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The Yangtze Three Gorges

The Yangtze Three Gorges, one of the ten most famous tour sites of China, proudly stands at the top of the best 40 in China’s hottest scenic spots. Meanwhile, it also enjoys the reputation for one of the best 35 China’s king scenic spots and 16 special touring

routes. Your steps into Yichang will take you to the greatest paintings of the elegant Three Gorges gallery. Though the Three Gorges Project reservoir began reserve water, the three gorges stand still with their elegance and verve. The Xiling Gorge is still deep and serene; the Wu Gorge is still beautiful; while the Qutang Gorge is still steep and

magnificent. At the same time, the new Three Gorges bring you infinite new views. New sceneries created by the reservoir will add extra mysteries to you and make your trip rich and colorful.

Yichang, as the door of the Three Gorges, is the optimal start place for the marvelous and attractive tour through Three Gorges.

The Three Gorges consist of the Xiling Gorge, the Wu Gorge and the Qutang Gorge. And they extend over 193 km from Daidi Castle in the west, Fengjie county of Chongqing municipality, to Nanjin Guan of Yichang city in the east, Hubei province. It's the prime landscape along the Yangtze River, as well as the treasure of the China mountains and rivers. Through ages, the charming gorges have admired thousands of foreign and Chinese tourists whole heartedly.

Now, distinguished friends, let's start the amazing trip through the Three Gorges. Xiling Gorge

The elegant Xiling Gorge starts from Guandu Kou of the Zigui County in the west, and ends to Nanjin Guan of Yichang in the east. Its total length of 114 km ranks the longest in the three gorges, among which 66 km is for gorges (31 km above dam, 35km below dam). The name “Xiling”, standing for “West Mountains”, came from its specific situation as it’s situated in the west of Yichang, and especially, it’s the west border of the ancient Chu State. These gorges become famous for dangerous and spectacular location. In Xiling Gorge, there are 3 shoals (Xie Shoal, Qing Shoal and Kongling Shoal) and 4 gorges (Dengying Gorge, Huangniu Gorge, Niugan Mafei Gorge, and Bingshu Baojian Gorge). Series of gorges and shoals make the water flow speedy and complex here. Ouyang Xiu of the North Song Dynasty praised “the mountains and water of Xiling are the finest under heaven”. Marshal Chen Yi of P.R.C also praised “Xiling is the finest in the Three Gorges, and everyone will forget to return for thick delight”. From the ancient times, the boat trackers kept their living here for generations, dragging the boats upstream and fighting against the riptide. An ancient idiom saying “Boats hard to sail in Xiling, even ghosts are afraid of reefs” is the vivid description. After the completion of the Gezhouba Hydropower Station, a big reservoir came into being in the upstream, which raised the water line and

submerged those dangerous shoals. Additionally, after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, the government dredged up the river way several times and destroyed many dangerous reefs. Thanks to all these actions, we can enjoy our safe and leisure touring through these beautiful gorges today.

Nanjin Guan (the Nanjin Col)

Nanjin Guan is the start point of the Yangtze Three Gorges, as well as the boundary separating of the upstream and midstream of the Yangtze River. After the ship sailing upstream through the Nanjin Guan, the width of the Yangtze River becomes sudden narrow from 2000 m to 300 m. It tells the beginning of your colorful tour in the beautiful painting of the Three Gorges.

Dengying Gorge (the Shadowgraph Gorge)

12 km west to Nanjin Guan, we will reach the Dengying Gorge (the Shadowgraph Gorge), which is also called “Mingyue Gorge (the Bright Moon Gorge)”. It’s a short but extraordinary gorge. The walls of the gorge are smooth and clean, just like having been polished carefully by Nature’s engineering. Being mirrored by the sky, the walls look like a lifelike traditional Chinese landscape painting. If you get here at night, the landscape in the moon light will show you a dreamland beyond words description. That’s the origin of another name, “the Bright Moon Gorge”. The Dengying Gorge, which means “the

Shadowgraph Gorge”, got its name from the figure of the mountains. In the south bank, four peculiar stones look like four characters in the famous Chinese legend “Record of a journey to the west”. In sunset, when we look at them from the gorge, they are vivid like telling the story by the shadowgraph. So, the gorge here is also called “the Shadowgraph Gorge”.

