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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 20:29:13 写作技巧





Step 1: 观察共有几张饼图,以及它们之间的关系是什么(一般说来,雅思图表题中极少见到单饼图);

Step 2: 观察每张饼图中有哪几个区域,以及各个区域分别代表什么;

Step 3: 观察单个饼图中各区域间的百分比差异,以及相同区域在各个饼图间的百分比的比较或发展。


Many women want or need to continue working even after they have children. The charts below show the working patterns of mothers with young children to care for.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information on the charts below.

Step 1: 一共有四张饼图,它们分别按照由母亲照料的最年幼孩子的年龄大小来进行排列,从0 ~ 2岁到10岁以上;

Step 2: 每张饼图中都有三种区域:白色区、深色区和浅色区。它们分别表示母亲的工作状态:白色区为“没有工作”,深色区为“兼职工作”,浅色区为“全职工作”;Step 3: 白色区在0 ~ 2岁时处于绝对优势,占70%,而随着孩子年龄的增长,白色区渐渐地变小,在10岁以上时只有26%;深色区在孩子年幼时比例很小:0 ~ 2岁时只有19%。随着孩子的长大,深色区急剧扩张,在5 ~ 9岁时达到顶峰,占48%,但在10岁以后却轻微下降到45%;而浅色区的变化则是在同一时期内分别占到了11%,11%,14%和29%。当然,在开始写文章之前,我们还必须决定文章所用的时态。在这张图的要求里,并没有说是过去的时间里做的调查,因此我们就默认为是一般现在时。


a. The full time working mothers with 0 to 2 year old child to care for make up 11%.

b. The percentage of the full time working mothers with 0 to 2 year old child to care for makes up 11%.

大家可以明显看出这两句话的区别,即主语选用的对象不同。那么,如果所有的句子都这样写的话,是不是会造成很多的重复呢?这点考生不用担心,因为就象我们可以用“go up”来代替“increase”一样,表示占多少百分比也有一些动词词组来替换“make up”。比如说,“account for”和“constitute”,甚至可以用“be”动词。但是,有的培训老师会告诉学生,“occupy”也可以,因为它的意思是“占据”,但实际上在英文里,表示百分比是不可以用这个词的,这点大家要注意。除了谓语可以替换以外,“百分比”这个词本身也可以有同义词,比如说 “proportion”和“rate”,但是大家要注意,有的考生会用“ratio”(比率),甚至是“number”和“figure”来代替 “percentage”,这样一来表达就不确切了,是会失分的。

这幅图中还有一个难点,就是信息量大。一个百分比不仅跟妇女的工作模式相关,而且还要搭上需要照顾的小孩的年龄。一共12个百分比,发生重复是不可避免的。但是怎样才能使得文章比较不乏味呢?我们不妨来动动脑筋。刚才的11%的那群妇女我用的是分词作定语(full-time working),那么做定语的还有定语从句,那么我也可以用mothers who choose to work full time来代替,甚至是full-t(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网)imers,或者是full-time employees 等等,都是可以用的。说到小孩的年龄,我们刚刚用的是with,那么表示伴随的非限制性定语从句也一定能奏效,也就是说,我们能这样来表示:

Those full-timers, whose child is 0 to 2 years old, account for 11%.这样一来,句型就多变了。


As can be seen from the chart, those full-timers, whose child is 0 to 2 years old, account for 11%. The percentage remains unchanged when their baby grows two years older. However, mothers of 5 to 9 -year -old child witness a slight increase by 3% and the rate nearly doubles when their child reaches 10 -year -old. (58 words)综上所述,这幅饼图中用到的是表示百分比和线形图的基本表达方法,这样写出来不会只是报流水账,而是使得饼图变化的趋势变得非常的明显和生动。当然不要忘记加上适当的路标词,也就是连词,使文章中的句子更加的平滑,通顺。

当然,不是每个饼图都是时间走势的。针对这样的图,我们只需要用上次介绍过的在柱形图中的“more than”或者“twice as much as”等的表示数据差异的短语加上百分比就可以了。

以上是对饼图解题主要思路和语言点的一点讲解,当然,要写好以上两幅图,我们还需要一个好的引言段,变化多端的句型,确切表达的词或者词组以及很好的衔接器件,这样才能写出一篇高分的小作文来。 更多有关雅思学习知识技巧请看外朗教育官网:




三段论(Three parts):Introduction; Main Body;Conclusion.各段逻辑关系如下: Introduction:To say what you are going to say;

Main Body: To say what you want to say;

Conclusion: To say what you have said.

