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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 18:14:00 英语作文


Traditional Costume of Han Nationality

When I wanted to introduce the Han nationality; When intended to give publicity for the Han nationality; When I saw the 56 ethnic groups take photos together, I always thought about what is our national costume?

What is the traditional costume of the Han nationality? Is that Cheongsam? Tang suit? Or just reluctantly say that,” sorry, we don’t have traditional costume”? Of course no!

Our name is Han. Our language is Chinese. Our word is the Chinese characters. And then, if there is a kind of clothing that only belongs to the Han nationality, it must be Hanfu, without a doubt!

Hanfu exist in Han culture and Han people’s life for more than 3000 years until the ruler of Qing-dynasty forced Han people to give up there traditional costume.

In ancient China, both men and women only wore clothes that overlap the right side to the left side. The opposite right-over-left style is for other nations. For Han people, right-over-left style meant death.

There are many kind of Hanfu, like Shenyi, which cou(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网)ld wear on Chinese holiday or some important ceremonies. The Zhiduo was worn by men. It was popular among scholar in Ming Dynasty. In

addition, the Ruqun, Zhaoshan, Duanda are general style of Hanfu.

Nowadays, most people know about Japanese Kimono and Korean Hanbok, but few of them know that they were both created based on the styles of Hanfu. What a big irony!


Hanfu refers to the pre-17th century traditional clothing of the Han Chinese, the predominant ethnic group of China.

Hanfu encompasses all types of traditional clothing worn by the Han Chinese ethnic group. As such, it has a history as long as the history of the Han Chinese people. Hanfu was eliminated by Manchu invaders by force in the 17th century, and is largely unknown in China today, except among a small but vocal group of people advocating the revival of Hanfu as a Chinese national costume.

History of Hanfu

According to Chinese tradition, Hanfu can be keith traced back to the Yellow Emperor, a great sage king of ancient China whom legend says ruled in the 27th century BC. Hanfu itself has a recorded history of more than 3000 years. It was worn by Han Chinese people from the semi-legendary Xia Dynasty (c. 21st century BC - 16th century BC) all the way to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The traditional dress of many Asian countries have been influenced by Hanfu, especially those of Japan and Korea.

Hanfu was regarded by Han Chinese as a very important part of their culture. The wearing of appropriate styles of Hanfu was an important part of courteous refined behaviour. Confucius considered Hanfu a very important part of Chinese ceremony and ritual and many of his quotations contain references to Hanfu.

The disappearance of Hanfu

Hanfu disappeared at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The Qing Dynasty was founded not by Han Chinese who form the overwhelming majority of the population of China proper, but by the Manchus. Taking advantage of the political instability and frequent popular rebellions convulsing China, the highly organized military forces of the Manchus swept into the Ming capital of Beijing in 1644 (which itself had earlier fallen to rebel forces under Li Zicheng), and formed the Qing Dynasty.

The Manchus foresaw that they would have great difficulty ruling the Han Chinese, who outnumbered them vastly and had a more sophisticated culture. Soon after the takeover of China proper, the Manchus forced the Han Chinese men to adopt Manchu hairstyle (the braid) and Manchu-style clothing.(Qipao and Tangzhuang)

There was enormous resistance to these policies, especially against the braid, which required shaving the entire top front half of the head. (Chinese traditional dictated that removing hair was against filial piety because one received one's hair from one's

parents.) Popular uprisings flaired up immediately, but those were put down brutally. Up to 30 to 50 million Han Chinese people may have perished in total as a result of the Manchu invasion and conquest. Enforcement of the policies was swift, brutal, and effective. Hanfu was replaced by Manchu-style clothing. Hanfu was still permited for women, however without the traditional support of the palace, women started replacing their hanfu clothing with styles that were influenced by the imperial court and Hanfu was completly gone within a century of Qing rule.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Manchu dress and the braid disappeared quickly in favour of western-style dress. Today most Han Chinese wear western-style clothing, and Han Chinese clothing is largely unknown. Recent attempts by Hanfu advocates in China to wear Hanfu outdoors have provoked curious reactions from onlookers, many of them mistaking Hanfu for Japanese dress.

However, there is a small but vocal movement in China to revive Han Chinese clothing as a Chinese national custom.

Description of Hanfu

Shenyi is a kind of full-length, one-piece robe which links the Yi and Chang together to wrap up the body. It is cut separately but sewn together. Shenyi was named because when it was worn "the body was deeply wrapped up".

Parts of Shenyi:

Jin: the front of upper garment

Jiaoling Youren: "Crossed collars, tying to the right." This is the standard collar style of hanfu. For both men and women, always overlap the right side of the hanfu with the left side. The opposite right-over-left style is for other nations or used to dress a corpse for burial.

