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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 15:39:38 英语作文




1.注意英语的句式:主 + 谓 + 宾 + 状语(地点、方式、时间),否则句子不通顺。但


2. 实义动词前不随便加be,除非使用进行时态或被动语态,情态动词后接动词原形。




6.正确使用There be句型,不与have,has混用。











一、 假设你的笔友(来自美国的Mike)下个月将到你校交流学习,请你把Mike的情况提前介绍给同学们。

要求:1、内容包括 (1)Mike 的家庭情况。


(3) Mike的父母和同学对他的评价。

(4) Mike来中国的原因。



My pen pal, Mike, will come to our school to study next month. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

二、 一则日记(a diary)


3 月 15 日,星期一。词数: 60 — 80 词。提示: ①今晚,你去参加李江的生日宴会,大家又唱又跳,玩得很开心。②离开李江家时,天开始下雨,由于已很晚了,你步行回家;③一辆摩托车急驰而过,在十字路口撞倒了一个男孩。④摩托车没停,逃跑了。⑤你十分气愤,记下了车号( FD — 2819 )后马上打电话报警,并把孩子送往医院。

March 15th , Monday


三、 暑假即将来临,请介绍一下你的暑期计划。

内容要点:1. 适当放松休息,外出观光旅游;

2. 探望祖父母并跟他们介绍保持健康的方法。

3. 看书,补习功课。 4. 帮父母做家务。

要求:1. 80词左右; 2. 可结合自己的实际情况进行适当的发挥;

3. 不要透露你的真实姓名以及你所在学校、班级等有关情况,否则不予评分。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 四、2010年4月,青海玉树发生了地震(earthquake),家园、学校受到了损坏。一名灾区的学生(Zhuoma)下周将来你们班。她将在你们班学习一年。请根据表格提示,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你将如何帮助她,并适当写出自己的想法。

注意:1、字数要控制在80-100词左右。 2、不要出现你的姓名和学校信息。


Zhuoma will come to our class next week.She’s from____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


五、节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起。Li Ming 是一个注重“低碳”生活的中学生,假设你是他, 请以 “My Low-carbon Life”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,简单描述自己的“低碳生活”。节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起。Li Ming 是一个注重“低碳”生活的中学生,假设你是他, 请以 “My Low-carbon Life”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,简单描述自己的“低碳生活”。






参考词汇:on foot, turn off, tap, reuse, make full use of, plastic bag

要求:(1) 内容包括所提供的信息及要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译;

(2) 不得透露考生姓名、学校等信息。



根据汉语提示。请以“My Plans for the Summer Holiday"为题.用英语写一篇意思连贯。符合逻辑的小短文。









假设你是学校英文杂志社 Teen Space 专栏的小记者,请根据下列表格中的采访记录, 为本期专栏写一篇介绍 Phillips 的小短文。

写作要求:1、字数60-80 词;(开头已给出,不计入总词数)


3、所给的要点提示必须都用上(转 载于:wWw.zW2.cn 爱作文 网);


Phillips and Animals Signs

Many teenagers love animals .Ethan Phillips is one of them ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

九、明天(星期五)全班同学将去参观科学博物馆(the Science Museum),由你(班长)通知全体同学。(通知的开头和结尾已给出)内容如下:

1. 早上8点钟在校门口集合,步行前往。

2. 下星期一交一份有关参观的报告。

3. 参观时要认真听,仔细看并记下有趣的东西。

4. 不可在博物馆内大声喧哗及拍照。

5. 带笔和笔记本。

要求:①不要逐句翻译。 ②字数60~80。

We are going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow. We will meet at the school gate at eight in the morning and we will go there on foot. Take your pens and notebooks with you. We should listen and watch carefully and write down something interesting when you visit the museum. Please don't make any noise in the museum and don't take any pictures. You'll have to hand in a report about the visit next Monday.


