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England in the eighteenth century

After witnessing the twists and turns in the seventeenth century, England sets foots in a comparatively peaceful

and land,where Pre-romanticism Enlightenment,Sentimentalism

conspicuously spring up and a multitude of refined scholars, simultaneously,come into fore, serving as a beacon at that epoch.

Among whom, Hey Fielding, who was born on the 22nd of April 1707, is praised as the greatest novelist of the eighteenth century,and one of the greatest that England ever produced.Additionally,he is also the real founder of the gee of the bourgeois realistic novel in England and Europe.For all his life he dedicates himself to literature, leaves us quite a number of marvelous wealth,and “The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling” is quite a big hit at present.On the whole, his works are adept at unfolding a spread panorama of life in all sections of English society.He exposes the depraved aristocracy, the avaricious bourgeoisie and contrasted the life of the ruling classes to the lack of rights and misery of the people. Then,let’s appreciate this spirit in detail.

England in the eighteenth century still consists of considerable contradictions between bourgeoisie and feudalism.Previously, the overseas expansion has supplied England with substantial capital,so there is a chance of developing economy and it is England that initially finished the Industrial Revolution,casting the world a start.Meanwhile, the government is also strengthened and consolidated.Honestly speaking,the revolution does make a difference to the British society and inhabitants’s life at that time.However,as it puts it, “Each sword has two edges .”Labor gives way to machine,too, which gives rise to a high unemployment,so residents,especially those who live in the lowest class, suffer a lot. They are reduced to poverty-stricken as much as one can imagine and the society teems with class inequality,prejudices and so forth .The fact that people is devoid of freedom as well as right results in a high crime rate , and cheating becomes the order of the day.What a complicated circumstance it is. Therefore,that’s why the majority is always running after money ,as is transparently depicted in the novel.

Do you remember captain Blifil?Why did he marry Miss Bridget?For money.He appears as an avaricious one for the sake of Mr.Allworthy’s wealth and his enormous estate.As a result, he contrives to wed Mr.Allworthy’s sister,hoping get the huge treasure as a heir.The same goes for another two money worshipers. One is Hurstwood Camm,and the other is This Kriya.The former is Tom’s teacher,who is very stern and sort of savage, giving him a lot of beating in terms of his killing of a Chinese partridge which flies in Squire Western’s domain. Compared with captain Blifil, This Kriya changes from a dissenter to an opposer towards Tom, in that he also catches his eyes on squire Allworthy’s treasure,identical to Hurstwood Camm.In the following days,both of them flatter to his sister and intrigue against Tom.Moreover,it’s worth mentioning Black George, who is the guard in the hunting ground ,Tom’s best friend. As a matter of fact,it is he that shoots the partridge ,but he is afraid of taking the responsibility which will lead him to lose his position.Instead,Tom steps forward bravely to protect him,and is ready to withstand everything with heart and will, especially the stroking of his teacher and

the blame of Mr.Allworthy.Afterwards,to all the readers’ surprise,when Tom is banished from home,carrying the colossal money given by his adoptive father, Black George takes it as his unexpectedly.How pitiful our good-natured hero! Still,when realizing his poverty, the inn keeper treats him rather cruelly,Above all,that is the darkness of the eighteenth century ,where each citizen focuses their attention on shiny gold rather than sincere emotion, even at the expense of human’s nature.In a word,all of these result from the oppression of the employers,who dry up employees’ every drop of blood by remorseless exploitation for their own sufficient profits. Under that circumstance,he more farmers and craftsmen toil,the less they earn.Accordingly, the rich become more rich ,the poor become more poor.

In the contemporary England,there lies a great gap difficult to bridge between affluent and penniless. In Fielding’s work, he strongly criticizes the social relations in the situation.It’s universally acknowledged that aristocrats and men set in authority embody all the evils.For instance,Squire Western,who is rather well-off, confirmedly refuses Tom and Sophia’s marriage in that

Tom is an orphan,instead, compels his daughter to marry Blifil whom she doesn’t like. But when Tom gains fane and fortune overnight ,proving to be the real nephew of Mr.Allworthy,he couldn’t wait to consent the wedding .Besides, Blifil ,born with a silver spoon in his tongue,spares no pain to belittle Tom out of envy,who overflows with much arrogance and dishonesty,consequently gets Tom in a mess.On the contrary,Fielding’s positive characters are always people with natural, unperverted qualities.Among them Mrs.Miller can be illustrated as a convincing case.Poor as she is, she is kind enough to do Tom a favour when he gets stuck in trouble.The moment Tom’s and Sophia’s affection is exposed to risk,it’s she that runs an errand for them;the moment Mr.Allworthy feels disappointed for Tom,it’s she that does her best to redeem his good reputation. What’s more,Tom himself is a good example, in effect.Noble as he is,he is equipped with admiring valor and goodwill, always shows respect for Mr.Allworthy, and obliges those who is in need, which is acceptable to the eighteenth century.

