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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 08:21:15 英语作文



1.A do good/harm to BA有益/害于B

Communication do good to harmonious relationship among people.交流有助于人们和睦相处。

Too much indulge in online games do harm to our physical and psychological health.过分沉溺于网络游戏有害于我们的身心健康。

2.Environmental pollution due to A, rather than B, let alone B. 环境污染由于A ,而不是B,更别说C了。

3.A matter of extreme urgency 当务之急

Protecting our limited farmland is a matter of extreme urgency .当务之急是保护我们有限的耕地

4.A is to B as /what C is D A 之于B犹如C之于D。

Moral corruption is to the state as physical disease to an individual body. 道德败坏之于国家犹如生理疾病之于个人身体。

5.…while…most often is the opposite.

Compliment is sincere while flattery most often is the opposite. 赞美是真诚的,而奉承往往与之相反。

6.The advantages of technology development are much greater than the disadvantages. 技术发展的好处远远大于其弊端。

1.According to the figures reflected/unfolded in the chart/bar chart/graph above, we can see that …

2.The drawing mirrors a current social phenomenon about the gradual lost of trust among people. 这幅画反映了一个当今的社会现象,即人们之间信任的不断缺失。

3.Recently,the issue of … Has been in the limelight, people in growing numbers(越来越多的人) are coming to be aware that …

4.What makes…is that… 使什么的原因是…

5.Nothing is perfect, Internet have merits as well as drawbacks.

6.On the basis of (基于) what has been discussed above, we may draw a conclusion that …



1. As is symbolically unfolded in the in the thought-provoking cartoon(s) above,+概述图片内容(不涉及寓意


As is vividly depicted in the first cartoon,….On the contrary, the second cartoon inform us that…. 2.Having scrutinized the cartoon,we find a noteworthy phenomenon:…,and which impresses me profoundly.

3. Nowadays, with the staggering progress of the society and technology, people in growing numbers are inclined to…

4. No better illustration of the phenomenon can be thought than the example to be mentioned as follows. According to a survey conducted by China Daliy,38.57 percent of people in china …. 自由发挥部分

1.When it comes to …,people's attitude towards …vary from person to person. Some

reckon that ….On the contrary, others argue that the reverse is reasonable.

2.Many factors could contribute to price increase, but one deserves special mention: inflation.

From my own perspective, some timely and effective

measures should be taken to address/tackle(应对、处理) the unfavorable phenomenon/remedy(纠正、改善) the unfavorable tendency.

1.First and foremost, we ,as young generation, are suggest to derive positive connotation(涵义)from the picture and set a good example through their own actions/get moving to arouse others' attention to+主题.

2.What's more, the authorities concerned should enact relevant legislation to restrain the conduct of the public.

3. Last but not least, the mass media should exert a positive influence on the conduct of the individuals.

4.To sum up, only when we attach great importance to it and put the above-mentioned measures into practice, can we build up a promising and sustainable perspective/become winners in today' (intensely)competitive world sooner or later.




Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should1) describe the drawing2) interpret its meaning, and3) support your view with examples

You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

2004年考研写作考查了图画作文。按照题目这篇作文应该包括三点:第一点是描述图画中的内容;第二点是阐述其含义;第三点是用若干例子来支持自己的观点。本题的写作步骤:1. 认真审题

考生首先要看懂图片包含的内容,根据题目的要求考虑是否需要给出标题。本题中并没有要求写标题,考生可以根据自己是否有把握来选择是否要写标题,一个好的标题可以起到画龙点睛的作用,但如果没有把握就不要写,避免画蛇添足。通过审题,我们知道主人公是个正跑到终点线上的小男孩,他头上冒着汗,嘴角却带着笑,地上一个箭头写着终点,而另一个却又写着起点。下面的一行字写着“终点又是新起点”。2. 理解画面的含义


3. 用若干具体事例支持自己的观点


4. 列出提纲和主题句,围绕提纲完成全文。二、经典范文赏析


Stopping for a New Start

In the picture presented to us, we can see a runner who is dashing to the finishing line, dripping with sweat all over the forehead. Apparently, he is very happy at the final victory of the race after a long running. However, as an arrow marked "End" points to the finishing line, there immediately follows another arrow marked with "Beginning".Though this picture only describing a runner who is going to start a new run after reaching the finishing line, yet it demonstrates a universal law that governs the development of mankind. Judging from the title "Finishing Line Leads to Another Starting Point", we get to know the artists real intention: he tries to indicate that there is no end on the way of making progress.

