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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 09:56:56 英语作文


greetings/hellos, introductions/ ice breakers and goodbyes.


一. Greetings/ Hellos 问好篇

As most of you have probably learnt, the most commonly taught way to greet someone is 大部分人都知道问好的方式如下:

-“Hi, How are you?”

-“Fine thanks, and you?”

-“Good, thanks for asking.”

This phrase is 100% correct, and probably used 100% of the time by English learners. But doesn’t that get a little boring after a while?


If you want to diversify your greetings a little bit, and make it sound more fluent, leave those text books in the classroom, there is another way. How does this sound.


-“Hey buddy! What have you been UP TO?”


-“Oh hey Dude! Not too much, just working and hanging out with my girlfriend.”




That sounds a lot more natural right? So, what does UP TO mean?

这听起是不是自然多了?那么, UP TO是什么意思呢?

The expression up to is a synonym of do. We use this in spoken English because as it’s more of an informal expression. When I greet someone with the question “what have you been up to?” I am asking them what have they been DOING recently.

up to这个用法是do的同义词。我们在英文口语中使用它因为它是一个不正式的表达方法。当我用“what have you been up to?”这种方式来问候别人时,我实际是在问他们最近在忙什么呢。

The question is in the present perfect continuous so you will answer with the verb in the continuous. For example:

这个问题是用现在完成进行时来提问的,所以回答时也用进行时态的这个动词。例如: ? “Hey mate, what have you been up to?”

“Ah, the same old, studying, surfing, going out, having some drinks with friends.” ? “Have you been playing guitar?”

? “yeah I’ve been playing a few times a week.”

? “You been watching the football?”

? “Nah, I don’t really like watching football.”

You’ll notice that’s its very common for a native speaker to use the present perfect continuous like this when greeting a buddy. When a person greets me this way the conversation seems to flow a lot more, and it allows us to summarize all the recent news very quickly and concisely. 你会发现对于一个母语使用者,他们在问候兄弟时很喜欢用现在完成进行时。当有人用这种方式问好时,对话听起来更顺畅自然,会使我们简单迅速地罗列出最近发生的重要事项。

二. Introductions/ Ice breakers介绍/打破僵局篇

When introducing yourself in another language people are always going to want to know the same information.


People are always going to ask you these same three questions.


-What’s your name? (you’re probably going to have to repeat it a couple of times or make it sound more English)

你叫什么名字?(你很可能要无数次地回答这个问题,那么让自己听起来更英语范儿吧) -Where are you from? (be prepared to describe you city geographically)


-What are you doing here? (People are always curious)


Another good way to make a good first impression is to get that person talking about

themselves or their city. This can be done during the introduction phase as a way of breaking the ice.


? So, where are you from?

? Is your family from here/there?

? What did you think of the soccer last night?

? What do you think of this place/the beer/the music here?

? Don’t you just hate waiting in line/this music/the noise?

The whole idea of these ice-breakers is to get the other perso(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)n talking while you simply sit back and listen.


三. Goodbyes告别篇

No matter what the language is, we always have to say goodbye. But don’t you want to know how to express yourself and show that you really appreciated that person’s company?


Sometimes in a second language it’s a little hard to do that from the heart.


There are other expressions you can use in English. For example:


It was really great to see you, catch you .later.


It has been a pleasure, we’ll speak soon.


It was nice talking to ya, have a good one.


Take care/ take it easy, see you soon.


Keep in touch (when you don’t see the person very often) 保持联系(当你不经常见到某人)

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon


See you next time.


May the force be with you. (Used by Star Wars nerds) 愿力量与你同在。(星球大战中用词)


Breaking the ice 打破僵局

联谊聚餐或是参加各类聚会时一定会有很多新面孔吧!与其大家都默默地坐着,不妨打破这层僵局,和身边的人聊聊天,说不定会结交到不错的朋友呢!试试吧! Must words:

come from 来自

realize 了解

strange 陌生的

make a bow 鞠躬

believing 深信不疑的

for a second 一会,片刻

take up 占用

have a minute 有空

unfamiliar 不熟悉的

handshake 握手

well-known 众所周知的

business card 名片

look forward to 期盼

talk to 与……谈话

cognition 认识

be familiar with 和……熟悉

embrace 拥抱

respectful 有礼貌的

It's a pleasure to...很高兴……

go for it 加油

spare time 业余时间

Must Expressions:

Theme 1 开启对话

Excuse me,do you mind if I sit here? 打扰了,你介意我坐这儿吗? It's a beautiful day, isn't it? 天气不错,不是吗?

Excuse me.Do you know what time it is?


I would like to talk to you.我想跟你谈谈。

Can we talk for a second?我们能谈一会儿吗?

Theme 2 进一步了解

Is this your first visit. here? 这是您第一次来这儿吗?

You're from Canada,right? 您来自加拿大,对吧?

Where do you come from? 您从哪儿来?

What do you often do in your spare time? 您业余时间通常做什么?

