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  I like fly in the blue sky . This is the dream of my childhood.

  In one"s childhood , the plane roared from sight , I am very envy . Because there is no constraint ornoise in the blue sky . I want to have a pair of wings , with a dream and hope, fly to the sky !

  I want to fly . Fightig!!!


《阿甘正传》有感——I want to be a bird

《阿甘正传》有感——I want to be a bird


2011-11-27 09:09:02,我发表了一条说说:“不曾拥有母爱,父亲又是酗酒、暴力、变态狂。我多想变成一只小鸟,自由地飞翔。不要说我叛逆,不要怪我沦丧。我流浪、吸毒、街头卖唱。裸体放歌,歌声依然崇高,我对梦想有着自己的理解。过度绽放的青春,这不是我的梦想!多想纵身一跃,结束这一切荒唐。可是我对生活依然向往。把人生看透,才知平淡是真。37岁的清晨,我死的非常安详。”

2013-04-17 13:07:52,我说:“珍妮是完整的珍妮,阿甘也是完美的阿甘!他们会后悔吗?我想只有唏嘘,不会后悔。珍妮在迷失中寻找,阿甘在迷惑中坚持。他们都是彼此路上的风景,刻骨铭心的风景。”

时间流淌,我慢慢改变着我过去的看法。现在,我说:珍妮和阿甘都是残缺的,是彻头彻尾的、大大的悲剧。Jenny 从未得到母爱,又有一个不堪的父亲。家庭的影响持续了Jeeny的一生,她一直缺乏安全感和归属感。记得那时,Jeeny和阿甘在玉米田祈祷:“Dear the god,make me a bird,so I can fly,far far

away from here.”

于是,你开始逃避,不断流浪 ,从一个城市漂流到另一个城市。可是,憔悴的现实与美丽的梦想总是相去甚远。空虚的心灵总是无法平复。于是,开始自己安慰自己,或许着下一站就是心灵的港湾?然而,每一个流浪之地带给你的只是流浪,激情之后总是更大的空虚。Jenny怀揣着自己的梦想,在寻找中迷失了最美的青春。当容颜逐渐消褪,身为人母,荡涤了所有的尘埃,内心深处再无波澜。才意识到身边还有一个人孜孜等待,只是明白的太晚、太晚。。。

我的出现只会打破你的平静。于是,我只能安慰自己:只要你快乐就好!只要你快乐就好啊!!因为我爱你,比谁都爱。这一切都与你无关、与爱情无关。我真的不想再把自己尘封,把自己变成一个面具人。我好想痛哭、好想喊叫。无论如何,在我心里,你依然是在校车上那个甜美如初的Jenny。教我如何忘了你?“Wherever you go,whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you forever.”

我只能安静的想你,尽管我不知道你在何方,亦不知你在做什么?我只想对你说:“ I'd make a good husband,Jenny.”经历了沧海桑田、人事变迁,我们的阿甘的心里只有Jenny.“ I'm not a smart man,But I do know what love is!”此时,我们的阿甘什么都明白、什么都懂得。多少年来,阿甘用行动诠释了什么才是爱——坚守!!坚守!!!我爱你,可是与你无关。。。


当你归来,阿甘说:”It was the happies moment of my life.“回来真好,失去了才懂得珍惜。这时候,每一秒钟都会认真对待,不再像以前那样漫不经心,以为未来有的是时间等着我们挥霍。现在,可以跟你好好聊聊天,可以安静地看着你脸,可以紧紧地抱着你。可以去我们初相识的地方散散步,可以去那家不远处的馄饨店。好想背你走过整条漫长的街,多想回到那夜最美的雪。甚至盼着你生病,安静地陪你在枕边。

本以为经历了几年沧桑,你已懂得什么是真。这样便会永远在一起!可是我忘了你是Jenny啊!还记得你在夜店放歌:"How many roads must a man walk down,Before you call him a man.How many seas must a white dove sail,Before she sleeps in the sand."这样充满自由与梦想的歌声,如何能轻易打断你流浪的脚步?好想加入你的行列,任自己伤痕累累的心漂泊。慢慢风干。渐渐融化。”可是,心,真的能变成石头吗?与其在悬崖上展览千年,不如在爱






我想见的笑脸 只有怀念

不懂 怎去再聊天



似等了一百年 忽已明白

即使再见面 成熟地表演












Ⅰ. Writing(本题共100分)


Recently, Amy Chua, or the “Tiger Mother”, aroused

heated discussions both in US and in China with her

book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. The following

are the ten things she lists in her book that she

strictly forbids her two daughters to do:

a. Attend a sleepover (a party for children in which

they stay the night at someone’s house);

b. Have a play date (in which children hang out with

their friends);

c. Be in a school play;

d. Complain about not being in a school play;

e. Watch TV or play computer games;

f. Choose their own extracurricular activities;

g. Get any grade less than an A;

h. Not be the No. 1 student in every subject except

gym and drama;

i. Play any instrument other than the piano or violin;

j. Not play the piano or violin.