This drawing reminds me a lot of phenomena in the world. The most obvious example is the discovery of gene, which is the final solution to the mystery of the life. But on the other hand, it is a staring point that triggers off the study of cloning. Another example is the safe return of Shenzhou V spaceship, which marks the triumphant end of the launch. At the same time, it begins a new era for Chinas space exploration. A third example concerns something about ourselves. Four years college life is now approaching to the end and each of us is going to stand at a new starting point, either as a postgraduate or a member of the society. In this sense, we are stopping for a new start. Only when we are wellprepared for it, can we meet the challenge in the future and be the winner of the new era.译文迎接新起点




In the picture presented to us, we can see...从所给的图中,我们可以看到??

Though this picture only describes..., yet it demonstrates a universal law that...尽管这幅图片只描述了??,但它却揭示了一个关于??的普遍规律。Judging from..., we get to know...从??的判断,我们知道??This drawing reminds me...这幅画使我想起??Only when... can we ...我们只有??才能??


1) describe the set of drawings, Interpret its meaning, and2) point out its implications in our life.

You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)






The above two pictures have shaped contrast to each other. As is shown in the first drawing, the flower is placed in a cozy green house which shelters it from the severe wind and storm. With proper temperature and other good conditions, the flower is growing in full bloom. In contrast, when removed from the green house and exposed to the wind and storm, the flower immediately fades and withers, with most of its petals cast about on the ground. The two pictures show us that the flower growing in the green house can not withstand the ordeal of the wind and storm.

It is most likely that the drawer means to compare children in our country to the flower in the drawing and reflect a problem in the present education of our children. For one thing, most parents provide excessive doting care and material supplies to protect the children from the harsh reality. For another, most children are too heavily burden with studies that they have little time to take part in social activities. Once the children begin to seek independence and face challenges from the real competitive world, they are found too spoiled to be strong enough to endure the hardships and difficulties of various sorts.

In sum, it is essential for us to solve the problem of childrens education timely and effectively. Only by undergoing more predicaments can young people develop strong personality and ability needed in the future, and only in this way can they eventually become winners in our competitive changing world.译文

以上两幅图画形成了鲜明的对比。第一幅中,花放在了舒适的温室中,可以避免接触风雨。温室中温度适宜良好的条件使得花朵能够尽情绽放。相反,当这朵花到了室外,一旦遇到风雨花(转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网)儿立刻就枯萎了,花瓣都调落了。两幅图告诉我们温室里得花朵经不起风雨。



The above two pictures have shaped contrast to each other. As is shown in the first drawing, ... In contrast...

以上两幅图画形成了鲜明的对比。第一幅中??,相反??The two pictures show us that...两幅图告诉我们??

It is most likely that the drawer means to compare ... to ... in the drawing and reflect a problem in .... For one thing, ... For another...

作者很可能想通过将??比作??来反映??的问题。一方面??,另一方面??In sum, it is essential for us to...总之,我们必须??Only... can...只有??才能??


Study the following picture carefully and write an essay entitled "CulturesNational and International". In the essay you should

1) describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and2) give your comment on the phenomenon.

You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)An American girl in traditional Chinese costume(服装)

2002年考查的也是图画作文,但却是第一次使用照片。照片上是一位穿着传统中国服饰的美国姑娘,她的脸上挂着微笑,可以看出她非常高兴,上面还有一行关于照片的注释。文章中已经给出了标题和大纲。大纲主要有两点:一是描述图片并解释含义;二是对此现象做出自己的评论。从照片中考生很容易就可以想到其寓意是民族的文化可以成为世界的。确定了这个主题后,我们就可以进一步确定一个支配思想,即这一趋势对于人类发展是有利的。接下来考生就可以围绕这一思想,分三段进行写作,首段简要地描述照片,次段阐述其含义,末段给出评论。在审题构思时应注意:以小见大、把握象征寓意。关于评论部分可以有三个写作角度:提建议、考虑背景及原因、或描述未来、预测未来。考生最好能列出简单的提纲,写好每段的主题句,最后进行扩展。对于这张照片的描述可能会有一些单词需要特别注意:如发带 ribbon、耳环 earrings、项链 necklace、少数民族 minority group、妇女服饰accessories等。



