作业帮 > 体裁作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 20:36:50 体裁作文



Ladies and gentlemen:

It’s great to be here!

I’d like to introduce myself.

My name is Pat. I’m a student.

I come from Beijing.

I’m and outgoing person.

I love to meet people.

Meeting people is my forte.

I’m very frugal.


But I like to be generous with my friends.

I have many hobbies. I enjoy many things.

I like reading, exercising, and traveling.

Traveling is my life. I love to travel.

I’ ( 不常走动的人,喜欢待在一个地方的人) I’(不断地走动,忙个不停)

I’(在走动,在动个不停) (某人待在一个地方不动) I’(好动的人)

I can’t keep still.

I can’t stay in one place too long.

I want to see the world.

I want to see the unseen.

I want to do what’s never been done before.

My ambition is to be a great English teacher.

Teaching English is my passion.

Mastering English is my goal.

I won’t accept mediocrity.

I want to grow.

I want to improve all aspects of my life, physically, spiritually, and academically.

I’m willing to work hard.

I’m willing to pay the price.

I’(坚持到底) (不顾甘苦), in good time or bad, (不畏艰难,无论是好是坏)under any circumstances.(在任何情况下)

I work like a madman.

I word like a maniac.

I’m relentless in the pursuit of my goal.

I have some drawbacks.

First, I’m always changing my mind. (努力)

Second, I have a bad sense of direction.

I often get lost. When I’m with another person, I always let him guide me.

Third, I’m a forgetful person. I often misplace things.

I’m the type of person who is always losing things.

What is worse, I’m not very smart.

My IQ is very low. (一次)

I can only pay attention to what’s important.

When I want to do something, I want to do it well.

I hate to do it halfway.I have my good qualities.

Number one: I’(有团队精神的人)

I’m a person of responsibility.

I seldom complain.

I seldom lose my temper. I’(行动家,会做事的人) Number two: I’m optimistic. I’(乐观的,随遇而安的) I always look on the bright side of things.(心胸宽广) I hold no grudges. (谚语,既往不咎)

Number three: I’m very thoughtful.

I’m very considerate.

I’m a person who cares about others.

My motto is: Play hard, study hard, and work hard.

I do as much as I can every day.

I don’t waste any time

God only gives us a certain period of time.

He wants us to make the best use of it.

He wants us to enjoy it.

Enjoy life while you’re still young.

Don’t miss any opportunities.

Don’(放弃,拒绝)any good chances.

Life is short.

Life is sweet.

Life is precious.(全力以赴,孤注一掷)

Live for the moment.

I live my life like there is no tomorrow.(尽情享受人生)

Try new things.

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow may never come.I don’t care if I live a long or short life.

To me, quality is more important that quantity.

I want to live each day as my last.

Yesterday is history.

Tomorrow is a mystery.

Today is present.

My philosophy of life is: I will try to help the people around me. The closer they are to me, the more I like them.People are a good investment.

Helping people is an investment in heaven.

This kind of investment will earn high interest.(爱人者,人恒爱之) (谚语,自己活也让别人活,相互帮助,相互宽容) If the people around me are happy, I’m happy.

I like making friends with people.

I hope we’ll become good friends.

I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon. to call me. I(全年无休,从不打烊) I never close.

Thank you.

God bless you.

Have a great day.