You are invited to write under either of the following

two topics. The length of your writing should not

exceed 300 words.

(1) Suppose you are a “tiger parent”. Write a letter

to your child and explain to her/him your ideas about

tiger parenting.

(2) Suppose you are a child who has tiger parents.

Write a letter to your parents and explain to them your

ideas about tiger parenting.

Dear mom:

I’m so delighted to have this chance to communicate with you. First and foremost, I’ m willing to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation, for you have given me a great deal of assistance. Frankly speaking, now I am writing not to complain about the tiger parenting. I just want to talk about my views as follows.

There is no denying that tiger parenting has its correct element to begin with, as a teenager, I still need the guidance from you who will always give some beneficial advice to me. Also, a high grade in Entrance Examination to College provides every student with the only chance to be admitted to college so it’s necessary to work harder, for insistent striving guarantee success.

But I don’t fancy the idea that as a student, I ought to accept the tiger parenting all the time. Say, it’s unreasonable to deprive me of my social life time. Not only does the social activity provide me with a stage to learn more extra class knowledge, but also it does broaden my horizon. What’s more, grade is not the only way to judge a student, so, my dear mom, please do not go extremes to require me to be the top student in my class. In the wake of huge pressure, I may not be able to concentrate on study.

Besides, I’m fully convinced that being happy largely depends on what we want rather than what parents want. Some parents always live

under the illusion that we could sacrifice everything for the privilege of the “so-called” success. And it’s beyond me why people are always crazy about pursing something invisible, regardless of the easy-getting blessing. So it is of vital importance to make out the true meaning of happiness.

Living without tiger parenting, Edison brought light to our earth;

living without tiger parenting, Lincoln unified the United States of America;

also living without tiger parenting, Einstein led the physics into a new age. In the light of these illustrations, it can be concluded that tiger parenting is not omnipotent.

My dear mum, though I’m still young, I want to be in control of my own destiny. I want to fly in the sky, like an eagle, but not a kite.

Yours Daughter Dear mom and dad, (格式错误,是逗号)

I’m so delighted to have this chance to communicate with you. First and

foremost, I’ m willing to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation, for you have given me a great deal of assistance. Frankly speaking, now I don’t set out to complain about the tiger parenting while I just want to talk about my views. And my opinion is as follows.

To begin with, there is no denying that tiger parenting has its correct element. Since most of us still need the guide from our parents who will always share with us some beneficial advice. Also, a high grade in Entrance Examination to College provides every student with the only chance to be admitted to college. So it’s

necessary to work harder, for insistent striving is the guarantee of success.(个人提议:此处和高考有什么关系?)

But I don’t fancy the idea that being students, we ought to accept the tiger parenting all the time. Say, it’s unreasonable to cancel our social-life time. Not only does the social activity provide us with a stage to learn more extra class knowledge, but also it does broaden our horizons. What’s more, grade is not the only way to judge a student, so my dear parents please do not go extremes to require us to be the top student in our class. In the wake of huge pressure, we may not be able to concentrate on study.

Besides, I am fully convinced that being happy largely depends on what we want rather than what parents want. Some parents always live under the illusion that we could sacrifice everything for the privilege of the “so-called” success. And it’s beyond me that why people are always tired of (什么中文含义?) pursuing something invisible, far out of hand for the easy-getting blessing. So it is of vital importance to get the sense of the true meaning of happiness.

Living without tiger parenting, Edison brought light to our earth;

living without tiger parenting, Lincoln unified the United States of America;

also living without tiger parenting, Einstein led the physics into a new age. In the light of this statement, tiger parenting is not omnipotent.

My dear parents, though we’re still young, we are eager to control our own destiny. We want to fly in the sky, as an eagle, but not a kite.




我最喜欢的水果 My Favorite Fruit

When I was small, my mother told me that apple was good for my health, because it contained so many vitamins. Since then, I almost eat an apple a day, I fall in love with apple. The apple not only tastes sweet, but also makes my skin look good, there is a saying that once an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. It really happens to me.

明天会更好 Tomorrow Will Be Better

There is a song Tomorrow Will be Better, I like to hear it so much, every time when I listen to it, I can feel the hope, even though I don’t feel happy, I will be positive to life. We will meet all kinds of difficulties, if we can hold on and keep move on, all the hard time will pass, the bright future will come sooner or later.