这种写作结构和中国诗文的章法(起承转合)有异曲同工之妙!“起”是开端;“承”是承接上文加以申述;“转”是转折,从正面或反面立论;“合”是结束全文。 “起”即Introduction;

“承”,“转”即Main Body,“承”即从正面进行描述,“转”,即转说开去,大致分两种情况:一种从另一面或反面说,讲不同的意见,另一种是采用推进一层的写法; “合”即Conclusion。

2、雅思作文的构思:Brainstorming + Organizing

? 可以细化为如下3个问题:

? 1. 文章的中心,也就是主题,灵魂,论点。( 主题鲜明 )

? 2. 文章的内容,就是写哪些具体的论据。( 内容充实 )

? 3. 文章的结构安排,和论证方法紧密结合。(论证有力 )


PART1: GeneralStatement


? 1. 图表说明文的特点,关键词:report, university lecturer

? 2. 图表说明文body部分的2个步骤

? 3. Introduction改写的方法:主谓宾定状补

? 4. 曲线图的核心词汇:4大核心名词/动词,4大核心形容词/副词

? 5. 饼状图核心词汇:占百分之?,引出数据的4种方法(代表着不同的语法形式) ? 6. 柱状图:Introduction中的宾语一定要明确具体,为下文写作做好铺垫

? 7. 表格图:数据多,复杂的图表要首先理出主线,即打算用这个图表说明一个什么问题,再开始写作

? 8. 流程图:雅思考察的是语言,不涉及专业知识,所以运用常识图表肯定看得懂。写作技巧:上义词,每阶段连接词。


? 去伪存真:默认所有数据真实可信

? 去粗取精: 具体的数值(最大值,最小值,中间值)

? 由此及彼: 分析,对比(近似值,关联值)

? 由表及里:归纳,总结

? 经过这四个步骤,文章也逐渐由浅入深,从感性认识升华成理性认识! PART2: DetailedApproaches



Chart = graph = diagram

曲线图:line / curve chart

柱状图:bar / column graph

饼状图:pie diagram

表格图:table / statistics / figures

流程图:the flow diagram


? Show, indicate, point out

? Give information about

? Provide datum/data of

? Describe, illustrate, present, display, reflect, demonstrate, depict,

reveal, exhibit


? Clearly, plainly, apparently, obviously, vividly

? Specially, particularly

? Relative, relatively

? Comparative, comparatively


? 顺承:also, besides, in addition

? 转折:however, on the other hand, conversely

? 同时:meanwhile, in the same time

? 类比:similarly

? 强调:in particular


? Increase, raise, rise, go up, climb, grow

? Mount, soar, jump

? Ascend

? Rocket, skyrocket

? Surge, surge up, upsurge


? Decrease, drop, fall, go down

? Reduce, decline, plummet, abate

? Descend

? Shrink to/by

? Collapse, plunge, slump


? Keep/remain/stay/maintain stable/steady/unchanged/constant/the same ? in a stationary phase

? Stabilize


? Level off

? Level out

? Bottom out

? Reach a plateau


? Wave, fluctuate, go up and down

? Be unstable, be flexible

? Be in instability, be in flexibility


? Reach/hit a high/low point

? Reach/hit the highest/lowest point/nadir = maximize/minimize

? Reach a peak/summit, reach/touch the bottom/trough

? Peak (v), summit (v)


? Form, comprise, make up, occupy

? Constitute, cover, account for

? Be shared by

? Half of?

? A quarter of?


? A has something in common with b

? A shares some similarity with b

? The difference between a and b lies in...

? Double, triple, quadruple (v, n, adj, adv)


? Rapid, rapidly

? Fast, fast

? Quick, quickly

? Sharp, sharply

? Dramatic, dramatically

? Steep, steeply

? Drastic, drastically

? Exponential, exponentially(成倍地)


? Great, greatly

? Large, largely

? Vast, vastly

? Considerable, considerably

? Significant, significantly

? Remarkable, remarkably

? Marked, markedly

? Noticeable, noticeably

? Conspicuous, conspicuously


? Stable, stably

? Steady, steadily

? Moderate, moderately

? Gradual, gradually

? Smooth, smoothly

? Mild, mildly


? Slight, slightly

? Slow, slowly

? Marginal, marginally

? Minute, minutely


? About, around

? Nearly, almost

? More or less

? Roughly, approximately

? 举例:Approximately 4,500 tents, 3,000 quilts and other relief material was

being distributed, officials said, according to the Xinhua report. ( 摘自:CNN Report: One dead from quake in SW China )


? an upward / rising / increasing tendency

? a downward / falling / decreasing trend


? Double

? Triple

? Quadruple


? From ? to ?

