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放暑假了,这几天在家里我成了家务小能手,有时候帮妈妈折衣服,有时候帮妈妈洗碗。 今天,我又把绿领巾拿出来准备学着洗绿领巾,我回忆着妈妈洗衣服的情形,学着妈妈的样子,首先在小脸盆里放些水,接着把绿领巾浸在水里,让绿领巾完全浸透,接着在绿领巾上擦些香皂,然后又学着妈妈的样子,把绿领巾搓一搓,搓干净后又在清水里过洗了两遍,最后把洗干净的绿领巾晾在衣架上,看着洗得又亮又干净的绿领巾,我决定今后由自己来清洗绿领巾。
篇二:初中暑假英语周记9篇(原创 by Zoehyukan)
1. 2010-7-15 Today, my mother and I went to the cinema .The film is a comedy. It is very interesting and we laughed during the watching.
Then we went to the Xin Jie Kou Street to buy clothes and shoes for me. My mother chose many dark colors’ clothes for me, but I did not like it. I like warm colors, like red, pink and orange. Also, I selected a dress for my mother,my mother did not like it, either.
At last, we did not buy anything. We just ate some tasty food and much ice-cream. It is very delicious.
We had a good time today.
2. 2010-7-17
I must have lessons from today to the next month. I did not like this but my mother told me that I must do it.
I do not understand why my mother said. I think study is an interesting activity, but I do not enjoy it now. I hate it and I am not interested in it any more. I feel nervous when I stay with my mother, because she always not satisfied with me. She thinks I do not do the best and she always asks me to do the best. I am very tired in this summer holiday. My mother’s words are worried about me. So, I always argued with her!
I really do not like this!
This summer, I took part in a swimming club. Now, I am a swimmer. Though I am a swimmer, but I do not know how to swim.
Here, I made friends with many good swimmers. They are very kind of me. Brain is my best friend. He is very friendly. He started to teach me swim on the first day. I am very grateful for him.
Brain is tall. He is as old as I. He is very strong and handsome. In the swimming club, many girls kike stay with him. I am very proud of making friend with him.
Be a member in the club is a very interesting experience for me. How meaningful it is!
This morning,I prepared to go to the library with my classmates. The sun was very heavy. It was very hot outside.
When we got the library, I saw many people sat on the floor so that we could not
go through the bookcases.
My classmate said she was very surprised to see so many people. Another friend told us that the library is very cool inside, so many people like reading books inside. It is very comfortable and the reading is free.
I heard and I do not know say what. I did not like it but I can not do anything to change it.
I am very happy today because I knew a very exciting piece of news. My favorite star – Super Junior will take a super show in Nanjing on November.
I was very excited to hear it. Last year, I went to their second super show. But I can not go inside. I cried sadly because I did not get enough money to buy the show tickets. Because my money was stolen by my classmate.
Everyone knew who did it but we can not charge him because we did not have anything to consider it. I was very worry about my teacher because he did not give me an answer to make me satisfied. I was very hopeless with my class and my teacher.
I wish everyone could be honest. Also I wish I can go to see their super show. Best wishes with me.
I am thinking about something. The weather is windy. It seems that it will be rainy.
Yesterday, I could contact with my primary school’s classmates. But they are very different from before. Most of them became rude and impolite. I can not talk with them because we do not have the same topic. I really do not know why it became like it.
I went to Xin Jie Kou Street this morning because we had a students’ meeting. We went shopping and watched a film. We were all very happy.
I started to like History .I found the History is very interesting and meaningful. I will try my best to learn it. Believe me!
Today, I watched a wonderful match called ’Kuai Le Nan Sheng’. These boys are very handsome and some of them are very cute.
In this match, there is a bit challenging for the boys. But they worked hard and tried their best to sing and dance. Their parents also gave them best encourage.
My favorite player is Chen Xiang. His family is poor but he is very hard-working and loves singing. He plays guitar and it was very wonderful.
I think everyone will be success by his hard-working. Everyone’s ideal life will be true.