Li Siguang’s Tectonic Formation

Get to Liantuo in the north bank of the Xiling Gorge by ship, you will find the

geological section formed in the Cambrian period. In the Three Gorges, you can find kinds of mature stratum formed in every geological age from 2.5 billion years ago to 1 million years ago. The world renowned Li Siguang’s Tectonic Formation (the tectonic formation was found by the Chinese geologist, Mr. Li Siguang) was found here in the Xiling Gorge, which attracted strong interest from the world geology field. The formation was recognized as “the natural geological museum”, and “the living fossil” of the geological mechanical formation. You would obviously feel that time has brought great changes to the world when you visit the Geology Park and the Li Siguang’s Tectonic Formation.

Xiaen Bridge (the Sage’s Bridge)

A few minutes while the ship goes west, in the north bank, we will see the Xiaen Bridge (the Sage’s Bridge), a natural stone 1-meter-wide bridge spanning 15 meters on the mountain, where is the best place for enjoying the beauties of the Xiling Gorge. When

you stand there, everything in miles of the Xiling Gorge will be taken in a glance. It’s said legendarily that once upon a time, a fairy fell in love with a woodchopper. But, it’s

impossible for the woodchopper to reach the paradise to meet the fairy. Then, the fairy threw down her band of the skirt and made the bridge to lead her lover. A poet of the Song Dynasty, Tian Jun wrote a poem for the bridge “Clouds mist on it; river roars under it; Boat stop here and ask; why can’t see fairies, but the empty bridge.” The statue of flying fairy was built to memory this lovely fairy.

Huangniu Gorge (the Bull’s Gorge)

Sailing 10 km upstream to the west, we will see a row of mountain crest in the south bank. 9 strips of green ridges droop downward sinuously, just liking 9 dragons rushing down to the river. The mountain crest is the Huangniu Cliff (the Bull’s Cliff), the valley under is the Huangniu Gorge (the Bull’s Gorge).

The watercourse though the Huangniu Gorge zigzags like the intestine, and is full of interlaced submerged reefs. The river water swirls like the boiling water to make the sailing dangerous. “Morning set off in Huangniu, night anchor in Huangniu, 3 days and 3 nights are not enough for passing through Huangniu, days and nights, endless sailing drives hair grizzle.” An ancient ballad is the best description about the hard shipping condition in this part.

Why the gorge here was name “Huangniu (the Bull)”? It came from an ancient story about Xia Yu’s contribution to flood controlling. It’s said that the God sent Xia Yu to the human world to dredge the river and prevent the flood. When he led people to excavate the river and reach here, the God sent a magic bull to help him. One day morning, a woman came here to sent water and food to workers. When she reached the river, she happened to see a giant and strong bull colliding the mountains. The mountain collapsed and the earth quaked like thunder storm. Her screaming stampeded the bull and made it jump off the mountain, but left its image in the mountain walls. The Chinese ancient strategist, Mr. Zhuge Liang had a sentence of description in his “Travel Notes in

Huangling Temple”: “when I pored over the mountain walls across the river, I found magic head portrait image with vivid hair and eyebrows, remarkably true to life. A flag in the front, and a bull on the right side, just like someone painted it here.” Of course, the story was the people’s beautiful imagination about conquering the nature. And, the “Bull” is the best indication standing for human’s greatest power in conquering the world. In order to memory the bull’s contribution, ancient people built a temple here to fete it.

As a matter of fact, the giant painting is the wall is the particular in Three Gorges. About 400 million years ago, here is still ocean. And 200 million years ago, the granite magma from earth interior movement formed the now Huangniu Mountain and Zhongbao Island. The granite here contains kinds of pigments, showing different colors. White is the main color for Huangniu Mountain, and decorating with some black, therefore forms the big wall paintings. A Chinese ancient poet Li Daoyuan said: “the image at the highest of the rock wall looks like a man lowing a bull, back man and yellow bull”. This vivid natural

image has attracted countless tourists of all ages, and fingered out of the world most particular.