To put it in a nutshell,Fielding,at a stroke of


The Study of Morality in Tom Jones

The author of Tom Jones is Hey Fielding who is known as the most famous dramatist in the United Kingdom. He was named as “ the father of the UK fiction”. His novel reflects society’s realist tradition fully at that time . And Tom Jones as one of his best works was known to us until now , well reflects the style of Hey’s novel. In Tom Jones, complex relationships between characters and their complex minds and thoughts leave deep impression to readers. Under his novel , you can see the struggle between good and evil, the shortness of mankind . Nowdays , most of study of Tom Jones are related with the art of its writing style . The way how author to present his realist tradition writing style m. For example ,sarcasm the most outstanding writing t(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)echnique used through this whole fiction , and characteristic of realist tradition he was presented as Hey was known as the inaugurator for the 18th the UK’s realist literature. However, I think values from a famous work not only the author’s writing influencing techniques, but also his influence to the society at that time . Tom Jones just as a Mirror well and truly reflects or records the contradictions between poor and rich, select society and tagrag, evil and goodness. So in my paper , my major is the study of morality in Tom Jones. Complex relationship between people just as our real society. It’s obvious of us to see that the value of morality is people’s heart which has been seriously warped. The modivation that people eager to status and money which made them pay enormous cost that is losing the correct moral principles, and I think the truth Hey has recorded is also amazing same as the society in our country until now. The evil he has proclaimed has usefully alarming meaning for our society.

The first view is about character that typical characters’ individuality is so vivid that shape many successful dynamic characters . All of them reflects the weakness of human nature ,shows incomplete characters or values to the word . Tom Jones as the main character . He is honest ,brave and kind but also show many shortness to us . His complex secret of his birth has bring many

prejudices to him . Although he has met so many indignity and contempt through his childhood , he also can treat himself burly. He has he own thought about the cruel world . And at the end of novel his kind-heart still fogive many peole who has bring mush pain and obstacle on his life. However , he is not so good without any fault. He also will loses himself when he meets temptation. When he meets his former lover Molly ,a short communication later has already made him forget who is his deep lover. And there is so many plots show he is not so loyal to love between him and Sophia. And another typical character is Tom’s uncle, he is so kind that his kindness always took advantage by others . Because of his wavering, which has made so many misunderstanding on his niece. In other hand , I have found that even the evil man would regreted what he had done. The teacher who taught Tom and Blifil, treated Blifil as legal inheritor so helped Blifil to make false witness and leaded Tom was forced to leave home. But finally his self-finding of his heart brought light to this novel ,and began to unbutton the pitfalls made by Blifil. So you can see even a bad character also show the two sides of human natural.

The second term is about relationship of morality in society at that time. Double-dealers, forthputting, estheticism and so much injustice of morality values filling the whole passage truly reflects the terrible social relationship. Tom as a homeless boy adopted by the old squire. And you can find there many comparison between the two owners written by authors. Not only teacher but also servant and villages behave as double-dealers,even they know truth they also select to silence . Because they already know Blifi will be the legal inheritor. They dare not to help Tom take down Blifi. So it is obvious to see in that time ,is not justice lead the right judgment. The thing people most care and be afraid is status ,money and power. The other point you can find there are many harlot plots reflecting in this novel. Tom as the consequence of his mother’s harlot behavior started this novel,and there are so many times Tom gave in harlot relationship .

The third part is about trend of morality. Even Hey Fielding on behalf

of the most realistic master and his irony alarming the whole world ,he also leave the hope to us . In the end of novel , good , honest win the last victory than evil between the sustained war, which shows even there are many mistakes happened in our society the author Hey also believes that our morality will finally return to the good path that lead all of us walk to bright future. In the final , Tom comes over all difficulties to get married with Sophia. And Blifi kneels down between him begging for his pardon with full tear. Blifi receives what he should be punished, Tom wipes out all wrongful treatment.

Why we take this aspect as my study? I think our society is also facing the serious problem that is morality losing. In the past decades of years ,all of us has been witness to see our country developed step by step. But eich our material life ,the cost we have paid is more than we can imagine . Environment destroy is one aspect and the other is our morality . Egoist fulling our deep heart has been a bump to our society. People eager to pursuit status and wealth has made the misunderstanding towards the word. Like the teacher ,Blifi in novel , we also buried ourselves in money even to betray our intuitive knowledge. We can not deny that our civilization is under attack and trial from substance expanding. However ,if we can follow the end according the fiction? Everyone will regret what they have done for others ,and everyone will realize what is true in our life ? If our country will back to his correct track to lead us advancing. I think the answer is handed in our own heart , we need remember the alarming irony in Tom Jones.

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篇三:The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling读后感

Book Report of

1. Brief introduction of the writer

The author Hey Fielding was not only a novelist but also a magistrate, playwright and editor. He was born of a distinguished family, he was educated at Eton and studied law at Leiden. Settling in London in 1729, he began writing comedies, farces, and burlesques, the most notable being (1730), and two satires, (1736) and (1737), which attacked the Walpole government and provoked the Licensing Act of 1737. This act, setting up a censorship of the stage, ended Fielding's dramatic career and turned him to the less inhibited form of the novel.