I make the best wishes for Chen Xiang to wish him to be the No.1.
I was ill yesterday night.
Yesterday morning, I caught a bad cold. But I did not pay any attention to it. In the afternoon, I felt worse than the morning. My mother and father did not at home that moment. So I called on my mother and was asked to eat some medicine. I ate the medicine and went to sleep. When I woke up, the sky was dark and my mother came back. But my temperature was still high, so my mother sent me to the hospital.
The doctor let some medicine me and told my mother something to pay attention. I felt sickness and tired so I sleeped very quickly. Before I was sleeping, I thought:
‘I hate ill ! ’
Today, when I was doing my homework, my mother planed me to go shopping in Xin
Jie Kou Street. I was so surprised that my mother would take me to go shopping. That moment was late, but I still did it.
First, we went to the Centre Mall. We tried some shoes that at last my mother bought one of them for me. Then we went upstairs. We would like to buy some clothes and trousers. There were a lot of beautiful clothes. My mother selected some for me, but most of them I could not wear. Because I was too fat! I almost wanted to cry for it.
So, I promised to myself that I must exercise more! I think I could become slimmer and slimmer.
暑假里面最爱做的一件事情之一当然是看《快乐男生》了。我最喜欢陈楚生了,我想很多人都喜欢他,有人喜欢他的声音,有人喜欢他抱着吉他的神情,有人喜欢他的故事,有人喜欢他的为人……我喜欢他,似乎不需要因为什么,又似乎是因为他的一切。 当再次看到他的时候就已经很是被他吸引了,是因为他的声音,还有他抱着吉他用心歌唱,用音乐讲故事的神情,记得当时听他演唱的时候,整个人就完完全全的陷进去了,似乎是你走进了他的故事,又似乎是他走进了你的内心深处,这种感觉是当时在场的其他所有选手都没有的,别的选手唱歌时就是简单的机械的在听,而对于楚生是聆听。
在后来一场一场的比赛中对他的喜欢一次次加深。决赛在陈楚生和苏醒之间,歌迷分成了两派,评委分成了两派,主持人似乎也分成了两派,最终结果出来后,何老师还口误把陈楚生说成苏醒。陈楚生和苏醒,完全是两个世界的人,一个卖盒饭度日,一个少年留学海外。最后冠军是陈楚生,我兴高采烈地大声疾呼,我赢了,我们楚生赢了。 这个世界上,我相信每个人付出的坚持与努力都是回得到回报的。
炎热的夏季往往是考验人毅力的时候,每个人的毅力不同,但求知的大门永远敞开。就看远处的你我愿不愿走进。走过了炎热,也就代表你走上了一个新的起点。今天我无意中看书,看到童第周这篇课文,童第周学习十分差,但他艰苦努力,早上、晚上都合理利用学习,从最后一名成为第一名。我从中受到很大的启发:无论做什么事要想成功,必须付出辛勤的劳动和汗水,才能获得丰收的喜悦。这又使我想起一句名言:“一分耕耘,一分收获。”多么好的名言,我的精神一下子提上来了,我找到了精神需要的补品。向以往那样,我又好好学习,每天老师带我们去知识的海洋,攻破了一道道难关。得(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)到了一份份美好的战利品。
点多钟,早上怎么能早起?妈妈下班晚,根本没有时间去运动,怎样才能让妈妈变瘦呢? 我先让妈妈做健美操,其实就是广播操,妈妈才做了一半,就已经气喘吁吁了,接下来,是转呼啦圈,妈妈接过那个特大号的呼啦圈。只见妈妈踢踢腿,弯弯腰,扭扭脖子,甩甩手,很认真地做着每个动作。一会儿工夫,就见她全身大汗。我赶紧拿来毛巾和水杯,关心地说:“好了好了,今天到此为止。”妈妈擦了擦汗,一下子喝完了整杯水,这才舒了一口气。
长长的世界的旅程充满太多物质的诱惑。说不清对你承诺的一切还有多少没有实现过。 不愿放开手,不愿让你走,不愿眼睁睁的看你走出我的生活。