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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 23:19:47 体裁作文

篇一:The Little Prince读后感

Book Report of The Little Prince

The Little Prince , first published in 1943, is a novella and the most famous work of the French aristocrat, writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900–1944).The novella is both the most read and most translated book in the French language, and was voted the best book of the 20th century in France. Translated into more than 250 languages and dialects,selling over a million copies per year with sales totaling over 200 million copies worldwide, it has become one of the best-selling books ever published.

Saint-Exupéry, a laureate of several of France's highest literary awards and a reserve military pilot at the start of the Second World War, wrote and illustrated the manuscript while exiled in the United States after the Fall of France. He had traveled there on a personal mission to convince its government to quickly enter the war against Nazi Germany. In the midst of personal upheavals and failing health he produced almost half of the writings he would be remembered for, including a tender tale of loneliness, friendship, love and loss, in the form of a young prince fallen to Earth.

An earlier memoir by the author recounted his aviation experiences in the Sahara desert and he is thought to have drawn

on those same experiences for use as plot elements in The Little Prince. Since first being published the novella has been adapted to various media over the decades, including audio recordings, stage, screen, ballet, and operatic works.

The reader is introduced to the narrator who, as a young boy, drew a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. However, he is discouraged from drawing when all adults who look at his picture see a hat, instead. The narrator attempts to explain what his first picture depicts by drawing another one clearly showing the elephant, disturbing the adults as a result. As such, he decides to become a pilot, which eventually leads to a crash in the Sahara desert.

In the desert, the narrator meets the little prince, who asks him to draw a sheep. Not knowing how to draw a sheep, the narrator shows him the picture of the elephant in the snake. To the narrator's surprise, the prince recognizes the drawing for what it is. After a few failed attempts at drawing a sheep, the narrator draws a box in his frustration, claims that the box holds a sheep inside. Again to the narrator&#(转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网)39;s surprise, the prince is delighted with the result.

The little prince's home asteroid, or "planet", is introduced. After he reconciles with his rose, the prince leaves to see what the rest

of the universe is like. He visits six other asteroids, each of which is inhabited by a foolish adult.On the Earth, the prince meets a snake that claims to have the power to return him to his home planet, though the prince refuses this offer.Eventually, the prince comes upon a whole row of rosebushes, and becomes downcast because he thought his rose was unique.The prince then comes across a railway switchman and a merchant. Back in the present, the narrator is dying of thirst, but finds a well with the help of the prince. The narrator later finds the prince discussing his return home with the snake. The prince bids an emotional farewell to the narrator and states that if it looks as though he has died, it is because his body is too heavy to take with him to his planet. The prince warns the narrator not to watch him leave, as it will make him sad. The narrator, realizing what will happen, refuses to leave the prince's side. The prince allows the snake to bite him, and falls without making a sound. The next morning, the narrator tries to look for the prince, but is unable to find his body. The story ends with a portrait of the landscape where the prince and the narrator met and where the snake took the prince's life. The narrator makes a plea that anyone encountering a strange child in that area who refuses to answer questions should contact the narrator immediately.

Though ostensibly a children's book, The Little Prince makes several profound and idealistic observations about life and human nature. For example, Saint-Exupéry tells of a fox meeting the young prince during his travels on Earth. The story's essence is contained in the lines uttered by the fox to the little prince: On ne voit bien qu'avec le c?ur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. ("One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.") Other key thematic messages are articulated by the fox, such as: "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed" and "It is the time you have devoted to your rose that makes your rose so important." The Fox's messages are arguably the most famous due to its nature of dealing with relationships.

篇二:the body 读后感

The Reading Report of The Body

Last period, I read the book The Body. The Body wrote by an American writer Stephen King, and originally published in his 1982 collection Different Seasons and in 1986 adapted into the film stand by me. Stephen Edwin King who was born in September 21, 1947 was an American author of contemporary horror, suspense, science fiction and fantasy. His books had sold more than 350 million copies and had been adapted into a number of feature films, television movies and comic books. King had published 50 novels, including seven under the pen-name of Richard Bachman, and five non-fiction books. He had written nearly two hundred short stories, most of which had been collected in nine collections of short fiction. Many of his stories were set in his home state of Maine.

