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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 16:31:21 体裁作文


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

It’s a great pleasure for me to be here to deliver my speech. The topic is: change the unchangeable. It always seems impossible until it’s done, Nelson Mandela, Father of South Africa, once said. In other words, the seemingly unchangeable things can be changed if we have the determination to make a change.

Speaking of which, I have to mention a person, who had made this kind of change. That is M. k. Gandhi, the leader of India, still the pioneer of non-violence. The Time magazine reputed Gandhi as a man of the 20th century. Albert Einstein once gave his evaluation of Gandhi, “Generations to come will scarcely believe that such a one as this walked the earth in flesh and blood.” He moved the world as he said, “Offer himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world.” Here, an unchangeable fact exist around the world, that is: light and dark are in opposition, good and evil are in collision, peace and violence are in confrontation. But Gandhi said, “Hate the sin, love the sinner!” What a crazy thought! Hardly can a person achieve this. However, he had been using his sincerest and purest heart to change the unchangeable fact of the world. His faith of puring the world might seem unable to realize in a long run, but he had fought for it until the last minute of his life, influenced the world and made the world respect the great eastern who held a lofty ideal.

Nothing is impossible, and in a sense, nothing is unchangeable! Make impossible matters possible, change the unchangeable, that is a kind of attitude towards life. All great changes come from small, sustainable changes. But they’re less likely to stick. When changing the unchangeable, persistence is essential. Hold on to your faith, then the change does happen. Gandhi watched for the change of people’s mind for his whole life, how long can we persist for a change?


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great honor for me to be given these opportunities to deliver a speech. The subject of my presentation is change the unchangeable. One of my mottoes is “Change your thinking, change your life!” I’m a big believer that our thoughts and emotions shape our experiences. The problem is that most people aren’t aware of their negative thoughts. It’s almost like they have just become a habit, so it seems normal to them.

You think that you are a victim. In fact, you’re not a victim. So stop blaming other people or your circumstances for your problems, just because you don’t like where you are now doesn’t mean that you can’t take personal responsibility to change it for the better. So get rid of that mentality because it doesn’t help anything. Actually, it acts as an obstacle to success. Realize that you, and only you, are responsible for your destiny.

Some things you can change. In fact, a lot of things you can change. You can lose weight. You can find a better job. You can go back to school. You can study hard. You can and you must change the unchangeable. You can’t believe that the past determines your future. Just because you came from a poor family, or made mistakes in the past does not mean that you can’t make your future better. If you have labeled yourself as a “failure” because of your past, then you will only continue your “failure” attitude into the future. And if you’re heard of the self-fulfilling prophecy phenomenon, then you know that what you think, you become. So like I said in the opening paragraph: “Change your thinking, change your life!”

In a word, you just make great effort; keep the right attitude, and believe that everything is possible if you try to do it. Change the unchangeable; your life will be better.


There are endless examples. Abraham Lincoln overcome a difficult childhood, depression, the death of two sons and the constant failure seems unchangeable to become one of the greatest presidents in America. Helen Keller made an impact on the world despite being deaf, dumb, and blind from an early age.

These were the people who managed to change the unchangeable. Some of them make a change in a direct way, and others do not change the adversity unchangeable exactly, but they succeed in changing what they could do in the unchangeable situation. They changed the authoritative view the majority put on them. And this is the right way in which we can change the unchangeable.

To conclude, I appeal to all of you for doubting the unchangeable and trying to change the unchangeable.

(二)Change the unchangeable

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great honor for me to be given these opportunities to deliver a speech. The subject of my presentation is change the unchangeable. One of my mottoes is “Change your thinking, change your life!” I’

’m a big believer that our thoughts and emotions shape our experiences. The problem is that most people aren

t aware of their negative thoughts. It’s almost like they have just become a

habit, so it seems normal to them.


t like where you are now doesnthink that you are a victim. In fact, you’t mean that you can’’’

’re not a victim. So stop blaming other people or your circumstances for your problems, just because you dont take personal responsibility to change it for the better. So get rid of that mentality because it doesn


Some things you can change. In fact, a lot of things you can change. You can lose weight. You can find a better job. You can go back to school. You can study hard. You can and you must change the unchangeable. You can’t believe that the past determines your future. Just because you came from a poor family, or made mistakes in the past does not mean that you can

ntinue your “failure” attitude into the future. And if you’’t make your future better. If you have labeled yourself as a “failure” because of your past, then you will only core heard of the self-fulfilling prophecy phenomenon, then you know that what you think, you become. So like I said in the opening paragraph: “Change your thinking, change your life!”