1、Self-introduction Selfforte [f?:t] n.长处, 特长, 优点, hole [h?ul] n.洞,孔眼,洞穴;窘境;漏洞,缺 陷 stick [stik] n.手杖, 枝, 杆 vt.刺入, 插于, 竖起 vi.钉住, 坚持, 粘贴 Birds die in pursuit of food, and human Beings die in pursuit of wealth 鸟为食亡,人为财死 What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child. --Bernard Shaw 我们所要的是看到孩子追求知识,而 不是知识追求孩子。——萧伯纳 pursuit [p?’sju:t] n.追求;追逐[ pl.]嗜好,消遣 Thomas Wolfe is not a mediocrity mediocrity. 托马斯·沃尔夫却非平庸之辈。 physically ['fizik?lli] adv.身体上地, 实际上 Woman is physically but not mentally weaker than man. 女子在体力上而不是智力上比男子 弱。 mentally ['ment?li] adv. 精神上, 智力上, 心理上 madman ['m?dm?n] n.疯子, 精神病患者 temper ['temp?] n.脾气, 性情 vt.使缓和, 调和, 锻 炼 n.韧度, 调剂,回火度 vt.使回火 He slammed the door in a temper temper. 他生气地摔门。 slam [sl?m] v.砰地关上(放下); 猛烈抨击 n.砰的 一声 His hasty temper made him offensive. 他急躁的脾气使他令人讨厌。 hasty ['heisti] adj. 匆匆的, 轻率的, 急忙的 offensive [?'fensiv] adj.令人不快的, 冒犯的, 侮辱的, 与进攻有关的 n.攻势, 攻击 Some true proverbs are simple sententious comments such as "Live Live and let live let live," "Absence makes the heart grow fonder," and "Accidents will happen."有些全句式谚语是教喻(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)式的,如“自 己活也让别人活”、“离别使人多 情”、“天有不测风云” accident [‘?ksid?nt] n.意外遭遇,事故;意外(因素) absence [‘?bs?ns] n.缺席,不在;缺席时间;缺乏,不存 在 Feel free to look around. 请随意到处看看。 dumb [d?m] adj.哑的, 愚蠢的, 不能说话的 vt. 使沉默 dumb officials;a dumb decision. 愚钝的官员们;愚蠢的决定 Tom is a dumb bell while Mary is a dumb Dora. The are exactly fifty-fifty. 汤姆是笨蛋而玛莉是傻女,他们真是 半斤八两了。 through thick and thin 不顾艰难险阻,在任何情况下 I'll support you through thick and thin. thin 在任何情况下我都会支持你们。 thin; through thick and thin through Bitter and sweet 同甘共苦 bitter ['bit?] adj.苦的, 痛苦的, 辛酸的, 激烈的 adv.激烈地, 极其 vt.使变苦 n.苦涩, 苦酒, 苦的东西 Everything has its drawback drawback. 事事不免有缺点。 Lack of fund can be a drawback if you wanted to invest in a sure thing. 如果你要对确有把握的事投资,资金 短缺会是个障碍。 lack [l?k] v./ n.缺乏,不足,没 有 fund [f?nd] n.基金;储备[ pl.]存款 vt.给…拨 款 circumstance [‘s?:k?mst?ns] n.环境,形势;[ pl.]境况,经济状 况 He was forced by the circumstances to do this. 他做此事是为环境所迫。n.成就,成功;成功的

