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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 07:06:10 英语作文


Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your time and consideration .I am writing to you in hope of obtaining an occupation as a finance executive.

I am Becky,coming from SiChuan Province ,studying Fiscal

Adminstration in Southwestern University of Finance and Economics now.I have participated in many big matches mainly about finance and economic,such as Family Financial competition.And what’s more,I has been the main leader in most matches.Without doubt,I have obtained abundant experience.I totally believe that the spirit wealth and capabilty I have got is life-long.In addition to my undergo,I has many merits.Firstly,I have a great passion on finance and economics,not only for my major but also for my dream. Secondly,I am a quite responsible person.As long as whatever thing I decide to do,I will spare no efforts.Thirdly,I am more optimistic, patient and confident than ordinary people.The last but not the least,I have plenty of knowledge of finance and economics,which I think is vital to the work.

As far as I’m concerned,the finance executive is very very important in company on account of controlling the lifeline of the whole corporation.So personnel selection is very important,and I have enough confidence in qualified for this position.

Thank you again for your consideration.I’m looking forward to your favorable reply.

Yours sincerely,Becky

篇二:初中英语作文精选 (11)

? 给珍妮的一封信 A Letter To Jeanne

? 给朋友的一封信 A Letter to a Friend

? 我理想的一天 My Perfect Day

? The Rules in Our School 我们的校规

? 徒步旅行 Travel on Foot

? 无聊的一天 A Boring Day

? 邀请信 invitation letters

? 请假条 Ask for Leave

? 写给麦克的信 A Letter to Mike

? 请假条 Asking for Leave

? 通知与确认 Acknowledgments & Confirmations

? 请假条 Ask for Leave

? 忙碌的一天(生活) A Busy Day(life)

? 减肥之法 The Way of Losing Weight

? 我登上了泰山 I Climbed Mount Tai

? 《假如给我三天光明》读后感 Impression on "Three Days to Light"

? 两件生日礼物 Two Birthday Gifts

? 大开眼界的一天 An Eye-opening Day

? 产品包装 Package Design


地球——我们的母亲 The Earth——Our Mother


A Letter To Jeanne



Dear Jenny,























How are you getting along these days? I hope everything is all right.But I am upset these days because of my parents. I

think they take care too much about me and too overvalue my grades.I have to tell them my every exam and my grades.If I do well, they are happy. If I don't, they would be every sad and nervous, especially my mother.My mother even makes a detailed plan for my future.In her plan, I will go the best senior school of my city and then go to a top university of our country.She wants me to be a civil servant in the future, because this job is steady and well-paid.But I don't like it; I want to be a journalist.I feel so upset about her plan.I told them my feelings before, but they never listened to me and said what they doing are good for me.What should I do?

最近怎么样?希望你一切都好。最近我很烦恼,因为我觉得我的父母太过关心我了,并且过度重视我的学习成绩。每次考试我都要告诉他们,考完还要汇报成绩。如果我考得好,他们会很高兴,如果考得不好,他们会很难过,很忧虑,特别是我的妈妈。她为我的未来制定了一个详细的计划。在她的计划里,我要考上我们 这里最好的高中然后是国内一流的大学。她想我以后当一名公务员,因为这份工作既稳定又高薪。但我并不喜欢当一名公务员,我想成为一名记者。我很反感她的计 划。我之前曾告诉过他们我的感受,但他们从来不听我说,并声称他们所做的都是为了我好。我应该怎么办?

? ? ?


I think I need someone to talk to and look forward to your reply.


Lovely yours,




? ?

Dear Robert,

A Letter to a Friend



I'm glad to receive your letter.Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam.Firstly, I

will learn to drive.I think driving can be useful.Secondly, I will take some English courses.Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions.It must be very exciting.Last, I will do some reading in


the vacation.What about you?I hope you can have a pretty vacation.






? ?

My Perfect Day


First, I would have breakfast with Queen Elizabeth II in Buckingham Palace.


Then I would go to the moon with Heller Borry in my own plane.On the moon I would take photos and sing a song with a


然后我会和Heller Borry用我自己的飞机一起飞向月球。在月球上我会拍照片,用麦克风唱歌。

? ? ?

After that, I would come back to the earth and show my photos of the moon to my friends.


I like adventures, so I would go to Egypt to see the great pyramids.


I would go into the pyramids to see the mummies.Then I would go to the South Pole with an exploration and learn




After that I would climb up the Qomolangma and see the sights.



Next I would go to London to make some new English friends.At last, I would go home and sleep for a long time.





The Rules in Our School

There are many rules in our school.Firstly, we must wear our school uniform, and we are not aloud to have our lunch at

home in the afternoon.Then, we cannot go out at night and not aloud to watch television shows.Besides, we cannot eat in the classroom and must clean the room everyday.Lastly, we must not be late for class and surely cannot fight with each other.




Travel on Foot


I like traveling on foot With my brother in holidays.At the very beginning, I felt very tired. I got out of breath so easily.Then

my brother started to tell me some interesting stories.We walked and walked while he didn't stop telling stories. We walked a long way without knowing.Then my brother asked me, "Are you still feeling tired?" The feelings of tiredness were already out of my mind. 我喜欢在假期跟哥哥一起徒步旅行。刚开始的时候,我还真有点吃不消,没走多远就累得上气不接下气。于是哥哥就给我讲动听的故事。他一边讲我们一边走,不知不觉走了很远。哥哥问我:“你还累吗?”呵呵,我早把“累”这回事忘到九霄云外去了。



A Boring Day


Today is a hot day, so that I stay at home.I planned to go out with my friends, but we did not go out because of the hot

weather.I finished my homework in the morning and then I wanted to play computer games.But after I played for a while,the power was off suddenly.I was so down, because I was going to win the game. How unlucky it was.Because of the power off, I have nothing to do at home. But it's too hot to go outside, so all I can do is staying at home.In order to kill the tough time, I did some previews, but after a while, I could not do it anymore.Therefore, I decided to find some books to read.Finally, I chose the Harry Potter.It was interesting book that could make me calm down.I read it for the whole afternoon until the power restored.