Zhongbao Island-the Site of the Three Gorges Dam

After ship passes the Xiling Yangtze Bridge, we will reach the dam site of the Three Gorges Project. Years ago, it was a rectangle shaped island called “Zhongbao Island”, with an area of about 0.15 km2. Former premier, Mr. Zhou Enlai chose it from several schemes and set it as the dam site.

As a magic island, it has never been submerged in histories, no matter how heavy the floods were. According to the records, the heaviest flood happened in 1870 did not cover this island even the Huangling Temple in a higher place was submerged. Up till now, there is not any convincible explanation on the phenomenon of “the island goes up along the rising river”

However, the island is disappeared since the Project was under construction.

We are now going through the “Open Channel of Headrace”. It’s about 3410 m in length, with the width of 350 m, sharing 1/3 of the total width of the Yangtze River here. It’s one of the main constructions of the first phase of the Three Gorges Project. Since June of 2003, ships began to pass the dam through the double-line 5-stage ship locks (for ships over 10 thousand ton). The huge construction at the right side is the Three Gorges Dam. It’s the concrete gravity dam, with a height of 185 m. And the total length of the dam top is 2309 m. The normal water level of the reservoir will be 175 m. The total capacity of the generators installed is 18.20 million kW, while the total annual capacity will be more than 84.7 billion kWh. Ladies and gentlemen, at our left side, we can see the “first city of Three Gorges Immigrants”, the new town site of Zigui County.

High Gorge Mountains and the Reservoir Lake

The high gorge mountains and the reservoir lake are the new imposing scenic spots brought to the Yangtze Three Gorges by the construction of the Three Gorges Project. From June 1 to 15, 2003, when the initial water reserve completed, the water level in the upstream of the dam increased to 135 m, much higher than the 98 m level before May 31. The reservoir capacity increased from 2.3 billion to 12.3 billion cubic meters. At 22:00 of September 20, 2006, the reservoir began to raise water level from 135.5 m to 156 m, with extra reservoir capacity of 11 billion cubic meters. At that time, the Three Gorges went on to initial operation period from the cofferdam period, with comprehensive functions on flood control, electricity generation and ship traffic. Here, Yichang, will begin to show you the scenery of the reservoir lake in the high mountains. And here will be the right place to bring you the best view of the reservoir and the mountains. The reservoir will force water to flow back to the place where Fengdu Count located, forming a 436 km long reservoir in the watercourse in the upstream of the dam. The width of the river in many broad valleys will increase to about 3000 m from 1000 m before the water reserve. The Yangtze River

will offer you a new face with the smooth reservoir lake instead of the former torrential flow. Lots of hidden scenic spots will show their charms to the tourists. Those new added

sceneries like valleys, lakes, islands, watercourses, and water-eroded caves will combine with the previous gorge views to form new contents for your trip to new Three Gorges. According to the incomplete statistics, after the initial water reserve, new lakes and islands will come into being, such as the Zigui Lake, the Baidi Lake, the Baidi Island, the

Shuangjiang Island (the Dual River Island), and the Hulu Island (the Calabash Island) etc. Vast and immensurable, nature abounds in changes, the beautiful lakes and mountains will paint a new magnificent scene in the new Three Gorges.

Recently, more sightseeing platforms have been built around the Three Gorges

Project dam area, such as the Tanzi Ling (Peak Crock), the Extreme Top on the Huangniu Rock (the Bull’s Rock), the first mountain top at the head of the reservoir-the Phoenix Mountain, the Nv’er Ling (the Daughter’s Mountain Top) and etc. All these viewing points provide you the all time, multi view, different height, and omnidirectional sightseeing experience of the dam, the reservoir lake and the high mountains.

