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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:49:29 英语作文




1.成功 / 英雄 / 困难类 (被写的经久不衰!)

2.大众观点类:(媒体 / 团体 / 主流)

3.谎言 / 现象本质 / 隐私 (这个我也不懂)

4.动机类 (这个说的优点玄乎)

5.改变 / 科技 / 创新类




1.Bill Gates (比尔盖茨)

When Bill Gates made his decision to drop out from Harvard, he did not care too much of the result. Gates entered Harvard in 1973, and dropped out two years later when he and Allen started the engine of Microsoft. Many people did not understand why Gates gave up such a good opportunity to study in the world’s No.1 University. However, with size comes power, Microsoft dominates the PC market with its operating systems, such as MS-DOS and Windows. Now, Microsoft becomes the biggest software company in the world and Bill Gates becomes the richest man in the world.


2.Thomas Edison (托马斯 爱迪生)

In 1879, after more than 1,000 trials and $40,000, Thomas Edison introduced an inexpensive alternative to candles and gaslight: the incandescent lamp. Using carbonized filaments from cotton thread, his light bulb burned for two days. These bulbs were first installed on the steamship Columbia and have been lighting up the world ever since. 用于创造力/科技类、失败是成功之母、努力、成功 / 英雄 / 困难类

3.Mother Teresa (特雷莎修女)

Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, dedicated the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the poor in India, thus gaining her the name "Saint of the Gutters." The devotion towards the poor won her respect throughout the world and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She founded an order of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India dedicated to serving the poor. Almost 50 years later, the Missionaries of Charity have grown from 12 sisters in India to over 3,000 in 517 missions throughout 100 countries worldwide.


4.Diana Spencer(戴安娜王妃)

Lady Diana Spencer, Princess of Whales, is remembered and respected by people all over the world more for her beauty, kindness, humanity and charitable activities than for her technical skills.


5.Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (纳尔逊·罗利赫拉赫拉·曼德拉) Mandela, the South African black political leader and former

president, was awarded 1993 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to

antiracism and antiapartheid. Nelson Mandela is one of the great moral and political leaders of our time: an international hero whose lifelong dedication to the fight against racial oppression in South Africa won him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country. Since his triumphant release in 1990 from more than a quarter-century of

imprisonment, Mandela has been at the centre of the most compelling and inspiring political drama in the world. As president of the African National Congress and head of South Africa‘s antiapartheid movement, he was instrumental in moving the nation toward multiracial government and majority rule. He is revered everywhere as a vital force in the fight for human rights and racial equality.


6.Beethoven (贝多芬)

Beethoven, the German Composer, began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was entirely deaf by 1819. However, this obstacle could not keep him from becoming one of the most famous and prolific composers in art history. His music, including 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, several senates and so on, formes a transition from classical to romantic composition. 用于成功 / 英雄 / 困难类

7.George Bush(乔治 布什)

On January 16, 1991, President Bush ordered the commencement of Operation Desert Storm, a massive U.S.-led military offensive against Iraq in the Persian Gulf.

In late 1992, Bush ordered U.S. troops into Somalia, a nation devastated by drought and civil war. The peacekeeping mission would prove the most disastrous since Lebanon, and President Clinton abruptly called it off in 1993.

用于成功 / 英雄 / 困难类

8.Jimmy Carter(吉米卡特)

President Carter's policy of placing human rights records at the forefront of America's relationships with other nations contributed to a cooling of Cold War relations in the late 1970s.

In 1980, for the first time in seven years, Fidel Castro authorized emigration out of Cuba by the country's citizens. The United States welcomed the Cubans, but later took steps to slow the tide when evidence suggested that Castro was using the refugee flight to empty his prisons.用于成功 / 英雄 / 困难类/斗争、

9.Neville Chamberlain(内维尔张伯伦)

In 1938, British Prime Minister Chamberlain signed the Munich Pact with Adolf Hitler, an agreement that gave Czechoslovakia away to Nazi conquest while bringing, as Chamberlain promised, "peace in our time."

Eleven months after the signing of the Munich Pact, Germany broke the peace in Europe by invading Poland. A solemn Chamberlain had no choice but to declare war, and World War II began in Europe.


