作业帮 > 体裁作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 09:28:11 体裁作文


  Today, I still went to my mother's office. My mother was very busy, so was my father. They always live in Beijing. They must get up early. Because they will manage the factory. So I know they are very laborious. So I should save my money. Also I should help them. Although I can't do something useful, but I think I should share the work with them. I am one of my family member. In the future, I will take a job and work. It's time for me to begin to learn how to work.





一、创新教授Let’s learn

一般情况下,Let’s learn只注重单词的语音、意义教学,让学生通过听、说、读、写来巩固单词。而我打破这样的常规教学,将作文的教学渗透在Let’s learn中。



teaches English goes to work watches TV reads newspaper Does your pen pal live in Shanghai?

No, he doesn’t.He lives in Beijing.

除了重点抓好Does…?句型看图问答外,我也注意让学生看图说一句完整的话。如:Mr Green teaches English at school. He goes to work by bus. He watches TV at night. …让学生小组里这样造句,老师再多点提问不同学生或小组展示,巩固陈述句的表达法。学生训练多了就能看图讲一句完整的话了。


如刚才的四幅图,我注意引导学生把四幅图的意思连起来,加上开头与结尾,组成一篇文章。像这样描写人的文章,我会提醒学生加上介绍姓名:This is Mr Green. 加上职业:He’s a teacher.加上四幅图的内容:He teaches English at school. He goes to work by bus. He watches TV at night. He often

reads newspaper every day.再加个点评结尾I like Mr Green. He’s a good teacher. 就成了一篇学生比较容易写的文章。在我的引导下,大部分学生能写出这篇文章。

通过这样引导地教每课的Let’s learn,学生都觉得作文不难,也有信心写出满意的几句话来了。

二、拓展Let’s talk.


如:五年级下册P59 Let’s talk:课文内容是A: I see the mother elephant .B: What is she doing? A: She is walking. B: What about the baby elephant? What is it doing? A: It’s running.

在学完对话、操练了重点句型:What is…doing?后,我让学生仿课文编个对话:谈论动物在干什么。我提示学生:除了用上今天所学句型外,可以用上以前的知识,如:两人见面,谈论天气,谈论喜欢的季节及活动,再谈论去动物园,后再谈论动物在什么,并加上一个好结尾,如It’s fun today./I love animals.等。


2.巧妙地把Let’s talk组成一篇文章。

如:六年级上册P71 Let’s talk:Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds. Where does the cloud come from? It comes from the vapour. …


1.Where does the rain come from? ____ ____comes from the clouds.

2.Where does the cloud come from? ____ ____comes from the vapour. 3…4…

我让学生完成四个问答填空,只在原文改动小小,就能更好地帮助学生理解课文内容,然后把四个答句组合起来,(The rain comes from the clouds. The clouds comes from the vapour. The vapour comes from the water in the river. The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.)加上个结尾How funny!就成一篇由水变成雨的有趣文章。经我这样一点,原本很难的水-蒸气-云-雨的文章,学生学起来、讲起来都觉容易。现在,学生都可以讲出刚刚好五句话的由水变成雨的文章了。

三、花心思设计Let’s read.

Let’s read教学重点是训练学生的阅读能力,提高学生的写作能力。因此,let’s read的教学形式可多样化,让学生感到有趣,而不是单单的阅读回答、判断、选择等有些枯燥的训练。


如六年级下册P30 Let’s read: Wu Yifan was busy last weekend. He visited his grandparents Saturday morning. It was his grandma’s birthday. They cooked noodles together. In the evening, they watched TV. Sunday morning, Wu Yifan played football with his friends. In the afternoon , he washed his clothes and cleaned his room.

这篇文章要引导学生写上周末做的事情。学生在学习了现在进行时、一般现在时与一般将来时后,再来写过去做的事情,部分学生很容易混乱时态与动词的用法。于是,我给出一个文章的主干,让学生根据提示模仿写作,这让学生更容易掌握写作技巧。如:My mother was busy last weekend.