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Dear Monica,

invitation letters 邀请信


This Saturday is my birthday and I’m going to hold a party in my house.As my best friend, I hope you will come.I think you

will be free at that day.There will be cake, cookies, candies, pie and so on in the party.Lily said she will dance for me at that night.It must be very interesting and exciting.By the way, the party begins at seven o’clock, but I hope you can come a litter earlier to help me prepare something about the party.I am looking forward to your reply.








Ask for Leave

? ?

Dear Ms Ma,


I am sorry to tell you that I can't go to school today.Last night my mother had a high fever and a bad cough. Perhaps she

has caught flu.I will take my mother to Tiantan Hospital and then look after her at home, so I couldn't go to school today.So I would like to ask for one day's leave.I will be very grateful if you grant my leave.







Li Li


? ?

Dear Mike,

A Letter to Mike



I’m glad to know that you are coming to China with your parents and will spend the Mid-autumn Day here.It is my honor to

introduce this festival to you.First of all, Mid-Autumn Festival is on the 15th, August of the lunar year.Mid-autumn Day has a long history.It exists in the ancient time.It is the Chinese traditional festival.People celebrate it to express their thanks for harvest and mainly for family reunion.Our Chinese will have a big dinner with our families on that day.people will enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes on that day.I’m sure you will enjoy yourselves on Mid-autumn Day.




Best wishes,



Li Hua


? ?


March 6th, 2013

Asking for Leave 请假条


Dear Mr Li,


I’m sorry to tell you that I have to ask for sick leave for the whole afternoon class.Because I have a heavy headache now

and feel very sick.I think I have to ask for sick leave to go to hospital for medicine.I will attend the next day classes on time.




Yours repectful,





Acknowledgments & Confirmations

? ?

Dear Mr. / Ms,


Thank you for your letter No. A-3 of 6th May, offering us 6 UI-4 Viewdatas.We have passed it on to our Technical

Department for their consideration.

谢谢您五月六日标号为A-3的来信,该信向我们提供6 UI-4 图像数据。我们已把该信转给了技术部,备他们考虑。

? ?


We shall reply as soon as possible.


Yours faithfully


? ?

Dear Ms Ma,

Ask for Leave



I apologize that I cannot go to school today.Last night my mother had a high fever and coughed badly. I think that she has

got flu.She didn't have a good sleep and is very weak today, so I will go to Tiantan Hospital with my mother, and then stay at home to attend her.Because of this I have to ask for leave.I will appreciate you very much if you can allow my leave.







Li Li



A Busy Day(life)


Yesterday was Saturday. It should be a leisurely day, but I was busy yesterday.I got up at eight o'clock and then I ate

breakfast.After breakfast, my mother and I went to the downtown to do some shopping.We went to the departmen store, because my mother wanted to buy clothes for my father.And then we went to supermarket.I like going to supermaket because I can buy many snacks there.However, when we were in supermarket, my father called my mother suddenly. My aunt visited us!Then, we just bought some foods and went home by a taxi.When we got home, it was already four o'clock.Therefore, we had to started to prepare for the dinner.My aunt said that she would stay in my home for several days.I was very happy,because I like to stay with my aunt and I did not see her for a long time.Although I was busy yesterday, I was very happy.

昨天是星期六,应该是悠闲的一天,但是昨天我很忙。我八点起床然后吃早餐。吃完早餐,我妈妈和我就到镇上购物。我们去了百货商店,因为我妈妈想给爸爸买?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路=幼盼颐蔷腿チ顺小N蚁不豆涑校蛭铱梢栽谀抢锫蚝芏嗔闶场5牵蔽颐窃诔械氖焙颍?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/baba/" target="_blank" class="keylink">爸爸突然打电话给妈妈说姑姑来看我们。然后,我们只买了一些晚餐的食物就打的回家了。当我们到家的时候已经将近四点了。所以我们不得不开始准备晚饭了。我姑姑说她会在我家待几天。我很高兴,因为我喜欢和姑姑待在一起,而且我很久没见她了。尽管昨天很忙,但是我还是很高兴。



The Way of Losing Weight


Hey is a little fatter than he wants to be. He is a bit worried. He decides to lose weight.He eats only a little food for

breakfast and supper, and has some fruit.He doesn't eat much sugar because he thinks it makes him fatter.



Besides having only a little food, he keeps doing exercises every day.He swims very often and runs every day.Some time

later, he becomes stronger.


My advice to pessimists

We have done this test ,when we saw half-filled water ,different people hold different opinions.

The optimists see the glass as half-full ,but the pessimists regard the glass as half-empty.

It reveals that pessimism often leads to hopelessness,

sickness and failure.When things go wrong,

they tend to blame themselves" I'm not good at this." Therefore, pessimists shuould change their altitude and improve their ablilty to face bad things. Here are some ways of overcoming pessimism. First, change the way of thinking.When you fail in something, profit form the failure as a learning of experience. Everyone has experienced failure and disappointment, so don't blame yourself too much.You should believe things will get better. Second, when you are confront from the difficult, think about your strengths and built up the self-confident. Don't be shy even be afriad. Although we are not the best , believe that we will abtain continuous achievements.

Third, keep the optimistic altitude. Happiness is very

important in our daily life. Compered with frustrating day, a happy day is the wise choice. Let the sunshines fill in our life.

All above are my advice to pessmists. I hope this methods will be useful for them.


Your student

Li Jing