10.Raoul Wallenberg (瓦伦堡)

Raoul Wallenberg was a young Swedish aristocrat. In 1944 he left the safety of his country and entered Budapest. Over the next year he outwitted the Nazis and saved as many as 100,000 Jews (he was not himself Jewish) from the death camps. In 1945 he was arrested by the Russians, charged with spying, and imprisoned in a Russian labor camp.

用于道德类/英雄、自救 (Conscience is a more powerful motivation than money,fame and power)

11.George Soros -- (乔治 索斯洛)the financial crocodile

Soros, who at one stage after the fall of the Berlin Wall was providing more assistance to Russia than the US government, believes in practising what he preaches.His Open Society Institute has been pivotal in helping eastern European countries develop democratic societies and market economies. Soros has the advantage of an insider's knowledge of the workings of global capitalism, so his criticism is particularly pointed. Last year, the Soros foundation's network spent nearly half a billion dollars on projects in education, public health and promoting democracy, making it one of the world's largest private donors.

用于大众观点类:(媒体 / 团体 / 主流)

12.Paul Revere(保罗 )

Our perceptive towards Paul Revere just illustrates this point.

According to the romantic legend, he, galloping along of the dark from one farm house to another, alerted the people to the coming British. And of course the story emphasized the courage of one man, made him a hero in our history books. However, his heroism required a matrix of others

who were already well-prepared to mobilize against the oppressor and he was just one part of a pre-arrange plan. Heroes like Revere have no usefulness apart from a society primed to act.


13.Hey Ford(亨利 福特)

Hey ford,one of the most influential inventors in the history, was always inattentive in school. Once ,he and a friend took a watch apart to probe the principle behind it. Angry and upset, the teacher punished him both to stay after school. their punishment was to stay until they had fixed the watch. but the teacher did not know young ford’s genius,in ten minutes,this mechanical wizard had repaired the watch and was on this way home.It is imagination that invigorated Ford to make a through inquiry about things he did not know.He once plugged up the spout of a teapot and placed it on the fire. then he waited to see what would happen. the water boiled and, of course, turned to steam. since the steam had no way to escape, the teapot exploded. the explosion cracked a mirror and broke a

window.Ford’s year of curiosity and tinkering paid off,when he built his imagination of horseless carriage into reality, the history of

transportation was changed forever


15.Alexander Graham Bell (亚历山大 格雷厄姆贝尔)

Not realizing the full impact it would have on society, Alexander Graham Bell introduced the first telephone to an amazed audience at America's Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876. Within a year, Bell had installed 230 phones and established the Bell Telephone Company, which was later transformed into AT&T. In 1997, 643,000,000,000 calls were made by people in the United States alone.







第三步:联系实际。如果本题是论述题,则根据本题联系实际中的一些现象,给出评价;如果本题是材料题,则材料就是实际,指出材料中的一些问题,也就是将材料用你学过的关于政治的术语再复述一遍。这部分一定要有,而且要作为一个段落,如果字迹工整的话,即使这一段答得驴头不对马嘴,至少也有两分。 第四步:总结。这一部分是绝对送分的,但也要有技巧。要将其作为一个段落,如果此题是论述题,则将整个题目再复述一遍,不要忘了在前面加上一个所以;如果此题是材料题,则提倡材料中好的做法,批评材料中坏的做法。










建议考生找出本题目是关于哪个科学的哪个章节,在草稿纸上写下此章节内所有可能与本题有联系的基本概念及原理。大多数题目是跨章节,甚至跨学科的,要注意思维的发散性。 第二步:解释每一个概念并写出原理的基本内容。






Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. In my opinion, we can bring mobile phones to school.

As we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of information. A mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange information. The mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, so we ought to make the best use of it. Suppose there's a sudden accident, it is more convenient for us to dial for help immediately. There're also some games in the mobile phone. We can relax ourselves by playing them when we're tired of our studies. In my opinion, it's not wrong to follow the fashion, but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone in a right way.

