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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 04:32:39 优秀作文




图表:chart graph diagram

数据:data statistics figure

比例:Rate percentage proportion ratio

特点:feature character

趋势:trend tendency



:cohort group The former group/the latter cohort/the figures

the 16 to 26 age group

the 16 to 26 cohort

people between the ages of 16 to 26

the 16 to 26 age category

种类:category kind


展示、显示:describe show reflect indicate illustrate depict suggest represent

增长:increase grow rise enhance broaden go up Showed an increase=picked up

下降:decrease drop fall reduce lessen cut down Showed a decline/dropped/saw a decline


重大的:significant great dramatic considerable substantial

明显的: noticeable remarkable

急剧的:rapid sharp steep abrupt突然的, sudden

轻微的:little slight slow light

大概的:general moderate



jump up rapidly

rise dramatically

a significant ascent


decrease sharply

a steep drop

fall considerably


a gradual descent (下降)

a slow fluctuation(波动)

a slight rebound(反弹)



reflected in…表明了within the…在…里面

similarly with…与…相似地 show a…显示了


In contrast,…相反地

Compared with…与…相比较

marked difference显示了…不同


a notable exception 很明显的例外之处是…


1 The line graph provided indicates/illustrates/shows/describes/+小标题

2 There is a line graph which reveals/reflects/analyzes the number of world grain harvested area in million hectares from 1950 to 1996.

3 A glance at the line graph given reveals the number of world grain harvested area in million hectares from 1950 to 1996.

4 Provided is a line graph which shows the number of people from different countries who entered into the UK between 1940 and 1970

1 The pie chart reveals the percentage of various reasons for being arrested in the year of 2007,while the bar chart compares the number of men and women who were arrested in thousands from the period of 2005 to 2007.

2 The pie chart and the bar chart illustrate A as well as B respectively

七、对比段: 背诵10遍!!!!

1.During the first decade,the rates picked up a little in 1989,when they showed a 3% increase, but dropped to 52%.

2.This trend was also seen in both the 37 to 46 and the 47 to 56 age categories. Although the former group showed a 3% increase from 79% in between 1969 and 1979, the rates dropped sharply to 64% in 1989 and 61% in 1999. Similarly with the latter cohort who showed a significant decrease in employment from 78% to 61% in 1979. The figures continued to decrease during the following two decades.

3.The 27 to 36 cohort, however, showed a different story. This time there was a steady increase in full-time employment rates. Beginning at around 75% in 1969, they rose to 79% in 1979, and continued increasing to 98% in 1999.

4.During the first half of the twentieth century, there appears to have been a massive increase in the global food surplus from around 52 million tons in 1900,to 90 million tons in 1910 and 130 million tons in 1920. And so the trend continued.

5.Yof world poverty, which, although showed small fluctuations, remained at around the 50 percent level. In fact, only during the periods 1910 and 1940 to 1950 did they fall below the 50 percent mark.

6Even in 1940, when there was a massive increase in food surplus to around 190 million tons, world poverty levelsonly reached 47 percent.

7.Contrary to what is expected, levels of world food surplus have little impact on world poverty levels which remain steady in the face of a much greater amount of food surplus.


The graph shows the percentage of the UK population over the age 4 that listened to radio and watched television throughout the day in 1992.

There was a slight increase in the percentage of TV audiences from about 3% at 6:00 a.m. to about 7% at 8:00 a.m.. From 8:00 am to 12:00 p.m., it remained stable. After that, the percentage of TV audiences rose sharply until 8:00 p.m., peaking at about 45%. The next 10 hours witnessed a dramatic fall in the percentage.

It can be seen from the line graph that the percentage of radio audiences increased rapidly from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.. At 8:00 a.m.it reached its highest point at 25%. And then, for the rest of the day, the percentage dropped gradually, with a slight increase from 4:0 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and aroud 11:00 p.m.

Before around 2:00 p.m., the percentage of people listening to the radio was larger than that of people watching TV. However, for the rest of the day, much more UK audiences chose to watch TV rather than listen to radio. As a whole, throughout the whole day, the percentage of TV audiences was larger than that of the radio.


There was/is/will be a (adj.) n in the number/percentage of A(data +) time.

increase/rise/growth decrease/decline/drop/fall

fluctuation no/little change(不与a adj.连用)

Its + (GN per) was 100 times smaller than the USA’s

代指noun lower/higher/larger xx比xx大/小100倍

The figures in terms of the A(noun) were only the half/third of those respectively in B(noun) A1和a2分别是B的一半 连接词/开头语: The graph shows…

The line graph illustrates/indicated + 重复题目 According to the line graph,

We can (also) see from the graph that… As we can see from the graph,

It can be seen from the line graph that… 不同对象+不同时间

一条线一条线的分析,一线一段 直升直降

1. There was/is/will be a adj. + n. + in the number/percentage of + 一线的主语 from + 数字 + (at/in等)时间 to 数字 + (at/in等)时间

There was a slight increase in the percentage of TV audiences from about 3% at 6:00 a.m. to about 7% at 8:00 a.m..