In a word, you just make great effort; keep the right attitude, and believe that everything is possible if you try to do it. Change the unchangeable; your life will be better.

(三)Change the unchangeable

When I was about 10 years old in primary school, I believed that my future would have nothing to do with two things: music and English. Now, I play my guitar nearly every day and in the near future I will be hosting an English salon.

Changing the unchangeable seemed to be a mission impossible to me at first sight, but then it dawned on me that to say whether one thing is unchangeable or not is sometimes quite a personal judgment. It might be our fear, indecisiveness or carelessness that prevent us from finding the solutions. We are just sometimes too used to the settled plans, customs and routines that we fail to come up with the idea of making changes. To change the unchangeable is just like to give a good speech on the stage that the priority is always to jump out of the box and see the things from different perspectives.

Impassioned speech Landmark

On Friday, first lady Michelle Obama gave an impassioned speech on diversity to high school graduates in Topeka, Kansas, where the landmark t help anything. Actually, it acts as an obstacle to success. Realize that you, and only you, are responsible for your

Brown v. Board of Education case started.


You all are the living, breathing legacy of this case, ” Obama said. “Many districts in this country have pulled back on efforts to integrate their schools. Many communities have become less diverse."

Obama also delivered the commencement address to graduates of Dillard University in New Orleans.


“No dream is too big, no vision is too bold, " she said on May 10. "As long as we stay hungry for education and let that hunger be our North Star, there is nothing, graduates, nothing, that we cannot achieve.” 她在5月10号说:“梦想没有极限,远见还需大胆。只要我们渴望知识,把这渴望当做指引我们的北极星,同学们,那就没有什么事是办不成的。”

At the University of Massachusetts Lowell on Sunday, Bill Nye had a similar message for graduates: "Change the world."



"I'm not kidding. Change the world in new, exciting and big ways, " Nye, better known as "The Science Guy, " said. "Keep reaching. Keep seeking. Keep using your abilities to bring out the best in those around you, and let them bring out the best in you."


Nye also railed against climate-change deniers. "Conspiracy theories are for lazy people, " he said. "People that don't want to get down to the business at hand. ... Instead of just doing less, we have to find ways of doing more with less. That's the key to the future." Also, he added, "if you smell fresh paint, don't walk under the ladder."


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Derrick. I am

honored to stand here to deliver my speech. Today my topic is "Change the Unchangeable".

Have you ever had an experience when you felt very upset and had no energy to do your work? When a setb

ack make you frustrated, a failure made you de-motivated and a regret made you feel negative. When our dreams, goals and ambitions get lost as quickly as everything else we lose motivation. In the meantime, you are disappointed with yourselves because you can't change anything, everything in your world is unchangeable.

Three months ago my life had collapsed around me, I had built a Hell for myself, I felt exhausted by my studies and my relationships were in turmoil. Little did I know at the time, that out of my greatest despair was to come the greatest gift. I've been given a glimpse of a great secret. If you know this secret it gives you everything you want. Nothing in your life will be unchangeable.