Kongling Gorge

When leaving the Three Gorges dam 10 km behind, we’ll reach a steep gorge, the Kongling Gorge. The cloud-capped mountains in the gorge look like sharpened by knives and axes. This gorge is also called “the Kongleng Gorge (empty and cold gorge)”, “the Tongling Gorge (Through Mountains Gorge)”. It’s about 2.5 km in length. According to records in ancient books, ships had to be emptied to ensure its safe sailing in the torrent here. In the middle of this narrow watercourse, there’s a shoal full of many dangerous submerged reefs, called “the Kongling Shoal”. Ancient people said “the Qing Shoal and the Xie Shoal are not the real shoal, only the Kongling is the gate to the hell”. Many years ago, there was a big rock in the middle of the water, showing the warning words “Come towards me”. When getting here, ships must go straight ahead towards the Rock; with the help of backstroke water bounced by the rock, ship would skim rock and pass through in safety. But, if you ignored the warning, and intended to steer away from the big rock, the water would certainly rush you to the rock causing accident. In 1900, a foreign ship crashed here because the captain had no sense on this warning, and even ignored the advice from the guide. After the liberation in 1949, the big rock was destroyed. Later, the successful launch of Gezhouba Hydropower Project raised the water and deeply merged those dangerous shoals. Although we lose the experience of the nervous and excite sailing here, we obtain the safe transportation.

Niugan Mafei Gorge (Gorge of Bull’s Lever & Horse’s Lung)

Out of the Kongling Gorge, we will reach the Niugan Mafei Gorge in a short while. The gorge is about 4.5 km in length. In the conflux of Jiuwan River (explored for driftage) and the Yangtze River, there were several brown rocks overlapped in the cliff on the mountain in the north bank. They looked like the Bull’s lever. Beside them, there was another lung shaped big stone called “the Horse’s Lung”. Because these funny rocks, the


Yangtze River Basin in Brief

The Yangtze River, traversing the West, Middle and East China, is the largest river in the country and the third largest in the world. It occupies the most important strategic position for allocation of water resources to support eco-social sustainable development in China.

1. Natural Status

The mainstrean of the Yangtze River originated from the southwestern side of the snow-Capped Mountain of the Geladandong—the main peak of Tanggula Mountains on the Qinghai and Tibet Plateau, passing through China’s 11 provinces (or autonomous regions or the municipalities directly under the Central Government), including Qinghai, Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui and Jiangsu, and finally enters into the East China Sea in Shanghai, with a total length of more than 6300 km and total fall head of more than 5400 m. Its tributaries extended 8 provinces and autonomous regions including Gansu, Sanxi, Henan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Zhejiang. The Yangtze basin involves a catchment area of 1.8 million km2, accounting for 18.75% of China’s total.

The Yangtze River has its source stream from the Tuotuo River, after converging with the south source Dangqu River it is called Tongtian River, and then it is named Jinsha River after merging with the north source Chumar River and joined by Batang River at Yushu, and finally it is named the Yangtze River after joined by Minjiang River at Yibin in Sichuang Province. For the Yangtze River, the reach between Yibin and Yichang is called Chuanjiang River; the reach between Zhicheng and Chenglingji is called Jingjiang River.

With a large water system and numerous tributaries and lakes, the Yangtze River Basin possesses 8 main tributaries with a catchment area of more than 80000 km2, including Yalong River, Minjiang River, Jialing River, Wujiang River, Yuanjiang River, Xiangjiang River, Hanjiang River and Ganjiang River, among them Jialing River is the biggest in terms of area, Minjiang River is the largest in terms of discharge, and Hanjiang River is the longest (Table 1). In addition, there are 4 large fresh water lakes, namely Dongting Lake, Poyang Lake, Chaohu Lake and Taihu Lake in the Yangtze basin, of which Poyang Lake is the biggest in China (Table 2).