2. The number/percentage of +一线的主语 + V. + (adv.) + time The percentage of radio audiences increased rapidly

Ⅰ.from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.. Ⅱ.until…直到几点

Ⅲ.from about 3% at 6:00 a.m. to about 7% at 8:00 a.m..


The plummets to only 100 from…to…(at…),which was its bottom. 3. 1,2句型后可加peaking/bottoming at + 数据

After that, the percentage of TV audiences rose sharply until 8:00 p.m., peaking at (about)45%.

4. 另一种表示达到最高点的方法

一线的主语 + reach its highest point/lowest point at + 数据(peak) (bottom)

At 8:00 a.m. it reached its highest point at 25%


1. And then, for the rest of the day(time), the percentage dropped gradually, with a slight increase from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and ground 11:00 p.m.. 降中有升,大体是降

2. The period from 8:00p.m. to 10:00 p.m. experiences a slight rise, but then the number of people decline again from 180 at 9:00p.m. to 135 at 10:00p.m. 先升后降,转折变化

3. Since + 时间1995/5 o’clock(After then), it jump suddenly.

In 2000, this number increased to 4 but after then it will go up more rapidly and reached 7 in XX(时间). 平稳

1. There was little change in this number from… to … 2. From… to…, it remain stable.

3. It remained stable at (45% or 数据) until 时间。

4. But after that it dropped sharply until(时间)2000/5 o’clock

When it remained stable at about + 数据 until (时间)2005/7 o’clock 时间段 + witness witnesses witnessed/experience/see + a + adj. + n. + in

the number of 一线的主语(数据)

1. The next 10 days/hours/years

2. The period from 8:00p.m. to 10:00p.m.

Ⅰ.The period between 10 o’clock and 12 o’clock witnesses a moderate growth in the number of people in the station, with the number reaching 280 at midday.

Ⅱ. Then the next two hours see a dramatic rise again, with 6:00p.m. registering 280 people.

Ⅲ. The next 10 hours witnessed a dramatic fall in the percentage. 关于词汇 ↑

noun. increase rise growth

verb. increase(increased) rise(rose) ↓

Noun. decrease decline drop fall

Verb. decrease decline drop(dropped) fall(fell) →

Noun. no change/little change Verb. remain/ stable ↗↘↗↘↗↘↗↘ Noun. fluctuation

篇三:雅思写作 小作文常用词汇与短语


1. 表示“主语”

01) 图表本身:table、line(bar/pie) chart(graph/diagram)

02) 数据形式:figures、statistics、information、data

03) It形式主语、There be句型

2. 表示“上升”和“下降”

01) rise (to)

02) increase (to)

03) go up (to)

04) an upward trend (in)

05) fall (to)

06) decline (to)

07) drop (to)

08) a downward trend (in)

09) with a rise/drop(etc.) of…

10) surge from…to…:猛增

11) be on the rise

12) be in decline

13) down…(幅度) from...(高) to...(低)

14) up…(幅度) from...(低) to...(高)

15) rise/increase/drop(etc.) further from...to.../to...

16) a rise/drop(etc.) of + 百分数/数字 = a 百分数/数字 rise/drop(etc.)

17) rise/drop(etc.) + 数字/百分数/倍数 = rise/drop(etc.) + a record of + 数字/百分数

3. 表示“平稳”

01) remain stable (at)

02) stay constant (at)

03) maintain the same level (at)

04) remain around that figure

05) reach a plateau:到达(上升后的)平稳期

06) no change (in)

07) be flat at:平稳在…

08) level out at:平稳在…

4. 表示“波动”、“最高值”和“最低值”

01) hover around:在…徘徊

02) fluctuate around/at:在…波动(点)

03) fluctuate between...and...:在…波动(范围)

04) rise and drop (between…and…):起伏(在…之间)

05) peak at:在…达到最大值

06) hit a peak(of…)

07) reach the highest point at:在…达到最大值

08) reach a bottom at:在…达到最低值

09) reach the lowest point at:在…达到最低值

5. 表示“变化程度”

