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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 21:32:37 英语作文

篇一:高中英语 AFlood(洪水)作文素材

A Flood(洪水) A Flood

The heavy rain has been pouring down all the time for there days. Not only fields but also villages have been fooded. Last night, houses were washed away by the flood and the villagers were in danger and struggling in the water,crying

for help. Just then the PLA men hurried over by steamboat, They did their best to save villagers and helped them to move onto the riverbank. The government for the villaders very much. Tents, food, clothes and medicine were sent to them without delay. Without the Party and the PLA men, a large number of people would have lost their lives ia the flood or died of hunger.



Flood is a type of natural hazard which cause by water. A flood forming by lake, river, or ocean water level rising over the general water level and I will threat to the area which nearby or rain pitchforks for a long time and the drainage system drains not in time, floods will naissance. The primary impacts of flood Can damage any type of structure, including bridges, cars, buildings, sewerage systems, roadways, and canals. The secondary effects are:

? Water supplies – Contamination of water. Clean drinking water becomes scarce.

? Diseases – Unhygienic conditions. Spread of water-borne diseases.

? Crops and food supplies – Shortage of food crops can be caused due to loss of entire harvest. However, lowlands near rivers depend upon river silt deposited by floods in order to add nutrients to the local soil.

? Trees – Non-tolerant species can die from suffocation. Transport -

Transport links destroyed, so hard to get emergency aid to those who need it.

The 2010 Pakistan floods began in late July 2010, resulting from heavy of Pakistan's total land area was underwater, approximately 796,095 square about 20 million people, mostly by destruction of property, livelihood and infrastructure, with a death toll of close to 2,000; in my opinion flood is different to another hazard because it is avoidable in this age whether the drainage system work probably before the flood comes. Therefore flood is a natural disaster as well as an impact of natural disaster.

Adelaide has experienced a flood

When I waked up by choking water, I was on midnight. The water level rise form the floor about one metre. And then I climb to the roof to wait for the rescue. Whining one minute, I saw some sundries cars even house and body floating everywhere. The drainage system has been block by sundries. And I wondered how this flood causes.

Next morning I had been rescue and bring me to the safety area. No one knew how did this flood cause, but s(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)ome survival who lived in glengl told us that I was cause by tsunami, however everyone believe that they haven’t got feeling of an earth quake. The TV station didn’t perform the news so we didn’t knew how did this flood cause.

Until next week we saw the news that we knew the flood was cause by green house. The


Anchor: Torrential rains continued to plague(折磨) China on Wednesday, affecting almost 1 million people, disrupting traffic(交通中断) and threatening the safety of reservoirs(水库). Flood control has now become a top priority in many provinces in southern China.

Our reporter Wu Jia has the details.


The water level in the Yangtze River keeps rising as the downpour continues. Authorities are taking every precaution(预防,防范措施) to fight flooding and ensure safety along the major rivers, reservoirs and strategic facilities.

Shi Guangqian is a senior official at the Yangtze River's Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarter. He says the water level in the high-rish sections of the river is being carefully monitored.

"As of now, the rainfall in the Yangtze region, especially the middle and low reaches of the river, has been normal. Everything is under control at present."

Shi Guangqian adds that the water level in the Yangze's main Wuhanguan tributary is stable.

China's National Meteorological(adj.气象的, 气象学的) Center estimates that rainfall in South China this year will be 30 to 70 percent heavier than previous years. And according to the latest forecasts, heavy rainfall in the region will continue in the coming days.

The drenching rains are expected to pose a serious danger to agricultural production. The situation has prompted China's Ministry of Agriculture to issue an urgent appeal to the local authorities to prevent possible losses.

Hu Yuankun is a senior official from the Ministry of Agriculture.

"As of noon, June 11th, the rain had affected seven provinces in South China: Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Guizhou. More than 11 million mu of crops have been damaged in these provinces." However, the official says immediate rescue strategies have been carried out and the damage will not have too much effect on the nation's overall agricultural output this year.

Furthermore, Hu Yuankun says the ministry is working closely with local agricultural authorities. They have taken a series of measures, including strengthening the weather monitoring and forecast system, as well as sending experts to the disaster-hit areas.

"We are working on resuming production after the disaster. We have organized farmers to harvest the ripe crops and fruit. We have also sent our experts to help restore agricultural production, and minimize the losses."

The deluge began to haunt South China at the end of last month, damaging houses, crops, and industrial plants. In response, the National

Meteorological Center has launched an orange alert, the second highest level in China. 主持人:暴雨继续困扰着(折磨)星期三中国,影响了近1000000人,扰乱了交通(交通中断)和危及水库安全(水库)。洪水控制已经成为华南很多省份的当务之急。


















In July 21st, Beijing heavy rain to heavy rain weather, the average rainfall of 170mm, since 1951has complete meteorological record the maximum precipitation. Among them, Fangshan District Hebei town of maximum rainfall reached 460 mm. Heavy rains triggered flash floods in Fangshan, Juma River flood peak discharge. As of 22days 17 when, in the territory of the city were found which has led to the death of37 people.

Wherein, drowning25 people, building collapse that killed 6 people, lightning killed 1 people,5 people died of electrocution. At present, the dead22 people have been identified, the rest 15 are confirmed.

On the other, in the emergency disaster relief, Fangshan District Han village river vice mayor Gao Dahui, Yanshan Public Security Bureau police inspector Li Fanghong, Miyun mayor Li Jianmin sacrificed for cities.

Last summer,big floods occurred in both the south and north of China.They were the most serious ones in this century.They caused great loses.Fields were ruined,houses were washed away and many people became homeless.

There are three reasons for the floods.First,it had kept raining for

months.Secondly,many forests had been cut down and the soil was washed

away.Finally,some lakes had been turned into fields,which seriously blocked the


Now,some measures have been taken to prevent floods from happening again.The trees along the rivers have been protected;old dams have been rebuilt and some fields have been turned back into lakes again.