The section upstream of Yichang is known as the upper reaches with a length of 4500 km and a catchment area of 1,000,000 km2. From Yichang to Hukou, the river enters into the middle reach with a length of 950 km and a catchment area of 680,000 km2. The section downstream from Hukou to the estuary is the lower reach with a length of 930 km and a catchment area of 120,000 km2. The upper Yangtze runs through Alps-Ravines with steep slope and rapid flow except in a small section of the source area, the total water head reaches 5100 m, accounting for 95% of the total of the River. The reach from the mouth of Batang River to Yibin is 2300m long with an average slope of 1.37‰; the Tiger-leaping Gorge in downstream of Shigu of Jinsha River is a world famous peculiar gorge, with a length of 17 km, a water head of 170 m, a gorge depth of 2500~3000 m, and a river width of only 30 m in the narrowest part. The reach from Yibin to Chongqing is 370 km long with an average slope of 0.27‰; the reach between Chongqing and Yichang is 660 km long with an average slope of 0.18‰, of which the 192 km reach from Fengjie to Yichang is the famous "Three Gorges" (Qutang Gorge, Wuxia Gorge and Xiling Gorge). Downstream from Yichang, the river flows into the middle-lower alluvial plain with flat topography on both banks, and with an average slope of 0.03‰ between Yichang and Hukou and 0.007‰ for the reach from Hukou to the estuary, of which the part of about 600 km long downstream from Datong in Anhui province belongs to tide influenced reach.

For the terrain of the Yangtze River basin, it is high in west and low in east through China’s three major topographic cascades. The first cascade is composed of the Southern Qinghai Plateau, the Western Sichuan Plateau and the Hengduan mountainous region, with an average elevation of 3500~5000 m. The second cascade is composed of Qinba mountainous region, Sichuan Basin, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and the mountainous regions of Hubei and Guizhou provinces, with an average elevation of 500~2000m. The third cascade is composed of Huaiyang mountainous region, the hills in the southern area and the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain, with an average elevation of less than 500m. The terrain of the Yangtze River Basin is complicated, consisting of 84.7% of mountain and hilly land, 11.3% of plain region, and 4% of water surface.

Most of the Yangtze River Basin is situated in the middle-latitude subtropical region with monsoon climate and abundant rainfall. The mean annual precipitation is about 1100 mm, the total volume of water resources is 996 billion m3 accounting for 35.1% of the total in China.. The basin has a theoretical hydropower potential of 277810MW (2433.6 TWh/year), accounting for about 40% of nation’s total; a technically feasible potential of 256270 MW (1187.9 TWh/year), and an economically feasible potential of 228320 MW (1049.8 TWh/year), accounting for 48% and 60% of the nation’s total respectively. 90% of the hydro-energy resources in the Yangtze Basin are concentrated in the upper basin and will mainly be exploited by building large-scale hydropower stations (73% of the total), including 52 large hydropower stations with an installed capacity of more than 1000 MW each, and the largest one ---the Three Gorges Hydropower Station reaches 22400 MW (90 TWh/year). There are 3600 navigable channels in the Yangtze basin, mainly distributed in the middle and lower basin with the inland waterway mileage of 66386 km, accounting for 49.1% of nation’s total. After completion of the Three Gorges Project (TGP), 10000-ton towboats will be able to pass through right up to Chongqing port

The Yangtze basin is rich in aquatic biodiversity, according to investigation, there are more than 370 fish species, of which one third are endemic species, the output of the main commercial fish – ―Four family fishes‖ (Chinese carps) account for 60% of the nation’s total. The Yangtze is also the home of some rare species, of which Chinese river dolphin ( Baiji ) ,Chinese paddlefish, Chinese sturgeon and Yangtze sturgeon are in Class I , while Chinese finless porpoise and Chinese sucker are in Class II on the list of the nation protected species. . In recent years, as a result of increasing human activity, some species are in danger of extinction,the biodiversity has been showing a declining trend in the basin.

The mean annual content of suspended sediment in the Yangtze water is less than 1kg/m3, however, due to the huge runoff, annually more than 486 Mt of sediments are discharged into the sea. In recent years, due to the effect of reservoir formation and soil & water conservation measures implemented the SS content in the Yangtze water and sediment discharge have been reduced significantly (see Table 3).