事物,有成就 的人 material [m?’ti?ri?l] n.材(原;资)料 a.物质的;肉体的; 重要的 method [‘meθ?d] n.方法,办法;秩序,条理 luck [l?k] n.运气;好运,幸运 dialogue ['dai?l?:g] n.对话 expect [ik’spekt] vt.预料,预计;等待,期待,盼望; 要求 design [di’zain] n.设计;图案;企图 vt.设计;预定, 指定 draft [drɑ:ft] n.草稿;汇票;征兵;通风 vt.起草; 征募 link [li?k] v.连接,联系 n.环节,联系,纽带 chain [‘t?ein] n.链(条);连锁店[ pl.]枷锁 vt.用 链条栓住 content [‘k?ntent] n.内容;含量;满意 a.满意的 vt.使 满意 common [‘k?m?n] a.平常的,普通的;共同的,公共的 memorize [‘mem?raiz] v.记住,熟记 native [‘neitiv] a.出生地的 n.土生土长者, 本地(国) 人 benefit [‘benifit] n.益处;救济(保险)金 津贴, 义演, vt.有益于 vi.得益 partner [‘pɑ:tn?] n.配偶, 搭档; 伙伴, 合伙人 vt.做… 的搭档 depressed [di’prest] a.消沉的;萧条的 monk [m??k] n.修道士,僧侣 chant [t?ɑ:nt] n.圣歌, 赞美诗, 旋律,喊叫 v.吟唱, 诵扬, 叫喊 scripture [‘skript??] n.经文,圣典2。How to Master English anxious [‘??k??s] a.(令人)焦虑的;渴望的,急切的 success [s?k’ses]row [r?u, rou] n.排;划船 v.划(船) n./ vi.争吵, 吵闹 nonstop [n?n'st?p] adj.直达的, 不断的, 不间断的1 adv.直达地, 不间断地 n.直达车, 直达行驶 inspire [in’spai?] vt.鼓舞,激起;给…以灵感 confidence ['k?nfid?ns] n.信任, 把握, 信心, 知心话 adj.骗得信任的 excel [ik'sel] vt.优于, 超过 vi.胜出 n.[计] 电子表格(软件名称) hesitate ['heziteit] vi.犹豫, 不情愿, 口吃 require [ri'kwai?] v.要求, 需要, 命令, 规定 fearless ['fi?lis] adj.无畏的, 大胆的, 勇敢的 priority [prai’?riti] n.优先(权),重点;优先考虑的事 motivation [?m?uti'vei??n] n.动机, 动力, 刺激, 积极性 articulate [ɑ:'tikjuleit, ɑ:'tikjulit] adj.发音清晰的, 善于表达的, 有关 节的 v.清楚地讲话, 发音, 以关节连接 hell [hel] n.地狱, 阴间, 苦境, 极大的痛苦 n.究竟(用以加强语气) int.该死(用以表示愤怒或惊讶) immerse [i’m?:s] vt.使浸没;(in)使沉浸在,使专心于 sponge [sp?nd?] n.海绵 vt.用湿海绵(或布)擦,揩 soak [s?uk] vt.使浸透, 吸入, 浸洗, <俚>使喝醉, 敲竹杠 vi.浸泡, 渗透, 渗入, <俚>酗酒 n.浸, 湿透,<俚>酒鬼 seek [si:k] vt.寻找,追求;请求(帮助);试图 commitment [k?’mitm?nt] n.承诺,保证;信奉,献身;承担的 义务 initiative [i'ni??tiv] adj.创始的, 初步的, 自发的 n.首创精神, 主动权, 第一步 court [k?:t] n.法院, 庭院, 宫廷, 球场, 奉承 v.献殷勤, 追求, 招致, 设法获得 hoarse [h?:s] adj.沙哑的, 嘶哑的, 刺耳的 soar [s?:] vi.翱翔, 高飞, 猛增, 高涨,

