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我也知道我这个人坏毛病一大堆,比如好大喜功,比如言行不一,比如傲娇,比如甩文。不过自以为待人还算(转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网)不错,绝不明着一套暗着一套,可能小时候古典名著与武侠小说比较多,比较重义气,稍凡玩的比较来的朋友,都当做兄弟看待。而且我这个人比较和稀泥,说缺点也好说有点也罢,不喜欢别人吵,也不喜欢自己吵,这都不是说人怂不会生气,而是不喜欢生气生过了还放心上,所以从小到大没结过什么仇。并且因为我这种游手好闲的,无乐不欢,可以打球可以唱歌,可以游泳可以dota,可以八卦可以喝酒,可以出游可以掼蛋,反正都玩的上来,少不了狐朋狗友。人分良师益友,也有知己至交,也有狐朋狗友,都是多多益善。良师益友帮你成长成熟,知己至交给你理解关怀,狐朋狗友陪你浪荡,都是不错。 这个暑假比较对不起的还是初中高中那帮哥们,虽说三日回家也是玩到了精华所在,不过时间始终太短。

篇二:A Summer Romance 英语小说 中学 高中 大学

A Summer Romance


◆Written by Maria R. Chi

Have you ever had a summer romance? Let’s take a look at the boy’s conversation to see what happened during Michael’s summer in Hainan Island.

James: Who is that in your picture?

Michael: That’s Sandy. She is from Hainan Island where I spent mysummer vacation. James: Wow! A summer fling? Michael: What is that?

James: A fling means a summer romance, or a girlfriend just for a short time. So what did you do with Sandy? Michael: We went to see movies, saw a few concerts, ate seafoodand played on the beach. James: What was your favorite food in Hainan?

Michael: The seafood! I tasted so many different kinds. Sandy

especially liked the big shrimp. She thought they tastedlike they were fresh from the ocean. James: What movies did you see?

Michael: Well, I really liked the scary movies, the thrillers. Sandypreferred to watch the romantic comedies. James: Wow! It sounds like you know Sandy very well.

Michael: Of course I know her well. I spent the whole summer withher.

James: Wow! That sounds so romantic. A real summer fling! Michael: No, not at all. I know Sandy so well because she is my cousin! Not my girlfriend!

fling [????] n. 放纵

shrimp [?????] n. 虾

scary [???????] adj. 引起惊慌的 thriller [??????] n. 使人毛骨悚然的东西




麦克尔:是桑蒂。她是海南岛人,就是我过暑假的地方。 詹姆士:哇! 一次夏日的放纵! 麦克尔:什么?

詹姆士:放纵就是一段短暂的浪漫经历,或者说找一个临时女朋友。那你和桑蒂都做什么了呢? 麦克尔:我们看了电影,听了几场音乐会,吃海鲜,在海滩嬉戏。 詹姆士:在海南你最喜欢吃什么?

麦克尔:海鲜!我吃了很多种。桑蒂最喜欢大虾。她觉得它们新鲜得像是刚从海里 捞上来。


麦克尔:我很喜欢看恐怖电影,惊悚电影,而桑蒂喜欢浪漫喜剧。 詹姆士:喔!看起来你对桑蒂很了解嘛!

麦克尔:当然!我太了解她了。整个暑假我都和她在一起。 詹姆士:哇!真浪漫啊!真正的假日放纵!



◆Written by Maria R. Chi

Healthy Tan

Summer sun can be quite dangerous if you don’t protect your skin. Let’s see

what advice Sarah gives Mary about keeping a healthy tan.

Sarah: Wow! Look at your tan. You are so dark. What have you been doing this summer?

Mary: I’ve been doing a lot of running and swimming outdoors.Sarah: That’s great! You can stay healthy by exercising regularly. Mary: But I wish my skin wasn’t so dark. Sarah: Do you wear sunscreen? Mary: No. Is it necessary?

Sarah: It’s very important! You must protect your skin, especially when you are young.

Mary: Oh, I didn’t know! What can happen to my skin?

Sarah: If it turns red and it feels hot, then you have a sunburn. A

sunburn damages your skin and, if you get sunburned a lot, you can develop skin cancer!

Mary: Oh no! Can I use whitening cream to help lighten my skin? Sarah: Yes, but be careful because those cream also have chemicals

in them. It’s possible too much of the cream can also really damage your skin.