Qu: sleeve cuffs

Mei: sleeves

Chang: skirt

Quju: skirt with curved hem formed by circling the fabric around the body


According to legend, the first ruler of the Chinese nation and the ancestor of the Chinese people is an immemorial sage king called the Yellow Emperor. According to traditional reckoning, he unified the North China Plain in 2697 BC. Legends say that under his rule, China was a prosperous and powerful nation with stable politics and advanced culture. Many cultural and technological inventions are attributed to his reign, such as the Chinese written language, methods of agriculture, music, the Chinese calendar and so on. The Yellow Emperor's imperial consort, Leozu [Su], was said to be the first person to know how to raise silkworms and make silk from the

silkworm cocoon, from which Hanfu was woven. Thus the Chinese Hanfu was invented. Because Leizu had provided China with beautiful silk and Hanfu, she is often revered as the female ancestor of the Chinese people, and respectfully addressed with the title of Xianchan since the Western Zhou Dynasty.

The Influences Of Hanfu

Due to the length of its history and China's overwhelming cultural influence on the region, Hanfu has significantly shaped the styles of traditional costumes of some Asian countries.

Korea Hanbok and Japanese Kimono,they have the unique style , have some differences from Hanfu.But they had been influenced by Hanfu. These clothings have common feature: Youren and wide sleeve.

Some people in China today also mistake Hanfu for Korean Hanbok and Japanese Kimono.

Chinese Han Dynasty Element Fashion T-shirts

We now combine the elements of Hanfu, mainly Jiaoling Youren with fashon T-shirts, thus, came out the Chinese Element Fashion T-shirts Series, 10 designs for the first batch, more and better later.


Enjoying Hanfu, Enjoying Your Life

When you listen to the song hongyanjie, what 's the first thing comes into your mind? Kinds of beautiful ladies. ancient China with its beautiful clothes. In TV But look at us, can you feel traditional culture atmosphere with the cloths we wearing? Can you imagine preform jing hong dance with the clothes we wear? Most people think Tangzhuang represent the traditional Chinese garment. But Hanfu we Han people wear has a recorded history of more than 3000 years and long than tangzhuang. Today, I will show you the development of Hanfu in nowadays.

Let’s start with the disadvantages to revive Hanfu. The movement gets many pressures generally from many people do not support and government’s ignorance. People do not support the revival of Hanfu because they don’t know the history of Hanfu and do not know to appreciate the beautiful design structure of Hanfu.

Come to the history of Hanfu, at the origin of ancient China, we call it Huafu named by Huangdi as national identity Huaxia mingzu. From that, Emperor Yao and Shun ruled the country with the help of cloth system. In another word, cloth system stand for set of etiquette. The Shang dynasty (1600BC-1000BC) developed it in many aspects. What’s more, the Emperor Qin shihuang unify huafu system and provided a clothes model for rest dynasty. Finally, Hanfu was named by ethic minorities to distinguish their clothes Hufu. That is to say, the traditional clothes of Han people is Hanfu rather than Tangzhuang for man people.

Many people do not know how to appreciated beautiful structure of Hanfu is another disadvantages to revive Hanfu. From two picture, you know it. Firstly, shangyi xiashang system is that wear a coat of the upper body and wear a skirt of our lower body.

Secondly, shenxi system is that sew the coat and skirt together. Hanfu is composed by ling jin ren jin ju xiu

jue dai qu. It shows people’s understanding of beauty and courtesy.

We have spoken so far of the reason why Hanfu do not supported by majority in history and structure, but above all it is no specific measures made by government.

China is the only country in the world without national clothes as the same time with long history. The Chinese government ignore the movement until 2008 Olympic Games, rejected to use Hanfu as the national costume in the opening ceremony. But the Government worry too much to think that the Hanfu revival will lead narrow-mind nationalism.

In discussing the disadvantages of Hanfu revival, we will look advantages in the proceeding.

The advantages of it are more teenagers’ involvement and market demanding. The Hanfu movement has begun since 2003, when a man named Wang letian wore Hanfu publicity which echo college students and many universities students have stared Hanfu union

wearing Hanfu in their daily life. Baidu Hanfu post become one of the biggest post in the internet. With the more concerning paid on Hanfu, more people want to wear Hanfu as usual clothes.As 80s、90s in China will be the main force in feature, more people prefer to wear our traditional clothes Hanfu with fashion

elements. In 2012 Hanfu brand broadcast press "shi li chun qiu", Hanfu designer provide a compound style with modern elements.

Whether Hanfu will be our usual clothes or not is depending on every one.

As we have seen, the long time we haven’t familiar with Hanfu , the more difficult for us to revive Hanfu, but more people are determined to call Hanfu back to our life. I prefer Hanfu living in our life, rather than just live in TV program.
