day . Third , you have too much training every day . You need time to have a good rest . Fourth , there are so many meetings for you to

take part in . You should learn to say "No " . Please remember , your health is the most important thing .

8) Eating safely . Food eating safety is very important to us . How can we make

food safe ? Here's some advice . First , we shouldn't go out to eat fast food often . At the restaurant there is also some food that isn't safe , such as unhealthy oil . Second , we should make food clean before cooking . Remember to boil food . Third , we should buy and eat food carefully . If the food is in bags , we should read instructions and dates carefully . Make sure the food is safe .

9) Yesterday I was on the way to school with Peter at 7:00 in the morning . Then

I was having English from 8:00 to 9:00 . At 12:00 I had lunch at school . When it began to rain at 2:40 pm , I was buying books in a bookstore . I think they will help me study better . I was having my hair cut at 4:30 pm and at 6:45 pm , I took a shower . After finishing my homework , I went to bed . What a busy day I had !

10) I'm writing to tell you what happened to me this morning . I was riding my

bike on my way to school . I got up late , so I was riding very fast . Then I found I was running into a car . Luckily , I stopped before I ran into it . But I fell off my bike . The driver stopped his car , got out and helped me to stand up . Just then , a policeman came and told me to be more careful next time . It was really a bad experience .

11) My busy day . Yesterday I was very busy . I got up at half past six . Then I had

breakfast with my parents . From 8:00 to 9:30 am . I was taking a piano lesson . After that , I got home happily . I was doing some washing from 10:00 to 11:00 . After lunch , I slept for one hour and a half . I was doing my homework from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm . From 4:00 pm to 5:00 , I was playing computer games . After dinner , I took a walk with my parents .

12) Please help me . I am in a bad mood(心情)now . Yesterday I went shopping and

saw a beautiful coat . I like it very much . But it was expensive . After getting home , I told my mother I want to buy that coat . I hoped she could agree . But she said no at once . She said a student shouldn't wear such expensive clothes and it was not easy for her to make money . But I really wanted to have it , so I argued with her , and said she didn't love me at all . Mother was sad after hearing my words . I'm sorry now . What should I do ?

13) How time flies ! I had the test last week and got my report card today . I got 80

points in math , and my math teacher said that I could do better . I got 90 points in Chinese , and I am happy that the Chinese teacher said I was hard-working . You know that I like English very much , I got 95 points in it . The English teacher said that I was good at speaking and reading . I only got 55 points in physics , and I am very sad . The physics teacher said that I was a lazy student . As for PE , that is my favorite subject , I got 95 points . The teacher said that I ran fastest in my school . That's so exciting . I am looking forward to your letter !

Best wishes !

14) We'll make a donation to poor children on April 10 because there are still

many children out of school in China's rural areas now . They are too poor to go to school . At the same time , they don't have enough school things or clothes . I think every child should go to school like us . So we should do something to help them . We can give them some books , clothes and some other things . We hope those children can also study in the classrooms every day . Let's help them together ! Thanks for joining .

15) We had the test last week and I got your report card yesterday . I know that

you like English . You got 98 in English , and our English teacher said you were good at listening and writing . You got 90 in Chinese , and the teacher said you worked hard . I am sorry to tell you that you only got 50 in math . The math teacher said that you must work hard and do more exercises . In a word , I think you did well in all subjects except math . You have to try your best to learn it . I am looking forward to your letter !

16) I'm writing to invite you to my dance party . The party begins at 6 pm on

Saturday . The place is at the school meeting room . Please wear your cool pants , if you don't , you can't get in . You don't need to bring any food to the party . If you do , we will take it away . You can bring one friend with you . I believe if you come , you will have a great time with us . I really hope you can come .

17) Hello , everyone ! My name is Li Ming . If I become a teacher , I will make

friends with my students . I think I will get on well with them . If they are in trouble , I will help them . If I become a teacher , I will help my students learn the subject well I teach . I hope they can make progress . If my students have some difficulties , I will try to help them get over them . I will encourage(鼓励)them to study better .

