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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 21:21:30 英语作文







One possible version:

This is a map of my school. When you come into the school gate, you will see a tall teaching

building in the middle of the school. There are two flowerbeds on either side of the main road. On the left, there is a library building. On the right, there is an office building. A big playground is behind the teaching building. You can find a computer room next to the playground.

You can see many trees around the school. My school isn’t big but is beautiful.(80 words)

幸福是什么呢?是下雨时妈妈送来的一把伞.是难过时朋友安慰的几句话,是帮助他人后会心的一笑,还是???其实幸福很简单,幸福就在你身边。请你以“Happiness”为 题,写一篇英语短文,让我们分享你的感受。词数:80左右。温馨提示:l、短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。2、这些词汇也许对你有帮助:

umbrella (n. 雨伞),treasure(v. 珍惜),comfort (v.安慰),share (v.分享)



What is happiness? In my opinion, being with friends is happiness. Friends are just like sunshine. They warm my heart and light my life. When I'm happy, they laugh with me, and when I feel sad, they cry with me. If I need a hand, my friends are always right there by my side. I enjoy sharing my secrets and dealing with difficulties together with them. For these reasons, I think my friends are the source of happiness. To treasure friendship is to enjoy happiness.

(Words: 85)



Dad has been away from our city since he found a job in Guangzhou years ago. He seldom comes back home except Spring Festivals. I stay with Mom and Grandma in the countryside. They care for me a lot. When I meet something difficult, I prefer to

talk with Dad on the phone. Grandma also enjoys our chatting online. No matter where Dad is, my family is always full of happiness. How I wish next Spring Festival would come soon so that the whole family can get

相互学习是一种好态度、好习惯,它是我们共同进步的好方法。请以“Learn From Each Other”为题,写一篇英语短文,让我们分享你与他人互相学习的经历和感受。 温馨提示:1. 短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。


Learn From Each Other

I have a good friend . His name is Tom . We often learn form each other . My English was poor . I was worried about it . But Tom’s English is very good . So he help me with my English . So my English has improved a lot . But Tom’

s math was poor . So I ofen help him to work out the math problems .

We learn from each other and have fun together.

第五部分 书面表达(15分)

人人都应该会做一些家务,你会做些什么家务呢、今年暑假,你将帮家里做些什么,并谈谈做家务会带来什么益处?请你以“Help with Some House work”为题,写一篇90词左右的英语短文。




1、In our country, for example, people from the south like to eat rice whereas people living in the north prefer bread or noodles. 例如我们国家,南方人喜欢吃大米,而北方人喜欢吃面包和面条。

2、Ther(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)efore, it is not easy for restaurants to satisfy the needs of all the customers.因此,饭馆很难满足所有人的饮食需求。

People in different parts of our country have very different ideas about what is good to eat. In our country, for example, people from the south like to eat rice whereas people living in the north prefer bread or noodles. The natives of Hunan or Sichuan enjoy hot food while those of Shanghai or Suzhou will choose sweet dish.

But even if people live in the same part of the country, their tastes vary greatly. Old people and young ones have different tastes; men and women also have their different preferences. In a restaurant, some customers order soups that is thick and heavy, while others drink soup that is thin and clear. A few people only eat vegetables. They de noteat fish or chicken.

Therefore, it is not easy for restaurants to satisfy the needs of all the customers. To increase their business, the restaurants in the cities try their best to prepare foods of different kinds and different styles. They constantly add new names of dishes to their menus to eater for customers with different tastes.


Food safety in the last few decades has been a growing concern among the public.

To my best understanding, several factors can be recognized to be responsible for this problem. For one thing, in order to pursue a bigger profit, food producers use the chemical materials, which have a great impact on the public health, in their products to make them grow faster or to meet with the nutrition standard at the expense of the consumers’ health. For another, the lack of the market oversight and the lack of the laws to ensure food safety allow the food producers to seize on this flaw.

To solve the problem, sticking to improving the market management system and drawing up a law to forbid the immoral behavior and to ensure food safety is the key point. The market oversight should crack down on any production and circulation of substandard food products, and severe penalties should be meted out to the irresponsible food producers. Moreover, food producers should not only be taught to realize the harm to the public health by using the chemical materials but also be aware of importance of honesty. Only with these measures enforced can we eventually resolve this problem effectively and efficiently.