高耸 n.翱翔, 高飞amaze [?'meiz] vt.使吃惊, 使惊异 vi.惊讶 n.吃惊, 好奇 vt.<古> 使困惑 roll [r?ul] v.(使)滚动;卷;碾;摇摆 n.卷;名 单3. Award Ceremony Speech: Thank You All So Much award award [?’w?:d] vt.授予,给予;判给 n.奖(金) ceremony [‘serim?ni] n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪 distinguished [di’sti?gwi?t] a.著名的,卓越的 distinguish [di’sti?gwi?] vt.区分,辨别;看清,听出 prayer [‘pre?] n.祷告,祈祷;祷文(辞);祈求,祈 望 appreciate [?'pri:?ieit] vt.欣赏, 赏识, 感激, 领会, 意识 到 vi.增值 treasure [‘tre??] n.金银财宝, 财富; 珍品 vt.珍爱(视) float [fl?ut] v.(使)浮动,(使)漂流,(使)飘动 floating adj. 漂浮的, 浮动的, 移动的, 流 动的, 不固定的 honor ['?n?] n.荣誉, 荣幸, 尊敬, 信用, 正直, 贞洁 vt.尊敬, 使荣幸, 对...表示敬意, 兑现 privilege ['privilid?] n.特权, 荣幸, 特别恩典,基本人权 vt.给特权, 免除 deserve [di’z?:v] vt.应受,应得,值得 awesome ['?:s?m] adj.可怕的, 表示敬畏的 adj.了不起的, 精彩的, 绝妙的 fortunate ['f?:t??nit] adj.幸运的, 侥幸的, 带来幸运的 valuable ['v?lju?bl] adj.贵重的, 宝贵的 n.(pl.)贵重物品 potential [p?'ten??l] adj.潜在的, 可能的 n.潜力, 潜能 2n.电位, 电势 honest [‘?nist] a.诚实的,正直的;坦诚的,直率的 pinch [pint?] n.捏, 少量,一撮, 困苦, <俚>偷窃 v.掐, 夹痛, 使困苦, <俚>偷窃, 逮 捕 strengthen [‘stre?θ?n, ‘strenθ?n] vt.加强,巩固 resolve [ri'z?lv] vt.解决, 决定, 表决,分解 vi.决定, 分解 n.决心, 坚决 prize [praiz] n.奖(金,品) a.第一流的 vt.珍视, 珍惜 competition [,k?mp?’ti??n] n.竞争,比赛 excellent [‘eks?l?nt] a.优秀的,卓越的,杰出的 applaud [?’pl?:d] vi.鼓掌,喝彩 vt.向…鼓掌;称赞 judge [d??d?] n.法官; 裁判员 v.断定; 裁决, 评定; 审判 flattered ['fl?t?d] adj. 奉承的, 过分夸赞的4. A Speech to Honor Parents hold [h?uld] v.拿;保持;掌握;主持 n.握住;掌 握;船舱 respect [ri'spekt] vt.尊敬, 尊重, 遵守, 关于, 涉及 n.尊敬, 敬重, 关系, 方面 n.(复)respects: 敬意, 问候 admire [?d’mai?] vt.钦佩,赞赏,羡慕;称赞,夸奖 sacrifice ['s?krifais] n.牺牲, 祭品, 供奉 vt.牺牲, 亏本出售, 供奉 vi.献祭, (棒球)作牺牲一击 promise ['pr?mis] n.诺言, 预示, 约定, (有)希望 v.允诺, 发誓, 答应, 有希望 toast [t?ust] n.吐司, 烤面包 n.祝酒, 祝酒词, 被祝酒的人 v.烤, 烘 v.(为 ... )祝酒 bottom ['b?t?m] n.底部, 底端 adj.底部的 v.触底, 打(基础) conclude [k?n’klu:d] vt.推断出;结束;缔结 vi.结束,终 了 Irish ['ai?ri?] a.爱尔兰的 n 爱尔兰语 rise [raiz] vi.升起;起立(床);上涨 n.上涨; 升高 palm [pɑ:m] n.手掌,掌状物;棕榈树 vt.把

