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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 18:22:46 体裁作文

篇一:Everyday Use 读后感








I trust that none will stretch the seams in putting on the coat,for it may do good service to him whom it fits.


Walden is a masterpiece written by Hey David Thoreau, who lived in the middle of the 19th century. Under the rapid development of capitalism,most people would rather pursue the material satisfaction and ignore the spiritual life to a great extent.They try every means to obtain higher power and money no matter what it would cost. Industrial civilization and noisy society was gradually corrupting the nature of the humanity.

But Thoreau disdained the modern civilization and attached more importance to the spirit than the material. Then away from the city he ran into the uninhabited Walden at the edge of the mountain forest and settled down over here. He became unperturbed in space,lonely in thought. Thoreau was so happy with the life living near the lake of Walden. He felt it a sweet grace to have the nature's accompany and even the sounds of rain and the sights around his house. His spiritual world is colorful even exquisite beyond compare.In his eyes, the nature was an intimate friend of him and all things in the nature were lively and vivacious.That is what he really desire for in his deep heart.

All kinds of animals in the wood, such as field mouses, robins and wild rabbits were amicably treated and regarded as his adorable companions. He even thought that plants were also had the right to live equal with human beings.He told people not to be confused with complicated life by his own experiences.He thought that if people were able to set the simple life by universe regulation, it would not arouse many anxieties which disturbed the inner peace of the heart. Walden arouse our consciousness of protecting our nature and treating animals kindly.

There is a sentence in the book impressing me ,that “so thoroughly and sincerely are we compelled to live, reverencing our life, and denying the possibility of change.”It remind me of a movie called “The Legend Of 1900”.

1900, an abandoned baby adopted by one of the crews in the ship.He had great talent on piano and never left the ship. He often attracts people by his absorbing piano performance. Only once he wants to tread on land is that he wants to look for the girl he loved.Yet, when he is on the halfway of the ladder that leads to the land, he stops. He stands there to look at the city in front of him. 1900 gives up treading on land and returns to the ship.

1900 told the reasons for not treading on land to his friend: “It wasn’t what I saw that stopped me, Max, it was what I didn’t see. Do you understand that? What I didn’t see.”1900 is frightened as he can’t see the end of the city. “ Where is the end of the world?”

His life is in the ocean, in the face of the piano. There are too many uncertainties for him in the land, so he has no land in hesitate. As he said:”Take

a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eighty-eight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by.”

1900 is very similar with Thoreau.They all live in a world seemed busy. Technological and industrial development of the world became quite unpredictable and had declined relative to the astonishing pace of change in people's ability to accept. The fear to the unknown world has expanded and exaggerated. So 1900 chose to live in the ship and got far away from the noisy society. And Thoreau is also getting tired of the society which people only pursuit of wealth and luxurious life by any means, including at the expense of nature.

They all look forward a life with peace and silence.The life with no machine, no competition, no profit, no cheating although they are longly. A life that people become more happier and feel more satisfactory and complaint less about their present life .As he asked that: when we consider what,to use the words of the catechism, is the chief end of man,and what are the true necessaries and means of life, it appears as if men had deliberately chosen the common mode of living because they preferred it to any other.

The book describes a world with beautiful scenes.It is a vivid word we all want to gain.It is really different from the world in Vanity Fair which I have read last time.But they all reflect the society in that period in a unique way.

“Do not give me love, money or reputation, please give me the truth.”This was what Thoreau was calling in his heart. The meaning of life lies in the sane and healthy enjoyment of a simple life. Nietzsche once said: each preeminent people instinctively want to seek a shelter and retreat , where he can get rid of the crowd, the masses, the majority people, where he can forget to be a person according to the “rule”and become an exception. Just do not include such a situation that a more powerful instinct took him directly to the people and appeared in front of people with outstanding sprits.

Thoreau is an exception. Although our eyes are caught by the rules, all of us have a home bearing sprits. We may not reach sometimes, but we are longing for.

“Walden” is a unique art. Compared with the great writers’works in the same period, its feature embodied in the sentence tell in a concise, straightforward way, unlike the middle Victorian works as undisciplined, hypocritical and specific.

Thoreau is a critic of society responsibility, his purpose is to expose the drawbacks of the times and point out that the people’s life become more and more complicated. Some readers often have a false impression of Thoreau considering that he advocate natural and abandon the modern civilization. But we should pay attention to that Thoreau has lived in the forest alone for only two years of . It accounts for only five percent of his life. But in this period of time, the coming and going of the visitors never interrupted. He also went to the village to visit friends. More importantly, when he left Walden, he has repeatedly

against the others to imitate his behavior. In his words, living in Walden is his personal interests.

The intention for his living in the woods was that he wanted to teach people how to live a simple life, achieve enjoyment from the nature, free oneself from the strained daily life and what is more important is to reevaluate the value of social life. He set his mind to give a enlightenment to awake people and encourage them to live a simple life.

