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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 15:47:20 英语作文




1. 最最最重要每篇作文都一定要用的强!调!句!

① It is/was +强调部分+who(强调部分是人的时候)/that + 句子剩余部分.

注:刚开始不熟练时可以先写一个正常句子,然后画出想要强调的成分,改写成强调句。 举个例子:

正常句:Peter bought an English-Chinese dictionary on the Internet yesterday.


强调主语:It was Peter who/that bought an English-Chinese dictionary on the Internet yesterday. (ps:强调主语一般可以在人物传记之类的作文用,强调这个人的丰功伟绩之类的)

强调谓语:It was an English-Chinese dictionary that Peter bought on the Internet yesterday. 强调地点状语:It was on the Internet that Peter bought an English-Chinese dictionary yesterday. 强调时间状语:It was yesterday that Peter bought an English-Chinese dictionary on the Internet. 以上,就是It is .… that … 强调句的用法。



② Only + 状语(时间、方式、地点)+主句倒装(do/does/did/can…sb do sh) 注:相比It is that 从句来说,这个强调句一般用于强调通过什么方式。。也就是提建议时强调应该怎么做。。。

eg::Only when we prevent ourselves from the power of computer games can we control oneselves well.


2. 定语从句也一定一定要用,并且要用非限定性定语从句这样老师容易发现

① 非限定性定语从句。


常用:主句,which may help/cause..。。。。

② 就是曼德拉那篇课文里学过的句型。可以直接拿过来用。。。

We have reached a stage where/in which +主句。

③ 其他常用句子。

I can well remember that there was a time when .。。。+ 从句。


3. 名词性从句。


主语从句:What is the most important is that ……此句可以替代列观点时的第三个观点时用的last。既占字数又提逼格。

同位语从句:There is no doubt that….这句的万能我就不用强调了,强调一下这句的双否表肯定:There is no doubt that nothing could be +比较级+than sth

eg:There is no doubt that nothing could be more convenient than using the Internet to get some important information.

还有:Nobody could igore the truth that 。。。。。

eg:Nobody could igore the truth that reading English every day can be useful for improving our reading skills.


The reason why 。。。。。is that。。。。。

比如:The reason why I write to you is that I want to give you some advice, which may help you in your study.


4. 模糊指代


I’d be appreciate it if ……


I am looking forward to doing sth ..

Eg:I;’d appreciate it if you take my advice into consideration and I am looking forward to hearing from you soom.



significant 替换 important之类的。。。。。实在想不起来有哪些了。慢慢积累吧。。。。 总之平时写作文时多用,别怕错,错了改过来就好。用习惯了就顺手了



Born to win


2016年考研英语已于12月27日下午17点整正式落下帷幕。尽管还是无一例外的几家欢喜几家愁的局面,我们还是要冷静下来,对已经结束的考试进行分析和整理。特别是对于预计在2017考研的同学们,对于往年真题的分析是至关重要的。本文中跨考教育英语教研室张帅老师就为考生详细解析今年的小作文,希望对2017考生的备考有所帮助。 2016年英语二的小作文是对建议信的考察,这是继2011年第二次出现对于建议信的考察。所以,如果同学们在前期的作文课上认真听讲,并且把之前的应用文类型及范文好好分析整理并记诵的话,这次考试是完全可以拿到高分的。

言归正传,我们先来分析一下这次小作文的题目要求。Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend Jack wrote an email to congratulate you, and ask advice on translation. Write him a reply to

1)thank him;

2)give your advice.

You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET. Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ” instead. Do not write the address .