我的房间 My Room

In my house, I have my room, my room is my private place, I don’t have to listen to my parents’ babbling. I like to stay at my room when I finish my dinner, I will stay silent and think about the question without other people’s interfere. My room can keep me safe and leave me the space to think. I love my room, I want to decorate it someday, making it more comfortable.

如果我有一双翅膀 If I Have the Wing

如果我有一双翅膀 If I Have the Wing

I always imagine how nice if I can fly, I am so free, I can fly to the place I want to go to. If I have the wing, I will fly to my hometown and see its beautiful scenery, the trees must be so green and the water must be so clean. I also want to fly to the Great Wall, I have heard about it long time ago, I want to appreciate its beauty.

周星驰电影中的美女 The Beauty in Zhou Xingchi’s Film

周星驰电影中的美女 The Beauty in Zhou Xingchi’s Film

I love to see Zhou Xingchi’s movie so much, it is so funny, every time I see, I will laugh loudly and forget about all the unhappiness. I am so impressed by the beauties in Zhou’s films, but the role called Ru Hua impresses me most, he is a man who pretends to be a beauty, all the people recognize him now, he becomes the symbol of Zhou’s film.




李健仁(Lee Kin-yan,1961年-)是一名香港男演员,专门参与周星驰电影之演出,亦为星辉公司的执行制作人之一,属班底人物之一,且为周星驰的中学同学。较出名的扮相是饰演丑妇人“如花”一角,而“如花”一角也成为周星驰电影中丑妇人的代名词。

失去的机会 The Missing Chance

I am very shy, when my teacher asks me to answer his question, I will be very nervous and don’t know what to say. One day, my teacher asks if I want to join the Christmas performance, I hesitate, because I am very afraid of losing face. My teacher tells me I should be brave, or I will miss the chance. I don’t want to miss it, finally I join, I am so happy for myself.

我的新学期计划 My Plan for New Term

The new term is coming. I am so excited because in the new term, I will be a Grade 8 student. In the new term, I will have some new teachers. As for me, I want to make a difference in the new term, so I have made a plan for it.First, my Chinese and English are the best and I will work hard to keep them good as usual. But my math and physics are not as good as Chinese and English.

Therefore, I have to try my best to improve them. Except preview and finishing homework, I have to review regularly to strengthen knowledge. Second, I will pay more attention to news, so that I will read more newspapers and watch news program. I don't want to be a student who just study only. Last, I will do exercise twice a week. Badminton and table tennis are my favorites. All in all, I look forward to my life in Grade 8.

A Trip to Mountain Tai泰山旅行小作文

A Trip to Mountain Tai

Last summer vacation, I had an exciting trip.|

I went to climb Mountain Tai with my good friends. We took a bus there. We saw some farms and villages along the way. When we got there, we were so excited that we began to climb the mountain at once. In the mountain, the air was really clean and fresh, and there were many beautiful flowers and old trees on the way. At noon, we had a great picnic, and the food was very delicious. After that we took quite a lot of photos. At the end of the day, we were all tired but we really had a good time.

All in all, we felt happy and relaxed during the trip. Mountain Tai is an interesting place to have fun. If I have another chance, I hope to go there again.

A Relaxing Weekend

My best friend, Lucy, had a relaxing time last weekend. Let me tell you what she did on the weekend.

On Saturday, she camped by the lake with her classmate. In the morning ,they took the bus from their school to the lake. They saw lots of forest along the way. When they got there, they were so excited that they put up the tent quickly. At lunch, they had a picnic by themselves, but the food tasted delicious. In the afternoon, they also flew the kites. It was fun to fly kites. In the evening, they told stories about history. Then they went to sleep quickly.

She said it was an exciting day. I also think so. If I have a chance, I hope to go there.



A:Hello, Helen speak?

B:Hello, Helen, 1. A:Not bad. Are you at home now?

B:Yes, I am.

A:B:I am ready a storybook.


B:Yes, I’d love to. I know there is a new cinema in town.

A:B:it’s on Long Street and across from the back of China. We can ride our bikes there. A:B:Ok! See you in the front of the cinema.


A:Morning, Linda!


A:B:I live in a village.

A:B:It’s about ten kilometers from my home to school. I think it is far. I need to get up early. A:B:I usually get up bat 5:40.

A:B:Yes, I eat breakfast at home.

A:B:I always walk to school. Sometimes, I take the bus.

A:I think walking is good for your health.

B:You are right. I like walking very much.


A:Do you know Li Yuchun?

B:Li Yuchun? I don’A:She’s a popular singer.

B:A:She’B:Look! Who’s that woman over there?

A:Which one?

B:The woman with long blonde hair.

A:The one with long blonde hair? She’s our English teacher.


A:She’s kind to us.


A:Yes, we all like her.
