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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:49:29 英语作文




Study the following set of drawings carefully and write an essay in which you should:

1) describe the set of drawings, interpret its meaning, and

2) point out its implications in our life.

You should write about 200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.






As the title indicates, “greenhouse flowers cannot survive unpleasant weather”, the set of pictures apparently reminds us that excessive protection only leads to negative results. When a flower blossoms in the greenhouse despite of the external rain and thunder, it withers immediately once being moved out of its cozy haven.

Children in China are always compared to “the flowers of our motherland”. It is alarming that a large portion of them are in danger of experiencing a similar misfortune to the flower in the picture. This is partly attributed to the birth of a generation of “only children”, who are quite pampered and spoiled by their parents. Leading a life full of success, love and sweetness, these children are quite ignorant of failure, hardship, and the taste of tears that abound in real life. Therefore, when they leave home, they might be overly sensitive to frustration and easily suffer depression that prevents them from a happy and promising future.

This type of child is not what we hope for the future of our country. On the contrary, we need to nurture a generation that is fully prepared for independent life, so that it is ready to confront any challenge, adapt to changes of environment, and survive the heated competition in today’s world.






excessive: adj. 过度的,过分的blossom: v. 开花

external: adj. 外部的wither: v. 枯萎

cozy: adj. 舒适的,安逸的 haven: n. 避难所

a large portion of: 很大一部分misfortune: n. 不幸,灾祸

abound in: 富于nurture: v. 教育,养育


The set of pictures apparently reminds us that?

This partly attributes to?

篇二:英语雅思作文 分类句子 必备 经济类 教育类


1. Some people are strongly against space research because they think it is an extravagant and wasteful project for developing countries.

2. Many people are struggling at the poverty line, lacking food and shelter. Why not use the limited public funds to help them alleviate poverty?

3. The primary responsibility of a government is to help its people eliminate poverty, disease and illiteracy.

4. The development of tourism creates many job opportunities and great amounts of foreign currency.

5. Playing computer games all day lavishes parents? hard-earned money.

6. Art funding is a luxurious practice to many developing countries.

7. Improving people?s welfare is the government?s obligation.

8. The construction of stadiums and theaters squanders the government?s tight budget.

9. It is a dissipation of taxpayers? money for the government to subsidize artists and musicians.

10. It is a luxurious dream for children in the poverty-stricken area to receive formal education.

11. Net-surfing is a costly hobby.

12. Preservation of endangered species is a great economic burden on the developing nations.

13. Hosting the Olympic Games can increase the government revenue and create more employment.

14. A private car is a luxury to many destitute families.

15. It is a laudable endeavor to help children in the impoverished area to have access to formal education.

16. Sending children to study abroad is a heavy financial burden on many families.

17. The development of space exploration lavishes the limited public funds.

18. College students? taking part-time jobs helps ease the financial burden of their parents.

19. It is a great economic burden for a government with a tight budget to subsidize artists and drama companies, which lavishes taxpayers? money.

20. Legalization of gambling can bring the government a great amount of foreign currency and at the same time create a considerable number of employment opportunities.


1. Playing PC games is a time-consuming hobby that occupies students? precious time.

2. Net chatting dissipates our precious time that should be spent on study.

3. Computer games are so alluring that many children abandon themselves to playing them.

4. Doing a part-time job takes up students valuable time and therefore affects their study.

5. Pet-raising lavishes a great amount of time.

6. Some children lack adequate self-control and self-discipline, so that they revel in online games and chatting all day.

7. In order to earn some money by taking up a part-time job, some students even skip classes and hence their academic performance is seriously affected.

8. Some of the students are immature and curious, so they can hardly resist the temptation and indulge in net surfing.

9. TV helps people to kill time and drive off their loneliness.

10. Children are not encouraged to keep pets because pet-raising is a time-consuming hobby and children are likely to be diverted from their study.

11. Soap opera is a time killer.

12. Students should be taught to refrain themselves from chatting online because their sole task is study.

13. Those who wallow in the Internet tend to lead an indolent life.

14. Some TV programs are so tempting and distracting that many children can hardly focus on their study.

15. We should do away with some bad habits and take part in some rewarding activities. 健康原则

1. Eating too much fast food is physically damaging, for fast food contains too much fat, sugar and calorie.

2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

3. In order to stay healthier, we should reduce the intake of fat, sugar and calorie.

4. Smoking is particularly dangerous for teens because their bodies are still developing and changing and the 4,000 chemicals (including 200 known poisons) in cigarette smoke can adversely affect this process.

5. Smoking endangers one?s health because tobacco contains many cancer-causing agents such as nicotine and tar.

6. Meat is a good source of protein, iron, vitamins and minerals.

7. There are significant health benefits to ?going veggie?; a vegetarian diet contains high quantities of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and is low in fat.

8. The best way to lose weight is to reduce the number of calories being eaten and to increase the level of physical activity.

9. The causes of obesity are complex and include genetic, biological, behavioral and cultural factors.

10. High cholesterol or a high intake of fat can be extremely harmful, leading to heart disease, obesity, and other conditions.