八,请根据下面日程表的活动内容,以”My School Day”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。

My School Day

My School Day

I get up at six o’clock. I read English for half an hour. At seven ten I have breakfast. After that I go to school on foot. We have four lessons in the morning. After the four classes, I have lunch. In the afternoon, we often have three lessons and we usually have sports from four thirty to five thirty. After supper, I read newspapers or go out for a walk, then I do my homework for about one and a half hours. At half past nine, I go to bed.


英语作文训练.txt你无法改变别人,但你可以改变自己;你无法改变天气,但你可以改变心情;你无法改变生命长度,但你可以拓展它的宽度。1). Vocabulary and Grammar:

1. The eldest child is thoroughly ____ because they always give him whatever he wants.

A. wasted B. spoiled C. destroyed D. uneducated

2. The ____ in Janet's character has hindered her from advancement in her career.

A. weaknessB. merit C. defectD. shortcoming

3. This organization brought Western artists together in the hope of making more of an impact on the art community ____ any of them could individually and to promote Western art by women.

A. rather than B. rather C. than D. other than

4.His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ____ of it at all.

A. explanationB. meaning C. senseD. interpretation

5. You need to ______ the time for the meeting or you will come late.

A. measure B. maintainC. confirmD. mend

6. All of his friends came and _____ him on his success.

A. concentrated B. melt C. congratulated D. mounted

7. The team ________ twenty young people who were carefully chosen for the work.

A. faces up to B. gets across C. gives rise to D. consists of

8. That country was _________ by the Allies in the Second World War.

A. persisted B. condensed C. persuaded D. conquered

9. The ________ expressed their passive view about the government's policy.

A. critics B. politics C. economicsD. tractors

10. At that time work was mainly ______ to slaves in that society.

A. blamed B. complained C. restrictedD. expected

11. I didn't expect to ________ my teacher in the street yesterday.

A. refer to B. wok withC. deal with D. run into

12. A sign announcing "No Meeting" was _________ on the door.

A. removed B. hung C. delayedD. panted

13. She has _________ a large sum of money from her father.

A. inheritedB. presentedC. hostedD. turned

14. The manager has to be _________ because he could not keep his promise.

A. replacedB. pastedC. frightened D. patched

15. At this moment, they are still __________ with many economic problems.

A. centered B. believedC. referredD. confronted

16. The conference was ____________ by one hundred experts in this field.

A. announcedB. declined C. attendedD. planned

17. It is believed that _______ spending will certainly lead to the bankrupt.

A. naturalB. mysteriousC. moistD. excessive

18. With a _________, he didn't care about what his friend said.

A. contempt B. motivationC. reception D. realization

19. The guests are often very well _________ by the host in that city.

A. recovered B. refreshed C. reassured D. entertained

20. The medical report confirms that the flu has __________ almost everyone in this area.

A. infected B. raised C. recommended D. insulated

2). New words learning:

1. obtain: vt. get through effort


--Information about visas and passports can be obtained from your local library. CF. get, obtain, achieve & acquire 这些动词均有"得到,获得,取得"的意思。

get 是最常用、最口语化的词。可以指以任何方式得到某物(积极主动或消极被动),并不强调通过预先的或主观的努力,与具体名词和抽象名词均可搭配。

obtain 为正式用语,指经过长时间的努力或有计划的行动而得到所希望得到的东西或达到预定的目标。

achieve 表示克服困难之后取得成功或实现预期目标。

acquire 指经过一定努力或一定过程,使原有的东西获得更多,并成为永久所有;也指一点点地慢慢地通过长期不懈的努力而获得诸如知识、才干、良好习惯等。常与抽象名词搭配。

1). She finally achieved her ambition to visit China.

2). First editions of these books are now almost impossible to obtain .

3). It usually takes four years toget a degree at a university.

4). I've been working all day, but I feel as if I'veachieved nothing.

5). They realized that only through struggle could they obtain their rights.

6). It took him a long time toacquire the skills he needed to become a professional artist.

2. appoint: vt. choose (someone) for a position, job, etc.

--Who will be appointed to the chairmanship when Mr. White leaves?


appoint sb. as appoint sb. (to do) sth. appoint sb. to (a job, post, position, etc.)