…藏 于手中solid ['s?lid] a.固体的; 实心的; 结实的; 可靠的 n. 固体 rock [r?k] n.岩石,石块;摇滚乐 v.摇,摇动 stable [steib?l] a.稳定的;沉稳的,持重的 n.马厩 chat [t??t] vi./ n.闲谈,聊天5. A Speech to Honor Our Teachers few [fju:] adj.很少的, 少数的, 几个 pron.少数 n.少量 meaningful [‘mi:ni?f?l] a.富有意义的,意味深长的 praise [preiz] v./ n.赞扬,表扬,称赞,赞美(的话) role [r?ul] n.作用,职责;角色 patient [‘pei??nt] a.忍耐的,有耐心的 n.病人 sacrifice [‘s?krifais] n./ vt.牺牲,舍身;献祭,供奉;祭 (品) raise [rez, reiz] vt./ n.举起;增加;筹集;引起;养 育 Confucius [k?n'fju:?j?s] n. 孔子(中国古代教育家、儒家创始 人) Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages. 孔子被认为是中国古代最伟大的圣 贤。 ancient [‘ein??nt] a.古代的,古老的;年老的 sage [seid?] a.智慧的 n.智者6. Making an Introduction ace [eis] n.A 牌;发球得分;佼佼者 a.杰出的 gem [d?em] n.宝石 needle [‘ni:dl] n.针,针状物 haystack ['heist?k] n.大干草堆 Searching for one man in this big city is like looking for a needle in a haystack haystack. 在这座大城市里寻找一个人犹如大海 捞针。7. How to Stay Healthy stay [stei] v.停留, 逗留, 保持 n.停留, 逗留 n.支撑物,[航]支索 desire [di'zai?] vt.渴望;要求,请求 n.愿望,欲望 junk [d???k] n.废旧物品,破烂 vt.丢弃,废弃 gracefully [‘greisfuli] ad.优美地,斯文地 terribly [‘ter?bli] ad.可怕地 depend [di’pend] vi.(on,upon)依靠;信赖;决定于 overeat ['?uv?'i:t] vi. 吃过量 starve [stɑ:v] vi.挨饿, 受饿, 极度匮乏 vt.使挨饿, 使饿死 moderation [,m?d?’rei??n] n.适度;温和;节制 nutritious [nju:’tri??s] a.有营养的,营养价值高的 cholesterol [k?’lest?r?l] n.胆固醇 clog [kl?g] vt.塞满,阻塞 n.[常 pl.]木屐 artery [‘ɑ:t?ri] n.动脉;干线,要道 pop [p?p] v.发出(砰的响声), 取出, 突然行动, 突然出现, 爆开, 睁大, 开枪 n.流行音乐, 流行艺术,爆裂声, <美 口>爸爸 adj.通俗的, 流行的, 热门的 adv. 突然间地, 暴发地 remedy ['remidi] n.治疗法, 药物, 补救 vt.治疗, 补救, 矫正 cough [k?f] n.咳,咳嗽 pineapple [‘pain?p?l] n.凤梨,菠萝 lime [laim] n.石灰, 粘鸟胶 n.酸橙, 酸橙树vt.施石灰,涂上粘性物质,沾上粘鸟 胶 adj.石灰的 adj. 与石灰或石灰石相关的 drug [dr?g] n.药;麻醉药,毒品 vt.使服麻醉药 liver ['liv?] n.肝 disease [di'zi:z] n.病,疾病;不健全,弊端 invite [in'vait] vt.邀请;征(请)求;吸引,招致(麻 烦等) daily ['deili] adj.每日的, 日常的 adv.每日, 天天 n.日报 shape [?eip] n.外形;状况 vt.形成;决定…的进 程 soul [s?ul] n.灵魂,心灵;精神,精力;人 fi