The story took place during the summer of 1960 in the fictional town of Castle Rock, Maine. Ray Brower, who was a boy from Chamberlain where was a town 40 miles or so east of Castle Rock. He went out to pick blueberries with one of his mother's pails. But he was unfortunately missing and was presumed dead. Vern Tessio(friend) informed his three friends that he had overheard his older brother Billy talking with his friend Charlie Hogan, about the location of the corpse of Ray Brower, where was a town 40 miles or so east of Castle Rock. Then Gordie Lachance and his three friends, Chris Chambers, Teddy Duchamp and Vern Tessio set out to find his body after telling their parents they will be camping out. The four friends decided that they will find it so as to be famous. During the course of their journey, the boys, who all came from abusive, dysfunctional families, came to grips with some of the harsh truths of growing up in a small factory town that did not seem to offer them much in the way of a future.

The boys walked along the railroad tracks toward the presumed location of the corpse. Along the way, they trespassed at the town dump and they were chased by trash-man Milo Pressman's dog "Chopper". Milo insult Teddy's father, which caused Teddy to unleash his anger on Milo. Gordie and Vern were nearly run over by a train while crossing a bridge. While at a resting point, Chris predicted that Gordie will grow up to become a famous writer – perhaps he will even write about his friends one day.

When they finally found the spot where the body lied, a gang of bullies arrived just after they did. The gang wss composed of Vern's older brother Billy, Charlie Hogan, Chris's older brother Richard "Eyeball" Chambers, Norman "Fuzzy" Bracowicz, John "Ace" Merrill, and two others. The older boys were upset to see the four friends, and during an argument, Chris pulled a gun belonging to his father from his bag back, that he took from his home and fired into the air and then threatened Ace, the leader of the gang. After a brief standoff Ace realized that Chris was serious, and the teenagers leaved. Having seen the body, the boys realized that there was nothing else to be done with it, and returned home without further incident.

The older boys ultimately decided to phone in the location of the body as an "anonymous tip" and it is eventually found by the authorities as a result. Some days after the confrontation, Ace and Fuzzy broke Gordie's nose and fingers and kicked him in the testicles, and they were on the verge of harming him more seriously when they were run off by Gordie's neighbor, Aunt Evvie Chalmers. Chris's brother breaks his arm and "leaves his face looking like a Canadian suise". Teddy and Vern got less severe beatings. The boys refused to identify their assailants to the authorities, and there were no further repercussions.

The narration then went into fast-forward. Gordon described the next year or so briefly, stating that Teddy and Vern drifted off, befriending some younger boys. In high school, just as Chris predicted, Gordie began taking college-preparation courses. Unexpectedly, so did Chris. In spite of abuse from his father, taunts from his classmates and distrusted from teachers and school counselors, he managed to be successful with help from Gordie.

In comparison to King's prior works, the narrative of The Body was complicated in that it was told in first person point of view by the now forty-something novelist Gordon Lachance. Most of the story was a straight retrospective of what happened, but comments, or entered chapters that related to the present time, are interspersed throughout.

Although he was only 12 at the time of the story, Gordie's favorite diversion was writing and storytelling. Three times during the narrative, he told stories to his friends, and two stories were presented in the text as short stories by Gordon Lachance, completed with attribution to the magazines in which they were published.

The final two chapters described the fate of Gordie's three friends, none of whom survived past young adulthood. Vern is killed in a house fire after a party. Teddy, while under the influence of alcohol and drugs, crashed his car and his passengers were killed. Chris, who became an outstanding high school and college student and was in his second year of law school, was stabbed to death after trying to stop an argument in a fast-food restaurant. Gordon, the only survivor, continued to write stories through college, and published a number of them in small literary journals and men's magazines. His first novel became a best-seller, and a successful film. At the time of writing about the events in 1960, he had written seven novels about the supernatural. Gordon had a wife and three children. Gordon was also revealed to be a veteran of the Vietnam War and the counter-culture of the 1960s, occasionally referred to in the flash-forward narratives during the main story.