CF: appoint & name这两个动词均有"任命,委任"之意。

appoint 通常指不经过选择的官方委任。例如:

--He was appointed to the vacant post.

name 普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。例如:

--He was named captain of the team. 他被任命为队长。

appointment "约定,约见"时,make an appointment, keep the appointment, cancel the appointment

3. by birth: so far as family origin or nationality is concerned

--My parents are both Indian by birth, but they have American citizenship. birth除了与 by 搭配构成短语by birth以外,常见的短语还有:

give birth "生孩子;产仔" give birth to"生(孩子);产生;引起"

4. humble: adj.

1) low in position


--The school had provided a good education for children of humble backgrounds.

2) having a modest opinion of oneself

--In my humble opinion,we should never have bought the car in the first place.

5. go out of one's way (to do sth.) make a special effort or exert oneself more than usual

--Jane went out of her way to be nice to the newcomer.

--He is so selfish that he never goes out of his way to help others.

--Both parties are going out of their way to reach a compromise.

6. threaten: v. hang over dangerously; utter a threat against


--Every time they have an argument, his wife threatens to leave him.


threaten sb. with sth. be threatened to do sth.

7. reject: vt. refuse to take, believe, use or consider

--We rejected his idea for a music club, and decided to have an art club instead.

C.F. reject, refuse & decline这三个动词均含"拒绝"之意。

reject 多指由于某物某事某行为不能让人满意而被当面直截了当地拒绝。


decline 指婉言谢绝他人的帮助或邀请等。

--I wonder why he refused to discuss the problem at the meeting.

--I declined her invitation to the dinner party because I had a prior appointment. --She rejected his marriage proposal.

8. conflict:

vi. be opposed; clash

The statements of the two witnesses' conflict.

Their account of events conflicts with ours.

n. disagreement; clash; fight

Some people feel there is a great deal of conflict between religion and science. The two companies come into frequent conflicts as a result of competition.

[Collocation: ]

conflict of interest 利益冲突 an armed conflict 武装冲突

an inner conflict 内心冲突 in conflict with 和…冲突

9. resent: vt. feel angry or bitter at

--I bitterly resent your criticism. 我对你的批评十分反感。


resent doing sth.resent sb./sth. doing

--They resented his treating them so arrogantly.

--He used to resent being kept waiting for hours.

10. superior: adj. good or better in quality or value


--This cloth is superior to that.


be superior in 在…方面占优势

be superior to 优于…的;高于…的 (以后缀-ior结尾的形容词,作比较时用to而不是than。)

superior 的反义词是inferior, "下等的、劣等的", 常用的搭配是 "be inferior to", 例如:

女人并不比男人差。 --Women are not inferior to men.

superiority n

--She always speaks with an air of superiority. 她总是带着优越的神气说话。.

11. existence: n. the state of existing

--Many people question the existence of God.

lead / have a certain existence 过某种生活

earn one's own existence 自谋生计

bring / call into existence 使产生;使成立

come into existence 开始存在;产生;成立

in existence 存在的;现存的;现有的

--Pakistan came into existence/being as an independent country after the war. --The space age has brought a whole new body of scientific and technical into existence/being.

12. owe sth. to:

1) believe (something) to be the result of (something)

--He owed his success to luck more than to capacity.


2) feel gratitude (to sb.) in return for a service, favour, etc.


--I owe my teachers and parents a great deal.