Mary: So what is the best way to protect my skin?

Sarah: Wear sunscreen or a hat when you are outdoors and drink lots of water.

Mary: Sounds great! I’ll start right away.

tan [???] n. 晒黑

regularly [??????????] adv. 有规律地 sunscreen [??????????] n. 防晒剂 sunburn [????????] n. 晒斑 cream [?????] n. 面霜





莎拉:很好啊!经常运动有益身体健康! 玛丽:但我不希望皮肤变得这么黑。 莎拉:你用防晒霜了吗? 玛丽:没有。有必要吗?

莎拉:这是非常重要的。你必须保护皮肤,尤其是在你年轻的时候。 玛丽:噢,我以前不知道。我的皮肤会变成什么样子?

莎拉:如果出现变红或变热的情况,就说明你的皮肤被晒坏了。这样会伤害你 的肌肤。如果晒的很深,还有可能会演变成皮肤癌呢。 玛丽:天啊!我可以用美白产品增白皮肤吗?

莎拉:可以。但要小心,因为这些产品中含有化学物质。用太多的话也会伤害 皮肤。


莎拉:出门的时候用防晒霜,或戴帽子,也可以多喝水。 玛丽:听起来不错!马上开始行动!

Away from Home

家的味道,如影随形 ◆Written by Maria. R. Chi

Alice couldn’t wait to get on the bus to take her away to summer camp! Six weeks with her friends swimming, hiking and having fun. She was excited to

smell the fresh mountain air, to feel the cool river water and to see all the beautiful wild flowers.

On the other hand, Alice’s mother was so sad. For six weeks she would not hear Alice’s sweet voice and her cheerful laughter. It would be too quiet at home. After 3 weeks she received a letter from Alice! It said:

Dear Mom,

I am having a wonderful time at camp. I love it here, but I really miss you. I especially miss your food. The food here tastes like sand and paste. It’s awful. Will you send me some of your famous chocolate chip cookies?

Alice’s mother laughed loudly. Her daughter didn’t forget her home. She went straight to the kitchen and started baking right away.

hiking [??????] n. 徒步旅行awful [??????] adj. 糟糕的 bake [???????] v. 烘焙







玩味公平? 一念之间的游戏

◆Written by Maria R. Chi

From his window, Brian could see the sun shining brightly in the blue sky. He could hear his friends playing soccer in the park outside. “It’s the summer and all my friends are playing outside. It’s not fair!” he thought. Sadly, Brian was stuck inside his bedroom because he was sick. “Why do I have to get sick during the summer. I would rather be sick during the school year. It’s not fair!” he said to himself. His sister ran into the room with an ice cream in her hand. “Why does she get to eat ice cream and I have to have soup? It’s not fair!” he screamed. His mother came into the room. “Brian, would you like to go out and play with

It’s Not Fair!

篇三:100 本最棒儿童小说书单

#1 by E.B. White 《夏洛的网》

#2 by Madeleine L'Engle《时间的皱纹》

#3 by J.K. Rowling《哈利·波特与魔法石》

#4 by C.S. Lewis 《纳尼亚传奇:狮子,女巫和魔衣橱》

#5 by E. L. Konigsburg《天使雕像》(《芭瑟夫人的档案橱》)

#6 by Louis Sachar《洞》

#7 by Lois Lowry《授者》(《记忆传授人》?)

#8 by Frances Hodgson Burnett《秘密花园》

#9 by L.M. Montgomery《绿山墙的安妮》

#10 by Norton Juster《收费亭里的幽灵》?

#11 by Ellen Raskin《威斯汀的游戏》

#12 by J.R.R. Tolkien《霍比特人》

#13 by Katherine Paterson《通向特拉比西亚的桥》(《仙境之桥》)

#14 by J.K. Rowling《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》

#15 by Kate DiCamillo《傻狗温迪克》

#16 by Louise Fitzhugh《小间谍哈瑞特》?

#17 by Jerry Spinelli

#18 by Roald Dahl《马蒂尔达》?

#19 by Roald Dahl《查理和巧克力工厂》

#20 by Natalie Babbitt 《不老泉》

#21 by Rick Riodan《波西·杰克逊和神火之盗》?

