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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 16:35:48 初中作文




We know that there are too many net-bars(网吧) around us .The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet. We can learn English . We can read some good newspapers and magazniess. It can make us clever in playing computer games. I can send e-mail to our friends quickly. We can chat(聊天)online with our friends. It can help us get in touch with(取得联系) people from all over the world. But some students spend too much time in playing computer games and some stay in the net bars all day and all night. As a result, they do worse and worse in their lessons and they don’t study well any more. I think we mustn’t go online when it is time for us to study.


Everyone knows that there is a very important sports meeting over the world called the Olympic Games. It’s held once every four years.The twenty-ninth Olympic Games will be held in Beijing which is the captial of China. Beijing is an old but beautiful city, there are many places that are famous for their scenery or historical relics here. For example , the Great Wall , the Forbidden City , the Temple of Heaven and so on, they all show the history and culture of China.

“One World , One Dream”is the slogan of the twenty-ninth Olympic Games.

And do you know the five happy babies? They are Beibei、Jingjing、Huanhuan、Yingying and Nini. In fact, they’re the personifications of animals.

With the nice city, with the good slogan and the five happy babies, the most important is with the industrions Chinese people. I think the twenty-ninth Olympic Games will have a great success! Welcome to Beijing , welcome to China !We can do it in summer or winter holidays

3. 关于环境保护(水资源节约)的话题

Our environment is very important for our lives . We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on . In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees and air pollution,water polloution is very serious . The environment around us becomes very terrible . We should protect our environment. First, we should plant many trees to keep water. Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work. Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river . Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags. Finally, we can ask more people to join us.

Let’s protect our environment!


How to learn English well?

English is one of the most important langnages in the world. It’s necessary to learn it well .How do you study? Everyone learns English in different ways. The best way to improve your English is to improve your English skills. They are listening , speaking , reading and writing. We should practice them every day. It’s very good for you if you are interested in Egnlish . You will find studying Egnlish is interesting and helpful. One more thing, remember“Practice makes perfect”!.

5. 北京将举办2008年奥运会,做为一个初中生你将为奥运做些什么

We've been waiting for so long,and at last it comes true!The 29th Olympic Games will be held in our great country.It's not only a time to show how strong our altiletes are but also a valuable chance to exhibit how beautiful and thriving our country is!

We are junior school students now ,so we have to do something for the Olympic Games.We can pay attention to protect our environment or do some other things to do a little contribution to the famous activity.

I hope the 29th Olympic Games will be held successfully!

6.早起(Early rising)

Early rising is a good habit for everyone. It is good for us in many ways.

Firstly, it helps to keep us healthy. We can breathe the fresh air in the morning. It's fun for us to take a walk along the street.

Secondly, early rising helps us with our studies. When we get up very early in the morning, everything around us is quiet. In the morning we learn more quickly and memorize what we learn easily.

Thirdly, early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work, such as to wash our hands and faces and eat breakfast properly.


It's important for us to be healthy all our life. We can't study or work well without healthy body.

there're many ways to keep healthy. First of all, we should keep taking exercises every day. We can walk to school instead of taking a bus. After school, we can spend an hour playing ball games. If we live in a high-rise, we can walk upstairs or downstairs. Second, we should have a balanced diet. Finally, we must remember: "Early to bed, early to rise is the way to keep healthy, wealthy and wise


What are the qualities of a good student? I think he or she should have the following qualities.

First, a good student should have good behavior. He would like to help others. His behavior shows the good quality. People like to make friends with him because he is friendly. It's more

important than knowledge.

Second, a good student should work hard and use the knowledge acquired to solve problems. Because our knowledge is to be used to bring benefit tothe mankind.

Third, a good student should be in good health. If we aren't healthy, we can do nothing.

Whoever has these qualities will be a good student


Now TV has become necessary in our life. We can get all kinds of information through TV. The world is in front of us. The distance between countries is shortened with the help of TV.Every day we can watch some interesting programs to make us happy.

Although TV has some benifits, sometimes it has bad influence. Some students have no time to study because they watch TV in all the free time. And some programs are not proper for children.

So we should choose some good programs to watch, especially for children.





As a middle school student of Junior Three, I do sports one or two hours a day, such as doing morning exercises, playing basketball, long-distance running and so on. I think it is very helpful to me. Taking exercise makes me

healthier so that I won’t be ill very often. What’s more, I also get myself relaxed in different kinds of sports, and then I do the better job in my study in high spirit. By doing physical exercise, I’m becoming stronger and more confident than before. I think it is necessary for everyone to spend some time on sports every day because people’s health is essential in modern life.

11.快乐的家 I have a happy family. Although it’s small,it’s full of love. There are four people in my family ,my father,my mother,my older brother and myself——we all love each other.

My father and my mother are famers. They love their work. Every day they work from dawn to dark. In their spare time,they like wacthing TV, talking each other.

My older brother is a university student and he is good student. I’m a middle school students. My wish is to be a university student like my brother. And my parents often encourage me to work hard. I will try my best to realize my dream.