Theme 3 结束对话

Nice talking to you. 和你谈话很愉快。

That.'s all I have to say about that. 我要说的就这些了。

I'm afraid I've taken up too much of your time. 恐怕占用了你太多的时间


That's all. 就这些。

Hot Dialogue:


global warming 全球变暖

Da Vinci Code 《达·芬奇密码》

so far 到目前为止

stop n.站

wreak havoc 造成严重破坏

to be honest老实说

likewise ad.同样地,也

坐在地铁上真是boring(无聊)啊,幸亏人不是很多,susie在默默地想着。这时一个带着Da Vinci Code(《达-芬奇密码》)这本书的人突然打断了Susie的思路……

Stranger:Excuse me, is this seat taken?对不起,这个座位有人吗?

Susie: No,go ahead.没有,你坐吧。

Stranger:Thank you very much, My name is Windy. It's nice to meet you.非常感谢。我叫温迪,很高兴见到你。

Susie: Susie. Nice to meet you, too.(我是)苏茜。我也很高兴见到你。 Stranger:The weather is so warm for December,don't you think so?


Susie: It is unusually warm, I global warming.暖和的都不正常了。


Stranger: Global warming is wreaking havoc everywhere.

全球变暖引发了 全球的大灾难。

Susie: So sure. Are you from around here? 没错。你是本地人吗?

Stranger:No. I'm new here. I just moved here a few months ago.


Susie: Where are you from?那你是哪儿的人啊?

Stranger:I'm from Shanghai.我是上海人。

Susie: I was in Shanghai once, but it was a long time ago.我去过—次上海, 不过那是很久以前的事了。

Stranger:Did you enjoy it?你喜欢上海吗?

Susie: I did. I especially like the food.What do you think about the food here? 很喜欢。尤其是喜欢那里的食物。你觉得这儿的食物怎么样?

Stranger:It's very different from Shanghai food, but I am getting uesd to it.跟上海菜大不一样,不过我正在慢慢适应。

Susie: Is that Da Vinci Code that you've got there?你拿的是《达·芬奇密码》吧?

Stranger:Yes, have you read it?对。你看过吗?

Susie:No, but I saw the movie, What do you think about it?没有,不过我看过电影。你觉得书写得怎么样?

Stranger:Well, to be honest, I've only gotten through 10 pages of it.So far,though,it's interesting.嗯,老实说,我才刚看完10页,不过目前为止还挺有意思的。

Susie:Well, this is my stop. It was nice talking with you.嗯,我到站了,跟你聊天很开心。

Stranger:Likewise.Bye !我也是,再见!




You should blame the crisis on poor planing.你应该把这次的危机归咎于计划不周。

blame作动词表示“责备”在口语中还经常这样用:He is to blame,应该责备他。Don't blame me for the mistake.别因为这个错误责备我。


I will take the blame.我会承担责任。

get used to 习惯于

to是介词,后面跟名词或动名词,相当于become accustomed to,如:

It will take a long time for him to get used to living alone.让他习惯独居需要很长的时间。

“习惯于”还可表示为be used to (doing) sth.例如:She is used to going



英语中有很多动词词组,运用得当,会为文章增色不少,用到考研英语作文中有时能起到四两拨千斤的作用。上文已讲过 “turn”的部分词组,以下是“turn”的另一部分词组,请2016考研的同学们熟记。

turn someone away 不让进入(或通过)

turn back (或turn someone/thing back) (使)折回

turn someone down 拒绝(某人的建议或申请)

turn something down 拒绝;调低(声音、温度等)

turn someone in 告发,检举

turn something in 提交,呈递

turn someone off (非正式)使(某人)感到乏味(或厌恶、性反感)

turn something off (用龙头、开关、按钮)关掉

turn someone on (非正式)(尤指在性方面)刺激某人,激发某人性欲turn something on (用龙头、开关、按钮)打开

turn someone on to (非正式)使(某人)对(某物,尤指毒品)感兴趣

turn someone out 赶走,驱逐; (军)集合,召集;穿着

turn something out 关灯;生产;倒空(某物,尤指口袋);(把做好的食物)从模子里倒出turn someone over to 把??移交

turn something over 使引擎运转; 移交(控制、管理权);改变(功能或作用);(非正式)抢劫;营业额达

turn something round (或 around) (船或飞机)准备返航;(尤指公司)情况好转turn something up 把(声音,暖气等)调大;显示,发现;(折摺)使衣服变短 文都考研 wh.wendu.com

at every turn 处处;时时

by turns 轮流地,交替地

in turn 依次地,轮流地

out of turn 未按照正当的次序或顺序地;不合时宜地,轻率地

to a turn 正好;恰好

turn a blind eye 熟视无睹:拒绝正视,装作没看见

turn a deaf ear 置若罔闻,装作没听见

turn a hair 慌张,不安:变得慌张或不安

turn (one’s) hand 着手:从事,如一项工作

turn over a new leaf 改过一新:向好的方面转变,如自己的态度成举止

turn tail 逃跑,逃走

turn the corner 或 turn a corner 到达并超越了终点或里程碑

turn the other cheek 逆来顺受:以忍耐对待侮辱和伤害

turn the scales 打破僵局:打破某一形式的平衡状态

turn the tables 转败为胜:扭转了局势而处于上风

turn turtle 倾覆,底朝天翻转

turn up (one’s) nose 轻视,看不起:不把?放在眼里,蔑视


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