She …(ed)…Sat. morning. She …(ed)…Sat. afternoon. In the evening ,she….(ed)…

Sunday morning, she …(ed)…. In the afternoon,she…(ed)…. She was busy and tired. So I must help my mother do housework.(She …(ed)…是提醒学生:动词用过去式)



同样是六年级下册P30 Let’s read(原文在

medicine and drink hot drinks. Stay in bed for a few days, I will feel better soon.

我引导把两个答句组合起来,用自己的话总结性地讲出流感的特征与处理方法。这样处理比原文中的:Do you have a headache? If you have a fever, you might have the flu.好理解得多了。现在,学生都会说、会写了。

四、巧读Let’s learn


如:六年级下册P40 Let’s learn:

bought presents saw elephants rowed a boat went skiing went ice skating

图一至图三是写Amy,其余是讲Sarah。于是我让学生齐读时加一个开头:I have two good friends. They are Amy and Sarah.再加上描写Amy 与Sarah的句子:Amy bought presents with her mother on her holiday. She saw elephants in the zoo. She rowed a boat in the river. Sarah went skiing and went ice skating on her holiday. 再加一个结尾:They were very happy.那就读成一篇文章。

每一个Let’s learn都可以以短文形式读出。学生读多了、讲多了,看图作文就心中有话可讲、有话可写,也乐意写了。



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一、创新教授Let’s learn

一般情况下,Let’s learn只注重单词的语音、意义教学,让学生通过听、说、读、写来巩固单词。而我打破这样的常规教学,将作文的教学渗透在Let’s learn中。



teaches English goes to work watches TV reads newspaper

Does your pen pal live in Shanghai?

No, he doesn’t.He lives in Beijing.

除了重点抓好Does…?句型看图问答外,我也注意让学生看图说一句完整的话。如:Mr Green teaches English at school. He goes to work by bus. He watches TV at night. …让学生小组里这样造句,老师再多点提问不同学生或小组展示,巩固陈述句的表达法。学生训练多了就能看图讲一句完整的话了。


如刚才的四幅图,我注意引导学生把四幅图的意思连起来,加上开头与结尾,组成一篇文章。像这样描写人的文章,我会提醒学生加上介绍姓名:This is Mr Green. 加上职业:He’s a teacher.加上四幅图的内容:He teaches English at school. He goes to work by bus. He watches TV at night. He often reads newspaper every day.再加个点评结尾I like Mr Green. He’s a good teacher. 就成了一篇学生比较容易写的文章。在我的引导下,大部分学生能写出这篇文章。

通过这样引导地教每课的Let’s learn,学生都觉得作文不难,


二、拓展Let’s talk.


如:五年级下册P59 Let’s talk:课文内容是A: I see the mother elephant .B: What is she doing? A: She is walking. B: What about the baby elephant? What is it doing? A: It’s running.

在学完对话、操练了重点句型:What is…doing?后,我让学生仿课文编个对话:谈论动物在干什么。我提示学生:除了用上今天所学句型外,可以用上以前的知识,如:两人见面,谈论天气,谈论喜欢的季节及活动,再谈论去动物园,后再谈论动物在什么,并加上一个好结尾,如It’s fun today./I love animals.等。


2.巧妙地把Let’s talk组成一篇文章。

如:六年级上册P71 Let’s talk:Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds. Where does the cloud come from? It comes from the vapour. …

我先用听录音训练的形式让学生听音回答,再理解课文后让学生填空:1.Where does the rain come from? ____ ____comes from the clouds. 2.Where does the cloud come from? ____ ____comes from the vapour. 3…4…

我让学生完成四个问答填空,只在原文改动小小,就能更好地帮助学生理解课文内容,然后把四个答句组合起来,(The rain comes from the clouds. The clouds comes from the vapour. The vapour comes from the water in the river. The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.)加上个结尾How funny!就成一篇由水变成雨的有趣文章。经我这样一点,原本很难的水-蒸气-云-雨的文章,学生学起来、讲起来都觉容易。现在,学生都可以讲出刚刚好五句话的由水变成雨的文章了。

三、花心思设计Let’s read.

