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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 14:32:57 体裁作文

篇一:全国大学生英语竞赛 崔笑笑 演讲稿

Never Lose the Vision of Reality

Talking about dreams and future, I would say, dreams should not be too far from reality. Detaching from reality, lacking solid and practical actions, any future plan, and dream project will be nothing short of daydreaming, or, at most, well-intentioned thinking.

Here I am reminded of the year 2000, when 191 member states of the United Nations held a World Summit Conference, which made a declaration known as the Millennium [mi'leni?m] 千年期 Development Goals. The goals for 2015, which all the member states pledged[pled?] 保证,许诺to meet, were such as elimination除去 of hunger and poverty, drastic reductions in child mortality [m?:'t?l?ti]死亡率rates, reversing the spread of AIDS and other deadly diseases et cetera [it'setr?]等等。

Now, 6 years later, almost half way to the final year of 2015, do we see some signs of realizing the pledged goals? Today, half the world---nearly three billion people, still live on less than two U.S. dollars a day; in the world today 270 million children have no access to safe water, about 11 million children die before they reach the age of five each year. Have we come to harness 治理the spread of AIDS? The

answer is also no, and indeed is spreading faster and wider than ever before.

What is even worse, in the wake of the Iraqi[i'ra:ki]伊拉克的 War, there is the nuclear crisis in Iran[i'rɑ:n], and unsettled situation in many places. The vision of us young people may be limited, but the limited vision we do have and care about everyday cannot change our conviction[k?n'vik??n]定罪 that our world does not seem to promise a very bright future before us.

Who is to blame for all this? Of course we can blame the governments: how disappointing they all seem to be: in one moment they are pledging to build a better future for people, and in another moment, they ignite[iɡ'nait]点燃 wars kill


ing more innocent people. But don’t you think that we ordinary folks should also take some responsibilities for, say, elimination[i,limi'nei??n] of poverty? When we quickly rush to schools, work places, or places of entertainment, how many times do we stop to hand over some food to the

deprived[di'praivd] 缺少食物的;缺乏足够教育的 on the streets? When we are browsing the newspaper for the news about what is going in this world, how often do we stop to think about the actual ways we can help the people who are suffering from

various['vε?ri?s] disastrous[di'zɑ:str?s] situations? In fact how much have we done to help those who are in need just around us?

Dreams are certainly beautiful and indispensable to our life, for they give us inspiration [,insp?'rei??n] and motivation. Plans for the future are certainly necessary, for they provide us with goals and guides. But what is most important is actions on a day-to-day basis. To make our dreams come true, to realize our future goals, we need to base our vision on reality and we need to put our words into our deeds. In other words, while human beings should be, first and foremost, idealists[ai'di?list] 理想主义者and thinkers, we should, all the more be realists['ri?list] and practical doers实行家.


Never Lose the Vision of Reality

Talking about dreams and future, I would say, dreams should not be too far from reality.

Detaching from reality, lacking solid and practical actions, any future plan, and dream project will be nothing short of daydreaming, or, at most, well-intentioned thinking.

Here I am reminded of the year 2000, when 191 member states of the United Nations held a World Summit Conference, which made a declaration known as the Millennium Development Goals. The goals for 2015, which all the member states pledged to meet, were such as elimination of hunger and poverty, drastic reductions in child mortality rates, reversing the spread of AIDS and other deadly diseases…etc

Now, 6 years later, almost half way to the final year of 2015, do we see some signs of realizing the pledged goals? Today, half the world---nearly three billion people, still live on less than two U.S. dollars a day; in the world today 270 million children have n access to safe water, about 11 million children die before they reach the age of five each year. Have we come to harness the spread of AIDS? The answer is also no, and indeed is spreading faster and wider than before.

What is even worse, in the wake of the Iraqi War, there is the nuclear crisis in Iran, and unsettled situation in many places. The vision of us young people may be limited, but the limited vision we do have and care about everyday cannot change our conviction that our world does not seem to promise a very bright future before us.

Who is to blame for all this? Of course we can blame the governments: how disappointing they all seem to be: in one moment they are pledging to build a better future for people, and in another moment, they ignite wars killing more innocent people. But don’t you think that we ordinary folks should also take some responsibilities for, say, elimination of poverty? When we quickly rush to schools, work places, or places of entertainment, how many times do we stop to hand over some food to the deprived on the streets? When we are browsing the newspaper for the news about what is going in this world, how often do we stop to think about the actual ways we can help the people

who are suffering from various disastrous situations? In fact how much have we done to help those who are in need just around us?

Dreams are certainly beautiful and indispensable to our life, for they give us inspiration and

motivation. Plans for the future are certainly necessary, for they provide us with goals and guides. But what is most important is actions on a day-to-day basis. To make our dreams come true, to realize our future goals, we need to base our vision on reality and we need to put our words into our deeds. In other words, while human beings should be, first and foremost, idealists and thinkers, we should, all the more be realists and practical doers.

篇三:全国英语演讲大赛 第六名 最佳风度奖 演讲稿 纯英无误

Never Lose the Vision of Reality

Good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen,

My topic today is Never Lose the Vision of Reality. Talking about dreams and future, I would say, dreams should never be too far away from reality. Detaching from reality, lacking solid or practical actions, any future plan or dream project will be nothing short of daydreaming, or, at most well-intentioned thinking. Here I am reminded the year of 2000, when 191 member states of the United Nations held a World Summit Conference, which made a declaration known as the Millennium Development Goals. The goals of 2015, which every member state pledged to meet, were such as, elimination of hunger and poverty, drastic reduction in child mortality rates, reversing a spread of AIDS and other deadly diseases, etc. Now, six years later, almost half way to the final year of 2015, do we see any signs of realizing these goals? Today, half the world- about three billion people, still live under two U.S. dollars a day; about 270 million children have no access to safe water, 11 million children die before they reach the age of five each year. Do we come to harness the spread of the AIDS? The answer is also “no”- and indeed AIDS is spreading faster and wider than ever before. What is even worse, with the wake of the Iraqi War, the nuclear crisis in Iran and unsettled situations in many places, the visions of us young people today are often limited- but the limited vision (that) we do have and care about every day

cannot change the conviction that this world does not seem to promise a very bright future before us. Who is to blame for all this? Of course, we can blame the government: how they… disappointing they all seem to be: in one moment they are pledging to build a better future for us, and the other moment they’re igniting wars, killing more innocent people. But don’t you think we ordinary folks should also take some responsibilities for, say, elimination of hunger and poverty? When we are quickly rushing to schools, works, or places of entertainment, how many times do we stop just to hand over some food to the deprived on the streets? When we are reading newspaper, browsing for news about what is going on in this world, how often do we stop to think about actual ways that we can do to help the people who’re suffering from various disastrous situations? In fact, how much have we done to help the people who are in need just around us? Dreams are certainly beautiful and indispensable in our life, for they give us inspiration and motivation. Future plans are certainly necessary, for they provide us with goals and guides. But what is most beautiful and important is an action on a day-to-day basis. In order to realize our dreams or make our future goals realized, we need to put our words into deeds and base our vision on reality. In other words, while human beings should be, first and foremost, idealists and thinkers, we should also be, and all the more, realists and practical doers.

Thank you.