Cultures-National and International

At first sight of the picture, my eyes are brightened by the pretty girl, beaming with a simile on her face. She is a typical American girl, but she is dresses in our traditional Chinese costume. It seems that the girl is very proud of the Chinese costume.It goes without saying that the picture indicates that a culture of one nation may become international, which is beneficial to all human beings. Actually the girl stands for two different cultures-western and eastern cultures. Her charming smile is the essential touch of the whole picture, which symbolizes the harmonious blending of the two cultures. With economic globalization, the blending of different cultures has become a necessary trend of the times. On one hand, a large number of people from different countries have been pouring into China. On the other hand, Chinese people are also exposed to different foreign cultures when they go abroad or when more foreign people come to China. In this way, people from various nations in the world will be able to acquire better understanding of each other.

As far as I am concerned, I think this phenomenon is good to all of us. It is an effective way to achieve efficient cross-cultural communication and promote world peace and prosperity.译文




At first sight of the picture, my eyes are brightened by...看到这张照片的第一眼,我就被??吸引了。It seems that...


It goes without saying that the picture indicates that...勿容置疑这张照片揭示了??

With economic globalization, the blending of different cultures has become a necessary trend of the times.

随着经济全球化,不同文化的融合已经成为一个趋势。On one hand... on the other hand...一方面??,另一方面??

As far as I am concerned, I think...我个人认为??

It is an effective way to achieve efficient cross-cultural communication and promote world peace and prosperity.



Among all the worthy feelings of mankind, love is probably the noblest, but everyone has his/her own understanding of it. There has been a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper. Write an essay to the newspaper to

1) show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the picture below,2) give a specific example, and

3) give your suggestion as to the best way to show love. You should write about 200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)




的最好办法给出建议。另外这道题目中增加了情景语言,即:包括情景说明,提纲说明,以及图画。降低了题目的难度,考生可以结合提纲式作文、规定情景作文和图画作文的写作特点完成本文的写作。但要注意一个重要原则:英语情景说明语句,不可直接照搬,需要进行改动。尽量应用同义,近义词,相关表达,不同句式改造。例如worthy 可以替换为valuable,feelings 可以替换为 emotions,mankind 可以替换为 human being,noblest可以替换为greatest等。我们可分三段来完成本文。在第一段中不仅应描述图画,还应描述上面的那句话。在第二段中,应举一个能与图画所表达的道理相匹配的典型事例。这样的事例很多,考生可以结合自己的经历列举,如希望工程、抗洪捐款等等,也可以列举具体人物。最后一段中,考生可以提出自己的建议,这一部分难度不高,考生可以套用一些模版句型。二.经典范文赏析

In the picture presented to us, an oil lamp gives out bright flame against the dark background. The flame is like a childs smile, so innocent and pure. The oil lamp here is a symbol of love, which is the greatest among all the valuable emotions of human being. Just as the Chinese characters around the lamp say, love is a lamp; the darker the room is, the brighter it looks. It is true that the harder the situation is, the more valuable love is.

One good example to illustrate this love is the "Hope Project". As we all know, although our economy is much better than years of ago, a great gap still remains between east and west regions, between large cities and rural areas. Thousands of poor children are forced to quit school because of lacking of money. All works of life have worried about this situation. "Hope Project", which is proposed just in time, calls for people to show their loves for those children unable to go to school, and tens of thousands of people has lent their hands without asking for any return.

The best way to show love, I think, is to be devoted to our work and our nation. Everyone is indeed unique loved by the people around, and therefore we must learn to love others, and try our best to shoulder the responsibility of the job so as to help others live better and make contribution to our nation.译文




In the picture presented to us...图中我们可以看到??Just as ... say, ...正如??所说??