#22 by Kate DiCamillo 《浪漫鼠德佩罗》(《双鼠记》)

#23 by Laura Ingalls Wilder《大森林的小木屋》

#24 by J.K. Rowling 《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》

#25 by Louisa May Alcott 《小妇人》

#26 by Gary Paulsen 《手斧男孩》

#27 by Francis Hodgson Burnett《小王子》

#28 by A.A. Milne《小熊温尼·菩》

#29 by Lewis Carroll 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

#30 by Susan Cooper《黑暗崛起》?

#31 by Edward Eager《半个魔法》

#32 by Robert C. O'Brien《尼姆的老鼠》

#33 by Roald Dahl《詹姆斯与巨桃》

#34 by Christopher Paul Curtis

#35 JK Rowling 《哈利·波特与火焰杯》

#36 by Judy Blume

#37 by Mildred Taylor《雷声滚滚,听我呼喊》(《黑色棉花田》?)

#38 by J.K. Rowling 《哈利·波特与凤凰社》

#39 by Rebecca Stead

#40 by L. Frank Baum《奥兹国的巫师》(《绿野仙踪》)

#41 by Elizabeth George Speare 《黑鸟池塘的女巫》

#42 by Laura Ingalls Wilder《草原小屋》

#43 by Beverly Cleary

#44 by Judy Blume

#45 by Philip Pullman《黄金罗盘》

#46 by Wilson Rawls

#47 by Christopher Paul Curtis《我家巴德,不叫巴弟》

#48 by Jeanne Birdsall

#49 by Andrew Clements《我们叫它粉灵豆》?

#50 by Scott O'Dell《蓝海豚之岛》

#51 by Elizabeth Eight

#52 by Brian Selznick《造梦的雨果》

#53 by Kenneth Grahame《柳林风声》

#54 by Roald Dahl《好心眼儿巨人》?

#55 by Katherine Paterson 《养女基里》

#56 by Lois Lowry《数星星》

#57 by Beverly Cleary《雷梦拉8岁》

#58 by Joan Aiken《威利山庄的狼群》

#59 by Cornelia Funke 《墨水心》

#60 by Avi 《夏洛特·柯兰道尔的自白》?

#61 by Jerry Spinelli《星妞》

#62 by Caroline Keene

#63 by Elizabeth Eight《消失的湖》

#64 by Richard Peck《远离芝加哥的地方》?

#65 by Noal Streatfeild 《芭蕾舞鞋》?

#66 by Beverly Cleary《亨利·哈金斯》

#67 by Bruce Coville

#68 by Sharon Creech《印弟安人的麂皮靴》

#69 by Trenton Lee Stewart《天才神秘会社》

#70 by Maud Hart Lovelace

#71 by Lemony Snicket 《雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险》

#72 by Ruth Stiles Gannett《父亲的龙》?

#73 by Jean Craighead George《山居岁月》

#74 by Mary Norton《借东西的小人》(《租借人》)

#75 by Sharon Creech《爱那只狗》?

#76 by Karen Hesse《风儿不要来》

#77 by Jeanne DuPrau 《微光城市》(《余晖城》)

#78 by Esther Forbes

#79 by Sydney Taylor

#80 by Neil Gaiman 《坟场之书》?

#81 by Grace Lin

#82 by Lloyd Alexander

#83 by Megan Whalen Turner 《小偷》

#84 by Elizabeth Goudge 《古堡里的月亮公主》(《小白马》)

#85 by Laura Ingalls Wilder《在梅溪边》?

#86 by J.K. Rowling《哈利·波特与密室》

#87 by E. L. Konigsburg《相约星期六》(《星期六的故事》)

#88 by Lloyd Alexander《高大的国王》

#89 by Beverly Cleary《雷梦拉与爸爸》

#90 by Patricia MacLachlan《又丑又高的莎拉》

#91 by Louis Sachar《路边学校》?

#92 by Gail Carson Levine《魔法灰姑娘》

#93 by C. R. Brink《伍德龙一家》(《红发少女》)

#94 by Arthur Ransome《燕子与鹦鹉》

#95 by Astrid Lindgren《长袜子皮皮》

#96 by Roald Dahl《女巫》

#97: by Kate DiCamillo 《爱德华的神奇旅行》

#98 by L.M. Boston

#99 by Lynne Reid Banks《魔柜小奇兵》

#100 by Zilpha Keatley Snyder 《埃及游戏》