From this story we can see that everybody can not escape the fate, except Gordon. Many people believe that they are fated, or destined to a certain life. For example, if they are very poor or very ill, they say that is because they are born to be poor or ill and there is nothing they can do about it. But in my opinion, people have more control than that over their lives. Maybe they did not work hard enough to make money or did not take proper care of themselves. By blaming their condition on fate, they are avoiding responsibility for their behaviors. I think that most part of each person makes his own fate.

In addition, I know that friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends. When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys. Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy. It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection and readiness to help. No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.


The disillusion of the American dream

- The Great Gatsby book review

The Great Gatsby is the representative work of American writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald. It is a true reflection of 1920s. The book is a classical novel and has profound meaning of the essence of the American dream’s illusory. The writer showed the American social after the World War I in the book. It uncovers the money worship and hedonism in the Jazz Age and people’s selfishness and indifference in that time. What the novel describes is a tragic story about the disillusion of the American dream.

The story happened after the World War I. A young business man named Nick Carraway rent a house in the Long Island. In the opposite house there lives his cousin Daisy Buchanan and her husband Tom

Buchanan. In the villa next lives Jay Gatsby. Gatsby holds big party every weekend in his villa but there is few people has seen his face. After a while Nick knows that when Gatsby was a soldier, he fell in love with Daisy. However, Daisy finally married with a rich man Tom Buchanan. When the war is ended, Gatsby began to do illegal business and become a millionaire in high society. In order to draw Daisy’s attention, he bought a big house in opposite to Daisy’s and often holds big party. Gatsby and Daisy meet again in the help of Nick. When this is known by Tom, he is burst into anger and they have a quarrel. With extremely nervous, Daisy

drives the car and killed Tom’s mistress Myrtle accidentally. However, Tom suggests Myrtle’s husband Wilson that it is Gatsby who killed her wife. In extreme anger Wilson shoot Gatsby and suicide. In the end of the book, when Nick held a funeral for Gatsby, none of his old friends join. Nick is disappointed to the dark high society of New York so he leave the city and go back to his home in the American Midwest.

The theme of the novel is to present the tragedy of the American dream’s disillusion by showing the story of Gatsby’s pursuing of dream. The so-called "American dream" means that in America everyone is equality of opportunity. People can realize their dream and achieve success just by themselves’ struggle. The American dream has always been an ideal that people are convinced of and pursue of. It is a kind of spiritual strength that promote America to developing and flourishing quickly. After the World War I, America has entered into an

unprecedented era of prosperity and the American dream becoming a crazy worship to money. The wind of money worship prevailing. So the American dream has been deteriorated as the social develop.

In this novel, the short life of Gatsby has go through the process of dream from start to burst. It symbolize the rise and burst of the American dream at the same time. One side of his American Dream is the dream of money. He realize this dream by illegal business which made him from a poor boy to a millionaire. However, the other side of his dream is the

dream of love and it make him into a sad ending. In fact, his loving dream is another form of his money dream. At first when he fell in love with Daisy, he was attracted by her material life. He yearns for not so much Daisy’s love as Daisy’s high society life. Daisy is the combination of love and money which he’s longing for. She is the represent of a beautiful life. However, in real life, Daisy is far from what Gatsby imagine. She is a selfish, shallow and timid girl and all she wants is money and high society life. Finally Gatsby’s dream broken and it also symbolize the broken of the American dream. The essence of the tragedy of Gatsby is the tragedy of American idealism. But then again, although Gatsby’s effort did not pay off, his spirit of struggling to realize his dream and change the fate is moving and deserves our admiration and learning.
