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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 20:29:26 英语作文







我有夹起一块颜色似牛奶的颜色,外表上却有着一个有一个细小的窟窿。我夹到自己的碗里,让这块东东在调料中游了一会儿泳后,别夹起来,送到嘴里,嚼了几下,便咽了下去。感觉这东西味道淡淡地,像豆腐,我别问:“这个是什么东西呀?怎么吃起来像豆腐?”爸爸笑着说:“哈哈,这本来就是豆腐,还用尝吗?”我恍然大悟,爸爸妈妈,叔叔阿姨和爷爷奶奶,包括周围的人都咧开嘴笑起来。 最后,我们吃好喝好和付完帐,就一起打道回府了!没想到吃这顿饭还有这么多的欢乐。


1 吃火锅的作文_作文 吃火锅的作文晚上六点,爸爸妈妈带我出去吃火锅,开始吃火锅咯!妈妈把我最爱吃的

汤圆先放到锅里煮,圆圆的汤圆在锅里翻滚了一会儿,马上熟了就浮上来了,我忍着烫大口咬了一个汤圆,啊!软软的甜甜的,好吃极了!一下子我就吃了很多个,害得我的肚子都变成大西瓜了。我感觉今天的火锅特别好吃,又特别香,我还想再吃一次...... fzgs8.com 福州注册公司 福州公司注册 福州代理记账


Here is a large hot pot. Different from the traditional Chinese hot pot, it is one with a number of cultural symbols as its ingredients. These cultural foodstuffs come from both home and abroad. At the bottom of the picture, there is a note that reads, “The cultural hot pot is tasty as well as nutritious.”

In fact, the picture shows a hot pot of blended cultures prepared for the young Chinese generation, whose implication is that in the background of globalization, for the excellence of the new generation of China, knowledge and qualities from both the East and the West are indispensible.

In my opinion, the cartoon presents to us a brilliant viewpoint. First of all, every culture on earth, especially that of a developed country, has its own advantages. Over two thousand years ago, Confucius taught, “There is always someone to learn from.” Our own culture requires us to learn. The new China was founded on communism, inspired by Karl Marx, who was a German. The young Chinese generation ought to derive from other cultures more benefits like this one. Secondly, though not perfect, as one of the oldest in the world, the ancient Chinese culture leaves us numerous unfading and nutritious ingredients such as Confucianism and Kongfu. Instead of losing them, we should take the responsibility of restarting their development. What’s more, numerous facts revealed that social progress is not an isolated phenomenon but the by-product of frequent cultural exchange. It was the isolation due to our ancestors’ pride that resulted in the fall of the ancient Chinese empire, which must be prevented from happening again.

In conclusion, the China’s Dream can only be achieved through continuous (转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网)cultural blending and innovating. The young people are especially responsible for this task.