11. The rubbish problem poses potential risks to people?s health because trash contains all kinds of germs and viruses and transmits a number of epidemic diseases.

12. Private cars should be restricted because cars emit toxic gases that contain many known carcinogens.

13. Due to the deteriorating environment, many city dwellers suffer from some respiratory problems such as sore throat, bronchitis, asthma and even develop lung cancer.

14. Physical exercise helps people to ease their mental strain.

15. Moderate diet and test, good cheer, and regular physical exercises are the best doctors.

16. Prevention is better than cure.

17. We should do away with bad living habits such as excessive drinking and smoking and overeating.

18. Stress is affecting one?s health, behavior, thoughts and feelings.

19. Some health problems that may be caused by stress are as follows: diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, constipation, hypertension, heart disease and asthma.

20. Overindulgence in computer games contributes to myopia and obesity.


1. TV and the Internet distance a person from his/her friends, because people nowadays lack adequate face-to-face communication with their peers.

2. Those who indulge in the Internet often isolated and being cut off from the outside world; gradually they tend to become more introverted and withdrawn.

3. The development of international tourism may contribute to greater tension between nations.

4. Full-time housewives often feel isolated, depressed and frustrated.

5. Corporal punishment is emotionally detrimental, which alienates parents from their children.

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6. For lack of adequate knowledge of the local customs and traditions, some disputes may arise when tourists communicate with the locals.

7. It is reported that some oversea students cannot adapt to the local life and commit suicide due to depression.

8. Tourism creates resentment and antagonism because of the dramatic differences in wealth.

9. If old people are sent to live in a nursing house, they tend to feel useless, deserted by their family and hopeless.

10. Many young people are obsessed with emotional exchanges with their imaginary friends in the virtual world.

11. Those who receive education through tele-education lack many essential interpersonal skills and tend to be self-centered and introverted.

12. Indulgence in the Internet gives rise to resentment and hostility.

13. The Olympic Games promote international goodwill, enhance mutual understanding between nations and maintain world peace.

14. Through travelling, people with different racial and political backgrounds get to know each other better, thus removing misunderstanding and prejudice.

15. Telecommuting creates a sense of estrangement among individuals and telecommuters may become indifferent to others and lack a strong team spirit.

16. People are so addicted to net surfing that they often neglect the emotional needs of their family members; as a result, resentment and hatred arise.

17. Due to the superiority complex, tourists more often than not look down on the local people, which may sometimes give rise to hostility.

18. Sending a child to a nursery at an early age is emotionally harmful, because the child who lacks proper parental care and love tends to feel isolated and depressed.

19. For lack of emotional exchanges, misunderstanding arises and sometimes leads to the breakup of a family.

20. People should be encouraged to share their joys and sorrows at the diner table no matter how busy they are. In face, diner time is a perfect period for communication.


1. The amount of time children watch TV, regardless of content, should be moderated because it decrease time spent on more beneficial activities such as reading, playing with friends, and developing hobbies.

2. Television can exert strong influence in the area of learning and cognitive development.

3. Television is harmful to children because it creates passivity and presents a false picture of reality.

4. A child who often indulges in TV does not know the difference between reality and fantasy.

5. Numerous studies demonstrate a strong link between an increase in television watching and a decline in reading achievement.

6. Giving pocket money to children helps develop a correct sense of responsibility.

7. With too much pocket money, children are likely to foster a money-oriented mentality.

8. Competition builds character; it strengthens our self-esteem.

9. Children can develop a strong sense of responsibility during the competitive sports.

10. Learning at home encourages children to live an indolent life with lax discipline.

11.Through a gap year, you will develop a broader mind, a wider understanding of the world around you, better social skills, improved self-confidence and you will be more adaptable.

12. The merits of overseas study include greater global awareness, language learning, cross-cultural and adaptability.

13. While taking a part-time job, one will better identify his/her career interest and goals, which will help him/her make a wiser choice of the future career.

14. Since students are in their formative years, social contacts may expose them to social ills at an age when they can hardly differentiate virtue from evil.

15. Military service helps one cultivate a strong sense of independence, self-confidence and accomplishment.

16. studying in a boarding school, children learn to cooperate and compromise and master interpersonal skills needed for future success.

17. Visits to museums and galleries widen one?s horizon, eich one?s knowledge and arouse one?s interest.

18. Some children are so naive and sequacious that they tend to emulate their idols who are sometimes negative role models.

19. Since some children lack adequate self-control and self-discipline, they cannot resist the temptation of drugs and fall victims to drug-dealers.

20. Too much TV viewing is intellectually damaging; in other words, it kills creativity and imagination.


1. Children who are addicted to the Internet tend to be introverted, unsociable and even indifferent.

2. Corporal punishment makes a child diffident, withdrawn and pessimistic.

3. For lack of contact with the outside world, some people become introverted, isolated and eccentric.

4. Studying abroad, some students cannot adapt to the local life, feel very lonely and homesick and even want to commit suicide.