We are all working with one power ,one law, it is attraction. The secret is the Law of Attraction. Everything that's coming into your life, you are attracting into your life. Ladies and gentlemen, you can review your whole life, whatever is going in your mind , you are attracting to you. The Law of the Attraction will give you whatever it is you say and focus on. It's always responding to your thoughts. So if you're sitting there, thinking

about why your life is so unchangeable, actually, you're attracting more unchangeable things into your world. Socrates said "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." Socrates was one of the famous people who knew the secret of the world. People always complaint about things which have already happened. Setbacks, failures and regret make them have the feeling that everything is unchangea


ble. I believe they hope to change the situation, but they always focus on the old things which make them feel terrible about it. They are just affirming to themselves that that's what they're going to get more of. They are always focusing on what they don't want. They want to change the old and the bad feelings. In fact, if you are thinking about the negative, you will attract more of it. Everything that surround you right now in your life, including the things you're complaining about, you have attracted to yourself. So, we just need to be positive in our outlook and orientation, and we will tend to attract positive people and positive events and circumstances. The only thing we should do is to think about the emotions that feel good, that feeling of happiness or love, those good feelings.

Thank you very much. My name is Derrick. I hope you can always feel happiness in your life.

篇三:change the unchangeable演讲稿总结

change the unchangeable.


? 我们每个人要变老,这是无法改变的事实。但我们能改变对“老”的态度

我们每个人都会死,这是无法改变的事实。但我们能改变对“死”的态度 我们不能改变疾病,但我们可以改变对疾病的态度。

? 我们无法改变自己的性别,无法改变自己的身高,无法改变自己的过去,但是我们可以改变自己的未来.

? The only unchangeable in life is change.

? 1.Why do we need to change? -or- What’s wrong with how we do it now?

2. What will happen if we do not change? 3. How should we do it differently in the future?

? 旅行改变不能改变的生活;

? 环境改变不能改变的人生


? I have a few good examples from the medical/health standpoint. Let say if the person is genetically predisposed to hypertension or diabetes, which is the "unchangeable or unmodified factor" in this case. However, just because you carry the disease genes doesn't necessarily mean you will get the disease eventually. In order to change the "unchangeable" in this case would be to adopt a healthier life style to prevent or reduce the likelihood of getting hypertension or diabetes. Does it make sense?

? Generosity is to accept unchangeable facts, courage is to change changeablematters, wisdom is to distinguish the difference between the above two.


? The only unchangeable thing in the world is "change", whatever you change, if the love is just, it is favorable.


? (2012“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛亚军周丁益)

Change the unchangeable. That’s the mission. That’s the dream. At one point we are all stupid enough to believe we can do it. This bold naiveté is what sparked poetry, rock ’n’ roll and everything else revolutionary, until we are back at square one wondering, “Wait. Why is everything still the same?” Then we surrender, to cynicism, to nihilism, to futility, to ennui. We call it the process. We call it growing up. And we scoff at younger generations for the same bold naiveté we used to have.

This is the circle of life, and it goes on.

? (2012“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛一等奖获得者杨华梦)

Changing the unchangeable seemed to be a mission impossible to me at first sight, but then it dawned on me that to say whether one thing is unchangeable or not is sometimes quite a personal judgment. It might be our fear, indecisiveness or carelessness that prevent us from finding the solutions. We are just sometimes too used to the settled plans, customs and routines that we fail to come up with the idea of making changes. To change the unchangeable is just like to give a good speech on the stage that the priority is always to jump out of the box and see the things from different perspectives.

? (2011“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛一等奖获得者周容宇)

When I was about 10 years old in primary school, I believed that my future would have nothing to do with two things: music and English. Now, I play my guitar nearly every day and in the near future I will be hosting an English salon. People sometimes so easily deem something impossible, because they always tend to believe that what they have and what they see now is unchangeable. However, as time goes by and you look back, the changes you’ve made will often amaze you. It’s always fascinating to see how you’ve changed the unchangeable and made impossible possible.


? 乔布斯:who have changed the world。The personal computer, iphone, ipad and etc..

? 海伦凯勒:Your Destiny is in Your Hands。“One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.” – Helen Keller

? Does Our Belief Make a Difference in Our Life?

? 脑瘤: so the next time you faced with something unexpected, unwanted and uncertain. Consider that it just may be a gift.


? 题目过于宽泛,要具体化。To be more specific.

? 开头:患某种不可抗的疾病?一个小故事比如愚公移山?


? 立意:深刻的立意可以加深听众的印象。赢取高分。

? 表现形式:丰富的表演形式。