t [fit] adj.适宜的, 合适的, 健康的 v.适合, 安装 n.发作, 适宜 fit [fit] adj.适宜的, 合适的, 健康的 v.适合, 安装 n.发作, 适宜 cure [kju?] vt.治愈;消除,矫正 n.治愈,治疗; 药(剂) insomnia [in's?mni?] n.失眠(症) lag [l?g] v.落后, 减退, 缓慢进行 n.落后, 时间间隔 n.保温层,木桶板 vt.装隔热层于 n.<英> 罪犯,刑期 vt.<英> 逮捕 jog [d??g] v.慢跑, 轻推, (使)颠簸前行 n.慢跑, 轻推, 颠簸 n.凹凸,急转弯 vi.突然转向 treadmill treadmill ['tredmil] n.踏车, 繁重的工作, 跑步机 enjoyable [in'd??i?bl] adj.有趣的, 愉快的 worthwhile ['w?:θ'wail] adj. 值得(做)的 sweat [swet] n.汗水 n.焦急, 繁重工作, (凝结在物体表面 的)水珠 v.(使)出汗 vt.榨取, 使焦虑, 使渗出, 逼问3 vi.辛苦工作, 渗出, 焦躁 pain [pein] n.疼痛;痛苦[ pl.]辛苦,苦心 vt. 使痛苦 gain [gein] n.获得, 收益, 增益 v.获得, 到达, 增加, 获利, (钟、表 等)走得快 bowel [‘bau?l] n.肠;[ pl.]内部,深处 Do you have a bowel movement today? 你今天上过厕所吗? movement [‘mu:vm?nt] n.运动,动作;进展[ pl.]行动;乐 章 pee [pi:] n.小便 vi.小便 skin [skin] n.皮(肤);毛皮;外皮,外壳 vt.剥皮 castle [‘kɑ:s?l] n.城堡 fair [f??] adj. 公平的, 晴朗的, 美丽的; 相 当的 adj. (皮肤, 毛发等)浅色的; 白皙的 n. 展览会, 市集 adv. 公平地; 直接地 protection [pr?’tek??n] n.保护,防护 UV abbr. 紫外线(=ultraviolet) [??ltr??vai?lit]a.紫外(线)的 slim [slim] adj.苗条的, 微小的, 细长的 v.减肥, 缩减 avoid [?’v?id] vt.避免,预防,避开 calorie [‘k?l?ri] n.大卡(食物的热值);卡(路里) rise [raiz] vi.升起;起立(床);上涨 n.上涨; 升高 certainly [‘s?:t?nli] ad.必定,一定;当然,行 sportswear ['sp?:tsw??] n.运动装, 休闲活动穿着的衣服 rule [ru:l] n.规则, 条例, 习惯, 统治, 直尺 v.支配, 统治, 画直线 conclusion [k?n’klu:??n] n.结论,推论;结尾;缔结,议定 appearance appearance [?’pi?r?ns] n.出现,显露,露面;外观,外貌,外表 priceless [‘praisl?s] a.无价的 lifetime [‘laiftaim] n.一生,终身nutrition [nju:’tri??n] n.营养a.劣等的,次的;下级的 n.下级,下 属 superior [su:?pi?ri?, sju:-] a.上级的,较高的;高傲的 n.上级, 长官 denigrate [?denigreit] v.污蔑,诽谤 criticize [?kritisaiz] vt.批评,批判;评论,评价 diminish [di?mini?] vi.变少, 变小, 降低 vt.减少, 减小, 降低 challenge [?t??lind?] n.质问;挑战 vt.反对;向…挑战; 对…质疑 tough [t?f] a.困难的;坚强的;牢固的;强硬的; 粗暴的 sweat [swet] vi.出汗,流汗 n.汗,汗水 treat [tri:t] vt.对待;医治;款待 n.款待;乐事 feedback [?fi:db?k] n.反馈,反馈信息 swallow [sw?l?u] vt.吞,咽;轻


1. Our goal is clear-cut. It’s plain and simple. We want to be the best. 我们的目标很明确。 非常清楚、明白。 我们要成为顶尖人物。 2. Believe in ourselves. Our potential is umlimited. The world is ours to conquer. 相信我们自己的力量。 我们的潜力无限。 这个世界由我们来征服。 3. Dream big dreams. Reach for the stars. The sky is our limit. 要有远大的梦想。 要达成不容易做到的事。 我们的潜力无限大。 4. Go the extra mile. Go the extra distance. Leave no stone unturned. 要特别努力。


要千方百计,想尽办法。 5. Go for it. Just do it. Make it happen. 大胆试一试。 赶快做。 去做吧。 6. Try our best. Do our best. Give it our best shot.


7. We can do it. We have what it takes. Let’s get it done.


8. We tough. We are strong. We can endure anything. 我们有耐力。 我们很坚强。 我们可以忍受任何事。

9. We are on the right track. We

are doing the right thing. We are taking the right steps.

我们的方向正确。我们做得对。 我们探取正确的步骤。

10. We are not afraid. We have no fear. We can overcome any obstacles. 我们不害怕。 我们不恐惧。 我们可以克服任何障碍。