18) The weekend comes again ! I want to relax myself on Saturday . I like flying

kites very much . If it's windy tomorrow , I'll fly a kite in the park . But if there is no wind tomorrow , I will have to do other things . If it's cloudy , I'll play basketball with my friends . If it's sunny and very hot , I'll go swimming . If it's rainy , I'll stay at home and watch TV . If it is fine , I want to take many outdoor activities this weekend . How about you ? Write to me soon !

19) My best birthday was the twelfth one in my life . Early that day , my aunt and

her family came to my house . They brought a nice present for me . It was an e-book . I wanted an e-book for a long time . I was so excited that I forgot to ask my aunt to drink tea . My mom laughed at me , but I didn't mind . Then we had a wonderful birthday party . I was so happy that day . I'll never forget that day .

20) How time flies ! It has been a year since you went to teach in Guizhou Province .

How are you getting on with your work there ? I hope you are well now . Things are fine here . Last Wednesday , I won the first prize in the English speech

contest . How exciting ! I could not win the prize without your help . I was too shy to speak English in front of the class before . You found my problem and helped me a lot . Thanks for your help . Now I find it not so difficult to learn English as before . All students in Class 4 send their love . I hope I can see you soon . Best wishes !

21) Dear friends , welcome to Longhu Zoo . Now let me tell you some rules of the

zoo . First , when you watch the animals , please don't stand too close to them . Sometimes they are dangerous . Second , you'd better not give them food . If they eat the food , they may become ill . Third , please put your garbage into the garbage cans . All of us should try to keep the zoo clean . Finally , I hope all of you will have a good time here .

22) Learn to smile . How will you feel if you fail a test ? Once I failed a math exam

and I was sad . My teacher smiled and said , "Don't worry . I believe you can do better . " I felt better soon . Once I argued with Tom and I felt unhappy . Later he said sorry and smiled at me . I became happy again . So when we meet difficulties or unhappy things , just learn to smile . Smiling at yourself will bring back your happiness . Smiling at others is a good way to make friends . So what are you waiting for ?

23) My first time to travel alone . I still remember my first time to travel alone .

Last summer vacation , I went to the summer camp . At first , I was a little nervous because I never left home before . But my parents encouraged me a lot . Then at the summer camp , I made some new friends . We went to climb the mountain together . We often helped each other . We had fun during that time . I learned a lot from that experience . I knew what to do when I had problems . That was the most important .

24) I'm upset now . I need your help . You know I like reading books about travel

when I'm free . I hope I will be able to travel around the world in the future . But my parents don't let me do so . They think it will influence my studies . Once when I was reading carefully in my bedroom , my mother ca


me in and took my book away . Later , the same thing often happens . I am angry and argue with them sometimes . I am really sad . What should I do ? Please write to me soon .

25) I know you are a good girl . You get on well with your classmates and you're

always helping others . I see that you're interested in Chinese , but you didn't study hard at it . You did well in math , and spent a lot of time doing math exercises every day . English is your native language and it's nice of you to help other students with their English . Physics is your favorite , and you did best in it . I hope you can work harder and get better grades next time .


每个人都有自己的爱好,有些人喜欢集邮,有些人喜欢跳舞,这些爱好为我们的生活增添了不少色彩。请以“My Hobbies”为题,写一篇80字的短文。

My Hobbies

Almost everyone has a hobby. A hobby can provide us with interes, enjoyment,friendship,knowledge.

Different people have different hobbies. Some like painting ,singing pop songs,

dancing or enjoy collecting coins or stamps ,others like going fishing, going shopping or spend their time on sports.

I like sports very much. Sometimes I play tennis or go swimming. Sometimes I exercise alone and go running in the morning. I think if I keep exercising,I will be sure to improve my health.