Today , I'll talk about going online. The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet. We can learn English . We can read some good newspapers and magazines. It can make us clever in playing computer games. I can send e-mails to our friends quickly. It can help us keep in touch with people from all over the world. But some students spend too much time in playing computer games and some stay in the net bars all day and all night. As a result, they do worse and worse in their lessons and they don't study well any more. I think we mustn't go online when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winter holidays.

All of us want to be healthy. First,we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we don't feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once.

English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.

How to make friends

It’s hard to make friends if you stay alone all the time. It’s easier to make friends when you

have similar interests.

Don’r be afraid to show people what you are really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best.

Look at people in the eyes when you talk to them.

Be a good listner. Let people talk about themselves before talking about yourself.

Be friendly to a lot of people. Try to help your friends when they are in trouble because a friend in need is a friend indeed. That way you’ll have a bigger group to choose from and have more chances to make friends.

Television has come into our life for many years.

We can’t live happily without television. Jt can give us the latest information and news. It can open up our eyes and enlarge our knowledge. We can get happiness from the plays on television. We’ll be boring all day if there is no television. Television programs are attractive. After a whole day’s hard worlk we can sit before the television and drink a cup of tea. How wonderful it is!

Television is also bad for people’s health. It’s bad for you to watch TV too long, especially bad for your eyes.


Why do we come to school? Different people may have different answers. Some people say that they come to school to study just because they dream of a better job, a better future. But in my viewpoint, study brings me happiness. It is said that everyone who is interested in studying may find pleasure in reading. Exactly! Study can not only eich my knowledge and broaden my mind, but bring me lots of fun as well. What's more, study always teaches me how to be honest, confident and knowledgeable. In a word, I like studying very much.

The best TV programme I've ever watched(青浦)

The best TV programme I've ever watched is《human and nature》. The programme is broadcasted on CCTV1 every week. It is about animals、plants and the relationship between human and nature. From this TV programme , I've got to know that nature is full of mysteries. I also realize that humans are responsible for the bad environment. If we don't care about nature, we will pay much more. The TV programme brings me much knowledge. I love it very much.

How to use computers correctly(卢湾)

Dear friends,

How time flies! I'm very glad here to tell you something about computers. Computers have both advantages and disadvantages. We can search the Internet for information, listen to music, chat with our friends, play computer games .. . But some students have problems. They spend too much time on the computers. This is not good for their eyes and does harm to their studies as well. Even worse, some students may watch bad web sites. So it is necessary for us to use computer correctly. Here is some advice: firstly, homework first and surf the Internet regularly. Secondly, don't give your personal information to a stranger. Thirdly, do things that are good to your studies.

I wish you a colorful school life!

Water shortage(宝山)

As we all know, water is very important in our life. We can't imagine life without water. But now, lots of rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Clean water is less and less. The problem of water shortage is becoming more and more serious.

We should take some actions to solve this problem. First, government should make laws to prevent factories from pouring waste water into rivers or lakes. Second, we should take a shower instead of taking a bath. Finally, we shouldn't leave the tap running when we are brushing our teeth. If we don't save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.

I want to be an environment protector(金山)

Nowadays the problems of environment are becoming more and more serious. Factories pour dirty water (chemical waste) into rivers or lakes. Cars give off waste gas and the air is unhealthy for us to breathe. More and more trees are cut down. The earth is our only home and we have the duty to take care of it. So I want to be an environment protector. First, I will tell the people around me to protect environment. Second, I‘d like to plant more trees with my friends. Finally, I will shop with a reusable bag instead of a plastic bag. I believe if every one of us do something to protect our environment, our world will be greener and more beautiful。

6.Environment around us

The environment is very important to us. We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on. There used to be many trees around us, the air was fresh and the river was clean. But now, people cut down too many trees and the environment around us becomes worse and worse. So as a students, we should try to protect our environment. First of all, we should plant as many trees as possible. Second, we should ride bikes or walk to school instead of taking buses or cars. Third, we shouldn’t use plastic bags. In a word, if everyone knows the importance of environment protection, we’ll have a green world./

My view on computer

With the development of science and technology, computers are playing more and more important roles in our daily life. They can do most of the things people can do. By using computers, we can gain huge amount of knowledge and information, especially, computers have made the communication with our friends and relatives more convenient and easier. But some students are so keen on playing games online that they even don’t want to go to school. I don't think it is right. In my opinion, we should make good use ot computers.

