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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/27 12:28:21 字数作文






[点评] 本文选材角度独特,正副标题已经别出心裁,以一位父亲的口吻向孩子娓娓讲述,告诫她铭记自己成长的经过,尤其铭记成长中的苦痛,成长中的转折点。三段分别以小草、蝴蝶、凤凰花类比,篇末回归自身,抒写十五岁面临中考这一人生转折时的感慨,全文格调积极、昂扬,富有真情实感。(此文为一类卷,59分)











[点评] “一种仅限于物质条件的给予,但同时却给予了他人精神上的虐杀”,作者通过放学路上的一段见闻,表达了自己对“给予”的理解,文章内容深刻、富有内涵。(此文为一类卷,获得满分60分)

All in all. Competition is important for us in that it let us perfect ourselves and improves ourselves,and brings us countless.

12.Shall We Only Buy Things Made in Our Own Country? There is a public debate today on the issue of shall we only buy things made in our own country.There is no doubt that we should not only buy things made in our own country.Globalization is a larger trend than anyone could have imagined. Countries are independent and interdependent. Because of this, I do not think that we should only buy things that are domestically produced.

On the one hand, something made in our own country would do harm to our health.It has become clear to us that the problem of food safety. The goods made in China are usually associated with poor quality, for instance, melamine in baby formula milk powder, poisonous color, oxalic acid, etc.In a word, for our health, we should not only buy things made in our own country.

On the other hand, no one country is resourceful enough to produce everything that people need in life. In this highly globalized world, it is no longer able to be completely "self-sufficient". For example, in China,56.5 percent of China's oil imports from other countries.If we insist on buying home-grown products, we have to give up 56.5 percent of our oil and the price

of oil in our country must be higher!Only play the economic characteristics of each country, in order to meet consumer demand for commodities.

All in all, we had better not purchase things that are made in our country only.

14.One Way to Keep Our Information Safe

With the rapid growth of Internet, the necessity to keep our information safe has become increasingly important in our daily life.

Like many people, I almost always receive spam calls and text messages a day on the phone. The other can accurately call out my name.Late last year, revealing the largest Chinese Internet leaks, shocking to highlight the fragile status of protection of personal information. Chinese hackers Godfather goodwill interview that the user account and password information is only "hackers"

released on about 100 million. "underground hacker"

might also master the more Internet users account information.

Because of that, when we want to register in an english website, chances are that you are required to fill in the real name and ID card number to download some documents.This simple yet potentially threatening act opens you to identity exposure.One way to keep our information safe, in my opinion, is to avoid filling in our real information in to the website.

The major advantage of doing this is the fact that it will lower the risk of exposing our information to others.Usually, those fishing websites would be disguised as the authentic trading platform to lure Internet users and deceive them into entering their identity information.

All in all, we should avoid filling in our real information in to the website.

102.Making an Invitation


Dear Bill,

I am going to have a pajamas party to celebrate Single Day in my house.Certainly I wish you could come, because you are my best friend.It's next Friday, November 11th, at 8:00 pm.

I hope you can make it, and I am looking forward to introducing you to my other friends at the party.

Truly Yours,


105.Declining an Invitation


Dear Tomkin,

I want to be able to accept your invitation for your single pajamas party on Single Day, November 11th.But I get a girlfriend now. What a pity!

Thank you just the same for inviting me.I will send you some drinks to your home that day.Hopefully you will have a great time at your party, and happy Single Day to you!

Sincerely yours,