Table 3 Sediment in the Yangtze River

Catchment Sediment content (kg/m3) Annual average Hydrological area sediment discharge (Mt) 2Station (km) 1956~1979 1980~2000 1956~1979 1980~2000 Yichang


Datong 1005501 1488036 1705383 1.17 0.62 0.55 1.10 0.52 0.48 514 426 470.17 486 375 430.42

2 Natural Disasters and Ecology and Environment

The Yangtze Basin is one of the most serious regions suffering flood disasters in China, where rainfalls are concentrated and floods and water-loggings often occur in flood season, especially in the Middle and Lower Yangtze Plain. According to historical records, in last 2000 years from Western Han Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty(206 B.C. to 1911 A.C.), there were 214 flood

disasters, once every 10 years on average. In 20th century, the floods in 1931, 1935, 1954 and 1998 were the heaviest ones causing severe damage and losses. Moreover, droughts often occur in Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Sichuan valley and hilly areas in the middle and lower basin.

Due to the huge quantity and good quality, the Yangtze River has been an excellent water source for industrial, agricultural and domestic uses, besides, it is also excellent habitats for aquatic biota. However, along with the population increase and rapid economic growth, the amount of sewage and wastewaters discharged into the Yangtze has been increasing significantly in recent decades, in 2005 the sewage drainage reached 29.64billion tons, of which 20.4billion tons are industrial wastewaters and 9.24 billion tons are domestic sewages, as a result, water quality of the Yangtze has been deteriorating. The main pollutants are NH3-N and organic matters. In general, the water quality in the tributaries is worse than that in the main stream, the water quality in lower reaches is worse than that in the upper reaches, the water quality near riversides is worse than that in the middle stream, and the water quality in city reaches is worse than that in non-city reaches. The eutrophication of lakes in the basin is very common and Taihu Lake, Dian Lake and Chaohu Lake have been listed by the nation as the key lakes to be harnessed.

According to water quality assessment carried out in 2005 on the 30000 km of river reaches in the Yangtze basin, the ratio of polluted river sections reached 27.4%, 8.5% increase compared with that in 1998, and the ratio of polluted water body in provincial boundary exceeded 40%. According to an investigation in 2002, the total near-shore pollution belt length in 21 main city sections reached 655 km, 90 km increase compared with that in 1992. For the 2608 water function zones in the basin, about 25% of them the pollution load has exceeded the permissible assimilative capacity.

The upper region of the Yangtze River is one of the regions suffering the most serious soil and water losses. According to the investigation in 1990, the erosion area reached 62.2×104 km2, accounting for 34.6% of the basin’s total, which are mainly distributed in the upper and middle basin, especially in the upper reaches.

The Yangtze Basin is the main areas infected by schistosomiasis epidemic in China, although it was once effectively controlled in 1960’s, however, it has come back again in recent years. According to the statistics in 2003, it prevailed in 110 counties in the basin including Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces with the snail distribution area of

3.79 billion m2.

3 Socio-economical Status

The Yangtze River Basin involves 19 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), among them, 95% of the territory of Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Shanghai are within the scope of the basin; and 65% for Guizhou, 35~50% for Shanxi, Anhui and Jiangsu; while for the rest provinces, less than 35% of the territory are within the basin scope.

There are more than 30 nationalities living in the Yangtze Basin, among them, the Han nationality

accounts for more than 95%; the rests are Hui, Miao, Tibetan, Zhuang, Dong, Yi, Tujia and Naxi, etc. mainly inhabiting in the upper Yangtze basin. In 2005, the inhabitants living in the basin reached 429 million, accounting for 32.8% of the China’s total, with a mean density of 238 persons/ km2, 1.8 times of nation’s average.

The Yangtze Basin is mild in climate and fertile in land, and also rich in mineral resources, of which the reserve of 30 minerals exceeds 50% of China’s total; the reserve of Ti V Hg and P account for above 80~90%, and Fe, Pb, Zn, Mo, Au and Ag,etc. account for more than 30% of the nation’s total reserve.