Useful Expressions

1. 从书本中获取知识 obtain knowledge from books

2. 亲自作调查 personal investigation

3. 做现场观察 make on-the-spot observations

4. 研究有关某一问题的文件study papers on a subject

5. 社会阶层 social class

6. 发号施令 give an order

7. 出生卑微的人people of humble origins

8. 烧饭锅a cooking pot

9. 判断真理与谬误的头脑a mind for judging truth and error

10. 认真思考的with careful thought

11. 力量的源泉a source of strength

12. 毫不犹豫not hesitate a moment

13. 有效地采取行动act on with effect

14. 被无用的习俗束缚住手脚 be chained to customs which have lost their usefulness

15. 满怀希望地with hope

16. 把恐惧抛在后面leave fear behind

17. 存在 in existence

18. 不知疲倦的作家 a tireless writer

19. 一切人生来平等all men are created equal

20. 一份丰富的思想遗产a rich legacy of ideas

Part V Further Reading

Proverbs and Quotations

1. Genuine knowledge comes from practice. 实践出真知。

2. The more you study, the more you will find yourself ignorant. 学, 然后知不足。

3. You never know what you can do till you try. 除非你亲自尝试一下,否则你永远不


4. If you would have a thing well done, you would have a thing well done, you must do it yourself. 如果要将事情做好,就得亲自动手。

Part VI Guided Writing:

Writing Practice-Developing a Paragraph from the Topic Sentence

More often than not, one sentence in a paragraph tells the reader exactly what the subject of the paragraph is and thus gives the main idea. This main idea sentence is called a topic sentence or topic statement. The topic sentence states briefly an idea whose full meaning and significance are developed by the supporting details. The ways to develop a paragraph can be found in the following.

DefinitionClassification Example Narration Comparison and ContrastCause and EffectProcess

Writing Task:

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Parental Hopes and Personal Ideals. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:





本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点提出一个问题,提纲第2点要求分析这一问题产生的原因,提纲第3点要求说明如何解决该问题,由此可判断本文应为问题解决型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:描述父母的期望和孩子的理想之间的矛盾;分析这种矛盾产生的主要原因;说明解决这一矛盾的办法。


Parental Hopes and Personal Ideals

All parents hope their children will have a bright future. However, parents' expectations for their children are not always [1]in accordance with their children's personal ideals, [2]and sometimes they are even conflicting with each other. This is often a main cause for quarrels and gaps between parents and children. [3]But what lead to the conflict between parental hopes and personal ideals?

[3]The following three factors contribute to the conflict. [4]First of all, in this fast-changing society, parents and children have too many differences in mind.

[4]Secondly, traditional patriarchy is still influencing Chinese parents in modern society. They are used to making decisions for their children. [4]Third, nowadays young people have strong independence, [5]who want to plan their own future and control their own destiny. [4]Thus the conflict between parents and children inevitably appear.

[6]In order to solve the conflict, both parents and children should pay their efforts. [4]For one thing, parents should give their children rights to make their own decisions. They may help their children make choices [7]instead of replacing them to make choices. [4]For another, children should learn to respect their parents' advices [8]since parents tend to have more life experience. [4]Besides, to communicate with each other actively is necessary to their understanding each other.



书面表达(一): 请根据要点提示,写一篇60-80词的小短文。

要点提示: 1. 我家附近有一家名叫Star Shopping Mall购物中心;

2. 购物中心总共有六层,里面有许多店铺,如餐馆、快餐店、家电商场、书店、


3. 购物中心早上9点开始营业,晚上10点关门;

4. 每天都有大批的顾客光临。 书面表达(二)

1. 你家附近有家超市. 又大又干净.

2. 里面的售货员非常乐于助人,对人们非常友善.

3. 货物品种繁多,价格便宜.

4. 每天都有很多人.

5. 你经常去购物,非常喜欢那里.



(59 words) 书面表达(四)

写作:假如你要参加你们学校“健康形象大使”的竞选,请写一篇竞选稿。 内容包括:1。自身的基本情况介绍(姓名、年龄等)


3.健康的饮食起居(日常的健康饮食和良好的作息习惯如:早睡早起、多做运动等) 注意:1。短文必须包含上述三条内容,可适当增加相关的内容,使意思表达更加完整;


So you see I live a very healthy life. Please vote for me. Thank you!




要点:1. 中秋节是中国重要的(important)节日之一。 2. 在每年的九月或十月。

3. 家庭成员回家团聚,吃团圆饭。4. 晚上赏月,听嫦娥的故事。

5. 吃月饼。月饼种类越来越多。



1.Amy今天过生日。 2.她邀请我和一些同学参加她的生日聚会。


4. Amy很高兴,并很喜欢这个礼物。 5. 我们一起唱歌、跳舞,玩得很开心.