小作文的写作模式比较固定,依然三段式。不过在具体写作之前,我们还是要先解决格式的问题。首先是称呼,我们之前有说过,称呼要看题目要求,也就是搞明白写给谁的。一般有三种情况,写给不认识的机构或是个人,用To whom it may concern, 或是Dear sir or madam; 写给认识但是不熟的人,用Dear Mr./Ms.(Micheal) Wang , 或是Mr./Ms 后跟头衔如Dear Mr. President;写给亲戚朋友,直呼其名,如Dear Michael。这里是你的一个朋友写给你,所以,应该是比较亲密熟悉的关系,所以可以采取第三种,使用Dear Jack 。结束语,采用公共信件和私人信件都可以的Sincerely Yours, 即可。署名一定是Liming。 然后是正文,第一段两句即可,第一句寒暄或是交代事由,这里因为是两种信件的叠加,所以直接在第一段写感谢就行了。比如说You cannot imagine how excited I feel when I won the national translation test held in this week. So I am also impulsed to write this email to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your congratulations, and more for your help during my preparation on this contest.

第二段根据题目要求要写出你对于翻译的几条,三个为好。建议可以从以下几个方面写:如何培养翻译能力或是能否提供一些实用的参考书等建议;写建议之前,因为过度的问题。可以先有一个过渡句:Besides, considering your advice asking in last letter,I want to give some suggestions here for y(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)our reference and hope they may help you in some ways. 建议的话,套用一些句型:如:To begin with, I think it would be better if you watch some video lectures on translation or read some related books which explain the principles and methods of translation in detail.(建议一); At the same time, you must bear in your mind that practice is also of significances, and you should look for some passages to practice your learned skills. (建议二);In the end, there is no doubt that not only is it useful for you to know your own language, but also essential to have a grasp of the cultural background of the target language. (

Born to win

第三段其实就按照常规写法,因为是写给朋友,所以语气可以轻松自然,如:Thanks for your congratulation again and I really hope my recommendations will provide some assistances for your future translation learning. 总之,今年小作文题目比较简单,且和往年的相似度极高,只要按照格式要求来写,控制好字数,写明原因,没有明显语法和拼写错误,拿到7分及7分以上是比较容易得。最后,希望2016年的同学都能达成自己的愿望,考上理想中的学校。



问题一:如果你想买一个公寓或者别墅时,需要考虑哪些因素。简要说明原因。(Question: What are the things to consider when you want to buy a house or apartment?)

Of course, there are many things to consider when purchasing a house or an apartment. First and foremost, you need to consider how much money you can pay. If you have more money, you could buy a big house instead of an apartment. Secondly, you need to consider the size. This need to be judged according to the family members. If the number of households is greater than ten, you had better buy a house because the space of a house is usually bigger than that of an apartment. Thirdly, you need to take the location into account. To find a perfect location, you need to think about how far it is from your place of work. Besides, you may also need to consider the living environment. An apartment usually locates in the city. The air quality may not be very good. However, most houses locate in the outskirt with a better living environment. If you have children or are planning to have them, another extremely important thing to consider is if there is a good school nearby.

All in all, you need to think a lot before you make the decision.


(Question: Talk about a course of yours and what you like about it. Talk about what you have learnt.)

This semester, I take the course-Academic Paper Writing & Publication. I like this course for two reasons. For one thing, this course teaches us how to write and publish professional papers. This is quite

useful because in the following two years, I need to write several academic papers. For another, our English teacher is a very charming woman. She is patient and she always teaches us in a humorous way. With her help, most of us succeed in improving our English.

I learnt a lot from this course. Firstly, I learnt the classification of professional papers so I can judge the type of them. Secondly, I learnt how to write a good paper, which usually includes background, approach, results and so on. Thirdly, I also learnt that a paper should have original innovation. And we should not use another person’s language or ideas without acknowledgement.


(Question: If you could change anything about the courses at the university, what would it be? Would you have different courses in your major taught? What would they be on?)

If I have a chance, I will take the following measures to change the courses in the university. Firstly, I will remove physics and physics experiments from required courses. As we all know, although physics is important, for students who don’t major in physics, it costs them too much time and always can not contribute to the professional skills. Secondly, I will reduce theory lessons and add more experimental coursed related to the students’ major, because operational technique is very important for students. Thirdly, more elective courses should be added, such as art class, dance class and so on. So that students can develop the overall quality of themselves. Finally, I will cooperate with the companies and give students the chance to intern at a company. In this way, students will know what is needed in the work and they can find a better job after graduation.