5.The Spring Festival

As we all kown,the Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. On the New Year’s Eve, families always get together and have a big dinner. Many people like to set off firecracker. People also eat dumping--- a kind of traditional Chinese food. Especially, children like the festival very much because they can nit only have delicious food, wear new clothes but also receive red packets from their parents or their elders. It is said that the money in the red packets will bring children good luck. Chinese people have a good time during the festival.


Topic 21: A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. ----- J. Burroughs


It’s a common sense that we are always encountering much failure in different stages of life. Under these circumstances, what matters most is not only our persistence but also our attitudes. In our daily life, however hard we try, failure will accompany us like shades. When it comes to this topic, unforgettable memories crowd in my mind. I once did so badly in a critical exam that I lost a precious opportunity to be admitted to a key senior high school. I wasn’t aware of my laziness and carelessness. Instead, I thought the difficult exam and neglect of my parents were to blame for my failure. I regarded myself as s stander-by and never learned to shoulder responsibilities for my own. It was my head-teacher’s timely instruction that made me face difficult situation any time it appeared. After which I became more confident and diligent. The coming success made me popular among my peers. Never shall I forget this impressive experience.

It can be concluded from the above mentioned that positive attitude makes a true man while being timid before misfortune results in a failure. Facing any failure bravely can achieve a great success.

Topic 22: If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one can achieve anything when faced with hardships.


Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. Equipped with confidence, we can deal with any challenges and difficulties until we succeed.

When I entered Senior 3, I found myself faced with difficulty learning English, and even failed in my English exam. As a consequence I began to feel frustrated, losing confidence in myself. It was at this moment that my parents encouraged me, and my teachers gave me some valuable advice on my studies, telling me to be confident. With their help, I regained my confidence and began to make steady progress.

As the saying goes, where there’s a will, there’s a way. If we are to make a difference, we should build up our confidence, which is of vital importance if we want to overcome my obstacles and finally achieve our goal.

Topic 23: No matter how painful for how uncomfortable it is to admit your wrongdoing, you should always choose to face it instead of running away from it. Hard as it is ,it shapes us.


In our everyday life, doing something wrong is what we can’t avoid. Despite the fact that it is painful to admit your wrongdoing, never should we run away from it.

A wrongdoing I did in my childhood will never fade away from my memory. When I was a boy, a cap gun was my favorite. Every day I carried it and practiced shooting with it. One day, I played by the river where a group of ducks were swimming. Considering a cap gun may not hurt the duck, I aimed at one and shot it. To my surprise, the duck struggled for a while and finally died. Seeing nobody was looking, I hid the duck under some grass, thinking it wouldn’t be discovered. Then came countless nights when I was always woken up in nightmares.

All in all, running away from wrongdoing can result in nothing but suffering. So face up to it.

Topic 24: We have unselfish mothers who have brought us up, unselfish teachers teaching us, and unselfish friends who are always ready to help us. We should also learn to be unselfish.


This world is filled with unselfish people, because of whom our world has become a lovely and beautiful place to live in.

When I grew up, I have met countless people who are always unselfish to me. In the middle of last term, just as I was busy with my lessons, I suddenly fell ill and had to stay away from school for a couple of weeks, seeing this, our monitor Li Hua, together with some other classmates, offered to help me with my lessons. It was with their unselfish help that I managed to catch up in my lessons. Looking back on those days, I’m impressed by their help and feel gratitude. They have taught me the importance of being unselfish and offering help to those in need.

As the saying goes, no one is an island. Only when we show concern to others and offer help to people can we unite together and make a difference.

Topic 25: Good interpersonal relationships between parents and us are keys to build a harmonious family, which is very important to us all.


During the national holiday last year, my parents were on business to Beijing. They left me alone at home to train me to live independently. When they came back, they found the room quite messy, dirty and untidy. Before I could explain the reason, father shouted at me angrily and said this was not a family where the bad behaviors unpunished.