The Yangtze Basin is famous in tourism resources with many unique natural landscapes and cultural relics, including the famous Yangtze Three Gorges, Tiger Leaping Gorge, Huangshan Mountain, Lushan Mountain, Jiuhua Mountain, Emei Mountain, Jiuzhaigou and Zhangjiajie, etc. Since Tang Dynasty, the Yangtze Basin has been the economic center and the birthplace of China's modern industry. In recent years, taking Shanghai and Nanjing as the lower Yangtze center, Wuhan as the middle Yangtze center, and Chongqing, and Chengdu as the upper Yangtze center, three major economic zones have been formed in the Yangtze basin. In 2005, the GDP of the Yangtze Basin reached 5996.7 billion CNY, accounting for 32.8% of nation’s total. However, presently the economic development in the basin is imbalanced, generally developed in the Delta region and relatively backward in the upper basin.

4 Harnessing and Development

Since 1950’s, great achievements have been made in the development and protection of the Yangtze River. Since 1950’s, the Comprehensive Utilization Planning of the Yangtze Basin was compiled by CWRC and approved by the State Council in 1990. 3600 km of embankment along the mainstream (such as Jingjiang Grand Dike) and more than 60,000 km long branch levees in the middle and lower basins have been built and strengthened; the flood diversion and detention areas, such as Jingjiang Flood Detention Area and Dujiatai works, have been constructed(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网), with the flood storage capacity of more than 50 billion m3. After the 1998 heavy floods, the Chinese government invested a huge amount of money to reinforce the trunk dykes along the Yangtze mainstream. Currently, there are about 48,000 reservoirs of different scales in the basin with a total storage capacity of about 160 billion m3. In addition, the effective irrigation has reached 62% of the farmland area in the basin. Up to now, more than 2,440 hydropower stations of various scales have been constructed or under construction in the basin, with a total installed capacity of 69,730 MW and an annual power output of 292.5 TWh, of which 9 stations have a installed capacity exceeding 1000 MW. The Three Gorges Project (TGP) has tremendous benefits in flood control, after completion, it will greatly improve the flood control situations in the middle Yangtze in joint operation with dikes, flood diversion and detention areas and reservoirs. The South-to-North Water Diversion Project (East and Middle routes) is a strategic water project to easy the water shortage in north China, which have been started in 2004 and 2005 and the 1st phase of the project will be completed in 2010. In the Yangtze estuary, the projects to comprehensively harness the estuary and the navigation channel have been underway. Since the beginning of the 21 th century, the protection of ecology and environment of the Yangtze Basin has

篇三:高中英语作文素材 我们的长江 Our Changjing River

我们的长江(Our Changjing River) We call the Yellow River our "Mother River" and we also see the Chang, jiang River as our "Father River" since these two rivers are the source of the civilization of Chinese people. Our remote ancestors lived along the river, so both rivers have witnessed the growth of Chinese people and they are our valuable heritage. My childhood is closely associated with the Changjiang River.

When I was young, my father often took me to the riverside.I was always struck by the beautiful scenery of the river. The water was pure, clean and blue. Some birds flew down, scraped the water and roared up suddenly and some grass floated in the water quietly. Looking into the distance, I saw the river wandering toward the east. However, after the thunderstorm, the water was turbulent with some whirls in the middle of the river.The fresh breeze gave my face a feeling of moisture. Even today I still remember the magnificent scene and the impressive feeling. Some unpleasant changes have taken place since then. Many hills alongside the river have become bald. More and more mud and dust are being washed down into the river each year. Worsestill, driven by economic profits, some factories keep pouring pollutants into the river. Luckily people have been awakened to their obligation.

They learn a lesson from the big flood in 1998 that we have to nourish our Changjiang River just as it has nourished us and protect it just as it has protected us. Only after a harmonious relationship has been established between men and the river can we prevent the tragedy happening again and restore beauty to our Changjiang River.