5. Nowadays children tent to become self-centered and arrogant.

6. Tele-education results in a series of psychological problem such as withdrawal, anxiety and depression.

7. Under great pressure, people suffer from insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

8. Living in a nursing house, old people feel lonely, helpless and deserted by their children.

9. If students are encouraged to criticize and evaluate their teachers, they will become very arrogant and disrespectful.

10. Full-time housewives sometimes feel isolated and moody for lack of communication with the outside world.


1. Why I do not support having the capital punishment is that it violates the right of


2. The death penalty is a cruel and barbaric practice that must be done away with from

today?s society.

3. Abortion is a cruel and barbaric practice that must be done away with.

4. The installation of cameras in public places is a brazen infringement of one?s privacy and

limits freedom.

5. Encouraging females to go back home to be full-time housewives is a very ridiculous idea

which deprives women of their basic right to work, and is a sort of sexual discrimination.

6. Animal testing is a cruel and uncivilized practice that robs animals of their right of subsistence.

7. Mandatory retirement is a brazen infringement on one?s right to work.

8. Censorship deprives us of the right to know the truth.

9. Corporal punishment violates children?s human rights and affects their physical and mental health.

10. The legalization of euthanasia respects one?s right to choose when and how to die with dignity. 环保原则

1. In the process of urbanization, deforestation and land clearing are very common, which

damage the natural habitat of flora and fauna.

2. Habitat destruction makes many species of animals become homeless and endangered.

3. The disappearance of some species breaks the ecological balance because the food web is


4. Many private cars emit toxic gases which contain many chemical substances that are


5. Deforestation leads to soil erosion and desertification.

6. One third of all waste produced is made up of packaging materials.

7. What we are doing now is wasteful of resources and unfriendly to the environment.

8. Much tillable land has been used as landfills to bury the increasing rubbish, a huge amount of which is not biodegradable. That is to say, rubbish of many kinds will remain the same in the soil for a long period of time.

9. Many incinerators have been set up to burn the appalling amount of waste. They produce a lot of poisonous gases while disposing of the waste produced by us human beings.

10. Litter collection and disposal waste a huge amount of taxpayers? hard-earned money.

11. The industrial waste is dumped into rivers without being filtered, thus contaminating the rivers and bringing great harm to the residents nearby.


1. The ubiquity of English and the booming international tourism exert some adverse effects

on the aboriginal culture and minority languages to some extent.

2. Globalization poses potential risks to the preservation of aboriginal culture and language,

because we know cross-cultural communication is becoming increasingly frequent and cultural assimilation and penetration is inevitable.

3. The Internet produces profound influence on people?s lifestyle and value systems.

4. It is of great significance for a government to make efforts to conserve endangered culture

and language.

5. The tourist industry has played a positive role in meeting the cultural needs of the public, carrying forward national culture and achieving the sustainable development of resources.

6. Tourism helps to better introduce the country to foreigners and showcase the brilliant history


What’s wrong with the education in China?


When I was a little kid,I was very interested in English,history and math.And I learnt a lot of things from English cartoons and historical movies.Albert Einstein said,”Interest is the best teacher.”.I like acquiring knowledge that I am concerned about by myself.

This situation changed when I was in senior one.At that time my English grade was good but I don’t like English class because my teacher always talked about grammar and vocabulary.One day I was asked to write down some new words on the blackboard.I can’t finish it because I didn’t preview.After calss my teacher had a chat with me.I said I did’t like the way that teachers teached me.My teacher said,”I don’t like this way either but we teachers have to because of college entrance examination.This is the thing that you can’t avoid.So you can’t do everything you like because you are a Chinese student.”

After listening to her words,I realized I had to give up my interests and fought for a good college.Luckily I changed my mind so I can be in SEU,but unluckily we lost our interests. Some students didn’t changed and they couldn’t enter a good college.However,can we said they are bad students?Of course not.To get better grade,I swam in the sea of physics instead of history because we didn’t learn it.We also had some things in science that don’t need to learn because college entrance examination don’t check here.To be honest,I always fight for my grade,not interest.


My purpose is not to attack college entrance examination.The reason that we have to lose our interests is eolment rate.Every senior high school aspires higher eolment rate so that they can get fame and earn more money.High schools compare with other schools. Also parents put pressure on teachers.If their children don’t get good grades,they will blame these on teachers.Our teachers have to make leaders and parents satisfied,so they put pressure on us.This situation that grade is everything is not someone’s fault.I don’t mean that we should cancel exams.Instead,I think college entrance examination is the most fair way to compete.Now adults ask children,”How is your grades?”,not”What have you learnt?”.This reports that it’s a social problem.


I think that the government should pay more for children’s education and gradually eliminate education area differences.For example,Tsinghua University’s lowest criterion of examination in Beijing is much lower in Anhui.That means Anhui students have to pay much more effort to achieve the same goal.Also,parents need to know that grade is not everything and we should learn many things not only books.I believe ,with the development of China,the education in China will become real “quality education”.