They didn’t know the truth. Actually, that day my pet dog was terribly ill and I had to take it to the vet. It took me a lot of time to look after him. So I couldn’t spare any time to tidy my room. Having known the truth, they made an apology to me for not having listening to my explanation. Finally I forgave them.

I strongly believe that openness and consideration will probably result in a much better relationship between parents and children.

Topic 26: In modern society, we should learn to share. Sharing is an effective way to eich your life.


Years of school life has taught me a lot of things, of which sharing is the most significant for me.

In fact, I didn’t realize its significance until I failed the mid-term exam last October, during which time I studied less hard. At first, I was addicted to reading some science fictions in and outside class and didn’t do any homework. As a result, I was less active in class and felt depressed. Then my teacher and classmates talked about my studies with me and I told them about my worries. Thus my anxiety was beginning to be reduced with their help and I regained confidence. It is sharing with others rather than keeping my worries to myself that has relived me of trouble and made my studies more efficient.

Topic 27: Being popular among students is a good thing, but we may feel lonely at times, which all of us has experienced. It can be a natural result of a particular situation, for example, a family problem, the death of a friend. It may result in all kinds of mental and physical disease. How do you cope with loneliness?


When I was admitted into the high school, I felt so lonely as I didn’t know anyone in the new environment, as a result of which I often missed my old classmates and friends. Feeling left out in a crowd of classmates, I was pressed and disappointed. In this case, I turned my attention to my studies. Meanwhile, I learned to communicate actively with people around me, respecting them and giving them help when possible. I also spent time to develop my own interests, thus finding many friends sharing the same interests. Gradually, I became happy, cheerful and found the pleasure in my studies.

This experience has taught me that it’s so natural that anyone may feel lonely. To get this situation changed and be a popular student, we ought to make every effort to improve ourselves and show our concern for others.

Topic 28: Being strict to children at home can be good as it helps them learn to obey the rules. It is also negative in that parents may go so far as to use physical punishment to educate with their kids, which brings children too much pressure and even injuries.


Most Chinese parents take it for granted that strictness leads to success. As a result, they are very strict to their kids at home and request the teachers to be particular about their kids’ work at school. However, that’s not an end. Some parents have gone so far as to use physical punishment to “help” their children succeed in life na f study. tiger Mother and Wolf Father are considered role models as they have used cruel ways to make their children successful.

It is true that strictness works well when one begins to learn. As the kids grow, a friendlier environment will fit them better, helping them to creative work instead of just obeying rules. Still, one fact can’t be ignored that physical punishment in most cases will bring the kids either too much pressure or injures. Therefore, parents should create a harmonious and democratic environment so as to contribute to all-round development of their children.

Topic 29: Never be afraid of making mistakes. Actually, making progress is making mistakes. Mistakes reveal where success lies.


Mistakes are unavoidable in life. But attitudes towards them may make a difference.

I still remember how my spoken English improved. At the beginning, I always kept silent in oral class to avoid making mistakes. Before long my teacher knew about my situation. He encouraged me to speak out what I wanted to regardless of mistakes. Whenever I made mistakes and felt discouraged, my teacher and classmates would help me figure out how I could avoid them in the future. Practice makes perfect. With time going by, I built up my confidence, and now I can talk fluently in English. Just as the saying goes, every bean has its black. We just need to learn a lesson from the mistakes.

So don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Learn from them, and success is just awaiting us.

Topic 30: Many great scientists have made great contri


bution to the whole world, due to their constant efforts and dogged perseverance. We can achieve nothing without willpower.


Along the way to success, perseverance can never be ignored. Equip yourself with willpower, and you can naturally brighten your future.

At the beginning of my swimming learning, I was so afraid that my courage failed me. Not until the coach pushed me into the water did I feel the real power of it. Then, the training began. However strict it was, I was asked to practice over and over again. At last, I made my way. But for the help of the coach and my perseverance, I wouldn’t have become a real swimmer.

On the road of life, we can’t predict when the difficulty comes. The best equipment is the will power. As the saying goes, there’s no difficulty in the world unless you are not firm enough.