In that gee he achieved his greatest success, beginning with his first novel, (1742), which started simply as a burlesque of Samuel Richardson's sentimental novel but developed into a great comic creation. He followed with (1743), the history of a superman of crime, which has been called the most sustained piece of irony in English. His masterpiece is (1749), a novel recounting the wild comic adventures of the good-hearted though highly fallible foundling, Tom Jones. Fielding was also skillful at law. He had begun his serious study of law in 1737 and in 1740 was called to the bar. After spending several years as a political journalist, he was appointed justice of the peace for Westminster in 1748 and for Middlesex in 1749. A fearless and honest magistrate, he worked arduously in the administration of justice and the prevention of crime. Broken in health, he resigned his office in 1753 and the following year sailed for Portugal, where he died.

2. The plot of the novel

is regarded as Fielding’s masterpiece, with the fame of being the best constructed novel in English literature. , often known simply as , is a comic novel by Hey Fielding. First published on February 28, 1749, is arguably one of the first prose works describable as a novel. The novel is divided into 18 smaller books with 6 in each.

Tom Jones is a foundling discovered on the property of a very kind, wealthy landowner, Squire Allworthy, in Somerset in England’s West Country. Tom grows into a vigorous and lusty, yet honest and kind-hearted, youth. He develops affection for his neighbor's daughter, Sophia Western. On one hand, their love reflects the romantic comedy gee popular in 18th-century Britain. However, Tom's status as a bastard causes Sophia's father and Allworthy to oppose their love; this criticism of class friction in society acted as a biting social commentary. The inclusion of prostitution and sexual promiscuity in the plot was also original for its time, and also acted as the foundation for criticism of the book's "lowness".

At the beginning, Fielding described Mr. Allworthy’s country life. He was a wealthy squire who lived in the countryside. He was so kind and lived with his sister. Once he went to

London on business for almost 3 months, after he was back, he found a foundling on his bed. Mr. Allworthy was so kind that he decided to adopt that poor infant. On the other hand, Mr. Allworthy’s sister left a son named Blifil, and he also adopted Blifil as his son.

Tom grown into a vigorous and lusty, yet honest and kind-hearted youth. He developed affection for his neighbor’s daughter, Sophia Western. Finally he got Sophia’s love. On the contrary, Blifil was vile, but he coated his evil with sugary hypocrisy. He also wanted to marry Sophia, not for love but for her father’s property. He tried everything to slander Jones before Mr. Allworthy. Finally Jones was driven out by Mr. Allworthy. Sophia’s father and Allworthy opposed her love with Jones, because Jones was a bastard. What’s more, her father forced her to marry Blifil but she refused and fled to London to find Jones.

After being driven out, Jones intended to go to sea, but he lost his way and went to London. The whole second part was describing the various experiences that Jones and Sophia experienced on their way. At many times they almost met each other, but missed. It’s the most interesting part of the whole novel. There is description about different classes in the society at that time, expressing sympathy for unfortunate person.

Jones met Sophia’s cousin Bellaston in London. Mrs. Bellaston crashed at Jones and dallied with him. Jones was tempted by Mrs. Bellaston and had affair with her. When Bellaston knew Jones was in love with Sophia, she tried hard to prevent them from meeting, because she wanted to keep Jones as her private lover. Also, she devised to make Sophia marry Philade and instigated him to rape Sophia. Fortunately, at that time Sophia’s father right arrived and saved her. Since her father insisted her to marry Blifil, he arrested her in the house.

One day, Jones met his foe and injured him during fighting. He was put into prison for that. When Blifil knew that, he bought the lawyer to make perjury in order to frame Jones as murdering. Because the person who was beaten by Jones was recovered soon, Jones was set free from prison. And finally Mr. Allworthy knew that Jones was snared by Blifil and in fact Jones was his sister’s bastard. All the things were come out into wash and Jones the heir of Mr. Allworthy and married Sophia.

3. My understanding of the novel

The novel is a little bit difficult for me to understand. With the help of the internet and combining with the background of the time, I could finally finish it and got my own understanding.

What impressed me most is the plot. Instead of the boring description, the plot is rather thrilling. It is full of puzzle. Who is Tom’s mother, Jenny or could be anybody else? Will Blifil be exposed by Mr. Allworthy? Whether Sophia finds Tom at last or not? Also the description of the society and different classes is very interesting and give me a vivid picture of western society. Fielding's varied style tempers the basic seriousness of the novel, and his authorial comment preceding each chapter adds a significant dimension to the conventionally straightforward narrative.

Further more, I like the way Fielding creating characters. In the novel, all the characters are real person instead of perfect heroes. Tom Jones, he is a typically imperfect and "mortal" hero. He

is naughty and improvident. He hangs out everyday, promiscuity all the time. He had affairs with Molly Seagrim, Mrs. Waters, Lady Bellaston and even Jenny Jones who is suspected to be his mother. What a dissolute person. Despite that, Tom is an honest and brave youth. He was full of sympathy for the poor and weak. Also, he is loyal to his love, not yield to anything. In my view, this is the character I like, instead of invincible knight. The character of Tom Jones could be anybody else around us.