01) dramatic → dramatically:巨大

02) significant → significantly:巨大

03) moderate → moderately:适度

04) slight → slightly:微小

05) minimal → minimally:极其微小

6. 表示“变化速度”

01) sudden → suddenly:忽然

02) rapid → rapidly:快速

03) steady → steadily:平稳

04) gradual → gradually:逐渐

7. 表示“说明”

01) show

02) illustrate

03) describe

04) unfold

05) reveal

8. 表示“大约”

01) about

02) nearly

03) around

04) approximately

9. 表示“占据”

01) make up

02) take up

03) account for

04) be composed of

05) constitute

06) comprise

07) have/be/reach/hit

10. 表示“关于”

01) about

02) regarding

03) concerning

04) related to

05) with regard to = as to:关于,就…而论(做状语)

11. 表示“时间”

01) between the year 1995 and 2000

02) since then

03) from now/then on

04) over/during the period from 1995 to 2000

05) by the end of 2005

06) from the 1970s onwards/from 1994 onwards

07) for ten years or so/at least

08) in those/the given years/period(s)

09) aged + 岁数

10) aged between…and… = aged from…to…

11) in the following three years/ period

12) over the course of the last century

13) a 100-year period

14) throughout the five years from 1995 to 2000

15) a ten-year high = a new high in the ten-year period

16) a new high/low

12. 表示“比较”

01) 倍数 + as + 形容词 (+ 名词 + 动词) as

02) more than + 倍数 + as + 形容词 + as...

03) 数字/百分数/倍数 + 比较级 + than

04) 数字/百分数/倍数 more + 名词 + than...

05) 数字 + more +名词 e.g. 1000 more dogs:一百多只狗

06) A is + 倍数 + as likely to do sth. as B

07) A is + 百分数 + up/down + on B:A比B 高/低 x%

08) more than + 数字/百分数 = over… = above…

09) less than + 数字/百分数 = under…

10) outgrow(比…快)、outweigh(比…重要)、outnumber(比…多)、outpace(追过)、


11) 表名次:first(place)、second(place)、third(place)…、number 1、number 2、number


12) slip to + 名次:滑到…

13) plummet to + 名次:快速落到…

14) lead + 名词 (+in the race of) = be ahead of + 名词:领先于…

15) be at ahead

16) followed by + 名词(当状语):后面紧接的是…

17) following + 名词(当状语) = behind + 名词:落后于…

18) follow behind (+in/sb.):落后

19) rank first(etc.) (on the list)/top five

20) a fourth lowest on record

21) come + 名次 = come in at + 名次

22) next comes + 名词:接着是…

23) A beat B into + 名次:A打败B,使B成为…

24) rise two places to + 名次:提高2个名次成为…

25) 100 in 1998 versus 98 in 2000:做状语

26) in (marked) contrast to:与…对比起来,与…形成对比

27) by comparison:相比之下

28) in contrast:相反

13. 描述扇形图

01) the percentage of

02) the proportion of

03) the portion of

04) the quantity of

05) the number of

06) the amount of

07) the majority of

08) the minority of

09) the entire body of

10) the bulk of

11) a (big/small) share of + 百分数

14. 表示流程图的“步骤”

01) to begin (with)

02) first of all

03) secondly

04) then/next

05) after that

06) finally/at last

07) in addition/furthermore

08) meanwhile/at the same time

09) in the next stage/following this

10) in the subsequent stage

15. 表示流程图“首阶段”

01) the process starts from (+名词 or 动名词)

02) at the first/initial stage

03) at the beginning of the cycle

04) during the initial phase

05) … is the first step in …

16. 表示流程图“次阶段”

01) the second stage is

02) the next step in the process is

17. 表示流程图“末阶段”

01) … is the last step in the procedure

02) The final phase of the procedure is about

03) In the final phase

04) Entering the final phase

18. 有用的句式

01) …provide/give/present an overall view/overview of…

02) To summarise/In summary/Overall/As suggested above

03) It can be seen from…that…

04) In…, it is another picture.

05) It is clearly evident from the … that …

06) Through the information that is provided in the … we can learn that … 07) By briefly glancing at … it is apparent that …

08) The information in the … concludes that …

09) What is notable is that(值得注意的是)…

10) What remains truly remarkable is that(引人注目的是)…

11) It is evident when comparing …

12) …shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to...

13) …lead us to the conclusion that...

14) As can be seen from the …, great changes have taken place in...

15) …shows the changing proportion of a and b(a和b的比例关系)

16) The percentage of...is slightly larger/smaller than that of...

17) There is not a great deal of difference between...and...

18) There are a lot similarities between...and...

19) A has something in common with B.

20) The difference between a and b lies in...