? Between ? and ?

? Starting from ?till?


? According to

? In accordance with

? Based on

? In terms of

? In the light of


? Comparing?

? Compared with/to?

? In comparison with?

? Different from?

? Relative to?


? While, whilst, whereas, yet

? However

? On the contrary

? In/by contrast, in/by marked contrast to?(与?形成鲜明对照)

? Nevertheless, nonetheless

? On the other hand


? To conclude, In conclusion

? To summarize, In summary

? To recapitulate, In recapitulation

? To sum up

? All in all

? Overall

? In brief


1、Chronological order(表次序)

? First, firstly, first of all, at first

? First and foremost

? In the first stage

? To begin/start with

? In/at the beginning

? Initially

? Second, secondly, second of all

? In the second stage

? Next, then, later

? In the next step

? After that

? While, as, during

? At the same time

? Meanwhile

? Simultaneously

? At this point

? Finally, lastly, at last

? In the final/last stage

? The last thing

? Eventually


? In order to

? In order that

? So as to

? So that


? 上义词是对事物概括性、抽象性说明;下义词是事物的具体表现形式的说明。 ? Migrate-immigrate/emigrate

? Move-walk-stroll/hobble/stride/wander

? Top students allow no interruptions of their study time. Once the books are

open, phone calls go unanswered, TV unwatched and newspapers uead. ? 我们最常用的上义词:make, take, have, get

PART3: Examples



Many women want or need to continue working after they have children. The chart below shows the working after they have children. The chart below shows the working pattern of mothers with young children.

作文写作要点: 介绍各扇面及总体的关系。 各个扇面之间的比

较,同类扇面在不同时间、不同地点的比较。 重点突出特点最

明显的扇面:最大的、 最小的、互相成倍的。

The basic trends of the four charts:

Just after bearing children, back to work.

The older child…the more…

Most part-time during child 5~9

Child 10+, full time double, part-time less

the introduction can be written like this:

Even just after having a child, a large number women return to work. As the child grows older, the percentage of mothers who choose or need to continue working rises. At least until the child is ten, the larger number of working mothers take part-time occupations. When the child is ten years or older, the number of the full-timers more than doubles while that of the part-timers decrease.

Each chart entails / contains instruction, which illustrates what the chart involves rather than the over trends.


Information analyzed according to the pie charts.

Child 0~2, 30% back to work (19p.t., 11f.t.)

3~4, p.t. up dramatically to 35%, f.t. same 5~9, p.t. up consistently to 48%, f.t. slight increase to 14% 10+, p.t. slightly 3% down, f.t. double to 29% Paragraph 1 : When the youngest child is at most 2 years old, 30% of the women return to work. 19% full-time, and 11% as part-timers. Paragraph 2:The percentage of full timers remains the same until the child turns five and increased slightly to 14% when the child is at most 9 years old, but the percentage of part-time working mothers grows dramatically to 35 and continues growing to 48% by the time the child is 9. Paragraph 3 :A change occurs after the child grows to ten. The number of full-time working mothers doubles in percentage to 29, while that of the part-timers is reduced slightly to by 3% to 45%. Conclusion : It appears that, when the child turns to ten, women have much fewer maternal responsibilities than the years before.

Sentence Patterns:


The (two) pie charts show (reveal, suggest, illustrate, demonstrate, indicate, describe, relate) the proportion (percentage) of A and B… in (7) (categories), divided into…and…(one is…, another is…)


1、The biggest difference between (2) groups is in …, where A makes up % while (whereas) B constitutes % (makes up=constitutes=accounts for)

the highest percentage / amount of A, which was approximately %, was for …. (=in) /was found in

2、The percentage of A in … is more than twice the percentage of B, the ration is % to % (% compared to %)

3、In…, while there is (not) a great deal of difference between the percentage of A and

B (the former is % and the latter is %).

in …, while a greater percentage of A than B are found in… (the former is % and the latter is %).

4、There are more A (in …), reaching %, compared with % of B

5、By contrast, A has increased (declined), from % in …to % in ….

Compared with B, A …


To sum up

In conclusion

It appears that…

The two charts clearly show…