It is true that the harder the situation is, the more valuable love is.的确情况越艰难就越能显示爱的伟大。

One good example to illustrate this love is the "Hope Project"。阐述这种爱一个好例子就是“希望工程”。As we all know,...我们都知道??

The best way to..., I think, is to...我认为做??最好的方法是??


A. Study the following two pictures carefully and write and essay of at least 150 words.

B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.C. Your essay should meet the requirements below:1. Describe the pictures.

2. Deduce the purpose of the drawer of the pictures.3. Suggest countermeasures.

A brief History of World Commercial Fishing



A Brief History of World Commercial Fishing

This picture shows a drastic change in the worlds commercial fishing. The two parts display totally different scenes in 1900 and 1995. In 1900, there were a large number of fish while only one boat was fishing on the ocean. But in 1995 fishing boats increased sharply while only one fish was left. The fish supplies have almost been exhausted by overfishing.

Judging from the picture, we can see that within about 100 years, humans have stripped the sea of her generous offerings. If we dont put an end to the trend, then the fish in the ocean could become extinct species in the foreseeable future.

Therefore, it is high time we took effective measures to solve this problem. First, we must bring world population under a reasonable control, as overfishing is largely due to the need to fill the additional mouths. Second, every year in the fishs mating season, a "grace period" should be enforced during which the fish are allowed to reproduce themselves. Third, strict laws should be implemented. Last but not least, we should enhance the awareness of the public that the ocean resources are very vital to us. Only when these above mentioned measures are put into practice can we save the fish from disappearing completely.译文







1、文化多元化:cultural diversity

2、文化冲突:cultural conflict

3、跨文化交流:cross-cultural communication

4、文化传统:cultural traditions

5、弘扬民族文化:carry forward national culture

6、文化差异性:cultural differences

7、文化全球化:cultural globalization

8、跨文化交流:cross-cultural communication

9、融合交汇:integration and interaction


1、培养想象力:nurture imagination

2、丰富某人知识:eich one’s knowledge

3、开阔视野:widen horizon

4、激发兴趣:inspire/stimulate interest

5、发展/激发潜力:develop/stimulate potential

6、为将来打下坚实的基础:lay a solid foundation for the future

7、对将来的发展有益:benefit future development

8、扩大知识面:expand one’s knowledge

9、学术诚信:academic integrity

10、有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律:with lofty ideals, integrity, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline

11、从学习中获得乐趣:derive pleasure from one’s studies

12、把学习放在第一位:place the study ahead of anything else



In my view, multi-cultures are extremely vital in ensuring a community’s future development and prosperity.


Economic globalization brings not only opportunities for development but also challenges. Chinese traditional culture is now experiencing unprecedented shock.


The ancient culture of China is one of the great treasures of human civilization.


With increased interaction between the world’s nations, there is a great urgency for us to absorb different cultures.


Chinese traditional culture is not only certain to survive, but, in fact, is destined to thrive and prosper.


It goes without saying that education plays an irreplaceable role in our life. The sustainable

development and prosperity of a nation depends largely on its cultivation and nourishment of young generation.



1、以经济建设为中心:focusing on the central task of economic construction

2、当地经济发展的支柱:a pillar of local economic development

3、加强国际竞争力:sharpen the international competitiveness

4、加快/促进发展:accelerate/advance/enhance the development

5、人民生活改善:the improvement in people’s living conditions

6、国民经济正在迅速发展:there has been a rapid expansion of national economy

7、生活水平提高:raise/elevate the living standard,have a higher standard of living,live on a higher plane

8、促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变:promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth



There are more and more fake and inferior products seriously hampering the expansion of our market economy. Consumers have to be very careful in purchasing goods and services they need; otherwise they will fall into the traps set by the illegal manufacturers who make fake


We’re living in a new and challenging time, in which technology has made competition fiercer than ever before.


Advanced economics and multinational corporations could help developing nations to share in the benefits ofglobalization.


Tourism boosts our economy and we get a chance to spread our culture to different countries.


Advertisement eiches the competition in quality and product innovation.