Let’s read教学重点是训练学生的阅读能力,提高学生的写作能力。因此,let’s read的教学形式可多样化,让学生感到有趣,而不是单单的阅读回答、判断、选择等有些枯燥的训练。


如六年级下册P30 Let’s read: Wu Yifan was busy last weekend. He visited his grandparents Saturday morning. It was his grandma’s birthday. They cooked noodles together. In the evening, they watched TV. Sunday morning, Wu Yifan played football with his friends. In the afternoon , he washed his clothes and cleaned his room.

这篇文章要引导学生写上周末做的事情。学生在学习了现在进行时、一般现在时与一般将来时后,再来写过去做的事情,部分学生很容易混乱时态与动词的用法。于是,我给出一个文章的主干,让学生根据提示模仿写作,这让学生更容易掌握写作技巧。如:My mother was busy last weekend. She …(ed)…Sat. morning. She …(ed)…Sat.







一、创新教授Let’s learn

一般情况下,Let’s learn只注重单词的语音、意义教学,让学生通过听、说、读、写来巩固单词。而我打破这样的常规教学,将作文的教学渗透在Let’s learn中。



teaches English goes to work watches TV reads newspaper

Does your pen pal live in Shanghai?

No, he doesn’t.He lives in Beijing.

除了重点抓好Does…?句型看图问答外,我也注意让学生看图说一句完整的话。如:Mr Green teaches English at school. He goes to work by bus. He watches TV at night. …让学生小组里这样造句,老师再多点提问不同学生或小组展示,巩固陈述句的表达法。学生训练多了就能看图讲一句完整的话了。


如刚才的四幅图,我注意引导学生把四幅图的意思连起来,加上开头与结尾,组成一篇文章。像这样描写人的文章,我会提醒学生加上介绍姓名:This is Mr Green. 加上职业:He’s a teacher.加上四幅图的内容:He teaches English at school. He goes to work by bus. He watches TV at night. He often reads newspaper every day.再加个点评结尾I like Mr Green. He’s a good teacher. 就成了一篇学生比较容易写的文章。在我的引导下,大部分学生能写出这篇文章。

通过这样引导地教每课的Let’s learn,学生都觉得作文不难,也有信心写出满意的几句话来了。

二、拓展Let’s talk.


如:五年级下册P59 Let’s talk:课文内容是A: I see the mother elephant .B: What is she doing? A: She is walking. B: What about the baby elephant? What is it doing? A: It’s running.

在学完对话、操练了重点句型:What is…doing?后,我让学生仿课文编个对话:谈论动物在干什么。我提示学生:除了用上今天所学句型外,可以用上以前的知识,如:两人见面,谈论天气,谈论喜欢的季节及活动,再谈论去动物园,后再谈论动物在什么,并加上一个好结尾,如It’s fun

today./I love animals.等。


2.巧妙地把Let’s talk组成一篇文章。

如:六年级上册P71 Let’s talk:Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds. Where does the cloud come from? It comes from the vapour. …

我先用听录音训练的形式让学生听音回答,再理解课文后让学生填空:1.Where does the rain come from? ____ ____comes from the clouds. 2.Where does the cloud come from? ____ ____comes from the vapour. 3…4…

我让学生完成四个问答填空,只在原文改动小小,就能更好地帮助学生理解课文内容,然后把四个答句组合起来,(The rain comes from the clouds. The clouds comes from the vapour. The vapour comes from the water in the river. The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.)加上个结尾How funny!就成一篇由水变成雨的有趣文章。经我这样一点,原本很难的水-蒸气-云-雨的文章,学生学起来、讲起来都觉容易。现在,学生都可以讲出刚刚好五句话的由水变成雨的


三、花心思设计Let’s read.

Let’s read教学重点是训练学生的阅读能力,提高学生的写作能力。因此,let’s read的教学形式可多样化,让学生感到有趣,而不是单单的阅读回答、判断、选择等有些枯燥的训练。


如六年级下册P30 Let’s read: Wu Yifan was busy last weekend. He visited his grandparents Saturday morning. It was his grandma’s birthday. They cooked noodles together. In the evening, they watched TV. Sunday morning, Wu Yifan played football with his friends. In the afternoon , he washed his clothes and cleaned his room.

