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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 17:24:23 英语作文


Today I watched a movie called "Conquers." The movie told the East China Sea Dragon King and his son dominate the party, often stir up trouble, but people from harm Rebels story. It also makes me moved and angry.

First, I think the East China Sea Dragon King's approach makes me very angry, because he ignored the people's safety, the Boys & Girls must eat, otherwise it does not rain a few days to make life difficult for the people, so he did made me very angry. Secondly, the Rebels behavior touched me was great, he was to people's safety, subdued the dragon Third Prince, and his dragon smoked ribs, for the people out of breath, but then in order not to hurt his family, bravely out, Howard does not fear the consequences, and the Dragon King deal with their own life to repay the dragon Third Prince's life, but since then, the dragon can not hurt people chentang off.

Finally, let me even more angry is that universal Dragon King did not keep its promise, or eat the Boys & Girls. There are more and more endangered animals at present,so how to protect them has been our task of top priority . It's wrong for people to hunt animals for their

meat and feather,for they are our good friends.We should protect them instead of killing them.Giant pandas,which are one of the endangered animals,live in the forests and live on bamboo lealves.They can just live safely in the natural protection zones.We should stop killing animal and protect them.


追剧、追星尽在影视头条官网 www.yingshitoutiao.com


《少女哪吒》是由李霄峰执导,李嘉琪、李浩菲、陈瑾、辛鹏,李欢等主演的青春片。 影片根据作家绿妖的同名短篇小说改编,讲述了上世纪90年代两个少女的成长经历,是一个充满动荡和不安的年轻故事。电影于2015年7月9日上映。


时间打破了她们之间的默契。小路被转学至英才中学,和热爱武术的男生徐杰走到了一起;晓冰没有考好,上了卫校,在军训中遇见了充满理 想主义色彩的李教官。晓冰和小路之间产生了严重的分歧,从而分开,开始了疏离与自处。


少女哪吒在线观看 /dianying/



2001太空漫游 2001: A Space Odyssey

人工智能 A.I. Artificial Intelligence

浪漫的挑逗 Abatjour

邂逅 About Last Night...

疑犯 Absence of Malice

一触即发 Absolute Power

深渊(无底洞) Abyss, The

稀客 Accidental Tourist, The

无名英雄 Accidential Hero

暴劫梨花 Accused, The

妙计闯三关 Ace of Aces, The

神探飞机头 Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

神探飞机头续集(王牌威龙2) Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls 铁鹰战士III死亡陷阱 Aces: Iron Eagle III

爱登士家庭续集 Addams Family Values

爱登士家庭 Addams Family, The

不知不觉爱上你(为你疯狂) Addicted to Love

血天牢 Addiction, L\'

通天神将 Adventure of Baron Munchausen, The 子猫物语 Adventure of Chatran, The

神勇三福星 Adventurerer Kamikaza

风尘三绝 Adventures of Priscilla, The

飞鼠洛基冒险记 Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, The 三更半夜 After Hours

危情 Against All Odds


Lee Ang


2005年《断背山》《Brokeback Mountain》

2003年《绿巨人》《The Hulk》

2000年《卧虎藏龙》《Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon》 1999年《与魔鬼共骑》《Ride with the Devil》

1997年《冰风暴》《The Ice Storm》

1995年《理智与情感》《Sense and Sensibility》

1994年《饮食男女》《Eat Drink Man Woman》

1993年《喜宴》《The Wedding Banquet》

1992年《推手》《Pushing Hands》

1984年《分界线》《Fine Line》

1982年《荫凉湖畔》《I Wish I was That Dim lake》



Yimou Zhang

2007年每个人都有他自己的电影 To Each His Cinema2006年 满城尽带黄金甲 Curse of the Golden Flower

2005年 千里走单骑 Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles 2004年 十面埋伏 House of Flying Daggers

2002年 英雄 Hero

2000年 幸福时光 Happy Times/Happy Times Hotel 1999年 一个都不能少 Not One Less

1999年 我的父亲母亲 The Road Home

1997年 有话好好说 Keep Cool

1995年 摇啊摇,摇到外婆桥 Shanghai Triad

1994年 活着 To live /Living

1992年 秋菊打官司 Story of Qiu Ju

1991年大红灯笼高高挂 Raise The Red Lantern

1990年 菊豆 Ju Dou

1989年 代号美洲豹 Puma Action

1987年 红高粱 Red Sorghum



Kar Wai Wong

2008 来自上海的女人/上海小姐/上海来的女士

2007 每个人都有他自己的电影 To Each His Cinema2007 蓝莓之夜/蓝莓夜 My Blueberry Nights

2004 爱神 Eros

2004 二零四六 2046

2002 Six Days

2001 The Follow

2000 花样的年华(短片) In the Mood for



2000 花样年华 In the Mood for Love

1997 春光乍泄 Happy Together

1996 堕落天使 Fallen Angels

1994 重庆森林 Chungking Express

1994 东邪西毒 Ashes of Time

1991 阿飞正传 Days of Being Wild

1988 旺角卡门 As Tears Go By



Chen Kaige

黄土地/ Yellow Earth

大阅兵 / The Big Parade

孩子王 / King Of Children

边走边唱 / Life On A String

霸王别姬 / Farewell, My Concubine

风月 / Temptress Moon

荆轲刺秦王 / The Emperor And The Assassin

温柔地杀我 / Killing Me Softly (英语)

和你在一起 / Together/Together With You

无极 / The Promise



Tian Zhuangzhuang

猎场札撤 / On The Hunting Ground

盗马贼 / Horse Thief

大太监李莲英 / The Imperial Eunuch

蓝风筝 / The Blue Kite

小城之春 / Springtime in a Small Town

茶马古道 / Tea-Horse Road



Zhang Yuan

妈妈 / Mum

北京杂种 / Beijing Bastards

儿子 / Sons

东宫西宫 / East Palace West Palace; Behind the Forbidden City 过年回家 / Seventeen Years

我爱你 / I Love You

绿茶 / Green Tea



Jiang Wen

阳光灿烂的日子 / In The Heart of The Sun

鬼子来了 / Devils on the Doorstep

太阳照常升起/The sun also rises



Jia Zhangke

小武 / Xiao Wu

站台 / Platform

任逍遥 / Unknown Pleasures

世界 / World

三峡好人/Still life



Chuan Lu

寻枪 / The Missing Gun

可可西里 / Mountain Patrol
