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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 00:41:36 初中作文

篇一:2015-2016年初二语文下册期末复习资料 作文练习



同学们正处在独立人格形成的时期,都希望受人尊重,正学着尊重别人。尊重很容易做到:得到帮助时说声谢,妨碍别人时道句歉;为演出的成功鼓掌,为同学的进步喝彩;一句问候,一声再见??尊重也容易被(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网)人忽视;遭人冷落,被人揭短;恶语触怒他人,讥讽同学弱点??总之,尊重别人是一种美德,受人尊重是一种幸福。请围绕“尊重”这个话题,自拟题目,写一篇文章。










在生命历程中,有晴天也有雨天,有顺境也有逆境,有“一日看遍长安花”的得意,也有“明朝散发弄扁舟”的失意??每个人的成长都不可能一帆风顺,步入人生最美丽的季节,我们也开始咀嚼人生的内涵,品味人生的况味,也渐渐的懂得人生艰难??此时,我们真真的感觉到人生不仅仅需要鼓励,掌声,提醒,同时也需要挫折、磨练??你认为在成长的过程中,人生需要 。请你从“鲜花”、“掌声”、“精彩”、“挫折”“坎坷”、“磨难”、“提醒”、“幸福”??任选一个词语,填在横线上。写一篇文章。









1、题记2、开头、结尾 3、名言警句4、哲理性语句5、诗句6、多种描写

7、插叙 8、以小见大9、以物寓理


1、实事、实情2、有时代气息3、入题快 4、字数足、字迹清


初二作文:生活中,人人都在盼望着。小学时盼望上中学,中学时盼望大学,大学时盼望??在你十多年的人生旅程中,你曾有过怎样的盼望呢?在你对未来的畅想中,你又有哪些盼望呢?请以“盼望”为题写一篇文章。 注意:①这个题目的范围是很宽泛的,可回忆,可畅想等;但内容要具体,不可空乏;③题目自拟;④不少于650字。


7单元作文 (55页3a)

Whales are our friends, They live in the sea. As far as we know,they are not only huge but also cute(They are so cute that people love them very much). They enjoy eating small fish and other sea life.Some kinds have teeth.Most of them love singing songs.

However, whales are in danger ,on the one hand ,humans catch whales for meat, fat and oil and they also sell whale parts to make things like candles and soap, on the other hand, water is polluted.there is no clean sea for whales to live in.

In order to protect whales, we should stop putting rubbish into the sea. At the same time , rules on whale protection should be made.Besides,learning more about whales is a good way to protect them.I hope everyone will try our best to protect the animals.


Have you ever been to Beijing? It is a very beautiful city with a long history in the east of China. It is the capital of China. It is also a good place to take a holiday. Now let me tell you something about it.

There are a lot of places of interest in Beijing. The Summer Palace is one of the most beautiful places in Beijing. You can not only enjoy some beautiful flowers but also row a boat on the peaceful lake.The park is so wonderful that you can not only take some beautiful photos but also relax yourselves.I think spring is the best time to visit there.because it is neither too hot nor too cold.One great thing about Beijing is that the food is very delicious. Beijing Duck is very famous .I think you will enjoy yourself when you travel in Beijing.

It’s one of the most famous places I have been to. Whenever you have time, don’t forget to visit Beijing.



1、 (Class Two)

In my childhood there were a lot of things that held many sweet memories. But my favorite thing is a book.

It is a book with a red cover. My mom bought it as my fourth birthday gift. My mom often read it for me before I went to bed when I was a child. It’s a book about mother’s unselfish love. I was moved by the stories when my mom told them to me. Time flies. When I read them again it made me remember the things my mom did for me and I realize that my mom’s love is so precious.

All in all, at the bottom of my heart I have to be honest and say this book still reminds me of my childhood and my mom’s unselfish love now.

2. (Class Two)

I have owned a big toy bear since I was a kid. Let me tell you the story of us.

The bear is my favorite toy. It was sent by my best friend on my sixth birthday. At that time I was so small so the bear seemed quite big to me.

Speaking of the bear and me, we have many sweet and soft memories. I put it on my bed and slept next to it every night until 3 years ago. Sometimes when I was alone, I told it some stories I liked. I also told the bear some of my secrects if I was unhappy. The bear made me feel so safe when I was with it. It is not only a good listener but my friend as well.

The toy bear is also a symbol of friendship between my best friend and me. So it has been my favorite toy since my childhood. The bear has held all my childhood memories.