这篇文章要引导学生写上周末做的事情。学生在学习了现在进行时、一般现在时与一般将来时后,再来写过去做的事情,部分学生很容易混乱时态与动词的用法。于是,我给出一个文章的主干,让学生根据提示模仿写作,这让学生更容易掌握写作技巧。如:My mother was busy last weekend. She …(ed)…Sat. morning. She …(ed)…Sat. afternoon. In the evening ,she….(ed)…

Sunday morning, she …(ed)…. In the afternoon,she…(ed)…. She was busy and tired. So I must help my

mother do housework.(She …(ed)…是提醒学生:动词用过去式)



同样是六年级下册P30 Let’s read(原文在


小学毕业 10篇英语作文


作文一:My____ (写一个人)

My Mother

My mother comes from China. She is an accountant. She lives in Jinan. She is thirty-eight years old. She is older than my father. She is 169cm tall. She is taller than me. My mother likes cooking, drawing pictures and listening to music. Her favourite season is summer, because she likes swimming in summer. I love my mother!

My Father

My father is thirty-seven years old. He is strong. He is an engineer. He is very strict. Usually he goes to work by car. Sometimes he goes to work by bus. He likes sports. He likes swimming and playing ping—pang. He likes reading newspaper and books at home. He likes listening to music, too. I like him very much!

作文二:My Family (我的家庭)

My Family

There are three people in my family. They are my dad, my mom and me. (总起) My father is 175cm. He is taller than my mother and me. He is a salesperson. He likes walking, reading books and watching news.(按序先介绍爸爸)My mother is very smart. She is an accountant. Her math is very well. She likes watching TV and reading books.(再介绍妈妈)I like listening to music, reading books and watching TV.(最后介绍自己) How interesting! This is my family. I love my family very much!(总结) 最大亮点:句式多样,思路清晰

My Family

There are three people in my family. My father,my mother and I. (总起) I am 12 years old. I live in Jinan. Jinan is beautiful. I like sports, reading and listening to music. I usually go to school by bus. Sometimes I go by car. (按序先介绍自己) My mother is a teacher. She is very thin. She is kind. She likes reading. She likes listening to music, too. She goes to work by bus. (再介绍妈妈) My father is an engineer. He is strong. He likes sports. He goes to work by car. (最后介绍爸爸) We are happy. I love my family. (总结)


作文三:My Favourite Season (我最喜欢的季节) 本文以夏季的活动为主,易于仿写:

My Favourite Season

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter. My favourite season is summer, because I can go swimming with my friends. We can eat ice-cream and some fruits in summer. We also have the summer holiday(暑假). On the holiday, I can play with my friends. And we can go swimming, play basketball, and go to the park. I think summer is the best(最好的) season of a year. Oh! Summer! I love you! Can you tell me why you are so lovely? (最后一句运用独特的拟人手法,请有选择性地模仿)


My Favourite Season

My favourite season is spring, because spring is very beautiful. I can plant trees in spring. I can go hiking with my family too. In spring the trees become green and the flowers are colorful. There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers. In spring, the sky is very blue. The air is fresh. The clouds are white. Oh! I like spring very much! (“非常喜欢”这一句型一定记住very much放最后)

作文四:My Pet(描写小动物)

My Pet

I am Cindy. I have a clever pet. It's name is "Snow"(给小宠物起的名字是个不错的选择哦), because it is a rabbit. It has white fur and two big eyes. It can play with me every day. It can jump very well. Snow likes eating some grass and cabbage. It is so cute and smart. I love Snow very much. This is my pet––rabbit Snow.

My Pet

I have a cute pet cat. Its name is Kate. It has black fur(皮毛是不可数名词,不用冠词), two small ears, two big eyes and a long tail(注意可数名词的单复数). It likes drinking milk and sleeping. It always sleeps all the day. It is so lovely that we all love it very much. It also loves us. I'm happy to stay together with it.


Hello every one, my name is Sun Chenqianxi(姓和名的首字母分别大写,其余都小写). I’m 13 years old. I come from ShengLi Street Primary School. I study in Class 5 Grade 6. I like playing the piano, swimming, going hiking and reading a book. My favourite colour is blue. My favourite food is ice-cream, because is very tasty. My favourite season is summer, because I can eat ice-cream and swim in the sea. It is very funny. My favourite animal is my little dog, she is very lovely.