12. 每个人都有自己的业余爱好。你的爱好是什么呢?你是怎样做和怎样想的

Everyone has his hobby. My hobby is taking care of small animals. I have several dogs and cats at home because no one wants them. After clas(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)s I give them food, clean their bodies and play games with them. When one of them is ill, I take it to the pet hospital. I have learned a lot since I began to take care of them.

I think animals are our friends. The world will become more beautiful if ma and animals live together.

13. Dear …, Thank You for Your Love

提示:在你的成长过程中,得到了家人、老师及朋友的关爱,你一定对他们心存感激。请你补全题目(如:Dear Mum, Thank You for Your Love),用英语写一篇短文,叙述他们所做的一件令你深深感动的事情,并表达你的感激之情。




3. 语言流畅,书写规范,卷面整洁。文中不得使用真实人名、校名,否则以零分计

Dear Mum,Thank you for Your Love

Dear mum,I always feel I am the luckiest child in the wor1d,because I have you as my mum. You are such a great parent.

I still remember the day when I failed my maths exam.I was so frustrated when I got home.You were not angry with me.Instead,you praised me for my hard work and encouraged me to keep on. Tears came into my eyes when you took me in your arm.I came to know how much you ┉

14.读书是好习惯Reading Is a Good Hobby

With development of science and technology,new knowledge comes every day. If you stop learning even for a day,you will be lost. Reading is a good way to help you keep in touch with the outside world. Read widely and you'll be rich in knowledge. Reading is also a good way to relax yourself. You can get a lot of fun in the books. A good book is a good friend to comfort you when you are unhappy. So long as you have a good book at hand, you'll never feel lonely. Every valuable book will open a new world before you.

篇二:把握现在 决战中考



大家好!今天我国旗下讲话的题目是《把握现在,决战中考》。 光阴荏苒,中考、结业考试、期末考试离我们越来越近了。



首先,我们要明确自己的目标,并为之付出不懈的努力。当小溪有了目标,就会不舍昼夜的向大海流淌;当雄鹰有了目标,就会奋力在蓝天翱翔;当青春有了目标,就会不惧风雨超越一切阻挡。请同学们要尽快确立自己的考试目标,并把自己目标清楚地写下来,时时提醒自己,时时鞭策自己。请相信目标有多远,我们就能走多远。 其次,要在关键的时刻,以毅力和勇气牢牢把握住机会。人生就像马拉松赛跑一样,只有坚持到终点的人才有可能成为真正的胜利者。常言说:"行百里者,半九十",最后一段路往往是最艰苦难行的, 然后就是临近考试对学习的态度。




寒冬过去,春意浓浓,万物复发,我们又迎来了新的学期 ,随着年龄的增长,时间 的推移,把我们推到了九年级的关键时刻,初中 时代是人生 旅途中的一个转折点,而九年级又是初中时代最重要的一年,面对中考 倒计时的100天,我们必须加倍努力!在这紧张进行总复习的时候,我们班全体同学 感谢 老师 们三年来呕心沥血的培养。老师的期望将成为我们拼搏的动力。我们只有不停的攀登,才能不断的充实、完善自我 。我们决不会放弃 ,我们寻找 竞争 ,寻找挑战,寻找快乐 ,寻找梦想 ,我们不敢停留。今天我们在这里召开百日誓师仪式,这是一场催人奋进的大会,激发斗志的大会,它将使我们重新振作,去努力拼搏,再创辉煌。

在这里我代表全体同学向各位老师表示,我们全班同学将以全新的心态面对人生,以充沛的精力投入迎考准备中。时针,在不停的转动,初中时代的日子 在无声的流淌,同学们,珍惜 自己的每一天吧,在离中考100天的时间里,在艰难曲折的人生道路 上,勇敢的扬起和接受考验的风帆吧!人生能有几回搏,活着 的每一天就应该去奋斗!一份耕耘,一分收获,老师,同学们,让我们一起加油吧!我们决定用我们努力和汗水 去充实每一天,以自己的努力争取优异的成绩。同学们,努力吧!我们要向100天挑战!为100天加油,为100天奋斗。










中考 就要来临,高强度的学习会让我们疲惫,但我们奋斗了三年,难道要在最后的一刻放松吗?当然不!所以我们只有继续努力,可是为了保持良好的状态,我们就要调解心情,让我们的身体和心理都“心甘情愿”的去学习,那么,请让我们拿起笔,只花费短短的时间来写一篇中考冲刺作文吧,我们若是感到了疲倦就将它拿出来诵读,相信,大家肯定可以重新获得动力。





一、精心准备,决不浮躁。“凡事预则立,不预则废。” “精诚所至,金石为开。”对于人生来说,中考仅有一次,怎能打无把握之仗?又怎能浮躁轻狂?时日苦短,务须未雨绸缪;大战在即,更应秣马厉兵。


三、专心投入,决不分神。(Motivational model yuedu.mipang.com) “书痴者文必工,艺痴者技必良”。“痴”就是心无旁骛,“痴”就是全神贯注。为了父母的厚望,为了自己的梦想,我们必须一心一意抓学习,聚精会神谋成绩。