To some extent, the development of science has contributed to narrow the technology-gap between the developed countries and the developing countries.






4、保护环境:protect/preserve the environment

5、丰富的自然资源:abundant natural resources

6、可持续发展:sustainable development

7、环境恶化:deterioration of environment

8、提高人们环境意识:raise people’s awareness of the environment

必备素材句: 1、我们必须重视保护自然资源。 Particular emphasis should be put on the preservation of natural resources. 2、任何变化都会影响我们的生活和环境。 Any change will affect our life and our environment.


A series of environment protection rules and regulations need to be laid down.


More regulations should be made and carried out by authorities concerned to punish environmental damage. In addition, individuals must work in joint efforts to create sustainable surroundings.


I harbor the idea that it is of vital importance for people to realize that they are an integral part of nature, the destruction of which means the perishing of themselves.


There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for strengthened environmental protection.


There is still a long way to go for environmental conservation, since it needs time to sink in life before all the people autonomously have the awareness of protecting environment and apply it into routine life.




2、经得住挑战:withstand challenges



5、进取精神:striving spirit


7、增长见识:widen one’s knowledge






We should embrace positive attitudes and behave confidently. Only in this way can we crack down the difficulties confronting us successfully and lead a happy life.


To begin with, “No pains, no gains” should always be our motto in our life and work. Only

those who are hard-working and brave enough to encounter difficulties of all sorts are most likely to reach the summit of success.


In terms of our life, work and study, we will meet lots of trials. We must always face reality and have a second thought before we make our final decision. Success is also a process and needs to be realized step by step. As a proverb goes “Rome was not built within a day”. In short, hard-working spirit and a realistic attitude lead to success.


We should keep optimistic no matter what kinds of circumstance we undergo. In the course of life, we are bound to experience and encounter a variety of difficulties. In order to achieve our goals, we should tackle the obstacles in a positive way rather than in a negative way.


Only by undergoing more adversities can young people develop strong personality and ability needed in the future, and only in this way can they eventually become winners in our competitive changing world.


On the way of life, we shouldn’t focus merely on one or two success. Only through persistent pursuit can we be able to make progress and development.


Persistence functions as an indispensable driving force to keep up our spirit and to assist us to fulfill our study and work.


In fact, only those who are hard-working and brave enough to encounter obstacles of all sorts are most likely to reach the summit of success.



1、身体、心理上的:physically/ psychologically



4、疲倦的:tired/exhausted/worn out


6、首要目标:primary goal

7、参与运动:be involved with sports

8、大众健康:public health

9、平衡饮食:balanced diet

10、垃圾食品:junk food

11、减肥:lose weight

12、吃绿色/有机食品:eat green/organic food

13、过健康的生活:lead a healthy life

14、提高生活质量:improve the quality of life

15、在日常生活中培养健康的习惯:cultivate/develop healthy habits in daily life必备素材句:


Exercise is necessary to strengthen the body.


Most people make as much effort as they can to achieve their own success in many aspects such as their work or families. Yet, in recent years being healthy has been an issue which attracts much attention from the public because people in growing numbers have realized that physical health is the first thing they shall focus on.


In recent years, Chinese people are more willing than before to take part in various games or sports to be bodily strong. Meanwhile, the government has been constructing more facilities available for more people.

4、整个中国都处在这样的一种氛围中,那就是大家在享受着运动带来的快乐。All China is in such an atmosphere where people enjoy the bliss of taking exercises.


We all know by now that maintaining an active lifestyle should be one of our top priorities in life. Only by taking care of ourselves do we stand a chance of being the kind of person we strive to be in the job, at home with our loved ones and in our communities.


Exercising every day is also essential for us to stay healthy. Of course we don’t need to exhaust ourselves.We should plan our physical exercises according to our actual condition.


People with good health can do work with full energy and confidence and their progress in turn contributes to their health and happiness. On the contrary, a sick one usually lacks the vigor and interest to fulfill his or her role in life, which deprives him or her of many opportunities to become successful and happy.


Eating less junk food and having a balanced diet is the first step to remain healthy for most people.



1、虚假承诺:false promise

2、社会道德:social morality