Reading Walden reminds me of the people in present society. Nowadays, people are anxious about their living.Some of them buy house spending all the money they earned all their lives. Others try every means to achieve what they are pursuing.It seems that everything is built on the base of fame and fortune. People who work hard to earn money, waste lots of money to buy luxury and expensive things, waste time to entertain themselves.They easily lose themselves, and though their bodies are full, their minds are hungry.

They never slow down their pace to appreciate the view on their way to something they seems wanted.They afraid of loneliness and fear to stay alone. They get used of the life like a robot.

Thoreau tells us that life need to feel,touch and taste.Live regularly is the only way we compelled to live,we say:but there are as many ways as there can be drawn radii from one center. The real life is to make every complicate thing to be simple and eich our heart and soul. Everyone deeply desires of themselves’ life. When you know what the value of yourself is, meanwhile you can enjoy your life according to the value every time. You will find that everyday you have full of energy and enthusiasm to do anything, hear the sure sound from your heart, and often feel intense achievement, the most important is that your heart is peace and calm.And love and humanity are of more importance for a peaceful life.

After I catch the general idea, a burst of cold water pours into my heart, pure and limpid, clarify my shattered mind without any dirt existing. I definitely have been shocked. The author fell into meditating about the life. It made my heart become as clear as the pure water. I stand in awe of him, his life turned out to be such simple and meanwhile glamorous. It is rather than momentary but significant.

Our heart need being clarified as Thoreau has said that let your spirit set out to explore. If we are unable to resist this complex material world of seduction, the best way is to simplify.

Walden is a book with loneness and solitude and a book with a single person.

——From the preface


It's no doubt that it is a successful movie. It only makes people laugh at what a life leading actor has, but also it led people to consider that what life is meaningful and how we should in our daily life. Maybe some people think 《Grounding Day》is humorous, but in my eye, we should call it sharp-fanged, because in the middle of the movie, we can see what a miserable life leading actor have, and when we seeing it, we are shocked. /

Imagine we wake up every morning only to find the day never goes! Phil Connors, the leading actor of the grounding Day should face it every day. Our leading actor, an ordinary people, he is our specimen like many of us who only care about themselves, complain about this or that and live in boring lives, he is lost faith in the life. But at the end of the movie, he begins to love life and helps others. He begins to study the piano and save a frail old man, but what more important is that he is felling love with the leading lady, and after that tomorrow is coming.

In 《Epoch Times》, by Jekelek Jan, retrieved 2010-09-16, say" Grounding Day was more than a comic movie. It revealed a truth that people always waste too much time on tiny meaningless things.

We all experience that when we get up every day, we feel like we are living on the same day as before. What terrify us most is that we do not have enough courage to change this. We thought that maybe we would change this next day, but never think about changing it right here, right now. If we made a litter improvement every day, we would become what we have expected some day. Just change it today!" Changing right now, changing it today, it's movie's theme, 《Grounding Day》 wants to tell us if we lost hope and goal, we should change ourselves immediately. It so dangerous that one person living in a stuff for hopeless life, it will ruin their future.

Because it has a powerful team and a good drama, as a result, it produces an effect on society, and more and more people begin to ponder deeply, to reflect on their past mistakes, whether they have the same experience like leading actor.

“The film was a favorite one among the Rangers deployed for Operation Gothic Serpent in Somalia in 1993, because they saw the film as a metaphor of their own situation, waiting long periods between raids and monotonous long days. In February 1994, the crew of the aircraft carrier USS referred to its deployment in the Adriatic Sea, in support of

Bosnia operations, as Groundhog Station. A speech by President Clinton in January 1996 specifically referred to the movie and the use of the phrase by military personnel in Bosnia.[23] Fourteen years after the movie was released, "Groundhog Day" was noted as American for any day of a tour of duty in


Iraq.” ------from Wikipedia.

From this digest, we can see that 《Grounding Day》has caused quite a stir . Surely, not only in overseas, but also in China, massive people also have some point of views.

In Mtime web, lots of net friends issue their opinions. One net friend says: we should value highly our time and cherish our life. Other friend says: the film is very instructive, our life seems to be in a groove, we do the same things day after day, however in a sense, we are luckier than Phil, we have different lives, but Phil should face same thing everyday. It's up to you who let your life go the way down, there are nothing can prevent you from going. Lamenting your fate, regretting your past, it is a stupidity, they will only make you fell

unhappy and live in self-condemned, otherwise they are no mortal use. We should make a resolution to and meet a challenge.” Nothing can resist your progressive movement, but it depends on your attitude of life. Success

depends not only on what you do, but also on what you don’t do.

《Grounding Day》it’s an excellent movie, if you have a day in ignorant and stupid, I suggest you to see it . Maybe you will rediscover life, and have a day in a new way.
